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  • Report:  #356439

Complaint Review: Argent Mortgage Novastar Mortgage Ameriquest Mortgage AMC ACC Capital Holdings Citi Residential

Argent Mortgage, Novastar Mortgage, Ameriquest Mortgage, AMC, ACC Capital Holdings, Citi Residential architect, resident home owner: Victim of illegal mortgage fraud scam Irvine California

  • Reported By:
    whitestown Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 28, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 28, 2014
  • Argent Mortgage, Novastar Mortgage, Ameriquest Mortgage, AMC, ACC Capital Holdings, Citi Residential
    2603 Main St., FL 10
    Irvine, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In summary, my family is fighting to keep our home from illegal foreclosure for the original Argent Mortgage Comapny and all it successors since up to and including the CitiGroup, ie. Citi Residential Lending who bought out Argent in July of 2007. I have had to be my own attorney in all our legal actions due to the fact that our income was stolen by the fradulent entries on our credit report by this group when we were trying to refinance to get out of their clutches. My government contract as an architect for border facilities was ended due to a failed background check thanks to this company's reports on my credit. I cannot afford an attorney now.

I have been fighting this battle since the spring of 2007. I informed AMC Mortgage Services president prior to the end or our three year right of recision period that if they did not return to complying with the terms of our mortgage, as they had illegally doubled our mortgage payment with numerous other items added on, that we would withhold our payments until they did. I did this notice to them twice with no response, which also included emails and direct phone calls and converstions with their office.

I later found out that the company had already put two negative reports on our credit due to their advice to hold payments for the month while they finished our refinance from our current loan with them as they would have our new lower rate loan ready in time. They lied. In July of 2007 I lost my six figure job with the government as my position required an imaculate credit report for security clearance.

Their scam turned out to enhibit us from going to other mortgage companies to refinance as several others would not touch us because we were mortgaged by this current company and AMC knew they had us boxed in. They went to refinance us again and of course this time they quoted us outlandish rates and fees knowing they had us between a rock and a hard place. I said no and see you in court.

It is now July 2008. We have been to trial court to defend against a foreclosure suit and filed a counter-suit of a million bucks. The judge took the easy road and handed them a summary judgment so they could foreclose on us and ignored my counter-suit.

I then stopped the sheriff sale on the morning of the sale with a chapter 13 filing. I am currently battling in bankruptcy court to keep our case alive as we virtually have no other debt and of course this judge is weak kneed when it comes to forcing the Citi Residential to provide the orginal signed mortgage I listed in my documents to produce that the judge oreder required of them.

I am preparing a breif for an appeal with the Indiana Appeals Court while I just disovered a new detail. A company cannot file suit to foreclose on a home owner if it does not own the mortgage prior to filing the suit. I have filed a motion with the trial court to dismiss its order, dismiss the suit and hand sanctions to Citi as the suit filed by the purported owner, WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC, as Citi is the Servicor, was filed the day before the day a purported article of sale was consumated by WM Specialty from Argent. The document filed with the county recorder, filed 15 days after the suit filing date of July 2, 2007, shows that the sale of our mortgage between Argent and WM occured on July 3, 2007 and the foreclosure suit document shows a court clerk filing stamp of suit filing on July 2, 2007.

Long story short, WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC., fradulently filed a document of sale with the county recorder that showed it did not hold ownership of our mortgage on the day that WM sued us for foreclosure. WM frauded the Court and in fact the sale document does not have a notary withness of the signer and the sale date of July 3, 2007 is typed except for the number 3 which is hand writen, another questionably fradulent docuemnt.

I have spent the past many months researching, filing legal documents and hoping and praying for justice. My reserch shows that we are victims of fraud, forgery of our closing documents of which we never received copies of nor did we get copies of the right of 3 day recission documents and multiple blatant violations of the terms of our mortgage by this string of scam companies.

All of what I have said here is court public record and can be researched by way of the Boone County Superior I Court in Lebanon, Indiana and by way of the Federal Bankruptcy Court, Southern District, Indianapolis Division, Indianapolois, Indiana.

