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  • Report:  #491301

Complaint Review: Armond Budish Speaker of the House

Armond Budish, Speaker of the House Ohio State Legislature, State Representative, 77 S High Street 14th Floor, Columbus, Ohio Amy Budish allows her husband Armond to run a state legislature that does horrible things to women physicians who object to the wrong medical care, to male harassments, & to not being allowed a life. Columbus, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Rita — Mayfield Heights Ohio USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 07, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 21, 2009

MRS. AMY BUDISH PLEASE READ.  Amy Budish, allows Armond Budish, as Speaker of the Ohio House & the most powerful guy in the Ohio legislature, to run a horrible legislative agenda for women physicians trying to improve medical care for women in Ohio - allows that he abuses women physicians by 'looking the other way' for what is really going on at the State Medical Board of Ohio - the worst Medical Board in the 50 states for false complaints, investigations, suspensions and fake disciplines of innocent women (& men) physicians.  Ohio is hands down the 'Medical Board from hell;' a 21st century 'reign of terror.'

And Speaker Budish does 'channel' his wife in this, as much as Dr. Nice 'channels' his wife to abuse other women medically, professionally, & personally = meaning it is 'ok' with the girls.  For if the wife says it's 'ok,' the husband will do it - it's just a joke for the 'show' wives as long as they can ride their horses, attend their Hunt Club and Country Club drinking parties, and shop 'til they drop at Legacy Village and Beachwood Mall. 

And the men channel their children in this too; the children like to see their fathers destroying other people's lives to get ahead - smash-up derby.  This is what the Armond Budishes, the Tim Grendells, the Matt Dolans, the Jeffrey Jacobsons, the Lance Talmadges, and the Anita Steinberghs teach their children, spouses & relatives - to cheat, lie, and win your case by destroying everything and everyone in your way - not to bother with the truth - to get ahead.  Truth doesn't matter, the biggest liar wins. 

The Jews suffered in Hitler's Germany, and they now have a license to inflict it on anyone else that gets in their way; that's what my old Internal Medicine Chief did - he had to choose between 4 Jews or continuing one Catholic resident at Rhode Island Hospital in 1982 (choice: 3 Jews, one Catholic, or 4 Jews; and 2 had never worked at the hospital before - wasn't their first choice), and he took the 4 Jews - Dr. Milton Hamolsky; abilities, patient care, etc. didn't matter.  Bar mitzvah mattered.  The Holocaust hasn't ended for Beachwood, Rhode Island or Columbus - and it needs to. 

Mrs. Budish & her sons, live off of, and profit from, the tragedies, suffering, and abuse of other women MD professionals by her husband and his legislature - his 'Democratic' party - where no one is interested in fairness, ethics, or good medical care for women - just the sex - a world where Catholic girls are 'easy,' and their degrees don't matter as long as Mrs. Budish can get her hair & nails done every week by regular appointment. 

My children, which I was not allowed to have, will never go to college Mrs. Budish - handle that with grace, aequanimitas, and Catholic acceptance.  You'd need a psychiatrist, but not a Jewish criminal forensic psychiatrist.  My two experts were Catholic psychiatrists - experts which the Ohio Board refused to recognize even though one co-writes the DSM for Psychiatry; has better more appropriate credentials than any psychiatrist in Ohio.  But he was Catholic and not in the Medical Board's 'pocket.'  My psychiatrists were not Masons.

Woman physicians trying to just get basic orthopedic & endocrine medical care for themselves, and trying to have a life - even get married once - aren't allowed.  Not one holiday to feel good about myself for 18 years - I'm voted 'impaired' that I had to disagree.  It took 7 years for me to get some blood work done in Ohio that had numerical results - blood work that the Ohio State Medical Board would have to acknowledge as they won't acknowledge any evaluation, consultation or blood work from any other state or not-Ohio expert (Grendell's New Rule #1 since 1990) - showing what I really had (1990-7). 

When the Ohio Medical Board loses a case or a decision, they change or fake the rules; my case has changed a whole book of Ohio rules, but no reforms, and produced boxes of fake behaviors, quotes, and facts.  Ohio does medical 'care,' blood work, casting of fractures, and psychiatry like no other state; they re-write the textbooks and thumb their noses at the national experts with some of the best building facilities in the nation.  Ohio knows how to do concrete. 

