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  • Report:  #559481

Complaint Review: Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners

Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners Debra Rinaudo, Mark Harris Phoenix, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    New Jersey United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 25, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 09, 2012
  • Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
    Phoenix, Arizona
    United States of America
  • Phone:
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  • Category:

DATE - 11/7/08





Further, I was working as a pro bono therapist, subpoenaed by a client to provide factual, first hand information to the court on facts to which I could personally attest.

Judge Mary Margaret McVeigh used her position to suppress evidence and testimony that ultimately led to the suicide death of a twelve year old child who refused to be taken from the protective custody of his mother to be placed with the brutal treatment and intimidation of his father.

Jones-Sodermans attempts to bring facts to the attention of the court to protect the child which McVeigh seemed to want maintained concealed, placed in motion McVeighs decision to retaliate against Jones-Soderman by contacting a licensing board. To place a false complaint. In collusion with that licensing board and with the use of the power of McVeighs position, factually false charges were placed against Jones-Soderman. The licensing board, confabulated charges against Jones-Soderman which ultimately resulted in the loss of her New Jersey social work license.

I was amazed that finding an attorney for any amount of money was an impossible task.

I was referred from one high powered expensive attorney to another all were eager to see me, hear what I had to say, have their assistants and co workers hear what I had to say.

I was aware that phone calls were being made to colleagues of the attorney I was meeting with while I was meeting with that attorney. My nave thought was that the attorney was seeking assistance, co- counsel, consultation. However after four to five interviews in one day - I realized that I was an object of curiosity - that all of these people had heard about me, knew of my case at the point that I realized that the high priced, fancy lawyer with whom I was meeting, along with his entourage was in fact pointing out points of law to his young interns as to how the attorney generals was going about prosecuting me. This was information that he could not have known - as I did not tell him.

Finding an attorney to represent me was quite literally impossible. A body who bore the credential of attorney was located -first Anita Rae Manns represented me for a preliminary meeting with the New Jersey Social Work Licensing Board and Consumer Affairs Agency. She acted as their minion, their steward - what they asked for - she attempted to get me to present. Cooperate was the word of the day - and we will get you off with a slap on the wrist. I had done nothing wrong - I had done everything right - why should I get a slap on the wrist. The person was mute and useless.

Anita Rae Manns of Totowa New Jersey was replaced Stephen Schippione of Fairfield, New Jersey.

Schippiones distinctive characteristics were that he never returned phone calls, had to be called incessantly to be reached and never sent any copies of correspondence to me - essentially because there probably was no documents and few conversations of meaningto me to pass on. Schippione was an attorney who assured me - we would work this out - just settle it - get it over with - or else there would be dire consequences. The specter of trials and criminal action - the olive branch of a fine $100. For breaching confidentiality - I spoke to a secretary - gave information. No big deal.

Not one attorney, not one licensing board was in any way interested in the underlying issue of the case - the protection of young children in a wildly rogue - fraudulent - biased court.

I went from a mute, timid, useless attorney, Anita Rae Manns to an attorney who seemed to be willing to negotiate - to get the point across that I had done nothing wrong, the case had merit because of the nature of the case - children/ domestic violence. In fact - the case seemed to be so simple - I did not even have to meet with him - and I never did.

I never met with - or viewed the attorney who negotiated a consent order ultimately giving away my state license. I never saw - the consent order because when my attorney prepared - what I thought I was signing - because I wrote it -and he was to put it in legalese; I signed the last page - the signature page of a consent order prepared between my lawyer and the attorney generals office.

Attorney number three Michael Kuhns of Morristown, New Jersey was at a loss because the resources of the attorney generals office combined to falsify evidence - to prepare under cover agents to push their way into my home and file false allegations, make up bizarre statements about me.

I refused to cooperate with the attorney generals office - or admit to any wrong doing of any form.

Threats by the assistant attorney general Susan Berger at a hearing directed at forcing me to sign yet another consent order - that if I did not sign what she wanted me to sign - I would not leave the court room in time to pick up my child from school.

A single mother, a widow, threatened with jail - for not signing a document that was a veil of lies... my decision at that hearing with Michael Kuhns - whose only comment in court was - let me speak to my clientJill you will leave this court in hand cuffs and chains if you do not sign this consent order . My decision was to do what I needed to do now - and fight later.