There is soo much more to this that I cannot put it all down here or you would have to get lunch to finish reading.

I am trying every angle to pursue justice as we have been royally violated. I get angry when I see the news media lump all the mortgage problems we currently have in this country to blame it all on "those home owners who got sub-prime mortgages for loans they could not afford"! I had a six figure income and I was perfectly aware of the two year adjustible rate change and was financially prepared for it.

That was until AMC and company chose to violate the terms of our mortgage, created multiple fradulant appraisals of our home when in reality it turns out that the value was at all times below what our mortgage amount is, another of their scams. We did everything we were supposed to do including keeping our mortgage payments on time.

Now I am without a job, my wife is medically disabled and we have two young sons in middle school and trying our best to keep our home.

Currently we do not know who has our mortgage papers. No one will produce the orginals and the copies submitted to the courts all show cut and paste signatures on documents we have never seen before. Many of the purported signatures are only half showing and with names that are not our normally signed legal names my wife and I use to sign legal documents.

I have kept detailed documents and emails from the time we started qualifying for our initial loan from Argent to present day. They show bait and switch actions by them for the mortgage closing of which I documented and filed with the courts.

According to the law that I have read, if they cannot produce the orginal mortgage documents with our signatures for us to examine then they do not own our mortgage and thus do not have a case to pursue against us.

If I can get the trial court now to dismiss the case against us I am immediatley filing suit against Citi and WM for fraud and maybe ask the prosecutor for criminal charges. The Indiana Attorney Generals newly created Housing Protection Unit is getting updated information from us as early on they wanted us to keep them abreast of our court results and activies.

If anyone reading this can or knows of someone who can help us I am all ears as representing our case myself is very demanding of my time as I continue to try to get a new job. Someone who does this for a living will be a lot more efficient and knowledable than I am as I spend most of my time doing legal research just to come up to speed to keep our cases afloat.

Brad, preditor hunter
whitestown, Indiana

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Ameriquest Mortgage Company

8 Updates & Rebuttals


La Grange,

Not exactly correct

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, August 14, 2013

Brad -


I am afraid you lost me at 3-year recission period.  No such animal.  I do not know you to know for certain if you meant 3-day recission period, which is correct, or 3-year.  If you were shorted your 3-day recission period, which is required by law and and included in firm's software to prevent this form occuring, then you are subject to all your money back, plus interest.  Thats federal law.

Notary laws are specific to states/counties, but hand-written dates ARE acceptable in many areas, and I'm afraid you have no wiggle room there.  Check your local statutes on that.

Any law firm with an ounce of service integrity (which is their operational objective) should at least allow you a free first-time consultation.  If you have a winnable case, you may be able to leverage payment upon success of trial.  But, you may not have a case as you have eluded to.

The appraised amount is on the appraiser, not the mortgage company.  If you know it was appraised undervalue, then you are eluding to having seen the appraisal.  The appraiser's name is on that.  At very least, the company that person worked for is on it.  Next in line (or in collusion) is the broker - again, not the mortgage company.

Another step you may take is going to the county to see a copy of all recorded documents pretaining to the property.  This will tell you who recorded the mortgage (the title company).  This would be the next culprite - again, not the mortgage company.  Seek answers through them.

Although what I am saying here may leave a bad taste in your mouth, I am trying to help you get the answers you seek.  I do caution you to seek answers before you seek justice, because what you are looking for may not be what you end up with.  In short - I think you are looking in the wrong place.  Start with my suggestions first.


Best to you.




United States of America

same story - lost loan

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, February 24, 2011

This story is almost identical to mine. The original loan came form the company Ameriquest in 2004 It has been bought and sold several times to the point I have no idea who owns the loan. We were not living in the home due to construction.  In 2007 I  worked out a deal with them to get caught up on the payments. My story is so similar that I too spoke with a Miguel that set up a payment plan.  Then 2 weeks later a company came in and “cleaned the home” taking items that were packed up and taking boxes of personal pictures and tools. I was told that that it was foreclosed and there was nothing I could do. I now find out, in 2011, that we still own the home and now owe over two thousand dollars in back taxes and the property is still mine if I pay the taxes. Ameriquest or WM specialty, whatever they want to be called at the time, stated that it was foreclosed. Now the county were the home is, states they show that it was not foreclosed they started but did not go through with it. I am now franticly trying to track down the loan so that I can be assured that they will not take the home if I pay the taxes.



