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  • Report:  #1495613

Complaint Review: Artifice Security

Artifice Security Jason Zaffuto Promised to unhack/unhijack our PC's but never made an appointment to do it and called me a psycho and that I needed mental help and failed to answer emails and phone calls and hung up on me Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Steve — Phoenix AZ United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 24, 2020
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 10, 2020

Please do NOT use Artifice Security for anything as they make promises verbally and via email initially to unhack/unhijack you PC's and then fail to set up a time to do it.  They stated they were a Christian, but later said this and I quote;

. "I don't care about God, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy ".

This man has severe mental issues and cannot be trusted he ignores emails and phone calls and just 1 week ago, I asked if he was mad and I said if I said or did anything to make you upset please forgive me.  Then He said "I'm not mad at you it's just our family had an emergency, and later DID answer a phone call and also stated "I am not mad I am willing to work for you pro bono as you are in ministry and I felt sorry for your situation" (Our PC's have been hacked for over 30 years and we tried 2 ethical hackers From Upwork and they turned out to not know enough to fix the problem working on it for 5 months and the other one was a black hat unethical hacker who stole over $1500.00 from us)

Jason is a very seasoned professional with tons of certifications and has done some impressive work, but if he cannot even keep his promises to help you even though my wife and I are severely disabled on fixed incomes, then AVOID him like the plague!

I am very upset when I wrote him and told him I would file complaints against him on various places and he wrote all these LIES that none of them ARE TRUE! back and I quote;


 If you want to contact Upwork go for it but I never took on a job with you there and in fact, I only did free consultation for you as a favor. By the way I did that purposefully as I thought you might be a psycho. Turns out I was right.

 I also never agreed to fix your website much less build it for you, etc. I already told you everything I could for you to be successful - (WRONG HE NEVER DID ANY OF THIS) I can't give you any other advice from that - literally. I gave you some pro bono type work for consulting. That's it. And I picked the number of hours to give for that and I did that. You don't get to dictate to me what I need to do or not do. That also doesn't mean you contact me for an infinite amount of time and expect me to work at your leisure anytime for anything. I was quite clear from the beginning that I was going to consult with you on how to help you fix your "hacking" issues. And judging by your email with wanting to contact the CIA, FBI, etc (?), I am now doubting that it was even real. You have a big problem and it seems you need real mental help.

Did you change all your passwords for everything? Are you using two-factor authentication for sites you use and for your email? Are you using a secure password manager for creation and storage of your passwords? Are you using a secure platform for your website? Are you using Windows versions that are still supported by Microsoft and receiving patches? If not, then don't complain to me about getting hacked. AGAIN, I can't help you any further and as the expression goes, I can only lead a horse to water, I cannot make him drink it. If you don't make those changes, don't expect to be secure then. Also, I am not taking ANY money from you as I know you won't ever be happy with the results for anything and I'm not putting myself into ANY contract with you. You must be out of your mind and trying to threaten me with "ANY action against you" is a joke.

 Understand this very clearly - do not contact me again by any means - not upwork, email, my website contact page, or phone. If you contact me again I will call the police and file a police report for harassment. I hope we are clear on this. I don't care about God, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy either. Don't ever contact me again.


He did say to change all our passwords and host my website on squarespace but that was a joke My site is in HTML and I hate templates and squarespace is a very complicated site and have no ministry related templates.  He also said to purchase Kasperky's Total Security and said they have a password encrytor and between these two things you will never be hacked again. ALL LIES we did everything he said and are still hacked and never once sent him any emails with abusive or psychotic messages, just love and prayers for him.  He also says above that he doubts at al that were were hacked/hijacked.  I assure we were as an IT PC tech 24 years I have over 200 forensic world class anti hacking software tools and NOTHING worked!

I had to leave squarespace as they did NOT support html or have a template I could use and I hate templates and WordPress related template sites they are terrible and can be hacked!

I do not appreciate him calling me a psycho and having mental problems and to be threatened for harassment and he would call the police if I contacted him again.  He really hurt me mentally, spiritually and emotionally!  He was very RUDE and obnoxious, controlling and hateful and we even told him we loved him and were praying for him and that I am facing death with injuries I received from an accident, torn meniscus, neropathy and severe edema, I was hit by an SUV at 80 miles an hour 3.5 years ago as a pedestrian crossing route 6 in front of my house, I was all the way across and standing on the white line and this 87 year old man not wearing his driving glasses struck me and did all these damages and I am still in severe pain was bedridden knocked out hit my head and had sever PTSD, and dementia and a ton of other problems and Jason did not even care and showed no compassion towards me at ALL!

