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  • Report:  #61379



  • Reported By:
    MPLS Minnesota
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 21, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 14, 2014
    MPLS, Minnesota
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Suggestion: Matt you need to wake up and smell stench of your local car dealers. *Author of original report: TO THE REPLY TO MY MESSAGE ABOUT DELIQUENT BILL PAYERS *UPDATE Employee: No company is perfect by any means *UPDATE Employee: No company is perfect by any means *UPDATE Employee: No company is perfect by any means *Consumer Comment: Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!! *Consumer Comment: Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!! *Consumer Comment: Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!! *Consumer Comment: Your education means nothing if you don't understand "due" *Consumer Comment: Arcadia Financial You are a bunch of sorry unprofessional crooks that is getting caught doing unprofessional *UPDATE Employee: Collector *Consumer Comment: look in the mirror if you truley respect and like this company.. *Consumer Comment: No Personal Arcadia Experiences *Consumer Comment: This contract are all illegal and this is also fraud *Consumer Comment: Arcadia Ripoff *Consumer Comment: HOW CAN YOU DEFEND ACRADIA/TRANSOUTH? *Consumer Comment: I too have been screwed or at least they are trying to screw me from Arcadia. *Consumer Comment: Michelle - Oxnard, California YES I DO. I SEND MY BILLS OUT ON TIME OR EARLY. *Consumer Suggestion: Matt, Thank you for proving my point. I think rudeness must be detected during the job interview for Arcadia to hire people! *Consumer Comment: I find this amusing.. *Consumer Comment: Don't think you are perfect, it may come back to you..... *Consumer Comment: I also financed with Arcadia *Consumer Comment: MATT, PERHAPS YOU SHOULD SELL ONE OF YOUR "THREE CARS"... *Consumer Comment: Not making payments on time! *Consumer Comment: Who does this matt think he is the economy was bad in 2005 people laid of work but jerks like matt blame the customer for not pay the car payment on the due date matt thinks they do it on purpose *Consumer Comment: ARCADIA FINANCIAL CUSTOMERS WHO COMPLAIN BECAUSE THEY CANT PAY THEIR OWN BILLS ON TIME *Consumer Comment: I can't believe matt had the balls to make this childish report he thinks hes financial stable hey matt tell employers to stop screwing with people then maybe we can pay our bills on time

This is for all the people who write to this site. If you all read your contracts and know what you are signing you should have no problems.

If you also paid your car payments on time you wouldnt get collection calls and pay late fees and extra interest. It is your own fault for your problems with this company. Here is the 3 steps to no problems.

1) read your contracts to understand them and know what your interest rate is before you sign a contract, dont just believe the dealer.

2)Pay your payments on time and you wont get collection calls thats why all of you have to have babysitters(collectors)

3)Dont complain, you all created your own problems try paying your bills on time and you will be worry free.

All of you complainers, you are all deliquent bill payers and have nobody to get mad at but yourself:)

MPLS, Minnesota

27 Updates & Rebuttals


United States,

I can't believe matt had the balls to make this childish report he thinks hes financial stable hey matt tell employers to stop screwing with people then maybe we can pay our bills on time

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, January 14, 2014

I can't believe that matt had the balls to make a complain about customers. I see he hasn't made a update in quiet some time now, people don't have to put up being treated this way. We was abused by the Arcadia financial and they tried to repo our car in 2002 but we had a garage. I loved getting the repoe guy angry!.

 I was in a car accident in 2003 and the car was totaled. The insurance gave us a nearly $4,000 payment which we had to use for a down payment on a new car. It was a complete nightmare in getting the insurance to pay, but arcadia settled for nearly $6,000 which the insurance company did pay. Then arcadia financial collection agency tried some funny stuff to say they didn't get the check and they didn't like cause we told them off.

So we stopped payment on it and had to do everything all over again. I'm for one glad the wreck did happen though not pleasant for me but it did get rid of the evil devilish people from arcadia!.


United States of America


#28Consumer Comment

Fri, April 06, 2012

Well Mat lets start this way. I read my contract. I paid my payment, not always on time but still paid my payment.
After paying for 4 years I had this stupid idea to ask for statements on what I have paid and where the payments were going.

Guess what Matt, your idiot company told me I had no right to that information and I will not receive anything I ask for. Now tell me Matt you say "All of you complainers, you are all deliquent bill payers and have nobody to get mad at but yourself:)". I have no one to get mad at??? I paid my payments and was told NO Disclosure. Tell me if I am wrong is that not illegal? According to the Chicago DA it is but seeing you sold my contract more times than I can count, the holder of that contract now has no idea what I owe, but they want money. No that is funny.
It has been 8 years I have been fighting you idiots and you are still afraid to take me to court. What are you scared of? Afraid I will will and get my title or is it that I will expose all your illegal activities and  you Matt will be on unemployment.

Come on Matt cat got your tongue? Or are you to scared to face me in court. You know how to contact me. Lets get it on for a change. Put you money were your mouth is.


United States,

Who does this matt think he is the economy was bad in 2005 people laid of work but jerks like matt blame the customer for not pay the car payment on the due date matt thinks they do it on purpose

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, February 12, 2012

Many of the jerk offs on this site think people don't pay their bills on purpose.  These people do not know everyone's situation to be able to judge them,  & who is he to file a complain against  the complainer's.