Keep Fighting Indiana!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

Wow, your story sounds all too familiar, I just printed out the new law in the state of Georgia about this very issue, AMC illegally foreclosed my property in the same manner with the same damages, but this new Ga law has informed me that I can pursue a liability case and reclaim what is mine. My property was foreclosed upon but still is in my name and I just recieved my newest county tax bill the foreclosure was 2 years ago. Funny I still own it and still get the tax bill. I am filing suit beginning of 2009, keep me posted in your case and I will do the same for you!

Brad, preditor hunter


additional research results Argent / Washington Mutual Bank

#9Author of original report

Tue, July 29, 2008

Process: July 29, 2008

My research today is directed to Washington Mutual Bank and WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC located in Seattle, Washington. My calls start at 2:50 PM on this date.

I first called Washington Mutual Bank, 888-926-8536, to acquire the phone number for WM Specialty as contact info for WM is not in the phone directory and directory assistance does not list such a company. It is determined that WM Specialty is a subsidiary of Washington Mutual Bank. The bank offered a phone number for WM as 800-888-0055. I then called this number and reached Miguel, in Texas, call center for WM.

I told Miguel that my mortgage is owned by WM and I am trying to find out where my mortgage closing documents are stored. Miguel does not find my loan number on his records and puts me on hold. Soon Pauline comes on line and asks what she can do for me. Turned out she was customer service and could not help me as Miguel had forwarded my call to her. Pauline then transferred my call to Aldo in the mortgage department.

Aldo proceeded to look up my mortgage by my social security number, my loan number and my address. Aldo could not find my loan. I explained to him that the county recorder document Assignment of Mortgage provided to me by WM suggests that WM acquired my mortgage in the summer of 2007. Aldo put me on hold to do research. Fifteen minutes later I still had not heard back from Aldo. Eventually the call disconnected from Aldo. I dont think Aldo had an answer for me.

I called back to the same number as Aldo, 800-788-7000, which was supposed to be a direct number to the mortgage department for WM. Beth answered the call and said she did not know of an Aldo and attempted to serve my call.

I then gave Beth the same info that I gave Aldo and Beth attempted to find my mortgage. She spent time trying to find my mortgage as she said it should be in the system. The time then was 3:15 PM and Beth put me on hold to find my mortgage. Again I was on hold for a long time and no return by Beth. Oddly enough, Beth dropped my call??

I immediately dialed the number again and this time it gave me the new checking account line so knowing that salesman are more excited about new business I took that option expecting quicker service. I was correct. I heard the sales person panting until I told her I wanted to be connected to the mortgage department. She deflated but connected me.

At 3:26 I was connected to the mortgage department by Paulina and Amanda answered. The whole scenario took place again and again Amanda could not find my mortgage in their system. Amanda then passed me to Donna, her supervisor. Donna is in New York.

I went through the same scenario again with Donna. Donna could not find my mortgage. Donna tried all kinds of magic in her system and no luck. I then explained or read the named assignment document from the county recorder provided by WM to me. That did not help. Donna then called her corporate office in South Carolina for their help and they were of no help in finding my mortgage.

Donna placed me on hold at that time which was then 4:05 PM. Donna came back and gave me a fax number of 206-965-3075 to have me fax to her the document of assignment I had just read to her. Again she stated to me that the corporate folks could not find my mortgage but would take my fax when they received it and do their research. Once they had an answer for me they would send me a letter in the mail sometime within the next 10 20 days.

My fax and phone call concluded at 4:09 PM. My calls from beginning to this point were nonstop with no breaks. I still had nothing to show for all my research to find my mortgage closing documents that I had never received a copy of including the document statement of the three day right of rescission.

