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  • Report:  #194946

Complaint Review: Arkansas Child Protective Services

Arkansas Child Protective Services ripoff of parents, children, Federal and State government Little Rock Arkansas

  • Reported By:
    LITTLE ROCK Arkansas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 06, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 11, 2009
  • Arkansas Child Protective Services
    Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I will keep this as short as possible.

My name is Bill Sxxxx, I testified before the Senate task force on Child protective Services May 5th 2006.

At that time I spoke of a number of cases that I had become aware of where Children were literally taken from parents for literally no reason. I mentioned two actual cases.

One case my own, in which I was told that my Child had herpes type 2 when she actually ended up 7 days later with type 1. Type one antigen test only means that She at least had to have had a fever blister sometime in her life to test positive. Science cannot tell you when where or how.

An investiagtion was done by North Little Rock police Dept and later validated by the State Police that there was NO evidence of any sexual abuse. Documents say it was unfounded.

Child protective Services Lied to the Judge and said that there was an ongoing investigation and that they should hold on to my 10 year old daughter until it was finished. They had been contacted and the evidence had been discussed. they knew it was unfounded. They systematically worked to keep all exculpatory information out of the court hearing. The Judge went along because DCFS are the eyes and ears of the Judge.

The fact is, by law, even if it had been a worse case senario and my Child had been raped, since I am not accused, there is no reason for them to have My Child. In a case of of rape, you put the rapist in Jail and not abuse the child by moving her from a loving Family. This was not a case where abuse was evident at all. No excuses! This began early May 2005.

They Still have My Daughter.


The Second case that I spoke to the Senate about, is the Case of Nancy Fxxx and her Grand Child Sxxx, who lives in Sharp County. This case is unbelievable.

The Grand Child was given to another Grand mother who never did anything to raise the Child. She had so-called Statements from many prominent people that she claimed had vouched for her. Problem is no one was there to admit that they did vouch for her and all the so-called vouchers are saying that She used their names fraudulently and want her prosecuted.

She even admitted in court that she lives with registered pediphiles and sex abusers. How can She do this, you may ask? According to Miss Fxxx, this Woman Ms. Sxxx Exxxx, told her that She knew everyone in the County and had dirt on them all.

After about 3 weeks Ms. Fxxxx was allowed to visit Sxxx Her Grandson, he had loss 30% of his body weight and his front permanent teeth were broken out.

The next visit in the middle of May 2006, the Child had marks of physical abuse all over his body. I have pictures of all this. The witnesses were a State Representative, a State Policeman, a regular policeman, an emergency managemant person and about 4 other people.

The child begged anyone to take him home and not allow him to have to go back to Ms Sxxx Exxx place. He explained by name, the people involved with hm at her house. Some of these were the registered sex abusers. There is audio available.

Child protective Services had been ordered to get involved and for about 2 months, I understand, they refused, and even asked the court to dismiss them from the case. The court did so.

Now that the Child had obvious marks of abuse, the policemen promised him that He would not have to go back. They called Child protective Services who promptly gave the Child back.

After I introduced these cases to Senator Malone and others, DCFS got involved, but get this, on the side of the lady with the pediphiles.

They called Ms. Fxxx to a probable cause hearing late one evening a week or so ago. The hearing was held 65 miles away in Jackson County and She had to be there at 9am.

The Judge Granted Probable cause all right, but it was granted to Ms. Fxxx and not to DHS. She was told to bring her witnesses June the 20th 2006.

DHS then had her arrested yesterday, not telling her what it was about. No rights were read to her. At the time of her arrest, she was being followed all around and this was noted by a policeman.

This lady has video and audio of many unbelievable events.

I pointed out the power of DHS to the Senate. I tried to make them understand that with the Judge and DCFS being partners in Child abuse hearings, the parent has little chance particularly if they are poor. There is no true adversarial hearing. With DCFS being the eyes and ears of the judge, if DCFS just made up something, the judge is likely to believe them without proof or substantiality of any kind. DCFS becomes the evidence.

