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  • Report:  #1131989

Complaint Review: Argosy University

Argosy University Argosy University Online Scam, Emotional Abuse, Manipulative, Lies Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Xi.Keff — Kemmerer Wyoming
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 20, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 20, 2014

First, when I applied, I was excited to be going to college. Argosy seemed eager to be gaining a student as well. They asked what subject and I answered, but they never asked what level of education. They automatically enrolled me into a Bachelor's when I only wanted an associates.

My first 3 courses were too easy. I passed with flying colors. They cost $1687 a course... I was taught basic common sense, not to blurt obscenities and not to say sexual inuendos in public. Common sense. I was then even put into a class that taught me how to use Facebook and social media. That also cost $1687 roughly. It was a huge waste of time.

Then came the true nightmare. I began my class called "General Math". There was nothing general about it. I was forced to learn algebra within a week. Then calculus within a week. Then how to use the Hamilton Method and the Huntington Hill Method. There was nothing general about this math course. I eventually failed it, despite my hard work and effort. I now owe out of pocket $1700.

Half way through my "General Math Class" my computer died and I was left with no way to participate in class except to borrow my mother in law's laptop twice a week. The academic counselor's response was to stop going to work so much and to spend more time on homework. I am the only employed person who (works over 40 hours a week) in my home right now and have two children to feed and take care of. They were emotionally abusive towards me and bullied me into taking these classes and threatened me financially. They also said that I would be forced to owe out of pocket if I were to drop out of the class that I did not sign up for.

After that, I have an outstanding balance of $1687 and I was asked to pass the next two classes with a C or better in order to recieve a grant so I don't have to pay the class out of pocket. So I was basically forced to try to recieve two passing grades so I wouldn't have to pay that amount... It didn't happen.

My last course was the worst experience. Still not having a computer, I asked if I could have a little time off so I could try to save up money for a computer. They said I would only have three days until the next course started or I would be forced to drop from the school completely and pay for the class I was already enrolled in without my consent. So, for three weeks, I was again trying to make my posts from my phone and tablet, but was unable to do any of my papers or MyLabs. Thankfully after the third week, I was able to buy a laptop. I hurried and started my 5 writing assignments. Within a week and a half, I was able to complete half of the mylabs, most of my papers, and some discussions. I had my high school English teachers review my work because my current professor completely ignored all my emails and requests. I polished my papers to my old English teachers' suggestions and I still only recieved maybe C or B on the assignments. I feel I was graded unfairly.

Also, at the end of the course, the professor "forgot" to put in a grade for a 200 point assignment and it had me at a failing grade. At that point I was then locked out of my new course and tried contacting my English professor as to why I had a failing grade. She never responded. Five days went by before my academic counselor Brittany Corcetti finally contacted me told me the situation. My English professor responded to her but not me. The lock was then lifted from my current course but then I was faced with risk of being dropped from the class because of attendance. All because my English teacher had me failed and my outstanding balance for TWO classes that were "failed". Now, I don't think it's fair that my attendance is being held against me because of their screw up. After only two days in the class, where I already posted, I am now being threatened to be dropped from the course because of this.

Now, my financial counselor then said to me that I must make either $187/month payments for the next 9 months to pay for my class, which would be impossible to do with the income I have, or I have to expand my loan by $1687 to cover my class that I failed. Or I could make small payments monthly but then I would be dropped from my current course then owe for two classes. So in the long run, I had to expand my loan to cover the failed class.

And overall, they have been rude to me, answering my questions and requests with simple unresourceful answers and have bullied me into staying. I have now requested that I be dropped from the school after this course because of their ways. I tried calling the Dean of Students and nobody at the school knows it or refuses to tell me. I left a message for the "Manager of the Academic Counselors". I have yet to hear from them.

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