So far, Argent Mortgage does not exist, Citi Residential does not have our mortgage documents, neither does ACC Capital Holdings and now it appears the purported owner of our mortgage, WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC does not have our documents or any record of our mortgage.

My question is now, who is Dana A. Rosas, authorized agent who signed the Assignment of Mortgage between Argent Mortgage to WM Specialty who was supposed to have consummated the sale via the named assignment document in July of 2007 and is this an authentic legal document. There is no corporate seal or notary seal contained on this document that was used to sue us for foreclosure.

Brad, preditor hunter


additional research results Argent / Washington Mutual Bank

#9Author of original report

Tue, July 29, 2008

Process: July 29, 2008

My research today is directed to Washington Mutual Bank and WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC located in Seattle, Washington. My calls start at 2:50 PM on this date.

I first called Washington Mutual Bank, 888-926-8536, to acquire the phone number for WM Specialty as contact info for WM is not in the phone directory and directory assistance does not list such a company. It is determined that WM Specialty is a subsidiary of Washington Mutual Bank. The bank offered a phone number for WM as 800-888-0055. I then called this number and reached Miguel, in Texas, call center for WM.

I told Miguel that my mortgage is owned by WM and I am trying to find out where my mortgage closing documents are stored. Miguel does not find my loan number on his records and puts me on hold. Soon Pauline comes on line and asks what she can do for me. Turned out she was customer service and could not help me as Miguel had forwarded my call to her. Pauline then transferred my call to Aldo in the mortgage department.

Aldo proceeded to look up my mortgage by my social security number, my loan number and my address. Aldo could not find my loan. I explained to him that the county recorder document Assignment of Mortgage provided to me by WM suggests that WM acquired my mortgage in the summer of 2007. Aldo put me on hold to do research. Fifteen minutes later I still had not heard back from Aldo. Eventually the call disconnected from Aldo. I dont think Aldo had an answer for me.

I called back to the same number as Aldo, 800-788-7000, which was supposed to be a direct number to the mortgage department for WM. Beth answered the call and said she did not know of an Aldo and attempted to serve my call.

I then gave Beth the same info that I gave Aldo and Beth attempted to find my mortgage. She spent time trying to find my mortgage as she said it should be in the system. The time then was 3:15 PM and Beth put me on hold to find my mortgage. Again I was on hold for a long time and no return by Beth. Oddly enough, Beth dropped my call??

I immediately dialed the number again and this time it gave me the new checking account line so knowing that salesman are more excited about new business I took that option expecting quicker service. I was correct. I heard the sales person panting until I told her I wanted to be connected to the mortgage department. She deflated but connected me.

At 3:26 I was connected to the mortgage department by Paulina and Amanda answered. The whole scenario took place again and again Amanda could not find my mortgage in their system. Amanda then passed me to Donna, her supervisor. Donna is in New York.

I went through the same scenario again with Donna. Donna could not find my mortgage. Donna tried all kinds of magic in her system and no luck. I then explained or read the named assignment document from the county recorder provided by WM to me. That did not help. Donna then called her corporate office in South Carolina for their help and they were of no help in finding my mortgage.

Donna placed me on hold at that time which was then 4:05 PM. Donna came back and gave me a fax number of 206-965-3075 to have me fax to her the document of assignment I had just read to her. Again she stated to me that the corporate folks could not find my mortgage but would take my fax when they received it and do their research. Once they had an answer for me they would send me a letter in the mail sometime within the next 10 20 days.

My fax and phone call concluded at 4:09 PM. My calls from beginning to this point were nonstop with no breaks. I still had nothing to show for all my research to find my mortgage closing documents that I had never received a copy of including the document statement of the three day right of rescission.

So far, Argent Mortgage does not exist, Citi Residential does not have our mortgage documents, neither does ACC Capital Holdings and now it appears the purported owner of our mortgage, WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC does not have our documents or any record of our mortgage.