As a Christian in ministry God commands us to love our enemies and commands us to forgive So I even told him we would pay him and that we forgave him.....  BEWARE if you use his services he cannot be trusted and cares very little about people who are going to die and are still suffering terribly.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

More lies from Matt

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 10, 2020

This guy originally contacted me on Upwork and "claimed" that he was hacked over 15,000 for the last 30 years. That should have been a flag right there that he was unstable. I told him I wouldn't accept on Upwork but I can give him some advice on how to make him more secure. Below is the exact message on Upwork taken with a screenshot for proof:

"Sorry to hear about your experience(s) with getting hacked. I can do a 1-2 hour consulting for you to get you secured. Can’t make any 100% guarantees but can put you on the right track."

And I did a 1-2 hour consulting for Matt but he was still not happy with that and wanted me to build him a new website for free. I told him no and that there was nothing else I can do for him other than the consulting. As you can see, he wasn't happy about my free consulting.

So does that look like I work for Matt for as many hours as he wants? No, of course not. I told him I would help him for a few hours and he kept calling my business every day at all hours to my personal cell to the point where I had to tell him to stop calling. Then that calling became more to the point of harrassment.

I'll put his full email below that he sent to my business email since he convientely left out the part where he tried to blackmail me as well (highlighted). This email represents the phone calls received as well. Ask yourself would you write all this personal stuff to a business?:

Dear Jason,
Why did you cut me off today again on Upwork and say this which is not true and makes no sense and I quote; "Matt, I gave you all the info I can to make you secure. (You gave me Nothing except you said we would be secure if we hosted my website on Squarespace and installed Kaspersky’s Total Security. We that did not work we are still being hacked and I cannot use html as square space does NOT support it and I do not have the time to relearn using bogus templates and losing all my great content.) you talked about a school to learn pen testing and that you would help us and do pen testing and give us tools, nothing ever happened.

You also said it takes YEARS to master Kali-Linux Pen testing! and then you say, "There isn’t anything else I can do for you. I’m quite busy with other jobs and don’t have the time to do anything else” So promises of Pro Bono work mean NOTHING to you? How many other clients do you blow off in a day, week, month, year because other clients pay more?? We offered to pay you and you still REFUSED to help us, this is NOT right, and God will judge you severely for not keeping your word and we are not pleased by your lame actions.

Jason you have proven to us that you truly are NOT a Christian man by preying on poor severely disabled people and not keeping your promises. Love not the world or any of the things that are in the world if any man loveth the world, the love of the Father is NOT IN HIM, I will spew you out of my mouth for being a lukewarm Christian. and Matthew says "By their fruits ye shall know them"
I am not healthy right now and am facing possible death due to the fact on Dec 1, 2016 I had a severe accident crossing the road as a pedestrian after re-lettering my mailbox being hit at 80 mph and pushed 70 feet and ground my teeth on the asphalt then hit my head went unconscious 20 minutes and the ambulance got lost and did not arrive until almost 1 hour later.

I made it all the way across the street, was on the white line on route 6 eastbound just 200 feet from our home but was still struck by the now deceased defendant Mr. Ralph Althouse even though the roads were dry and it was still light out and I was wearing bright orange sweats and he still hit me and was not wearing his driving glasses. I cannot sleep for the past 3.5 years due to severely sore torn meniscus in both knees, numbness in my whole body, and getting severe neropathy and edema gaining nearly 100 lbs in just a few days and to make matters worse, I could die from CHF (Congestive heart failure) from too much excessive fluid in my lungs and heart.

OR lack of sleep being in constant pain and all pain killers have no effect on me! IT IS A VERY SCARY BUT REAL SITUATION, i HAVE Been TO OVER 35+ DOCTORS, NOW a vascular surgeon, then a heart doctor, nobody knows what to do to cure me I have severe incontinence and overactive bladder and a severely damaged and swollen prostate and .my bladder is severely inflamed and I have OAB (Overactive bladder) but I fail to pee enough and barely lose any weight because the water pill Torsemide is not working.
Today I am still suffering from the following: severe cognitive and vestibular impairment, constant numb legs due to the neropathy and severe edema, and dementia and severe dizziness. My wife who cannot even take care of herself took care of me for 18 long months, the 1st 6 months me being in bed not being able to speak or walk.