I asked that they would appoint an independent investigatory commission and do a from stratch investigation in all the DCFS cases at random. I told them that they would find that in less than half of the cases there was a neccessity of removing the Children and the rights of many has been violated. In fact in some places where this has been done, it was found that in less then a tenth of cases were it neccessary to remove the child.

What a ripoff! DCFS can get paid in 5 different ways,but this all Starts with the taking of the Child or children. After they are finished with the Children at age 18, they are thrown out unprepared to fend for themselves. American society has to begin paying for them all over again. The come out of the system worse off than ever.

What most people in the situation that I and many find ourselves is that no one listens. I told the Senate that when we go to a Representative of Senator, the first place they go is DCFS. They hear some answer given and run off. You cannot ask the Fox tearing up the Chickens if they are abusing the Chickens. You will never get an answer of yes. You must check the law and the Situation and see for yourself.

We are looking for some brave souls who not only can make a big Splash by taking our cases or just one, but who recognise the political forces that will come against them and care more about justice. Believe me, I have found this not to be as easy as I thought.

Our cases are 2 of many where thare is no real answer from DCFS. They can find NO reasonable answer for why they did what they did. They make up answers as they see fit.

In my case for instance, I and a couple Representatives had a meeting with DCFS. At the meeting they said that they were so sorry but it was not their fault. It was the Judge's fault. I pointed out that the judge would have made a good decision if they had not objected to exculpatory information Coming from the City and State police and UAMS. They apparently needed to change that answer. Then a week later they begin to say that, I refused services. This is an obvious lie. I am still jumping through every hoop that they ask of me. When asked by one Representative, why did they lie before the Judge to keep my child. (There is abosolute proof of this) They told him that it was irrelavant. We tried to introduce the same information in court. They objected and told the judge that it was irrelavant. The Judge looked at us and repeated what they said, that it was irrelevant, before she heard the information.

This is their motiff operandi in many cases.

I believe that one of the things that seems to make many only look at cases like these and say, God bless you go in peace, is because, if We cannot trust DCFS, who can we trust? We know that there are real cases of abuse and dread having to fight such a formidible opponent with political tentacles every where.

I only ask people to think of those, cases like I have mentioned here and maybe well overhalf of all cases are still abuse of the Children. Maybe our made for kids organization is actually the cause of more abuse that it saves the children from. It is never "IN THE BEST INTEREST" of a child to remove them from loving parent, even if they are not perfect, and place them in a worse system. A system where they are 11 times more likely to be abused than at home. Six times more likely to die. former foster care kids make up 30% of the homeless. about 40% does not graduate high School. 25% of those in prison are former foster kids. 52% end up suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

If some of the research is correct 50% to over 90% of cases in many areas were ones where the child never should have been removed from home. We are talking about a multibillion dollar industry here. Year after year. It's go to be the biggest ongoing ripoff in modern American history


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5 Updates & Rebuttals



Please read!!! parental rights being taken away from all of us

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, May 10, 2009

Please go to this website ( ) to view what the United States Government and the United Nation's has in store for the American parents rights and how they are taking away your right as a parent and giving them to court systems. Read about the treaty that the US government is supporting and ratified. If a treaty is signed and ratified by the US government it supersedes the Constitution and is above all State and Federal laws we have currently in place, giving the governments the full authority of the best interest of our children regardless of what we as parents feel about it.
The UN is having the elections for a committee to create and enforce this new treaty on May 12 2009. We as Americans need to stand up for our rights as parents. Please go to the website ( ) and do some research and determine for yourself. If you believe they are taking your rights away then sign the petition on that site to have an amendment added to the constitution to protect us from that issue. They are destroying what this country was founded on and what is means.




#6Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

Can anyone recommend an attorney that will help us with a DHS case? We are a low income family and cannot afford an attorney. I tried legal aid, but sitting on hold for hours constitutes getting help from them and I still have not been able to talk to anyone.



It does not sound like the children are safe.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 28, 2006

Well first off I must say I disagree with Aafes's statement of taking children on a suspicion of abuse. In order to indict a person on a charge there must be reasonable evidence to support such allegations in trial.

