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  • Report:  #72457

Complaint Review: AOL

AOL Internet Service Provider Ripoff. Consumer Fraud, Horrible Customer Service, Substandard Software. Internet

  • Reported By:
    North Charleston South Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 19, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 05, 2006

For those of you having trouble with AOL or more commonly known as AOHell, please don't pay any attention to these so called overly SMART but so very underworked PC Techs out there. I was once an AOL subscriber, yes, very stupid of me I know.

The software that you load onto your pc will rewrite several directories and create their own directories all over your pc. AOL software even invades and changes your registry entries. When you try to unistall the software, be warned, AOL does NOT go away. If you don't know what you're looking for and where to look, you will NEVER remove it totally from your system.

AOL also contains alot of spyware that will also load onto your system without you knowing about it. The customer service dept. really is horrible. Most of them cannot even speak proper english so you won't be able to understand a word they say on the phone. Just be warned: more and more people are finding out the TRUTH about AOL and are leaving for more reputtable and reliable internet service providers.

North Charleston, South Carolina

11 Updates & Rebuttals

S Edward


All of you are correct on certain points

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 05, 2006

I figured that I would chime in on this one. All of you are valid on certain points, and less than correct on others. Being a former employee of AOL having worked in Cancellations, Billing, and Technical Support I may bge able to clear some of this up. Feel free to flame this response if you want, all the rage in the world won't change cold hard fact.

First of all, AOL does in fact install spyware on a PC. When you call AOL for support there is a utility (called "Techbuddy") that is used to display all information about a subsciber's computer: version of windows, various user information, whether or not antivirus is installed, how often you connect, etc etc -- in other words, information that can *only* be obtained by a covertly installed program that throughly inventories your system. It is actually quite creepy to see how much information about your system is actually collected. If you saw this tool you would find it quite disturbing.

Second, not only does AOL install spyware on your system it also installs what is called a rootkit. For those who don't know what a rootkit is, look it up on google. Basically it is a covertly installed program, installed so deeply it is very hard if not impossible to uninstall. A rootkit is desgined to mask (hide) the actions of itself or the other programs installed. When you install AOL, it installs alongside a few lesser known programs "AOL Connectivity Services" and "AOL TopSpeed". The install screens of the AOL software will say how beneficial these little tools are, but read on.

TopSpeed and AOL Conectivity Services are embedded deep into the Windows Registry into an area known as the TCP/IP (or Network) stack. So deep, in fact, that these utilities actually manage ALL TRAFFIC coming through this stack. This is done, because another utility that AOL touts - Internet Access Controlls 2.0 - requires AOL to effectively "take over" your computers internet traffic. What this all boils down to, is that AOL embeds itself so deep into a system, that it can not EVER be completely removed. To do so would effectively make your computer unusable on the internet as it would absolutely corrupt and fry the above mentioned network stack. This issue has caused compatibility issues with several competing ISPs, as many of them now take the same approach in trying to "take over" portions of your system. The only true way to completely uninstall AOL is to reformat your hard drive.

Third, AOL is very very VERY (did i emphasize VERY?) heavy on scripting. Their approach on employees is to keep them as ignorant as possible while still allowing them to do (somewhat) a job. They don't hire expert computer techs, they don't hire account specialists, they hire people who can say "I'm sorry for the inconvenience" and can read a script. By and large these people are not paid to think and often advised not to, that's what managers are for right? If you call for any type of support you will be dealing with (over 90% of the time) someone who has a very basic knowledge of your issue and is reading off some sort of a

Lastly, AOL does everything and anything they can to make cancelling your service a hassle. But these days... who doesn't do that? I'm not saying it's right, but it's now the norm. Thats why they don't call it cancellations, they call it SAVES. The approach here is to make you wanting to cancel a war of attrition. They're told to be assumptive and aggressive about it. They are told to retain a certain percentage of their callers, or they no longer have a job. So as a result many will be forceful and many flat out dishonest. Here is some advice on that:
Just remember two things here, without a Cancellation Number - there is no cancellation. And also remember the rule of threes, AOL policy is that when you have requested to cancel three times (on the same call) they are obligated to cancel your account and give you a cancelation number. They are going to try and draw out the conversation, they are going to try and convince you of how great AOL is.... just keep saying No and reiterate your wish to cancel. But the biggest and most important point is to ALWAYS remember to always get that cancellation number and confirm that it is correct (it should be in the neighborhood of 9 digits in length) Thats your documentation and your proof.



aol is a 14k rip off in EVERY way,shape,and form,100% !!!!