Matt is just making himself & his company look bad by blaming the customer. Matt wants to blame people for things beyond their control but that is how these bill collectors & creditors think.  Their mind is backwards,  & they are pure crazy. These crook creditors are another reason why the economy "Stinks".

But blaming the customer only set's fuel to the fire!.



Not making payments on time!

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, September 16, 2005

I had a car loan through Transouth. In Tennessee. When I bought my vehicle me and my husband both had good jobs.We made our payments on time every month. This was in Feb of 01.
In september of that same year my husband fell at work and broke his hip. He also had degenerative bone disease so the company he worked for told him thank you for your TEN YEARS of service we dont need you anymore. no workers comp, no disability, no unemployment. My income only !mortgage, electric, insurance, food, water, child, no child support. other household needs. Gas for vehicle. all being paid on $8.00 an hour 40 hrs a week. Oh lets not forget the hospitol copay and meds we had to pay for when he had to have the hip replaced. I made to much money for help from the state. I made to much money from any agency as I was told. So yes we fell behind on our payments. transouth told me if it took not buying food or paying for my house or not paying my electric bill they wanted their money. I signed a contract. I begged borrowed to pay for that vehicle. over the years I would go into the local office and make my payments on time. I would get calls from another office saying my payment was late or not made. when I tried to tell them I did make the payment and to look on their computer I also gave them the name of the person I talked to and made my payment to at the local office the IDIOT just kept asking me if I knew how much my car payment was. This was four years later
I had this vehicle made payments for that many years and thats all he could say to me. i FINALLY I got mad cussed him out hung up and called the local office they contacted that IDIOT and told him my payment was there and it was on time. I even had them come to my house and tell me I had three days until my payment was due. I was NOT late but they came up here anyway. I prayed my dog bit they guy that came up. He had no right to come to my home if I was NOT late... I was told he was an uninvited guest and if the dog did bite him he was tresspassing anyway. I was one month until my pay off they called me told me if there was any problem with me not making my last payment because my contract was up they would come take the vehicle fro me even though I only had one payment left. HAHAHA I got an unexpected check early and RAN to the post office to get them their money so their IGNORANT harassment would stop .
They had the nerve to tell me if I ever need financing again they would be more than happy to do it. I told them what they could do for me... I would walk before I would finance anything through that company again. They are Rude, Ignorant, Stupid, when ever I had to talk to them the people they have working there dont speak good enough english to be able to understand what they are saying. The one woman told me I was racist. I said it is not being racist when I tell some one I cant understand what they are saying. They would harass me when I made my payments at the local office they were to lazy to look it up on their computer so they would call me and say ignorant things to me and my 14 year old son.
so saying about people not making payments on time. I hope some day you run into a problem and you cant pay your bills so you will see what it is like when unexpected things happen maybe your attitude would change. Not everyone is out to RIP off finance companys some people have problems beyond their control. you collection people need to take a course in how to talk to people for one and in compassion for people who have medical problems arise that they cant help or do anything about. OH yeah I just had my back operated on beyond my control if I wanted to be able to keep walking the rest of my life. does that mean I should lose everything I have because I cant work?
I cant even make money to buy food let alone pay bills and guess what I dont qualify for any kind of help from anyone. still waiting to hear from social security disability because of many other medical problems . three months now nothing yet. I guess I dont deserve to live because I cant pay my bills now huh?




#28Consumer Comment

Wed, August 17, 2005

And spend the money on a remedial English course. And perhaps a course in business ethics and the FDCPA would also be order? I would also suggest charm school, but that would be such a waste of money.

Predatory lending practices such as those practiced by your company do more harm to people's credit than good. With all of the bogus interest and "fees", your victims, oops, I mean, customers end up deeper in the hole and with worse credit than ever. And to save you time and wear and tear on your fingers, I have an 800+ FICO, so don't even try screaming "deadbeat" or the other charming names your ilk has been known to throw at people.


