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  • Report:  #1303047

Complaint Review: ArmstrongJustice League

ArmstrongJustice League Jeremy Wayne Armstrong www. Very , extremely dishonest , greedy and lazy attorney Phenix city Alabama

  • Reported By:
    Missy — Buena vista Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 02, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 25, 2017
*General Comment: Digging your own grave!!! *Consumer Comment: Tgy is full of crap don't listen to him or her they are just bullies trying to keep you silent they are here to defend the criminals and bad businesses us consumers are on our own *Author of original report: Save your energy , Mr. TGY--Armstrong *Author of original report: Thank you, Alabama resident *Consumer Comment: Whats the point of this site of reporting the wrong someone did to you if you're just going to be accused of slander *Consumer Comment: Ashley and chaz hawthorne have what they wanted why didn't they want me and my mom to have anything they hated a resented anything we did or bought they would stare in hate *Consumer Comment: They also mentioned their friends for us to stay away also and the guy came running at me wanted to attack but the police lied in the police report *Consumer Comment: I have noticed the neighbors who sided with ashley and chaz hawthorned got several new cars in their drive way and a rvs and doing upgrades to their houses completely unfair *Consumer Comment: Phenix city hasn't had a new district attorney for 30 years ken davis shows favortism to certain people I believe he has been threaten by the local businesses and certain people to charge innocent *Consumer Comment: If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers in the first place. *Consumer Comment: All i ask is to be treated fairly instead of being called a liar and writing false reports or comments everything that I have posted on this site is truthful I can say i'm a battered abused person to

   People  have  been   complaining  about  " too many  lawyers " since  at least  the 70s  or if  not   earlier. What  people   are  really  complaining  about  is  that  there  are  too many  BAD lawyers   and  of  of  those  BAD  lawyer is  Jeremy  W.  Armstrong  located  in Phenix  City , Alabama .He  is  a former    Alabama's  prosecutor , proudly  putting    people  to death  !!  Now  he  is  known   as     Trusting  Justice  League P.C.

What  really  changed  between  his  former   position  and  position  now  as a criminal attorney ..?? Not  a lot ... for  a regular  citizens, but  it    became  a BIG  difference   for  his  income ---- now  he    legally  can charge big  money  for  a criminal  cases and  DO  NOTHING !!!  According  to    his   website  (  created  by  himself  and  his  close  secretary )  he  is  very  good  and honest ! Of  course  !  But  if  you   try  to find  any    opinion  about  him ...?? NOT  EXIST  !!  He  will fool  you    during  your  first  meeting  with    him ... remindig  you  10  times  to  pay  him  in  full during  one  week.

He  charged  my    friend  8.000$   for  a just   possession   of  a simple  drugs  .. like  he    was  a murder ..... and  at  the  end    he,    Armstrong ,denied   everything  what  he  promissed   at  the  beginning . He  and  his  friend  judge  put  my  friend  in jail  , prison  with  following  21  month   of  probation and 10.000 $  fines .

 From  his   fake  website  :" ..if  you're on  the  verge  of  a  lengthy court battle  involving  criminal  charges , you  need  to  realize  that  you're  not  on  your  own " .  YES,  having  such  attorney   as  Armstrong  , you  are  by  your  own from the  very  beginning !!  REMEMBER  THIS,  poor  people !!  He  called  himself  "  excellent  criminal    lawyer "..... I  called  him  :"  SORRY  BS , GREEDY ,  LAZY, RUDE , DISHONEST  piece  of  attorney ".

He  refused  to  talk  to that  family  very  son  after  court  happened ... he  said :"

And, No, I'm not visiting him in jail.   My representation concluded upon disposition of theses cases which was April,  12 2016, the date of sentencing.  No need to email my law firm any further.  I advise you consult with another attorney in this matter for any consideration of appeal or other post-conviction remedies  " 
He  did  not  give  his  family  any  paper  after  court , disposition ,  any  transcript,  and  when his  family  was trying  to  contact  his  office , he  sent  them   threatening   email  :  here .....
All your threatening emails have been provided to Judge  and the  County Sheriffs Department. You are hereby requested to cease all communication with my office. Additionally, you are advised do not come to my place of business. My representation of your son concluded on April  12 , 2016.  Any further emails or communications with my office will result in me signing a warrant for you for Harassing Communications. """""""