I cannot even go for physical therapy because of the severe pains! I still have severe PTSD, Nightmares, flashbacks, falling over 100 times 3 times requiring an ambulance 3 times to pick me up. There is no reason he should have hit me as it was daylight dusk and I was wearing bright orange sweats. As a result, I have severely torn meniscus in both legs, that went into severe slip ankles and knees and permanent neropathy and complete muscle spasms which there is no cure, he pushed me 70 feet, I ground my teeth on the asphalt hit my head and went unconscious for 20 minutes and it took the police and ambulance nearly an hour to come to my aide.

My wife who is severely disabled with cognitive impairment, surrealness, fears of being alone, cooking, cleaning severe insomnia and severe migraine headaches daily as well as only sleeping 2-4 hours most of the time just a few hours, she also has severe mania and depression , feels like a child was beaten so severely by her Father and she can only stand for 20 minutes since her Father beat her and her brother William so severely!,

she nearly died from breast cancer and it could come back any time if she eats too much sugar... she also has terrible vision and cannot swallow pills and chokes daily very severely when eating giving her the inability to breathe, function and because all these problems are so severe I do all the cooking, cleaning, maintenance of the home, car, she does pay the bills and do taxes but rarely is well and her father left her nothing in his will (he and his wife were millionaires, very well off) even though she was adopted with her brother William also was so severely beaten and she raised herself pretty much as her Father left and failed to pay child support when she was only 14 and her mother had to be supported by my wife at the tender age of 14 years old she was and she took care of her mother for 30 agonizing years as I did also for 22+ YEARS, TOOK CARE OF MY GRANDPARENTS AND Mom & DAD AS WELL BEFORE HAVING SEVERE PANIC ATTACKS AND GOING ON DISABILITY FOR ANXIETY WHERE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE BURNING UP ALL OVER, HAVING A HEART ATTACK AND YOU HAVE SEVERE SUREAL FEELINGS, ARE PARANOID, very NERVOUS, CLAUSTROPHOBIC, HAVE SEVERE AGORAPHOBIA.

On top of being hacked 30 years and 2 other ethical hackers gave up and could not stop the hackers. Since being in ministry 30+ years over $20,000 worth of things have been taken from our home by Satan due to severe spiritual warfare. Things moved; things never returned but just a few times some things were returned....
I am a criminal law paralegal well versed in contractual laws and take legal action against people who make promises they fail to keep.

Since you were so rude to me yesterday and never answer my emails, I am calling Upwork and filing a dispute against you and I hope they BAN you from their site. I also am going to contact the Denver BBB, the CIA, FBI, The FTC, and also Post on a very well read complaint site online that gets 3,000,000 hits a day so the world can know just how you treat your clients so badly. What you did to us was very cold and rotten and unprofessional and I also will file a complaint with the PA BBB and Co & PA’s Atty general’s office of consumer protection for you to "Cease and Desist" from making promises to work "Pro Bono" and tell me there is nothing wrong when I asked if you were mad at me and you said no you were still willing to work with us. You LIED and Jesus hates LIARS!

He says in Romans 12:19 "Vengeance is Mine I will repay saith the Lord" and if you be a lukewarm Christian, I will spew you out of my mouth! I too am a businessman and have 2 companies a sole proprietorship as an inventor and my other company does 85+ things called "Matt's Services" If I treated all my customers like you have treated us so badly I would be out of business in less than a few weeks! So kindly reconsider helping us and I will not take ANY action against you. We are praying you do the right thing and we will pay you your $160.00 an hour fee. Do the right thing in our and yours and God's eyes.
Warmest Regards,
Matt and Linda <><

Does that sound reasonable? And if my free consulting was so bad why would he want to pay me $160/hr? Probably because that was my Upwork fees for normal customers and he knows I didn't take on any contract with him so I he paid me, he would forever be unhappy with the results and hold the money against me. That was my fear from the beginning and it proved to be right.

Again, I never took a contract with him nor did I do any business with him. I merely talked on the phone with him for a few hours and gave him some basic IT security advise like use two-factor authentication, use anti-virus, build a secure site, etc, as I can't stop someone who is "allegedly" hacking him. After my phone call with him which lasted several hours he said he can't do any of the steps as he has 30K passwords online everywhere and he can't build a new site using templates as he wants an HTML site. I told him that I can't help him any further then as I gave him all the advice I could.


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