Cape Girardeau,

I also financed with Arcadia

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, August 17, 2005

Hello, I am not taking either side, I just wanted to simply add my situation. My husband and I 3.5 years ago needed to purchase a vehicle. Not due to bad credit, but lack of income (both college students) we financed with Arcadia.
I have to say, as long as we paid our payments on time we had no problems at all. When we could not pay one time (and there were definitely a few times) we would call (yes, they were most of the time rude and the wait was forever to get a rep on the phone) and they would post-date a payment to come out of our checking acct. This would alleviate their calls to our home and also schedule our payment for me.
I have to say, we were unable to finance for 3 years b/c the payment was going to be too high, but our nice (and yes, there are good ones out there) F&I person got them to go for 3.5 years which is out of the norm.
I have to say that every statement I received showed my current balance, last payment and previous balance. Do they have different billing for different areas? I am not being smart, I am just truly curious after reading your complaints.
We recently paid the car off (yea) and had a very good experience. First off, they sent a letter about 3-4 months in advance to let us know our last payment would be higher (we knew this, it is in our contract) and it also said if we needed an extension that would be avaliable as long as we call them. We did not need the extension, but it was nice to be offered one. Also, after sending our last payment to them, we promptly in about two weeks received the title and release of lein.
I guess I am curious how much behind some people are on their loans. My friend works for a reputable national bank and says if someone is two months behind they will repo the vehicle. I do not think that is bad of them considering it is an agreement you made to pay them the note. I understand everyone has unforseen circumstances, and in my past I have found most anyone is willing to work with you as long as you communicate with them. Do not dodge the phone calls, answer and see if there is an alternative for you. At one point, my daughter had surgery and we were unable to pay our payment that month. It was alot of trouble, but we were granted a differment that put that payment on the end of our loan. Our other vehicle is financed through another lender at a lower interest rate, but if I were in the same circumstance again I do not think I would hesitate to finance with Arcadia again, especially after their buy-out or merger with such a reputable lender.
I wish everyone the best of luck working out your issues. I do not work in the auto industry in any way, I simply wanted to state my personal experience.
Thank You.



Don't think you are perfect, it may come back to you.....

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, April 20, 2005

Employees like you are the reason customers are rude back. Just because you feel you are better than the ones that are having to use this company does not make it right what is happening. You are the reason it makes it very hard to reason, or get anything accomplished. Making us feel less, and trying to state that you make all your payments on time, and we are the problem is the exact reason people get made. Don't call to make us feel less, or to b***h, and act like you do nothing wrong. Someday it could come home to you, and when it does you will see how it feels to be on the other side. Never say never!!!!!!!!! It is very hard to be perfect all the time. God will not look you over for medals, degrees, or diplomas, but for scars.......
Don't ever think you have the upper hand just because you work for the people. You never know what life will throw at you or how you will handle it. Believe me.... I have been there.



I find this amusing..

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, November 24, 2004

Every phone conversation I have ever had with an Arcadia representative has been confrontational from word one. They could care less who is on the other end of the phone, much less what their problems are. These guys are horrible, I hope everyone realizes this and they go down in flames.
To those that continue to stand up for them and offer comments such as "pay your bills on time", remember, if YOUR company didn't practice predatory lending practices, we wouldn't be discussing this. You know d**n well Arcadia is in the business of lending money to individuals who have suffered in the past and have no one else to turn to. Ramming a 17% interest loan down their throat, knowing d**n well that the odds are in the favor your racketeers will have to collect on them is how you exist. It must be nice knowing you work for a den of thieves and vandals?


South Carolina,

Matt, Thank you for proving my point. I think rudeness must be detected during the job interview for Arcadia to hire people!

#28Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 17, 2004

Matt, Thank you for proving my point.

THANK YOU. Your intense hostility and rude response to my post only reiterates the point I was trying to make. I think rudeness must be detected during the job interview for Arcadia to hire people! I feel sorry for you if you are so anal that you have never been one day late in your life with a payment...try it sometime, Matt...LIVE A LITTLE. Although WHY I went through a second-rate finance company is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, I had to have a car to return to work after being unemployed for 8 months BATTLING CANCER. I give TranSouth the credit for working with me and helping to get me financed when I had no job....but they most certainly enjoyed getting their money's worth out of me in the process. As for my education, when you have defeated cancer, worked full time, raised 2 children, and attended and graduated college with a 4.0 all in two years time while also building an excellent credit rating, I will consider you a valuble enough person to continue arguing with. I have a feeling you have never done any of these things, though, which explains why you work where you do.



Michelle - Oxnard, California YES I DO. I SEND MY BILLS OUT ON TIME OR EARLY.

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

In response to your last post.

If you research back on this site I have been trying to take this company down for about a year. It has even become an obsession of mine. I hate Arcadia with more than a passion.
Please dont ever associate me with this piece of garbage of a company. I agree on all your points. They are rude, thiefs, loansharks and the worst piece of garbage on earth.

A little history. I filled bankruptcy 2 years ago. I was nice enough to tell Arcadia what my intent was. After talking to them on the phone I felt a little uneasy about the conversation. So I hid my car. Sure enough the repo man was out that night. Yes I was late on a few payments at that time, but after the bankruptcy the payment was there on time or early every time for two years. I don't like this company because the refuse to document monthly your payments like most companies do and let you see your balance as it goes down. They refuse to report your good credit to credit agencies but will if it is bad. The reason I want monthly bills is because I do not want to end up like most on this site, that after my last payment is made Arcadia say's you still owe thousands more but are unable to prove it. This way with monthly bills I am able to track my payments.

So again before you attack so one ... Research.


New York,

I too have been screwed or at least they are trying to screw me from Arcadia.

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

I reaffirmed my car loanme after chapter 7, the day they got word, arcadia put me right into collections. I have asked repeatedly to stop calling me, doing this in writing, emails etc yet they still call.

Tonite I was told that I could not speak to a supervisor that the supervisor was not going to be making my payment and a few other choice words from this person. Well Rasheed buddy I am about to nail your a*s to the wall. I know my rights under the law.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

I intend to get a suit started against Arcadia and sue their a*s off for damages. See they should never leave rotten messages on voice mail etc that gets recorded nor violate Fair Debt Collection Practices Act . Its costly for them and it will pay for my new car. By the way Arcadia come take this d**n thing if you want it. I just brought home a 2004 GrandAm @ 6.4% interest with a financial institution that is honest.