The Ohio State Medical Board just fixes cases by excluding the pertinent evidence, the crucial ever-changing confidential file, and by not allowing the medical workup (everything psychiatric is allowed, however, and done over with no limits = endless 'goes'), while the Ohio State Court of Appeals reverses, but refuses to decide anything. 

The Ohio Court of Appeals is the other 'joke' in this charade; they allow the State Medical Board to cheat legally by never hearing the cases that beg to be heard.  They see the fraud, smell the fraud, label the fraud, and remand back for more fraud; once the State Medical Board lies they don't admit that they lied - ever.  But the Ohio Court of Appeals is a sinkhole for any hope of legal redress; State Courts won't reform the Ohio State Medical Board abuses in Ohio - the judges are educated at 'looking the other way' like Speaker Budish - it's a boys locker room game of shutout.

The Ohio Court of Appeals is a complete farce - they can't review the Medical Board decisions as they can't get the files.  So the 3 judges sit and advise solving the problem in a 'different' way - which the Medical Board just laughs at; 3 powerless silly-putty judges = piece-of-cake. 

Perpetual legal roundabout dead end in a useless Ohio court.  There is no objective external review allowed of Ohio Medical Board decisions = state socialism and fraud all in one bad law about 'confidential' files - so that the truly bad physicians are 'confidential' and their complaints thrown out without question.  It's a system by the mediocre, of the mediocre, and for the mediocre. 

Nothing should be 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio - it's about the patients, it's about professionalism, and it's supposed to be about being able to improve care when medical mistakes happen - transparency.  You can't make a medical diagnosis, or evaluate a care paradigm or result, without the facts.  These problems have been solved in over 40 other states with medical mistake laws - but Speaker Budish can't understand that or get his head around that idea.  And his office is a bunch of cloned drones; talking heads (and I'm not referring to the American rock band).  Too big a concept for his brain even though Harvard Health System has medical mistake provisions; even the best physicians, Boards, and hospitals admit that mistakes happen and need to be handled, not beaten up.

Every other state has to allow that women physicians get 'care-to-function' before any investigation or medical licensure suspension - especially if what the woman MD has is easily and commonly treated correctly in every other state - not psychiatrically and without any 'evaluations.'  Treatment would have made the bone pains go away in 1990-2; but that was too 'simple.'  Did anyone ever read the 70s cult classic - 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?'  About caring and quality of workmanship; about zen.    

What I had was wrist fractures and thyroiditis; bone weakening due to an untreated thyroid condition - untreated because physicians in Ohio can't diagnose thyroid problems in women patients correctly - or at all.  They see that women drink in their dreams, but not that their necks are swollen.  Do Ohio physicians & Members on the State Medical Board even know where the thyroid gland is? or just the groin?  My neck kept swelling over the years, but no one noticed - they just discussed my dating.  Ohio is medieval and Neanderthal about any women's anything - except if one is Mrs. Armond Budish, Carla Streepy O'Day MD, Mrs. Dr. Tim Nice, Mrs. Dr. Fred Suppes, Mrs. Judge Tim Grendell, and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobson. 

For 5 years, 1992-7, every physician across the country was told not to help me - that I didn't deserve medical care if I didn't like Dr. Nice's care, and that I was just 'making too much' - with constant bone pains, more fractures, and hemorrhaging out at Columbia-Presbyterian in NYC.  And Mrs. Budish knows about NYC and Columbia-Presbyterian, and that women left without gynecologist care will eventually hemorrhage out - but it's a joke to her as long as it isn't her.  Good thing that she never had a daughter. 

Well that nearly cost my life, and did cost a marriage, any children, and my professional career - my credibility, self-respect, and my health.  Throw away an American woman MD's education - that's Ohio and the Budishes; no respect for anything but themselves and their personal agendas - just get the libraries to buy their books before the budget is cut, etc. 

It's all about Armond & Amy; Ohio for Two.  The books aren't bestsellers, and don't have that much pertinent useful information in them for someone who hasn't been able to work in her chosen field of medicine for 18 years - the field she has an MD in - because of lies, slander, and that administrative malpractice that Armond Budish does so well.  Looking the other way, just like the Jews accused the rest of world of doing before & during WWII.  The Jews do it better than anyone else - the looking the other way and not seeing.   