After all they remove the children because there is a crime being commited against them yes? Why not just arrest the perpetrator, and leave the child to the other parent, or closest relative? Is that not what they FIRST try to do immediately after taking a child from the parent's home?

I do not have experience with such agencies however I do have experience with upset or "jealous" individuals filing false reports on me personally, and police doing a "child welfare check" on filed complaints/reports from what used to be close friends. (complying, and having an "open door policy" is the first step when they show up on your front porch. If you do not want them to enter, one would ask why? What are you hiding from them?)

You see, first off I do not understand how these children get taken to begin with, if there is no cause for CPS to do so. I really don't believe CPS is out scowering the cities looking for the "poorest families to pick on" because they will not be able financially to "fight for very long." That I have to disagree with. I believe they have to have a reason for removal to begin with.

It would appear in this posting, that a child (who's age was not mentioned) has herpes. Is this cause for alarm? How did this "herpes" check come about to begin with? Hmm. Well, if the child is not sexually active and is to young to be considered sexually active, I would say yes this is cause for alarm. (I have had cold sores, and I do not test positive for herpes 1) hmm.

Having "dirt" on someone will not entice a judge to rule on her side. Judges have laws, and guidelines they are BOUND to. (no matter what "dirt" she has) If CPS asked to be "dismissed" from the case, and it was granted, who then had the right to "keep" the children? Foster parents don't have those rights do they? Who then were you fighting against if they dismissed their claim, or were not involved anymore?

So did the prosecuting attorney file charges against the "father" or alleged child abuser? Then why was he/you/she not put into custody, and the children placed with relatives?

This story has more holes than I can shake a stick at, and I will re-read it. In the meantime, maybe someone can fill in some blanks.



That's a grave error

#6Author of original report

Tue, June 06, 2006

In the USA,at least by law, you are not suppose to take kids on suspicion alone. A case worker often gets suspicious if you don't just allow them to walk into your house without a warrent. DCFS does this many times.

Here is the problem. People that think like you suppose that a Child is better off removed, if there is a suspicion. The idea seems to be that at least we would know the child is safe.

Studies has shown that the children are much worse off going through the system if they were not abused. Taking children from loving parents because they are poor, for instance. They know that these people cannot fight them for long.

Let me say right now, that there are few things more dangerous to a child than to put them through the psychological abuse of riping them from their family needlessly. It is State sponsered abuse.

In about half the States a child can be taken on the word of only a case worker who can be 18 years old and with little training.

There is a 30 to 70 percent attrition rate of employees of Child Protection Services, depending on area. The good one leave after they see what is happening. This tends to leave those that will do whatever to make a living. Ihave had one of my case workers to quit because of this. Another one is saying she will also.

I have first hand knowledge that they do not seek to investigate, they seek to validate because taking the child is what starts the money flowing.

I have challenged the Senate to do de novo investigations at random to prove or disprove my point. I am certain of what I say and I have some State elected servants who are listening.

Any System that partners with the Judge cannot be fair on the face of it! Not fair to the parent or the child.

I have no doubt the reason DCFS are fighting me so hard on this is because they know that I am right.

California has tried to do what I am saying and DCFS could not or WOULD NOT present 40% percent of their cases. They said that they could not find them.

In my mind, this and not the Patriot Act, is the greatest threat to our liberty, because they are already doing what they want,when they want,collecting the MONEY and no one seems to be able or even want to rein them in. AT LEAST WE KNOW THEY ARE SAFE! Right?



If your post is true

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

If your post is true, you should try taking this to the media. If evidence in support of your case was supressed by the judge, I am sure they would be interested.

Yours is only one side of the story. I am not saying you are misleading the readers here, however, it is my experience that the parents involved in these cases say only what they want CPS to hear. Your story may be true, or half the truth.

I tend to err on the side of the children. If there were even a suspicion of a child being neglected or abused, I would support removing them.

As for the party that lives with "known pedophiles", if that statement is true a lot of CPS workers and the judge belong in jail.

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