#28Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2004

How dare you defend a company that you know darn well is RUDE to anyone even a day late on a loan? can you really say you pay every bill you have on the exact date it's due? You've never mailed one a day or so late, never forgot it was due? cause you watch ever payment like a hauk. If you say "yes" please quit lying to yourself. You MUST be an employee there. I don't care why someone didn't pay their loan on time. NO one deserves the treatment Arcadia/Transouth gives you. Telling you to pay you bills and you wont get calls. DUH? ya think. Do they think that statement will make you pay? Do they think calling you 2-3 times a day will make the sitiuation change or that it did change and you now have a differen't story now? Do you guys read why everyone is complaining? it was RUDENESS!1 Your people are just plain RUDE everyone. It MSUt be part of the training. My car was totaled, i have gap and full coverage and yet cause you hadn't gotten the payment yet you started harassing me staying you'd take the car. I gave you the junk yark it was towed to. Go get it..
Your company need to go out of business,Karen. Your in some sort of blind stuper to think your company is professional. Telling some one to pay their bills is NOT a professional statement. Matt I can see that you took the time to defend this company that you know is in the wrong and would repeat that same statement that I know personally your company says and then go as far as to justify it by saying "pay your bills? read the contract?. Learn some manors and soem professionalizm, your talking to people not animals. Figure it out I'm the customer and even if I miss one payment your working for me!! If you rude and I'm only on the phone, it only take a second to set the reciever down and end the call.... then where are you with collecting anything with me...

Arcadia/Transouth training tips:
1) How long will the call last if you are nice?
2) How long will the call last if your RUDE?

1a) If your nice who knows how long the call could last and you might find out important information like when the payment can be made, and the person might feel bad for not paying such a nice company and make more of an effort.
2a)If you rude the call will end is seconds. I'll feel no remorse. If fact I'll actually feel good that I didn't pay and that your so mad about it. You'll reduce my guilt...
People do business with people they like....



Arcadia Ripoff

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, September 12, 2004

Matt and any other Arcadia Employee:
1) read your contracts to understand them and know what your interest rate is before you sign a contract, dont just believe the dealer.
I did read my contract and I did know what I was getting into. I needed the car and took the plunge.

2)Pay your payments on time and you wont get collection calls thats why all of you have to have babysitters (collectors)
I paid my debts on time and even after the bankruptcy I was always on time.

Your company did not report my good record to the credit agencies for 2 years after, and claim you do not have to. In regard to the baby sitter comment it is you my sir that needs the constant supervision. This is to make sure you no longer rip off innocent people for personal gain.

3)Dont complain, you all created your own problems try paying your bills on time and you will be worry free.

All of you complainers, you are all deliquent bill payers and have nobody to get mad at but yourself:)

You are an a*s sir. You dont want us to complain so we dont expose you illegal tactics. I complain because all I want is a monthly billing statement to see where my money is going. Simple aint it. At least I thought so. Because your company refuses to tell me where my payments are going and your company refuses to show me a running balance on my account is why I am being forced to seek a laywer to persue this matter in court. This is called failure to disclose.

This is a illegal act acording to the supreme court. If you would notice in my many letters to your company I never once stated I did not owe the money that was lent to me. But after My wife and I questioned your intergrety and why we were unable to receive what we are entitled to your company employee told my wife and I quote "TO f**k OFF". After that professional display I was forced to do what I am now doing. COURT.
Keep on calling all these people deadbeats on this site. It will eventually come back and bite you in the a*s.


Missouri City,

This contract are all illegal and this is also fraud

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, September 09, 2004

I recent read the rebuttal of the employee who works for Arcadia Finacial LTD, comment.
Well sir I am so glad you got a job and has not fell behind with your bills. It is so nice to know that you pay all your creditors on time.
I want to say that my bill was not behind and I know for a fact that the Bank did draft the payment and this Company was in receipt of it.
I am hoping that CitiGroup doesn't take all their business over seas and you are left in the unemployment line as so many workers all over the USA has been in the past and present years.
So, it this does happen to you since I have information that this is what is in the making that all their business is being talk about going over seas then where will you be. Maybe you will go over seas as well.

God bless you but every one needs to file Bankrupcty to decrease the illegal interest on their loan. This contract are all illegal and this is also fraud.


New York,

No Personal Arcadia Experiences

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2004

Preston, if you are indeed an Arcadia representative, I think you have just solidified why most people do not like the company. You can't spell and your lack of correct grammar makes your response next to impossible to understand. I highly doubt that you really have anything to do with the company. I can't imagine that people with your lack of simple writing skills, that should have been learned in high school, would ever be employed by any company that handles finances! Then again, maybe people like you are the type of people they want there so they can blame your incompetance for their problems.



look in the mirror if you truley respect and like this company..

