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  • Report:  #459074

Complaint Review: Apache Junction AZ Postal Service - USPS

Apache Junction AZ Postal Service Apache Junction AZ Post Office - worst attitude and service I've ever seen from USPS Apache Junction Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Apache Junction Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 06, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 06, 2009

Our mail carrier (who dresses like an auto mechanic who just got off working without changing clothes) and post office employees including supervisors and postmaster (with one employee exception) exhibit the worst attitude and work habits of any employees I have ever encountered. I have seen the other complaints on this forum about the Apache Junction and Mesa USPS so I know this is not isolated.

1. our original complaint of our mail carrier (for months) was that she failed to close the door resulting in mail blowing out of the box on windy days or from dust busters. Even after leaving a note asking her to close the door she left the note in the box with no indication if she ever read it and still does no more than give it a flip toward the top which results in it falling open before her truck has even cleared the box. The latch works well and normally to someone who is willing to spend one single second to close it.

2. Second complaint: we received prescription drugs in the mail which had to be signed for. The carrier did not deliver it or leave an attempted delivery notice. Four days later when the package had not arrived as expected I went to the post office to inquire to find that the package was there with a notice that said that the carrier had gone to the door, found no one home and left an attempted delivery notice. I was home all day that day working in my home office which has a window directly beside the front door. She never came to the door and no notice was left. Four days later the same thing happened again.

3. We have our employees paychecks delivered to us from our accountant twice a month. They have SS #'s on them. Our carrier delivered them to one of our neighbors who didn't arrive in AZ for three weeks. So after non arrival our employees were late getting paid only to have our neighbors give us the checks when they arrived in AZ for the season.

4. Our carrier drives her old right-hand-drive used Jeep like she needs to trim ten seconds off each delivery so she can go home earlier by flooring the vehicle between boxes regardless of corners or ability to see who or what is around them - all the while preparing mail for the next box. I know this because I was at a stop sign while she made one stop, floored it, flew around the corner in the dirt I was waiting at (it was too far to go back onto the pavement for the corner I guess) scaring me quite a bit, just to slam on the brakes in another hundred feet. Had a single steering component failed on that vehicle I'd be dead right now since she would have had no ability to stop before hitting me in the drivers door.

5. After the second paycheck delivery failed to be made I went to the post office to make comment to the postmaster. I was told I could not see him. I could only see the supervisor. Upon telling her about the first two issues she made it apparent that she was on the mail carriers side: "Well, if there is something wrong with your mailbox you cannot expect her to be able to close it." I replied, "It is a new box and it closes properly." "Well, still it may be too hard for her," she said. What about the lying about leaving notice of attempted delivery? "She may have left the notice and it blew away," she said. "So you mean she could have come to the door right outside the window I was working at without my being able to see her or hear her through clear glass 5 feet away without any music or distractions?" I asked. She cut me off before I was through with the sentence. I could see the futility of a civil conversation and left.

6. Last the mail carrier showed up at our front door later the same day and said, "So I hear you have some problems with how I do my job?" When my wife attempted to tell her of the issues she got the same condescending, "Who the h*ll do you think you are complaining about me" attitude we got from her supervisor. Sisters maybe???

7. Postmaster? I heard him "talking" another day to someone else who also had a complaint and that person was met with a similar bad defensive attitude.

It is grave cause for concern that these kinds of people are in positions of delivering mail with all kinds of sensitive information contained in it -- not only from the incompetence standpoint that could result in mail falling into the wrong hands by being delivered to the wrong address, and the annoyance standpoint of having your mailbox door down every single day -- but after an experience like this it is no stretch to think that persons who react like this to legitimate complaints stated civilly and constructively are possibly the same caliber of persons who could become responsible for intentional identity and information theft just out of retaliation.

This is a worrisome event, and one that I will be writing my AZ state and congressional representatives about. When government entities like the USPS become so focused on cutting costs as to employ persons like this all the way up to the postmaster level it is a formula for complete meltdown.

Apache Junction, Arizona

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