Woman MDs who are Catholic - don't deserve anything because no one is interested in opening up a false case that was rammed through the State Medical Board in 1992 without due process or rules of evidence - a case that has been unsuccessfully disputed since the Celeste administration (1992) only because the crucial 'confidential' file can't be opened, found, or even verified as existing

Even though one Medical Board Member profited with millions of dollars in hospital contracts, and a hospital appointment, because of the decision in my case, no one is interested.  Carla O'Day MD is 'set for life' because of me - and every local legislator knows this.  Ethics training is now required, but that doesn't stop the money changing hands for the cold cases that then no one still wants to address.  Mrs. Nice is still paying people off, like she paid the stringer at The Sun Press.  My mother traced that ethics-minus journalist to Alaska.

This is a Medical Board case that exists in no other state - never heard of in any other state or legislature - where a woman MD has had her medical license taken for 18 years for being a 'bad patient,' and the care was admittedly wrong, inadequate, abusive, etc.  The Ohio Medical Board requires for licensure that women physicians take bad medical care, and male behaviors, with Oslerian aequanimitas; that they role over and let the guys abuse them without a whimper of personality.  The Ohio State Medical Board can't improve the women's medical care, they just punish the messenger - so how is that different from Hitler? 

Only now it's the Catholics who have to beg the Jews in Beachwood for a life - just a bare existence - for 5 minutes of 'Please allow me to defend myself.'  Please Speaker Budish.  Since January, 2009 I've been begging Speaker Budish & his office, to sit down for 30 minutes, and DISCUSS the problems - in Beachwood.  Since 2003 I've been begging Senator Grendell - then Representative Grendell.  Representative 'Matt' Dolan won't return the phone calls to the lawyer, or even discuss with a priest friend at Gilmour Academy - because nothing is ok about this case and I'm supposed to sue the State of Ohio in court - well in another life.  I've been abused by Speaker Budish's staff, made a Daniel & Mindy joke of, and just plain laughed at for getting myself in this trouble; I existed in Ohio in 1990 and had some wrist fractures that needed care - so I have to rot and be the Columbus poster child for daring to say 'No' to an Ohio guy MD's personal needs. 

Only the Jewish women of Beachwood are allowed to get married and have children - not me - my life has been almost a 2-decade battle with the auto-pilot Ohio State Medical Board - for 18 years now.  A 'battlefield' littered with cheating, diagnoses alleged that don't exist, boxes of lies and sexual innuendo - a new 'case' every 5 minutes - when I'm not supposed to be 'hit on' by my medical colleagues, orthopedics or legislative offices.

My case has consumed millions of dollars of Ohio taxpayer monies = gone to a Medical Board 'rain dance.'  To be a sexual 'target' for male, and female, colleagues - was not what I got an MD for.  But that is what the current Ohio Board of Medicine faults - that I have standards and a personality that says 'No;' Dr. Nice, Dr. Suppes, and Dr. Carla O'Day need their fun - Daniel needs a joke and Mindy a laugh.    

The Ohio Legislature allows the Ohio State Medical Board to do this; says by abstention that the woman physicians just need 'aequanimitas' to handle Ohio men and their camp followers.  Well the boys & girls should have grown up in medical school - before they got that MD.  Regardless of maturity IQ, the Ohio State Medical Board wants to require that licensure in Ohio means referring to the 'right' physicians including Dr. Nice, servicing male physicians for their personal needs that their wives 'don't understand,' and signing piles of lies so that there are never any reforms at the State Medical Board of appointees that can't get a decent 'job' anywhere else; this Board is not the 'best and brightest' of Ohio MDs, lawyers or lay Members.   

Anita Steinbergh has told me to just sign on the dotted line and lie, Representative Trakas told me to just lie and go along in 2000, and Representative/Senator Grendell has said to just admit the 'diagnosis' that I have - a diagnosis that I have no criteria for - a diagnosis that I disagree with male professionals who are totally wrong.  That's what I'm supposed to do for other patients, what I get paid to do in another state.  That's part of life Senator Grendell; disagreements, discussion, and reforms.  Mrs. Budish, like Mrs. Nice & Mrs. Judge Grendell, must agree with every wrong idea, every wrong thought, and every wrong legislation - and we drink the same water.