Jeremy W. Armstrong
The Client Security Fund was established by the Alabama State Bar to provide a remedy for clients who have lost money or other property as a result of the dishonest conduct of practicing attorneys. The Alabama State Bar recognizes that the legal profession depends on the trust of clients and although very few attorneys breach that trust, it is important that the profession’s reputation for honesty and integrity be maintained and protected. The Client Security Fund serves this function by providing some reimbursement to clients whose money or property has been wrongfully taken by attorneys licensed to practice law in Alabama.
I truly   believe   that  Mr. Jeremy W. Armstrong  , criminal  attorney  of  Alabama    State   should  be  disbarred  and  by  court    stop   practicing  the  law . 
Alabama  State  Bar    recieved  complaint  against  Mr.  J.W. Armstrong .
  Punishment  should fit the criminal....   or  you  are  a housekeepers   or  you are an  attorney  or  you are a  President  of    the  country.






11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States,

All i ask is to be treated fairly instead of being called a liar and writing false reports or comments everything that I have posted on this site is truthful I can say i'm a battered abused person to

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, March 25, 2017

Everything that I have ever exposed or commented on has been 100% truthful and accurate. I'm the one who hasn't been treated fairly and I get battered abused all over again for posting what the person or company did to me. I'm just tired of how certain criminals who don't get nothing happend to while these law people knowing the person is innocent, but still going after them anyway.

These police and district attorneys refuse to admit they were in the wrong about charging and wrongfully convicting someone. While letting the perptrator continue to ruin other innocent lives. I can say that i'm a battered emotionally abused to with what has happend to me. And not  being able to get any justice. 



If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers in the first place.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2017

I  am  so   glad  someone   posted  something  about  that  corrupt  s*** Jeremy  Armstrong , criminal  attorney  in  Alabama , former  death  prosecutor . All  those  "good "  reviews  about  him  just  a pure    fraud . I  never  heard  anybody was  talking  good  about  him . He made  those  "opinion "  with  his mistress  ( during    office  hours ) Ashley . I  would  never  believe   he  can  have  a  good  opinion     from   anybody . LIER ,  corrupt  , sorry    (((REDACTED))) -attorney . Do NOT  use  him  !!  He  is  T E R R I B L E !!!


United States,

Phenix city hasn't had a new district attorney for 30 years ken davis shows favortism to certain people I believe he has been threaten by the local businesses and certain people to charge innocent

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, December 25, 2016

I believe that Ken Davis has been threaten by the local businesses. Either you help us or we will vote you out. Ken davis has the say no the corrupt business people. Ken Davis should follow the law and prosecute people who do the crimes and not let certain ones get off. It was like this back in the 1950's where the businesses were corrupt and criminal.

They love to ruin innocent peoples lives that haven't even committed a crime. They love to target poor people to get them in a big financial mess knowing good and well that they don't have the money for a good lawyer. And the crooked phenix city lawyers are in it to.


United States,

I have noticed the neighbors who sided with ashley and chaz hawthorned got several new cars in their drive way and a rvs and doing upgrades to their houses completely unfair

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, November 28, 2016

I've noticed after this was over how thse neighbors who have sides with ashley and chaz hawthorne got nice things. These neighbors have lived their for several years without up grading or buying anything new. So they got rewarding by lying about me and my mother. The hawthornes helped them get new car loans and money to upgrade the inside of their houses.


United States,

They also mentioned their friends for us to stay away also and the guy came running at me wanted to attack but the police lied in the police report

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 25, 2016

The police lied in the police report and did not mentioned that I told the cop, that he was trying to attack me and I was on my own property. I did not to provoke the attack but the police sided with them and ashley and chaz hawthorne. It just has me so angry about this miscarriage of justice. That I was told not to go around them.  WHEN IN FACT THEY WAS BULLYING AND HARASSING ME.

Ashley and chaz hawthorne have what they wanted why didn't they want me and my mom to have anything they hated a resented anything we did or bought they would stare in hate

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, August 15, 2016

People have what they have so why do they feel to resent and despise of what others have. They are some jerks who think others shouldn't have anything even though they have everything, they get jealous and resentment toward them.  "Thou shall not convent your neighbors things".