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2004

matt.....i gave arcadia bank checks the told me the bounced ........then they said they never got i send the a western union for payoff fig quoted and they say i owe more ,...look matt if you truley respect and like this company..that just repoed my truck and on the same day cashed my check payment you think they are (true people)they gave be a pay of fig and said they didnt get last 3 payments so i paid it of and all the 3 payments where processed and the next day they went in my bank and took another 400 so make a long story shot the da has this case now good luck in life matt with whatever you do my friend.......


North Carolina,


#28UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 03, 2004

Matt and Karen, you as emply. of arcadia and me as arcadia know that coming on here and arguing with customers is wrong, you know that the only way to help out the customer is to listen, which is not your best skill, so in this I have foward this website over to Mark Duda the RegVP for review, and best seeing you are out of the Minnesota Office, Maybe if all of us took the time out and tried and help the customer out and listen to the problem we can resolve this, which is your job if i am not mistaken Karen and matt!!

Karla Racer out HR manager advised she will foward your responces over to the Hr Manger in your area - If you have an issue, feel free to call a diffrent office and we can try and help you, we are out of the Charlotte, NC area and if no result ask for Mark duda or Deb. Cateo or there boss BOB BLACK, Bob Black doesn't take kindly to this sorta harrassment they are giving you guys

Arcadia Fin. "Charlotte, NC"



Arcadia Financial You are a bunch of sorry unprofessional crooks that is getting caught doing unprofessional

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, August 29, 2004

In respone to one of the employee comment. In my case my vehicle has been paid in full and it shows back and forth that you Arcadia Financial has cashed both of the checks so just admit that you all are a sorry company If I owed you money why haven't you sent me the statement showing me what owe I have been asking you for it since March 2004. You are a rip off company that is taking advantage of people I ask for your fax number your company is so sorry that you can't even give it out. I ask to fly over to your company to see you face to face you told me that wasn't necessary. I have companies that still sent me statement each time I request if I owe you. You are a bunch of sorry unprofessional crooks that is getting caught doing unprofessional



Your education means nothing if you don't understand "due"

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, March 01, 2004

Ronda---"The payment was "due" February 21st. You paid it on February 23rd and you didn't mention if it was mailed but at its best it was 2 days late. "WHEN NORMAL FOLKS DO BUSINESS" can also include weekdays "before" the payment was "due". THIS was NOT their fault. I "TOTALLY" agree with Matt and his step #2 applies here. If they did have a 10 day policy, how often would you rely on at least 8 of them? It this is indicitive of all your dealings with them - you may have to step up a degree. $23,000 for a $14,000 car is called paying interest. Don't like interest - pay cash, it's your option. If you have "GOOD CREDIT" how did you wind up with a "SECOND RATE FINANCE COMPANY". With your high education (?) you of all people should understand your contract and have "NO" reason not to!

One other point to "The Great Thorn" your comment to Matt of "Matt don't come on this web site and try to defend the auto industry" sounds like something from a foreign country and not a "freedom of speech" country. The "auto industry" varies between many different types of businesses and cannot all be lumped together. When you put your "name on the dotted line" and "have no idea what the hell they are signing" then more education is needed for them and not the school Ronda went to! For a quick education just follow Matts 3 steps. No other degree should be required as in some cases, it won't help!


South Carolina,

Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!!

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2004

To Matt and Karen,
I am a college educated professional who makes a decent salary, and who made the mistake of purchasing a car thru Arcadia/Transouth a few years back. I CAN read, and I CAN hear.....and I hate to tell work for a VERY crooked organization!

I have recently been trying to trade my car in that I have had since 2000, and have been told by several BIG BUSINESS dealerships (Rick Hendrick, Alan Vester....need I go on?) that your company is the biggest CROOK in all auto loans!

I was even told to go ahead and purchase my new van thru Chrysler Credit, and THEN let you guys come pick up my old one thru Arcadia! The Sales Managers at several businesses advised me that they tell customers all the time to turn vehicles back in to Arcadia...truth is, you work for what is called a SECOND RATE FINANCE COMPANY....and voluntary turn-ins to your company do not even cause Chrysler Credit to deny people BECAUSE THEY REALIZE HOW YOU RIP PEOPLE OFF AND THEY IGNORE YOU ON CREDIT REPORTS!!! Needless to say, though, I refuse to not pay my payments, and definitely refuse to let you pick up my car....I have worked HARD for my GOOD CREDIT, and you guys have me over a barrel.....FOR NOW.

I can assure you that I will make sure everyone I come into contact with knows what kind of business you conduct so that at least I will feel better once I pay $23,000 for a $14,000 car! work for the only company I have ever known that does not observe a 10-day policy....WHAT THE H*LL IS THAT ALL ABOUT?

Trust me, your representatives are the RUDEST poeple I have ever dealt with, calling on February 22 (YES, A SUNDAY....IS NOTHING SACRED?) when the payment was due February 21 (A SATURDAY, FOLKS....C'MON, I paid it TODAY on a MONDAY when NORMAL FOLKS DO BUSINESS!) A very nasty young man informed me RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SEX AND THE CITY FINALE that I would be accruing $5.00 per day late charges until Monday????