Consumer Member Jeffrey Jacobson allows that Dr. Nice, and other Ohio orthopedics, can just leave women's fractures to swell to excrescence, tell women patients to come to medical offices for casts to make fun of them, and make the woman patient supply the fracture splint, cast & padding, order their own x-rays, and take the abuse & comments of Dr. Nice, Dr Tozzi and their staffs having a good joke that the woman MD should get 'podiatry' casting as she doesn't 'deserve' care.  That's a laugh in Ohio!  Ohio has an orthopedic 'Dr. Nice,' and a foot doctor Dr. Tozzi (as in toes) - you can't get any more tacky than that.

The State Medical Board of Ohio has admitted years ago that: I practiced excellent Internal Medicine (without a patient complaint), that the 'boys were being boys' for my orthopedic care, that there were horrendous piles of rare complications for years afterwards, that the Medical Board 'cheated' on the Rorschach testing that they forced me to (throwing away the answers), that they made up a personality diagnosis case in 1995-6 that doesn't/didn't exist, etc. - but that all this was ok, 'normal' for Ohio, and that I have some personality defect that I can't take it, swallow it, and like it.  And that I'm supposed to do yet another 'go' = 'evaluation' to get my medical license back, and have my family pay for it, as my medical insurance won't cover this rot - this time with an Ohio criminal forensic psychiatrist - local legend Dr. Resnick.  Six times is the charm in Ohio.  Does your husband have a brain Mrs. Budish?  It's obvious that he doesn't have a heart.  Wizard of Oz needed.  Does the statute of limitations ever end in Ohio?

Meanwhile, Mrs. Dr. Nice keeps allowing her Dr. Nice 'husband' to invite single woman MD colleagues to his office parties, to 'watch him play polo,' to come & see his antique car collection, to watch him get his pants hemmed in the middle of his medical office waiting room, to understand him because his wife doesn't, and to expect that all Catholic girls are 'easy' - taking the Masonic code to the extreme for 1990 or 2009. 

Dr. Nice should not be issuing any of these 'invites,' and Mrs. Nice has the money and the power to stop this - but she doesn't.  By November, 1990 I had to point-blank tell his office staff that for sure I would not show up unless his wife was present, IN THE FLESH, but that all this partying was not for me or appropriate in a medical office building.  Every day, or lunch hour, is a party-time for Dr. Nice, the State Medical Board of Ohio, and the Budishes.

Armond Budish has known of the problems for women physicians with the modus operandi of the current State Medical Board of Ohio since his original appointment as a Representative to the State Legislature = 2006 after his sons left for college.  In 2003, then Speaker Householder's office admitted that there were so many false investigations, cases and suspensions at the State Medical Board of Ohio that opening the physician files there would paralyze the State Government with legal claims for damages, lives ruined & careers lost. 

The State Medical Board of Ohio is the only State Medical Board, and probably part of the only country at this point, that has 'confidential' physician files - even the Stasi files in former Communist East Germany are 'open.'  This allows the men, or jealous women colleagues, to complain about physician colleagues - and the falsely accused woman MD loses her life without a defense.  Football wouldn't be a game without a DEFENSE.  Then there are outright jealousies on the State Medical Board, i.e. Anita Steinbergh DO - who hates woman MDs.  The requirements and curriculum of MD schools, especially in Ohio, are much higher caliber than the DO schools - breeding jealousy & rivalry - not objectivity.  You can't have a DO judging an MD's medical reasoning - we are taught differently with different curriculums. 

Mrs. Budish - I'd like you to take the abuse that I've taken for 18 years now for one day - to see what Catholic girls go through in Ohio, to see what women MDs 'take' in Ohio, to see, hear, and experience just who your husband really is - and how his legislative office really behaves with serious issues.  And a Jewish classmate of mine, from high school and medical school, got the same thyroid problem diagnosed & treated immediately in the 1990s - without an argument or blip on the screen of her physician files at the State Medical Board.  I don't belong in Ohio, please - and I'm begging as the Jews & Edith Stein begged in Auschwitz - let me go - with my medical license & privileges restored - back to Rhode Island before the end of 2009.  It wasn't about my patient care, and the file is 'confidential' as to what it really was about.  How could you live that way for 5 minutes? 


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Intersted person

Shelby Ohio,

Here are links for additional information


Mon, September 21, 2009

For those of you reading this and might need some background.  Here's some information which may be of value.  It's probably best to concentrate on the board's report and the copious writing of Dr. Rita.

so that people can get the whole story.

Then there is the famous Delta report:

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