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  • Report:  #142278

Complaint Review: Arcadia - TransSouth Financial

Arcadia - TransSouth Financial harassment, verbal abuse ripoff Minneapolis Minnesota

  • Reported By:
    Sioux Falls South Dakota
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 11, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 21, 2006
  • Arcadia - TransSouth Financial
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have had a car loan for 3.5 years of a 5 year loan. I am behind 2 payments. Without warning, my car is reposessed and I am drug from my house with my kids watching, being told that I need to hand over the keys, get my stuff out of the car, and "quit humiliating your kids" I had no call or message from TransSouth Arcadia, but when we tried to call them to make arranagements, we get a fax tone on the number listed on our statement to call.

It gets better. The tow truck guy drug my car not hooked properly out of my driveway. It made a loud scraping, then a crack/Pop, then the car partially came off the tow rope, turned sideways on the passenger side of the car, and was drug around the block until the driver got out to drive the car up to the truck hook it up and take it away. It is damaged. I called the police and they noted the damage.

In trying to call TransSouth, we got the fax tone, and tried other numbers we thought may be how to contact, but none worked. An online search brought me here and the number one of you listed was "Denver" and since Minneapolis services my account they won't help me. Minneapolis' supposed number says "there is a problem with this call. Try again." over and over.

I cannot make arrangements when I cannot call. I have had questions because they made me purchase insurance and refused to send me a proof of coverage card for my glove box. I never see my prinicpal balance go down - I financed under 11,000 and 3.5 years later still owe over 8000. I checked my credit report and as of March am listed in good standing with only 3 late payments, none more than 30 days. Yet I can be repoed with no warning or chance to make good.

If anyone files a suit, I want in. If anyone knows what I can do to get info, please inform. I am devestated and don't appreciate being abused in front of my kids. My oldest daughter got in the car to get stuff and he actually moved the car up and down with her in it!!! I want action!!!!

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix City,


#4Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2006

After two years of fighting with progressive insurance company progressive finally paid for the car loan after me & my grandfahter took their insured driver to court. The judge knew the people personally so he ruled agaisnt us this is conflict of interest also probally progressive paid the judge big $$$ to rule agaisnt us he was very ugly & abusive towards us creating a even bigger problem because we could not pay off this loan. After we called progressive & threatned to take it to a higher court they decided to make a settlement of $4900 from $15,000 from $10,000 due to late charges & interest progressive should have paid interest due to them not doing nothing for 2 years progressive ruined my credit for no fault of my own!!!. Arcadia sent demanding letters for payment & even a lawsuit progressive put me threw hell for two years because they did not want to pay for my car which their insured destroyed! arcadia has never been friendly to me always mean & hateful even while I was making the payments ontime till the time of the accident on 09/12/03 but arcadia settled with progressive for $4900 so I did not have to pay for anything this is an evil company I thank god everyday that they are off my back I can rest easy & get my life back to normal before this accident this was my first accident someone ever hit me but thank god I was not hurt or killed except my nerves have been shot to death If i ever get a new car loan I will make sure that it is not arcadia for how they abused me with their threats & harassment for trying to make me pay something that I was unable to pay!. This is to everybody else stay away from this company do not sign the contract with arcadia because they are nothing but money hungry loan sharkes & will not work with anybody who has problems like I have!




#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 13, 2005

I just have more to say about this abusive company,back in 2002 arcadia decides to try & repo my car when i was making my payment's on time then try to accuse me saying i was 60 days past due this was a bold face lie.

One night these repo men came knocking on my door at 1 AM,me & my mom did not know what was the problem until we asked them who they were then they started yelling&screaming yelling demanding that we let them have the car that they were repoing it i had a garage at the time so me & my mother fought with them when we refused not to let them have the car the repo men accused us of commiting a felony because we wouldn't hand over them the car they were very abusive toward us & we had to call the police.

But when the police came they were no help but we stood strong & did not let them have the car we explained to them that we were not behind in the payments this continued till 3:00 AM in the morning harassing us to give them the car thank god we had a garage the evenining before i almost did not put it up but something told me that i had better put it up & lock it up good thing i did or my car would have been gone the next day,then these repo man began harassing my grandmother for no reason demanding that they do something about us not letting them have the car we did not let them have the car.

After the police told them to leave they had the nerve to come & pull back in our driveway just to harass us somemore & back out these repo men crossed the line that night,after that night arcadia never tryied to repo the car again who do these people think they are trying to repo something that i am making payments on making payments on & have never been behind on we regret ever siging a contract with arcadia due to how we have been abused bye them for no reason at all.

Out of all the finance company's my mom & grandparents have had over the year's this has to be the worse one of them all!.




#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 13, 2005

I to have dealt with the same problem with arcadia just like from the other complaint's i have read about them on this site me & my grandfather finance $14,000 for a 2000 hyundia elantra back in 2000 & have made payments ontime up until 09/03 & the balance on the car was still around $10,000 we were never going to pay of this loan any time soon due to their high interest rate's & i paid $300 ontime sense 2000 we did not how crooked arcadia was or abusive they were even was abusive toward us when we were making the payment's to the car i was everyone else desperate to have a car i was 18 at the time so i had no credit but it's ruined know due to this accident..I was involved in an auto accident one year ago on 09/12/03 caused by the other party and they caused the car to be totaled; their insurance company has already found them guilty for the cause of the wreck and now by law, when the other party is at fault for the wreck, their insurance has to pay off the loan. Well not in this case.