Attorney number four, Richard S. Mazawey was the attorney hired by my client Danielle Lough, the mother of the three children brought to me for evaluation in 2001.Danielle and her new husband were continuing to fight the court who held her children hostage and threatened her new marriage. Danielle was married, pregnant and had her three boys when she began working with Richard S. Mazawey in 2004 by Nov. 2008 - she has nothing.

The family court made chronic and finally successful attempts to separate husband and wife and children from mother and stepfather. Ultimately, my client who originally sought me out when I was the consultant to the domestic violence shelter - Strengthen Our Sisters in West Milford, New Jersey lost all four of her children.

Islam Elkaryoney committed suicide on Oct. 25th, 2005 by kneeling, leaning forward against a belt wrapped around his neck and the bed post - so that he deliberately choked himself to death.

The note left for his mother stated -I love you Mom

The Pasaic County Family Court presided over by Judges Rothstadt and Diamond court appointed evaluator Paul Dasher ultimately caused my client, with the assistance of DYFS to lose her remaining children. Her baby with her new husband was placed in foster care and the rights of both parents to their baby were terminated.They both jumped through every hoop - every parenting class, evaluator, therapy, bonding evaluations ............all for nought.

The fourth attorney, Richard S. Mazawey who represented himself as a warrior against the forces of evil - fearless in dealing with the attorney generals office was an orator and an attorney who knew what should and could be done.

Failure to follow through on any form of proactive defense, factually worsened my professional status. Active collusion with the various attorney generals offices and licensing boards who would have loved to find evidence against me has deepened my understanding and identification with my clients who are betrayed by their attorneys who promise the world and deliver whirlwind.

Mr. Mazawey graciously has agreed on several occasions to turn over material which would violate my patients rights as well as my own - with no probable cause for requesting such information. He has agreed to offer to support the violation of my privacy rights. The attorney generals office in the form of the licensing boards has asked for patients records by locating the names of clients who have insurance and seek insurance reimbursement. Patients have been contacted in their homes and at their offices so that they might be personally pursued and questioned. Recommendations by investigators from the attorney generals office in New Jersey have visited and threatened my patients, recommending that they see another therapist. My patients have written letters to Mr. Mazawey and to the New Jersey licensing board, protesting the invasion of their and my privacy.

Patients visited by the attorney generals office have continued as my patients and have testified on my behalf only to be themselves ridiculed and threatened in court. My patients - physicians, attorneys, engineers, stockbrokers were questioned in court about their licenses, their practices and then they were ridiculed and belittled in court. Further, they were faced with members of the attorney generals investigators offices - the IRS and insurance fraud departments - all writing notes about their offices and their practices and their mal practice actions in other states, an intimidation tactic which did not go unnoticed.

New Jersey investigators have visited my home in New Jersey, often enough to have found me at home. They then came to my home in New York to prove that I did not live in New York, but were met at the door of my home in New York - so they found that supposition difficult to uphold.

Richard S. Mazawey laid out the legal landscape ..for the opposition - and then offered to escort me down the yellow brick road.

My answer to Mazawey and others - go back to school - continue public speaking, writing, publishing, establishing a Foundation - THE FOUNDATION FOR THE CHILD VICTIMS OF THE FAMILY COURTS - and creating a network of friends/advocates across the country - and more importantly - to continue to work!

Richard S. Mazawey has been placed on notice to place his mal practice carrier on notice as preparations for a mal practice action against him are in process.

The other attorneys noted are already served with legal action and that action will be pursued.

Federal Civil Rights law suits will be prepared against the actors Debra Renaudo, Arizona licensing board director and Marc Harris Esq. licensing board deputy attorney general of Arizona. All members of the licensing board who like lemmings acted under the direction of Renaudo and Harris to pursue fraudulent and defamatory anonymous information from the state of New Jersey will be named as actors in the violation of my Federal Civil Rights as well.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Debra Rinaudo

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 09, 2012

Was Rinaudo with the licensing board in New Jersey at the time?  I have learned of some information pertaining to some ethics violations that Debra Rinaudo may or may not have.  Does anyone know anything about what Debra Rinaudo's previous ethics violations were?  Was this while she was an attorney?  We have some licensed or previously licensed professionals that have expressed an interest in moving forward with a class action lawsuit pertaining to the actions and tactics of the BBHE.  Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks! 

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