Now, I CAN AND DID read my contract, and I get all the $12.00 phone fees, and $5.00/MONTH late charges....but are we making this up as we go along, folks? I MUST ADMIT TO YOU BOTH...I am a SOCIAL WORKER who went to school and got a degree (SUMMA c*m LAUDE with a 4.0 GPA, I MIGHT ADD!) and I try to help people every day...and I consider myself a good person.....BUT I PRAY EVERY DAY that everyone working for ARCADIA gets SCREWED AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIVES, or GETS DOWN ON THEIR LUCK so that they can say, "Maybe I should have been KINDER." Just because you work in this business does not give you the right to JUDGE, Matt, condemning people who have trouble meeting obligations...(I believe GOD has the market cornered on that one) or be MEAN TO for thought!

*A footnote to my TranSouth friends: I am truly sorry that you were ABSORBED by this horrible company, and I thank you for all kindnesses you have shown me through the years!


South Carolina,

Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!!

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2004

To Matt and Karen,
I am a college educated professional who makes a decent salary, and who made the mistake of purchasing a car thru Arcadia/Transouth a few years back. I CAN read, and I CAN hear.....and I hate to tell work for a VERY crooked organization!

I have recently been trying to trade my car in that I have had since 2000, and have been told by several BIG BUSINESS dealerships (Rick Hendrick, Alan Vester....need I go on?) that your company is the biggest CROOK in all auto loans!

I was even told to go ahead and purchase my new van thru Chrysler Credit, and THEN let you guys come pick up my old one thru Arcadia! The Sales Managers at several businesses advised me that they tell customers all the time to turn vehicles back in to Arcadia...truth is, you work for what is called a SECOND RATE FINANCE COMPANY....and voluntary turn-ins to your company do not even cause Chrysler Credit to deny people BECAUSE THEY REALIZE HOW YOU RIP PEOPLE OFF AND THEY IGNORE YOU ON CREDIT REPORTS!!! Needless to say, though, I refuse to not pay my payments, and definitely refuse to let you pick up my car....I have worked HARD for my GOOD CREDIT, and you guys have me over a barrel.....FOR NOW.

I can assure you that I will make sure everyone I come into contact with knows what kind of business you conduct so that at least I will feel better once I pay $23,000 for a $14,000 car! work for the only company I have ever known that does not observe a 10-day policy....WHAT THE H*LL IS THAT ALL ABOUT?

Trust me, your representatives are the RUDEST poeple I have ever dealt with, calling on February 22 (YES, A SUNDAY....IS NOTHING SACRED?) when the payment was due February 21 (A SATURDAY, FOLKS....C'MON, I paid it TODAY on a MONDAY when NORMAL FOLKS DO BUSINESS!) A very nasty young man informed me RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SEX AND THE CITY FINALE that I would be accruing $5.00 per day late charges until Monday????

Now, I CAN AND DID read my contract, and I get all the $12.00 phone fees, and $5.00/MONTH late charges....but are we making this up as we go along, folks? I MUST ADMIT TO YOU BOTH...I am a SOCIAL WORKER who went to school and got a degree (SUMMA c*m LAUDE with a 4.0 GPA, I MIGHT ADD!) and I try to help people every day...and I consider myself a good person.....BUT I PRAY EVERY DAY that everyone working for ARCADIA gets SCREWED AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIVES, or GETS DOWN ON THEIR LUCK so that they can say, "Maybe I should have been KINDER." Just because you work in this business does not give you the right to JUDGE, Matt, condemning people who have trouble meeting obligations...(I believe GOD has the market cornered on that one) or be MEAN TO for thought!

*A footnote to my TranSouth friends: I am truly sorry that you were ABSORBED by this horrible company, and I thank you for all kindnesses you have shown me through the years!


South Carolina,

Admit when you are wrong, guys.......!!!!

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2004

To Matt and Karen,
I am a college educated professional who makes a decent salary, and who made the mistake of purchasing a car thru Arcadia/Transouth a few years back. I CAN read, and I CAN hear.....and I hate to tell work for a VERY crooked organization!

I have recently been trying to trade my car in that I have had since 2000, and have been told by several BIG BUSINESS dealerships (Rick Hendrick, Alan Vester....need I go on?) that your company is the biggest CROOK in all auto loans!

I was even told to go ahead and purchase my new van thru Chrysler Credit, and THEN let you guys come pick up my old one thru Arcadia! The Sales Managers at several businesses advised me that they tell customers all the time to turn vehicles back in to Arcadia...truth is, you work for what is called a SECOND RATE FINANCE COMPANY....and voluntary turn-ins to your company do not even cause Chrysler Credit to deny people BECAUSE THEY REALIZE HOW YOU RIP PEOPLE OFF AND THEY IGNORE YOU ON CREDIT REPORTS!!! Needless to say, though, I refuse to not pay my payments, and definitely refuse to let you pick up my car....I have worked HARD for my GOOD CREDIT, and you guys have me over a barrel.....FOR NOW.

I can assure you that I will make sure everyone I come into contact with knows what kind of business you conduct so that at least I will feel better once I pay $23,000 for a $14,000 car! work for the only company I have ever known that does not observe a 10-day policy....WHAT THE H*LL IS THAT ALL ABOUT?