My question is now, who is Dana A. Rosas, authorized agent who signed the Assignment of Mortgage between Argent Mortgage to WM Specialty who was supposed to have consummated the sale via the named assignment document in July of 2007 and is this an authentic legal document. There is no corporate seal or notary seal contained on this document that was used to sue us for foreclosure.

Brad, preditor hunter


calls to Citi Residential Lending and Argent Mortgage??????

#9Author of original report

Mon, July 28, 2008

Notes of todays research calls regarding our mortgage closing documents: July 28, 2008

My quest: Who has our original mortgage loan closing documents from our closing?

I looked by search engine on the internet for Argent Mortgage and I got the following contact information:

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Profile
Argent Mortgage was a wholesale lending company that was purchased from ACC Capital Holdings by Citigroup in the summer of 2007. Citigroup has essentially re-branded Argent Mortgage as Citi Residential Lending.
The office locations listed below are from 2007 and may or may not still be in operation.

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Notable
Argent Mortgage Company Llc is a HUD-approved lender (US Department of Housing and Urban Develop

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Offices

2603 MAIN ST FL 10
IRVINE, CA 92614
Tel: (800) 561-4072
Fax: (949) 798-7396

Irvine, CA Mortgage & Property Information
ORANGE, CA 92868
Tel: (888) 311-4721
Fax: (888) 262-1501
Orange, CA Mortgage & Property Information

Tel: (800) 369-5117

Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information
1701 GOLF ROAD, STE. 700
Tel: (847) 690-0517
Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information

New York
Tel: (866) 345-6334

White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information
Tel: (800) 704-8441
White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information

I then proceed to call the first location in Irvine, California. The line was busy.

I then called the second number in Orange California at 888-311-4721 and Ken answers after the automatic answering service answers as Citi Residential Lending. I choose option 5 and got Ken.

I then explained to Ken that we closed a mortgage with Argent Mortgage in the summer of 2004 and that I want to see the original loan closing documents from our closing. I had called Argent now to get that info and your Citi Residential Lending answered.

Ken stated that Citi Lending had bought out ACC Capital Holdings about October of 2007 and that Argent and Ameriquest no longer existed. Ken stated that his office did not have access to my documents and he could put me in touch with their Office of the President I asked if that was the same office of the AMC Mortgage Services President I had sent two letters of notice to in the spring of 2007? He said that was correct as Citi now occupied that office.

Ken then proceeded to forward my call to the Office of the President at 800-442-8408.

That number automatic answering service answered and then Steve picked up the phone. I told Steve that we never received a copy of our original loan closing documents including the three day right of rescission from Argent Mortgage in 2004. Steve proceeded to tell me that Citi Residential was only a loan servicer and did not have those documents and that ACC Capital Holdings Company, original umbrella company of Ameriquest, Argent and ACC Mortgage Services, would have the original documents for me to review.

He said he could give me their number as 800-442-8408.

I then called that number. The automatic answering services answered as Ameriquest Mortgage??? I dialed the inquiry option and Rick answered as ACC Capital Holdings Company. I told Rick I was confused as I thought Ameriquest was out of business. He stated it was. I then asked why his answering service answers as Ameriquest Mortgage? He said it did not do so!! I then told him to call himself and see for himself.

I then told him the same info that I wanted as I had told Steve and Ken. He calmly stated that ACC did not have those documents that Citi Residential would have them. I told him that Citi sent me to him as they told me his department had the documents. I told Rick I wanted to be able to review all the closing original documents at their law firm in Indianapolis, Rubin and Levin.

Rick said they did not have any attorneys representing them in Indianapolis. Rick proceeded to state that ACC is just a loan servicing company. I then asked him what he could tell me about WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC., and he stated they are a subsidiary lender investor of Washington Mutual Bank and that they would have provided Argent, a mortgage broker, the funds to close our mortgage.

Rick emphatically stated that Argent was gone, Ameriquest was gone and ACC was soon to close its doors. I then told Rick I was sorry for him to have to handle such a job and wished him a better job and hung up.

The bottom line, no one knows where our closing documents are and who owns them or they have all been told to give all such inquiries a major run-around to frustrate people to quit inquiring.