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, April 26, 2006

you can argue,and argue,and argue. but NOTHING will excuse the PROVEN fact that a.o.l has been screwing hard working americans out of millions of dollars through these "free" try-out discs you find at almost any retail store(walmart,etc.) they want you to think its a "free" try-out for a month but what they really do is try to reel you AND your wallet in by playing stupid and by tranfering you to one department after another(hoping you just get discouraged and hang up) and that does not even include BEFORE dealing with their automated voice response. I THINK THEY SHOULD BE PROSECUTED FOR FRAUD TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW/AND SUED!!!



AOL is horrible!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 26, 2004

First of all, Kathy, while I agree with you about AOL, I also agree with Elsie: Your grammar is horrible! You have also lashed out severly at those who disagree with you. I have just started the AOL trial and when checking my bank statement (as I do every month!) I discovered that they had charged me for two months of service. Their customer service people were not helpful in the least and I could barely understand them because their accents were so thick. They told me they had no record of taking money from me, but my bank verified that they had. I faxed them my statement, and guess what? I still have not been refunded my money! I do not like AOL, but I don't think you should be cruel to those who do. My grandparents use AOL and I still like them!


North Charleston,
South Carolina,

don't have to justify anything I said about AOL, the AOL reputation speaks for itslf..

#12Author of original report

Thu, January 22, 2004

My grammer is not horrible. I have excellent communication skills. However, you on the other hand, well, lets just say, enough of pointing fingers shall we? I don't have to justify anything I said about AOL or anything else. I have no children in my home so anything downloaded on my machine would be by me and I don't download alot of garbage. It seems very interesting to me that whenever anyone has a problem on their computer, we always find out that they are using AOL as the internet provider. I have a system now in my living room from a friedn at work. She is asking me to fix her pc because of serious problems she has. Guess what? Her service provider is AOL! She just joined them about 6 months ago and that's when the problems started. She got one of those free cds from a store and downloaded AOL's software. All of a sudden she began getting viruses and finding porn on her pc. She is married and has no children in her home, they are in college. She is the only one that uses her pc. Anyway, you will say whatever you will about me or about AOL. Anyone that has used it will tell you the same things I've said. Try it and see. Download any AOL software, go into the registry after you believe that you have deleted said software and then tell me what you find. Run a check with Symantic or some other virus detection software. You will find that there are parts of AOL that are still there.


New Jersey,

Read TOS, Contracts, and read statements

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 22, 2004

I handle customer service calls for a living. I have worked for debt management companies and have worked in the billing department for a internet company as well.

Most of the problems that I see, is that the general public does not take time to read contracts or terms of service for any company. This leads to misunderstandings on the customers' end and not asking questions for things they do not understand. EVERYONE SHOULD READ ALL THE INFOMATION FOR THINGS THEY SIGN UP FOR. If there are questions, ask!!! This way people will be educated on the services that they are with or will inquiry on.

Also another issue is, that the general public do not look over phone bill, credit card or checking account statements. They will let these go each month unattended and are shocked to learn that they are billing billed for a service that that stated that they "cancelled" or forgot they had or assumed because it was a trial or because they uninstalled the software from the computer or disputed charges with the bank, the phone company, etc that the account is closed. NO DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY - when cancelling anything there are confirmation codes that are given, letters sent out to confirm cancelling serive is completed.

People need to be aware of what others are doing in their homes (childern, friends, other family members, etc) whether it be when those people are on the phone or using the computer or simply spending time over the house. People also need to secure credit cards, checking accounts, phone calls from those people as well - like they should protect them when outside the home or shopping online. Also don't click on every single thing that comes up as a pop up or allow your childern to either. There are controls with it be on the computer or on the phone that will prevent things from being ordered. ALSO READ YOUR EMAIL!!! Most ISP companies when changes are made will confirm that that change in an email.

The bottom line is- Public be aware!!! Open your eyes, your mind and take control of your lives!!!
Check your statements each month. Read your email. Be aware of the people in your home. Read contracts and terms of service. Ask questions if you don't understand - An educated person often does better.

These things can all be avoided if people are aware and do those above things.