Trust me, your representatives are the RUDEST poeple I have ever dealt with, calling on February 22 (YES, A SUNDAY....IS NOTHING SACRED?) when the payment was due February 21 (A SATURDAY, FOLKS....C'MON, I paid it TODAY on a MONDAY when NORMAL FOLKS DO BUSINESS!) A very nasty young man informed me RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SEX AND THE CITY FINALE that I would be accruing $5.00 per day late charges until Monday????

Now, I CAN AND DID read my contract, and I get all the $12.00 phone fees, and $5.00/MONTH late charges....but are we making this up as we go along, folks? I MUST ADMIT TO YOU BOTH...I am a SOCIAL WORKER who went to school and got a degree (SUMMA c*m LAUDE with a 4.0 GPA, I MIGHT ADD!) and I try to help people every day...and I consider myself a good person.....BUT I PRAY EVERY DAY that everyone working for ARCADIA gets SCREWED AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIVES, or GETS DOWN ON THEIR LUCK so that they can say, "Maybe I should have been KINDER." Just because you work in this business does not give you the right to JUDGE, Matt, condemning people who have trouble meeting obligations...(I believe GOD has the market cornered on that one) or be MEAN TO for thought!

*A footnote to my TranSouth friends: I am truly sorry that you were ABSORBED by this horrible company, and I thank you for all kindnesses you have shown me through the years!



No company is perfect by any means

#28UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 25, 2003

Just a comment on this issue..
Listen, I too work for Arcadia Financial. I have been here over 3 years and know more than any of you the credibility of this company. No company is perfect by any means but I can tell you this. For the length I have been with this company, I have observed fair lending practices and we are very fair with policies and money we charge customers.

I would say about 90 percent of these customers just plain don't read their contract! Their contract is a legal binding contract. It is the customers responsibility to read their contract. They come to us saying they had no idea they were being charged interest and late fees. They come to us saying that no one contacted them regarding thier late payment. Hello people!! The contract reflects when a late fee may be assessed. The contract indicates in black and white what type of loan it is. If you do not understand how interest accrues on your loan than you should have clarified with the dealer and not signed the contract so soon. It is YOUR car loan! We are not going to go out of our way to contact you regarding your bill. You are a grown adult and surely don't need your hand held. Make your payment and you will be fine!

I have been here long enough to know that we are focused alot on customer service here. Again, no company is perfect but we are very fair with our customers. We are definitely here to answer questions in relation to loans these customers have signed on to. We give these customers so many courtesies. Waiving late fees, backdating payments (adjusting interest) etc... we do so many customer courtesies just because the customer did NOT read their contract! To me that does not appear to be our fault, that would be the customers fault. And since we are a provider of good customer service, we do our part in most cases to give the customer information to prevent such things from happening again. We do courtesies for these customers all the time. Just because they are uninformed and don't read their contract.

Everyone has financial difficulty at one point and time or another in their life. Do your part by contacting us and being persistant about getting thru and getting payment arrangements made. Don't sit around and wait for us to call you. THIS IS YOUR LOAN!!

Matt is right,
Read you contract, go into the loan informed, ask questions of the dealer, if you do not understand or have questions, do NOT sign the contract.
And most importantly:

Please make your payment!

I would like to add one more thing.
The gentleman that decided to write in and be rude to Matt. You have a right to be upset, but you don't have to be rude to us. We are the finance company and to me you seem more upset about the dealer end of the picture.
Yes, some dealers are out for the buck and some of them are even fraudulent. It is the customers choice on which dealer they go through. It is the customers choice on who they do business with.
You don't have to be rude and insulting to Matt. Maybe you should be rude and insulting in some dealer webpage somewhere. You're misplacing your anger on us, go sign a dealer page somewhere but cetainly don't sit here and be rude with people making honest and educated comments.



No company is perfect by any means

#28UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 25, 2003

Just a comment on this issue..
Listen, I too work for Arcadia Financial. I have been here over 3 years and know more than any of you the credibility of this company. No company is perfect by any means but I can tell you this. For the length I have been with this company, I have observed fair lending practices and we are very fair with policies and money we charge customers.

I would say about 90 percent of these customers just plain don't read their contract! Their contract is a legal binding contract. It is the customers responsibility to read their contract. They come to us saying they had no idea they were being charged interest and late fees. They come to us saying that no one contacted them regarding thier late payment. Hello people!! The contract reflects when a late fee may be assessed. The contract indicates in black and white what type of loan it is. If you do not understand how interest accrues on your loan than you should have clarified with the dealer and not signed the contract so soon. It is YOUR car loan! We are not going to go out of our way to contact you regarding your bill. You are a grown adult and surely don't need your hand held. Make your payment and you will be fine!

I have been here long enough to know that we are focused alot on customer service here. Again, no company is perfect but we are very fair with our customers. We are definitely here to answer questions in relation to loans these customers have signed on to. We give these customers so many courtesies. Waiving late fees, backdating payments (adjusting interest) etc... we do so many customer courtesies just because the customer did NOT read their contract! To me that does not appear to be our fault, that would be the customers fault. And since we are a provider of good customer service, we do our part in most cases to give the customer information to prevent such things from happening again. We do courtesies for these customers all the time. Just because they are uninformed and don't read their contract.