My calls took place between 2:00 PM and 2:30 PM Central time, 07.28.08.

Brad, preditor hunter


calls to Citi Residential Lending and Argent Mortgage??????

#9Author of original report

Mon, July 28, 2008

Notes of todays research calls regarding our mortgage closing documents: July 28, 2008

My quest: Who has our original mortgage loan closing documents from our closing?

I looked by search engine on the internet for Argent Mortgage and I got the following contact information:

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Profile
Argent Mortgage was a wholesale lending company that was purchased from ACC Capital Holdings by Citigroup in the summer of 2007. Citigroup has essentially re-branded Argent Mortgage as Citi Residential Lending.
The office locations listed below are from 2007 and may or may not still be in operation.

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Notable
Argent Mortgage Company Llc is a HUD-approved lender (US Department of Housing and Urban Develop

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Offices

2603 MAIN ST FL 10
IRVINE, CA 92614
Tel: (800) 561-4072
Fax: (949) 798-7396

Irvine, CA Mortgage & Property Information
ORANGE, CA 92868
Tel: (888) 311-4721
Fax: (888) 262-1501
Orange, CA Mortgage & Property Information

Tel: (800) 369-5117

Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information
1701 GOLF ROAD, STE. 700
Tel: (847) 690-0517
Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information

New York
Tel: (866) 345-6334

White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information
Tel: (800) 704-8441
White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information

I then proceed to call the first location in Irvine, California. The line was busy.

I then called the second number in Orange California at 888-311-4721 and Ken answers after the automatic answering service answers as Citi Residential Lending. I choose option 5 and got Ken.

I then explained to Ken that we closed a mortgage with Argent Mortgage in the summer of 2004 and that I want to see the original loan closing documents from our closing. I had called Argent now to get that info and your Citi Residential Lending answered.

Ken stated that Citi Lending had bought out ACC Capital Holdings about October of 2007 and that Argent and Ameriquest no longer existed. Ken stated that his office did not have access to my documents and he could put me in touch with their Office of the President I asked if that was the same office of the AMC Mortgage Services President I had sent two letters of notice to in the spring of 2007? He said that was correct as Citi now occupied that office.

Ken then proceeded to forward my call to the Office of the President at 800-442-8408.

That number automatic answering service answered and then Steve picked up the phone. I told Steve that we never received a copy of our original loan closing documents including the three day right of rescission from Argent Mortgage in 2004. Steve proceeded to tell me that Citi Residential was only a loan servicer and did not have those documents and that ACC Capital Holdings Company, original umbrella company of Ameriquest, Argent and ACC Mortgage Services, would have the original documents for me to review.

He said he could give me their number as 800-442-8408.

I then called that number. The automatic answering services answered as Ameriquest Mortgage??? I dialed the inquiry option and Rick answered as ACC Capital Holdings Company. I told Rick I was confused as I thought Ameriquest was out of business. He stated it was. I then asked why his answering service answers as Ameriquest Mortgage? He said it did not do so!! I then told him to call himself and see for himself.

I then told him the same info that I wanted as I had told Steve and Ken. He calmly stated that ACC did not have those documents that Citi Residential would have them. I told him that Citi sent me to him as they told me his department had the documents. I told Rick I wanted to be able to review all the closing original documents at their law firm in Indianapolis, Rubin and Levin.

Rick said they did not have any attorneys representing them in Indianapolis. Rick proceeded to state that ACC is just a loan servicing company. I then asked him what he could tell me about WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC., and he stated they are a subsidiary lender investor of Washington Mutual Bank and that they would have provided Argent, a mortgage broker, the funds to close our mortgage.

Rick emphatically stated that Argent was gone, Ameriquest was gone and ACC was soon to close its doors. I then told Rick I was sorry for him to have to handle such a job and wished him a better job and hung up.

The bottom line, no one knows where our closing documents are and who owns them or they have all been told to give all such inquiries a major run-around to frustrate people to quit inquiring.

My calls took place between 2:00 PM and 2:30 PM Central time, 07.28.08.