Arcadia says that they don't have to pay off the loan so therefore the insurance company hasn't done anything to settle anything. Arcadia keeps on saying that I had a signed contract with them and that I have to pay them even though the accident wasn't my fault.

That is much of a rip off like arcadia. They're a lot alike in my eyes. So therefore thanks to the insurance company won't do nothing and arcadia says they don't have to pay even though their insured was the cause of the accident. I still have to pay. It's just a pain. I am having a hard time finding a lawyer with this matter no thanks to the insruance company refusing to do anything.

My credit is messed up from a good credit rating I had with arcadia and now from getting the loan paid down, interest is starting to build up. This is totally unfair to me. The wreck wasn't my fault and arcadia still expects me to pay them and let the insurance off the hook. They keep saying the contract is with you not the insurance company. When someone destroys your property then they have to pay for it. Arcadia has completely ignored the problem with the insurance company and the accident which I was involved.

This whole deal of what arcadia and the insurance company is totally unfair to me. It's only fair that the insurance company pays off the car since it was caused by their insured. This whole thing has ruined my credit rating and I do not know what to do. Arcadia has recently threatened to take me to court to collect the balance that is owed. They're just ignoring the insurance company and still continue to harrasse me.

I agree with the other people. They are a rip off, abusive, threatening people and arcadia will go to the extremes to get you down. All the payments I have made to them they have not posted them to my credit file. They have not owned up to their end of the contract. They're a fraud company who should be put out of business . They're also a bunch of thieves. I would kindly like to say to people if you only going to be rude and ridcule me for what I had said about arcadia please do not respond to this to me. You're just like them, rude threatrning and abusive. So please if you're going to be like that don't respond. People have a lot of troubles then having to listen to people ridicule and abuse when they have been done just like i have been done when they are ripped off. They have a right to tell about it without being ridecule like I've seen people do on here.This as gone on for about a year know arcadia threatning & harassing us recently they have threatned to take legal action agaisnt me & my grandfather if we do not pay & also have to put up with their rude & hateful,abusive collection ontop of it the insurance company refuse's to pay for anything after their insured caused the accident & caused the totaling of my car & life has not been easy for me ever sense the accident having to deal with the harassing & ongoing threats from arcadia because we cannot pay them we do not have the extra money to pay them..The insurance company PROGRESSIVE accepted the responsibilty for their insured causing the accident but refuse's to pay off the car resulting after accepting the responsibilty (PROGRESSIVE) sent me a check in the amount of ($3334.00) for the repairs only when the body shop began the tear down they found more damange due to the electrical wires that ran the car had been cut & the body shop ceased all repair work,& contacted progressive when progressive went back to look at the car for damange to be totaled to $67000 due to extreme wire damange progressive just decides to total the car out..After,progressive totaled the car out i had to take the money progressive sent to me & purchase a new car arcadia did not like this at all they claim that this check was for the total loss of the car & they were pissed at me & have told me off about it this check was only for the (REPAIRS) ONLY not for the total loss of the car..I, had to quit paying arcadia due to this accident & having to purchase a new car due to all this mess & has harassed me & my grandfather consently this is how it as been for me ever sense the accident they keep telling me due to the sign contract i have to keep paying until loan is complete they will not go after the insurance company progressive arcadia says that progressive is not responsible to pay off the balance that i am due to the signed contract we have ignored their phone call's & their letters we have told them our side of the story,still they continue to harass us because this accident was not my fault & i am being abused & threatned bye arcadia i had a good standing with them all up till the time of this accident but that is a thing of the past my credit is know runied due to the insurance company failing to settle within a link of time causing late fee's & more interest fees being added to the balance which is know $14,000 all i saw is if their is a class action lawsuit going on me & my grandfahter want it we do not need to let these scumbags what they did to us & are continueing to do to us get away with it.This has been a hard year for me they also have made it hard for my grandfahter & none of this was my fault the account is also on his credt files to & as also kepted him from getting anymore credit he recently tried to bye a new house for his heart condition & handicapped because he know as to use a wheel chair to get around & is suffering from diabetes & has been hosipitlized two times sense this accident from his condition & he is dealing with all this strees & mental anquise & he was turned down for this house loan because of arcadia account with past due amounts which they told him & arcadia is making him worse with threatning him with legal action bye threatning to take his house&property they can't do that due to my grandmother's name being on the house.Arcadia&their collection agency have abused my grandparent's bad the collection agency often mistreating&talking hateful toward my grandmother because she refuse's to let them speak to him due to his heart condition & due to this undue stress in dealing with this causing him to have a heart attack,we cannot pay arcadia due to this accident & are getting tired of the threats&abuse that we have suffered from them & are know threatning us with legal action if we do not pay & them letting progressive get off without paying for anything after their insured caused the accident&caused the totaling of my car..If their is anyone with advice or how to help me & my grandfather in this situation as we face legal action from arcadia please let me know because i have run out of options because we are unable to pay arcadia.

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