Everyone has financial difficulty at one point and time or another in their life. Do your part by contacting us and being persistant about getting thru and getting payment arrangements made. Don't sit around and wait for us to call you. THIS IS YOUR LOAN!!

Matt is right,
Read you contract, go into the loan informed, ask questions of the dealer, if you do not understand or have questions, do NOT sign the contract.
And most importantly:

Please make your payment!

I would like to add one more thing.
The gentleman that decided to write in and be rude to Matt. You have a right to be upset, but you don't have to be rude to us. We are the finance company and to me you seem more upset about the dealer end of the picture.
Yes, some dealers are out for the buck and some of them are even fraudulent. It is the customers choice on which dealer they go through. It is the customers choice on who they do business with.
You don't have to be rude and insulting to Matt. Maybe you should be rude and insulting in some dealer webpage somewhere. You're misplacing your anger on us, go sign a dealer page somewhere but cetainly don't sit here and be rude with people making honest and educated comments.



No company is perfect by any means

#28UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 25, 2003

Just a comment on this issue..
Listen, I too work for Arcadia Financial. I have been here over 3 years and know more than any of you the credibility of this company. No company is perfect by any means but I can tell you this. For the length I have been with this company, I have observed fair lending practices and we are very fair with policies and money we charge customers.

I would say about 90 percent of these customers just plain don't read their contract! Their contract is a legal binding contract. It is the customers responsibility to read their contract. They come to us saying they had no idea they were being charged interest and late fees. They come to us saying that no one contacted them regarding thier late payment. Hello people!! The contract reflects when a late fee may be assessed. The contract indicates in black and white what type of loan it is. If you do not understand how interest accrues on your loan than you should have clarified with the dealer and not signed the contract so soon. It is YOUR car loan! We are not going to go out of our way to contact you regarding your bill. You are a grown adult and surely don't need your hand held. Make your payment and you will be fine!

I have been here long enough to know that we are focused alot on customer service here. Again, no company is perfect but we are very fair with our customers. We are definitely here to answer questions in relation to loans these customers have signed on to. We give these customers so many courtesies. Waiving late fees, backdating payments (adjusting interest) etc... we do so many customer courtesies just because the customer did NOT read their contract! To me that does not appear to be our fault, that would be the customers fault. And since we are a provider of good customer service, we do our part in most cases to give the customer information to prevent such things from happening again. We do courtesies for these customers all the time. Just because they are uninformed and don't read their contract.

Everyone has financial difficulty at one point and time or another in their life. Do your part by contacting us and being persistant about getting thru and getting payment arrangements made. Don't sit around and wait for us to call you. THIS IS YOUR LOAN!!

Matt is right,
Read you contract, go into the loan informed, ask questions of the dealer, if you do not understand or have questions, do NOT sign the contract.
And most importantly:

Please make your payment!

I would like to add one more thing.
The gentleman that decided to write in and be rude to Matt. You have a right to be upset, but you don't have to be rude to us. We are the finance company and to me you seem more upset about the dealer end of the picture.
Yes, some dealers are out for the buck and some of them are even fraudulent. It is the customers choice on which dealer they go through. It is the customers choice on who they do business with.
You don't have to be rude and insulting to Matt. Maybe you should be rude and insulting in some dealer webpage somewhere. You're misplacing your anger on us, go sign a dealer page somewhere but cetainly don't sit here and be rude with people making honest and educated comments.




#28Author of original report

Thu, October 23, 2003







The Great Thorn - Rip-off Report Consumer Advocate

New York,

Matt you need to wake up and smell stench of your local car dealers.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 21, 2003

Matt you need to wake up and smell stench of your local car dealers. Some car buyers are run through so much deception they have no idea what the hell they are signing. Car dealers hire the most deceptive "F&I Clowns" that they can find.

If you were ever in the auto sales business you would know what I am talking about. If you ever took some time to read the auto dealer Rip Off Reports you would soon find out that you have no clue as to what you are flapping your lips about.

Why don't you read the following Rip Off Report and you tell me if this car buyer has a right to complain about her sucky car dealer. You tell me and all of our readers if she got BENT OVER!

I am sick and tired of all of the dirty car dealers that are willing to go to any length to screw a car buyer. Trust me times are changing real fast and auto dealer deception will get exposed.

I also want the dirty auto lenders to watch out for us here at the Rip Off Report. If you want to hang dirty paper you to will soon make the Rip Off Report.

Matt, take my challenge! Go to all and I mean all of the following web sites check them all out read good and then post what product or service they sell to car dealers across the country.

Personally I think you might be a "Lot Shark" who is trying to defend auto dealer deception. If you are, trust me you will loose.

Note to all who go to the following web sites:
I am not bashing any of them. I only want the car buying public to think about what do they sell to car dealers.

The above list will get bigger!

Matt don't come on this web site and try to defend the auto industry.

Foot note: To all car dealer victims. If a car dealer has ever Ripped you off make sure that they make the Rip Off Report by filling your VERY OWN Rip Off Report. We all must make sure that all dirty car dealer learn their lesson about Ripping people off.

Respond to this Report!