Brad, preditor hunter


calls to Citi Residential Lending and Argent Mortgage??????

#9Author of original report

Mon, July 28, 2008

Notes of todays research calls regarding our mortgage closing documents: July 28, 2008

My quest: Who has our original mortgage loan closing documents from our closing?

I looked by search engine on the internet for Argent Mortgage and I got the following contact information:

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Profile
Argent Mortgage was a wholesale lending company that was purchased from ACC Capital Holdings by Citigroup in the summer of 2007. Citigroup has essentially re-branded Argent Mortgage as Citi Residential Lending.
The office locations listed below are from 2007 and may or may not still be in operation.

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Notable
Argent Mortgage Company Llc is a HUD-approved lender (US Department of Housing and Urban Develop

Argent Mortgage Company Llc: Offices

2603 MAIN ST FL 10
IRVINE, CA 92614
Tel: (800) 561-4072
Fax: (949) 798-7396

Irvine, CA Mortgage & Property Information
ORANGE, CA 92868
Tel: (888) 311-4721
Fax: (888) 262-1501
Orange, CA Mortgage & Property Information

Tel: (800) 369-5117

Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information
1701 GOLF ROAD, STE. 700
Tel: (847) 690-0517
Rolling Meadows, IL Mortgage & Property Information

New York
Tel: (866) 345-6334

White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information
Tel: (800) 704-8441
White Plains, NY Mortgage & Property Information

I then proceed to call the first location in Irvine, California. The line was busy.

I then called the second number in Orange California at 888-311-4721 and Ken answers after the automatic answering service answers as Citi Residential Lending. I choose option 5 and got Ken.

I then explained to Ken that we closed a mortgage with Argent Mortgage in the summer of 2004 and that I want to see the original loan closing documents from our closing. I had called Argent now to get that info and your Citi Residential Lending answered.

Ken stated that Citi Lending had bought out ACC Capital Holdings about October of 2007 and that Argent and Ameriquest no longer existed. Ken stated that his office did not have access to my documents and he could put me in touch with their Office of the President I asked if that was the same office of the AMC Mortgage Services President I had sent two letters of notice to in the spring of 2007? He said that was correct as Citi now occupied that office.

Ken then proceeded to forward my call to the Office of the President at 800-442-8408.

That number automatic answering service answered and then Steve picked up the phone. I told Steve that we never received a copy of our original loan closing documents including the three day right of rescission from Argent Mortgage in 2004. Steve proceeded to tell me that Citi Residential was only a loan servicer and did not have those documents and that ACC Capital Holdings Company, original umbrella company of Ameriquest, Argent and ACC Mortgage Services, would have the original documents for me to review.

He said he could give me their number as 800-442-8408.

I then called that number. The automatic answering services answered as Ameriquest Mortgage??? I dialed the inquiry option and Rick answered as ACC Capital Holdings Company. I told Rick I was confused as I thought Ameriquest was out of business. He stated it was. I then asked why his answering service answers as Ameriquest Mortgage? He said it did not do so!! I then told him to call himself and see for himself.

I then told him the same info that I wanted as I had told Steve and Ken. He calmly stated that ACC did not have those documents that Citi Residential would have them. I told him that Citi sent me to him as they told me his department had the documents. I told Rick I wanted to be able to review all the closing original documents at their law firm in Indianapolis, Rubin and Levin.

Rick said they did not have any attorneys representing them in Indianapolis. Rick proceeded to state that ACC is just a loan servicing company. I then asked him what he could tell me about WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC., and he stated they are a subsidiary lender investor of Washington Mutual Bank and that they would have provided Argent, a mortgage broker, the funds to close our mortgage.

Rick emphatically stated that Argent was gone, Ameriquest was gone and ACC was soon to close its doors. I then told Rick I was sorry for him to have to handle such a job and wished him a better job and hung up.

The bottom line, no one knows where our closing documents are and who owns them or they have all been told to give all such inquiries a major run-around to frustrate people to quit inquiring.

My calls took place between 2:00 PM and 2:30 PM Central time, 07.28.08.

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