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  • Report:  #64933

Complaint Review: Arizona Government

Arizona Government Illegal politics in Arizona government again political corruption, it's all about who you know! ripoff to Arizona people, buying all of Arizona, check these people out and tell me I'm wrong!! Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Phoenix AZ
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 30, 2003
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 30, 2003

This started out as a quest for child support owed to me by my exhusband Ron Pike of Pike Landscape Contracting. I have been trying to get the court to do something about his not paying even though he has been ordered to for years. I have told the story to many people about how he is never charged with contempt, how he gives illegal reasons for not paying.

How he lies under oath saying things like our son lived with him or his business is going down the tubes because the other owners bailed on him leaving him in debt. How he has committed fraud with his wife with property they own. Everyone is amazed at the stories I have about things that happen downtown. Things the government has pulled on me with this case.

This story is not only about my exhusband and me its about what I found out about his inlaws. Which maybe the reason he gets away with the s**t he has pulled and the Attorney Generals Office and Expedited Support and The Department of Economic Security gets away with what they pulled on me is because of who he knows?

In a state of amazement of the outcome of three years of waiting for Expedited Support the Attorney Generals Office and DES to come up with an accurate calculation of arrears owed to me I started to check out my exhusbands inlaws. To my amazement I found out they are personal friends of a judge who was our judge for most of the years of my case. I found out they, my exhusbands father in law is the president of a company called "The City Of Phoenix Improvement Corp." I checked out the family and their friends and can't believe some of the things I found. I am not accusing anyone of anything because I do not know enough about business law in Arizona to make that kind of statement. I do think something is fishy with some of the companys and what their business is here in Phoenix. I will let you be the judge of that and only tell you these people have done everything they possibly could to interfer with this child support case and their so called businesses have undeliverable addresses and made up people as members or owners.

February of 2003 I took my ex back to court to make him pay what he owed me in arrears from child support. The judge did away with three judgements I had because nobody could seem to calculate what was owed to me except me. They wouldn't even look at my calculation which was correct. The State pretended I had no judgements and just went from day one of a missed payment and calculated that way. I did not want them to say there were no judgements because there were and if I could calculate so could they. I just thought they were up to something tricky as usual. They did things like had conferences with my ex and his lawyer without me where they said no money was owed. Once they said I owed my ex. That was funny. They allowed him to say things like he fell behind in child support because he bought his new foreman a new truck and didn't want to ruin his credit. When I got upset they said with my attitude I would never get any money. Our cases were held after all other cases were heard in court. We would get called up into a little back office on the eleventh floor before court and they would ask me just what I was objecting to. It was always the same thing they were not putting interest on the missed payments. They continually told me I was not entitled to interest. I have hundreds of letters concerning that interest where I would write them and say I was entitled to interest on missed payments it was the law in Arizona and they would out and out lie and say not in my case or Expedited Support doesn't add interest but the State does. How they were calculating my ex was financially better off if he didn't pay on time like say he missed two months of child support at two hundred dollars a month then the third month he would pay six hundred dollars. They took two hundred and applied it to that months child support the other four hundred dollars they deducted from an interest earning judgement he owed yet they didn't charge him interest on the missed months of child support. Well like I said three years of arguing that point and finally I called their bluff and won but the judge did away with my judgements and says my ex only owes interest in the amount of sixteen thousand dollars. I think they did that for a reason but don't know what it is yet.

Let me tell you a little about my exhusband Ron Pike. Hes self employed like I said. He is the sole owner he lied when he said he had partners and they bailed on him. He also lied under oath saying he couldn't possibly owe that much money in arrears because our son lived with him. A bold faced lie. I was told by the judge to prove otherwise. I have sole custody and I have to prove hes a liar. Go figure. I spent all the next day going to schools for records and doctors. Funny thing it was never brought up in court again. Okay my ex and his wife Julie Estfan Pike are committing fraud with their property this I can prove. They apply for the loan together on something but when its recorded only her name shows up. They have hidden all his business assets. Online at the Recorders Office it shows hes been sued five times in the past year from his business and online at court there are no judgements from those lawsuits. I say they are phoney. I have never been able to see his financial info because he always says he hasn't filed yet in court and that is okay with the judge. This man has no other children to support thank God and hes never been a father to his son. Hes a real scumbag and so are his inlaws and wife.

DES, The Attorney Generals Office and Expedited Support have gone out of their way to help him avoid paying me. They have had conferences with my ex and his lawyer and that is illegal. They would miscalculate the amount owed then when I filed contempt they would mail me another calculation with a lesser amount owed saying that last calculation was incorrectly done. This went on for three years. They tried every trick in the book to help him to avoid paying that interest on the missed payments from out and out lying and saying no interest to pretending they didn't know what I was asking for. I asked Kara Burke once if someone was helping him to avoid paying and she said, "Oh no not this case." No one turned him into the credit bureaus, no one took his business or personal license. Last year he owed money on his state taxes from his business and they put a lien on his property and accounts and they never told me but it looks like they took the majority of the money seized to cover taxes when I had first priority with my child support judgement. I received a check for two thousand something but no letter saying they seized I found out from him. He later paid twenty five thousand dollars to the state to cover those taxes a month before our court date. Last time in court in February of this year the judge ordered him to pay me three hundred dollars a month until the sixteen thousand is paid off and he was to start March 1, 2003. I have received five hundred dollars to date so far. I filed contempt of court for the fifth time in May and am still waiting for a court date.

Okay so while I'm waiting I start checking out businesses his inlaws own or run and most aren't legit. Check out "The City of Phoenix Improvement Corp", at the County Recorders Office and see what they are involved in and tell me they aren't very important people downtown. They have everything covered they are in Real Estate (Pat Estfan Wally Estfan) they have the insurance covered by one of the sons and they have the builders the remodelers. They have the lawyers, Judge Murphy. They are even in charge of buying land for the Catholic Church can you imagine that. And all those non profit corporations. I just want someone else to check these people out and tell me I'm wrong and its legal to have a business with an undeliverable domestic address. And some of the names have got to be made up on these corporations they can't be real. Ashkan? Come on. I will list a few there are so many nobody would have the time and hopefully someone will find something to nail these sobs including downtown before they buy all of Arizona and start their own commune or something.

CT Corporation Service
RMP Ventures
CT Agency
WNF Consulting
OMNI Managing Group
RHEIA Solutions

Phoenix, Arizona

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