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  • Report:  #1395682


Ashley Furniture Home Store / RAC fraud, intentionally screwing us over, lying to us Hixson Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Julie — Hixson Tennessee USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 26, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 26, 2017

I am going to make this as short as possible for everyone reading..

Back in April 2017 I went to Ashley Furniture and ended up buying (sorry, they call it renting) a couch. A couch with a sectional. The couch was 699.99. Not a bad deal for a beautiful grey couch and sectional. So apparently we could finance it in store so we did. They first needed a down payment, so I gave them 198.00 (from the bank, I have proof where they took it) for a deposit and for apparently some "fees" which they didn't mention to me until a day ago... they said "deposit"..... Okay no big deal... i thought.

So we give them the deposit (198 which we thought was all towards a deposit). Well they also need a delivery fee, so we give them that. We get a paper saying with some fees the couch is going to be 799.99. No big deal. The guy, we will call him, Larry, because I won't spill his name unless needed to .. So Larry said he was going to help set up a payment plan and if we paid it in 3 months (90 days) there would be no interest added. Great. We were happy. The way he phrased it, he said he would set up the payment so it would be paid off in THREE months. He sets the payment as I believe 157.42 a month. (I don't know for sure because my grandmother is faxing papers to very important people at the moment due to all of this.) I believe that is the exact price. So we thought, okay in 3 months that is it, and if not, a little interest won't hurt.


So we just paid our third month on August 15th. My boyfriend calls.. we had already paid 471 dollars and then the deposit (which we thought went towards the couch) of 198. So that's 669 dollars. Okay we only have one more payment of 130 left. Nope. So my boyfriend calls and asks how much we owe because there is no way of seeing online of how much we owe... which is weird. He says after already paying 669 dollars on a 799.99 couch, we owe 700 left. What? I also want to mention that when we signed all the papers I had no idea it was through RAC and Acceptance Now... maybe because it was my first time buying something like this. But I feel like thats something they should tell you.


So I'm confused and call my parents. They said that is impossible. My grandmother offered to go with me today, Aug. 25th 2017, (well yesterday, cause it'll be aroun 12:00 when I post this) to see what's going on. So she did the math... I did find my papers from when we originally bought it and did find out with tax it would be around 817. Okay no big deal that's not a ton more. So she added everything up... 3 payments of 157 and a 198 deposit (which again we thought it went towards the couch)... and with 817 due okay that's 148 dollars left. Not bad. We were willing to pay the rest when we went down there..

So we get down there. And the guy, "Larry" talks to us. I'm already upset because We had almost paid off the couch and then found out it's 700 dollars. He tells us, "You still owe 700 dollars." What? I thought the first time he said it, it was a mistake. So he says how if we paid it in 3 months it would have been 817 dollars. But because we were 148 short (and the due date was August 9th) we owe 700 left. What? Like I said before, when he set the plan for us paying it off in 3 months, he put 157.... for some reason I didn't do the math at all and so it was under. (assumign he did it on purpose) But I thought we would get added a little interest, not 700 dollars.

He then informs me, my boyfriend, grandmother, and her fiance that very little of the deposit went towards the couch. I asked angrily, so so angrily, "Where did my deposit go?" He said and I quote, 4 of us heard it, "I'm not really sure, in the CEO's pocket I guess?" He doesn't even know where my money went? So here we have paid 669 dollars for the couch.. I'm sorry... 471 because the deposit didn't go towards it.. and we still have to owe 700 dollars. 

We are all livid. Seriously. So I ask him, "How much do I now owe a month." He ignores me. I ask him maybe 5 times and he ignores me every time and starts talking about something else. He won't answer my question. SO. When my boyfriend and I went to first purchase, oh I'm sorry, rent, the couch he told both of us that we would send us in the MAIL a list of how much we would pay if we did so much a month. Like if we did 50 a month, then how many months we would pay, 200 a month, you understand what I'm saying. He then accuses me of lieing and says he NEVER said that. But we both heard it.

My boyfriend went outside because if he didn't... more stuff would have been said then what me and my grandmother said. He later told me as this is all happening, that he saw the manager run outside and drive off crazy fast because of what was happening. So we argue back and fourth, him constantly saying he sent an email that I never got. (I do not delete emails.. I never recieved any email except for a confirmation email everytime we paid) So my grandmother asks for him to print out all the documents. We get his boss's name and phone number because we thought contacting him would be better because Larry keeps ignoring questions and is acting like he told us we would pay over 1,000 dollars. He did not tell us that when we first rented the couch.

So my grandmother calls this other guy and talks to him. His "boss" which he "doesn't know where he's located." Well... Larry accidently gave us a paper that we didn't get to begin with. The original paper he gave us said the total in cash would be 817.62.. it was printed on 5/11/17 at 17:39. Well, Larry, probably scared of everything happening, gave us the same paper... wait no it's not. This one says 695.94 printed on 5/11/17 at 17:30... but he never gave us that paper, now did he? So why was he asking for 817 dollars in cash when it was suppose to be 122 dollars less? So with the deposit which should have gone to the couch and the payments... 669. It's paid off. But no, apparently it's not. And that's if our deposit did go towards our couch. Either way the number we originally were given was wrong. 

Also pointing out that the third payment was automatically set up for 8/15/17 but was all due for 8/09/17... which they are obviously trying to scam us even if the 3 month payment had paid it off. My grandmother called the other guy, and he says there is no interest, it's just taxes and other fees. Then why did Larry say there was interest added after 3 months? We also recieved a paper on the 25th that we did NOT recieve the first time about the couch... it said..our couch in total was 2,000 dollars if not paid within the 3 months.. But he never told us that, because if he did or if he had shown or emailed the paper, we would never have signed ANYTHING. 

There's a lot more I could say but that's most important part of it. I'm hoping someone important sees this and helps us out. I'm sure a lot of people will say it's my fault for all of this happening, but if he had been clear from the begininng and told us the total would eventually end up to 2,000 we would have walked out. Also still confused why he gave us a price that wasn't even the real price to pay in 3 months to begin with.. and he still never told me how much I owe now a month... 
Don't shop at Ashley Furnitue. Go somewhere else! I am 21 and the first time I try to be an actual adult and buy something I get screwed over on purpose. 

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