I agree with Renee, extremely offensive and obviously written in an angry fashion

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, January 21, 2004

Kathy, I must admit, your accusations about AOL are so totally incorrect, it does appear that you do not have as much computer knowledge as you are trying to convince us that you have. I did not find Renee's rebuttal to be rude in any way. She was simply stating the facts in a neatly-displayed numerical list. YOUR "update," on the other hand, was extremely offensive and obviously written in an angry fashion, not to mention that you failed to write anything useful or pertinent to your original complaint. I am not sure how to help you work out your issues, but may I suggest that you go to AOL Keyword: Help, and read the literature that is available on your topics of concern. That way you do not need to talk to an "underworked tech" and can surely find the correct information much more efficiently and accurately yourself.


New York,

It's Obvious You Know Nothing About Computers.

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, January 21, 2004

Wow it's funny how when you don't kiss someone's butt and agree with them on here they have a fit. Someone's shallow and doesn't know how to communicate with you, Kathy, because they don't agree with you, even though it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. I run AOL and have for over 6 years, and their free Spyware sofware (SpyBot Search & Destroy) found no spyware after I installed and ran AOL. This particular software comes highly recommended (even by Leo & Patrick on TechTV's The ScreenSavers). Perhaps you just don't know what's really on your computer and how it got there. Don't feel bad, there are tons of people out there who have spyware which they don't remember installing. It happens.

You shouldn't, however, be insulting to people who are just pointing out the wrong in your post as Renee is correct, you don't sound like you know what you're talking about. Your grammar is horrible, and you shouldn't point fingers at other people about their communication skills until you fix your own. Any PC Tech would know that AOL is not responsible for the spyware on your system. You should, perhaps, see if anyone else in the house (children) installed any additional programs before you go blaming some other company. Get a grip on your computing experience. Don't blame everything on other people and companies. Learn to take responsibility.


North Charleston,
South Carolina,

you choose to be very rude and nasty which proves how shallow you are

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 21, 2004

Oh and Renee, You do not know anything about how to use a computer or otherwise you would have known everything I just said in my previous rebuttal. But you choose to be very rude and nasty which proves how shallow you are and little if any real knowledge you posses. Go back to school and learn how to properly communicate with adults before speaking again.


North Charleston,
South Carolina,

Very wrong! AOL loads numerous spyware, among other tiems that are not wanted or known about

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, January 21, 2004

I'm sorry Renee, but you are so very wrong! I'm a PC tech, I know what I'm talking about. My husband is also a tech. AOL loads numerous spyware, among other tiems that are not wanted or known about on your system whenever you install ANY type of AOL services and some you have to go into the registry to remove. I have a firewall, spyware blocker plus every other type of security there is. When info within the file points to AOL (AOHELL) then ONLY they could have put it there. When Symantic finds files FROM AOL that were supposedly deleted and/or removed, then it's spyware or unwanted files that AOL makes sure usually cannot be removed by the everyday computer user. Oh by the way, yes, you can go to add/remove programs and remove all of AOL that you want, but, it WILL NOT remove ALL of AOL's files. Try it and see and you'll find out.



It's Obvious You Know Nothing About Computers.

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 19, 2004

1. Almost all windows software writes directories and changes the registry (Office, Netscape Browser, Games, etc)

2. Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel has allowed me and millions of other current and former AOL subscribers to remove the software. If you can't uninstall simple software either you're a neophyte or your computer has operating system issues.

3. AOL actually offers free software to REMOVE spyware. The only thing installed on your system when you install AOL is the AOL software itself. Any spyware you have on your system you managed to get it on there yourself.

4. There are a ton of ISPs out there. You should choose the one that suits your personal needs the best. It sounds to me like you don't even know how to use a computer so you probably shouldn't be on the internet at all.



It's Obvious You Know Nothing About Computers.

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 19, 2004

1. Almost all windows software writes directories and changes the registry (Office, Netscape Browser, Games, etc)

2. Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel has allowed me and millions of other current and former AOL subscribers to remove the software. If you can't uninstall simple software either you're a neophyte or your computer has operating system issues.

3. AOL actually offers free software to REMOVE spyware. The only thing installed on your system when you install AOL is the AOL software itself. Any spyware you have on your system you managed to get it on there yourself.

4. There are a ton of ISPs out there. You should choose the one that suits your personal needs the best. It sounds to me like you don't even know how to use a computer so you probably shouldn't be on the internet at all.

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