United States,

Whats the point of this site of reporting the wrong someone did to you if you're just going to be accused of slander

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, July 24, 2016

I mean if the business or person who has done you wrong has nothing to hide, why do they get so scared when they get reported and threaten the customer with a lawsuit. That is a red flag for me to stay away from that business. Besides trying to work out a solution the business throws a temper tantrum, saying they are going to sue.

Many times when businesses files lawsuits against their customers for posting their negative experience, it backfires on them.  The business gets more bad publicity and loss of customers. The business whines saying you harms us and cost us business.

Well don't people ever take into consideration the harm or mental distress that the business has caused the customer. Well NO and you see it all over this site.

Thank you, Alabama resident

#12Author of original report

Tue, May 03, 2016

Thank you  for  being   able  to  think  and     for  support . Truth  is  not  a crime , just  does  not  fit  everybody's  brain .

Save your energy , Mr. TGY--Armstrong

#12Author of original report

Tue, May 03, 2016

Cool  down  a little bit , Mr.  Armstrong   did  a terrible  job , made  a lot  of  very  unprofessional  mistakes , because   he  does  not  care  for  his  clients !!  Now  he  is  angry  and  try  to  scare  people . He   is   trying    to  intimidate  me  with  threats   to  cause  people  to  be  afraid  of  him .  In  many  ways  he  is   unprofessional  attorney . I  have  to  help  that  family  and   was  looking  for  people  who  were  dealing  with him  as    their  attorney .  So  far  I  did  not  find  any  good  opinion   about  him  from  his  former  clients . He  has  what ..scores  or  points  (  whatever  you call it )  66  of  100 ,  right ?  Definitely  not  too high  for  the "  excellent  attorney "  as  he  nominates   himself .


 Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution .

The 1st Amendment protects speech, religion, assembly and the press !!

However, the government is arresting those speaking out … shame  on  the  government  !   Speak  out  , people , stand  for  the   truth . You  cannot  complain  about  doctors ?? Hahahaha... yes ,  you can , I was  working  for  a   few  of  them  who  ended  their  license  in   jail ...


Why  America  was  so  great .. long  time  ago ?? Because  United  States   of  America  was  the  very  first  country  in the  world , where  you  had    right  to  criticize  your, american , government . What  happened  now ?  Who  has  a power ?

We the People created the government of the United States to serve us, not the other way around  !


Alabama resident

United States,

Tgy is full of crap don't listen to him or her they are just bullies trying to keep you silent they are here to defend the criminals and bad businesses us consumers are on our own

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, May 03, 2016

Ignore TGY he/she is just here to intimidate  you to keep silent by threatening you.  Its not a "CRIME" to report the "WRONG" that somebody has done to you. Its not "SLANDER" when you report the truth and facts. TGY just joined the regulars who have been harassing posters of complaints for years. But i don't ler them intimidate  me with threats. WE HAVE RIGHTS TO BE TREATED FAILY.

And tgy wants to take our rights away.


I do not lose any sleep over tgy threats. And that is what makes him or her more angry.



Digging your own grave!!!

#12General Comment

Mon, May 02, 2016

 You DO realize that what YOU are doing is a crime in and of itself?? YOU are intentionally posting what is known as HEARSAY!!!!!Even worse!! Its DEFAMING HEARSAY!!! Meaning just by posting it YOU have put a giant bullseye on yourself!!! NOTHING you do is anonymous!! So with a simple court order that Lawyer can get from one of his "buddy" Judges, YOUR personal information is his!!! The potential cost of s defamation suit starts at roughly 25k. SO if YOU cannot afford to PAY that much money, then watch what YOU post!!! The entire web is NOT Facebook and YOU should consider that BEFORE you post on a public forum. There are two proffesions you DO NOT mess with when it comes to defamation. Doctors and Lawyers. Both of which live off of thier reputation. Both of which can afford to SUE YOU for what YOU have willingly posted!! Typical though. Your freind got lucky and didnt have to spend YEARS in jail. If you were expecting that your friend would get off 100% scott free, well thats on YOU for assuming. Drug possesion is a serious charge. Just because YOU dont consider it a crime doesnt mean the LAW shares YOUR VIEW!!!! Stay off the web until YOU learn to be responsible for what YOU post.

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