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  • Report:  #915337

Complaint Review: Argentina AFIP Agencia Federal de Ingresos Publicos - Argentinas secret police war against the citizens by Kirchner corrupt government

Argentina AFIP Agencia Federal de Ingresos Publicos - Argentinas secret police war against the citizens by Kirchner corrupt government Argentinas secret police oppressive war against the citizens by Kirchner corrupt government Buenos Aires, Other

  • Reported By:
    Kretina — Other Argentina
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 21, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 21, 2012
  • Argentina AFIP Agencia Federal de Ingresos Publicos - Argentinas secret police war against the citizens by Kirchner corrupt government
    Balcarce 50, Capital Federal, Bs. Aires, Argenitna
    Buenos Aires, Select State/Province
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Argentina AFIP steals seizes personal property from citizens and residents of Argentina to give to the president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Kirchner uses AFIP inspections to invent supposed tax evaders and seize their personal property. Has shut off access to foreign currency to all citizens of Argentina, does not allow citizens to sell property or transfer their money or property out of Argentina. Arbitrarily invents taxes to steal and seize personal property. Arbitrary inspections of citizens private homes and businesses and falsely acuses citizens of not declaring income. Argentina the most corrupt government in the history of the country with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner president, Amadou Boudou vice president, Hugo Chavez close ally supplies weapons to Kirchner army to keep citizens oppressed AVOID ARGENTINA at all costs, Argentina is talking about starting wars and taking over territories in Chile and the Falkland Islands, to cover up the rampant government corruption and drug trafficking that the president Kirchner is directly involved in. AFIP Argentina terrorists trapped citizens Argentina goverment steals from everyone in the country and transfers the stolen money to offshore accounts. Argentina AFIP has trained dogs to smell money on citizens of Argentina!

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