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  • Report:  #1474136

Complaint Review: Ask a Millionaire Shawn Thomas

Ask a Millionaire Shawn Thomas Shawn Thomas SCAM ALERT - HES A LIAR AND ONLY WANTS PEOPLES MONEY, BEWARE Nashville

  • Reported By:
    DENISE — Bakersfield United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 23, 2019
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 19, 2019

I was going through a terrible time in my business, and I reached out to Shawn about it, to which he said thats usually when a person needs mentoring the most. He told me about his mentoring

group. The monthly charge was cheap ($48) so I joined and couldnt wait to be guided by Shawn or any of the other 12 millionaires who he said id have access to. It sounded great. 

As soon as I joined, Shawn said we'd get on a call, but then told me Id have to schedule an appointment first with his assistant Bethany. He also told me to reach out to Tony, another millonaire

who had gone through what i was going through. NOBODY answered me. A few days passed by, so I reached back out to Shawn, by then I had already introduced myself to the group and

everyone knew how critical my situation was. None of the other 12 millonaires reached out with words of advice. Days later when i told Shawn I hadnt gotten a response from Bethany to set up

a phone call appointment, he told me he SAW the email but told me to just wait on Bethany and that Tony must be very very busy. OK. SO I WAITED. every day was eternal as I needed the help

urgently, which was unbeleivaly clear. But Shawn suggested I talk to the people in the group and open up to them. so AGAIN i shared what i was going through. Shawn made a little comment

on my post, but was not of very much help.  


2 WEEKS PASSED BY. nothing. No phone call. No email. No nothing from NO ONE. 

I was going through so much and no one was mentoring me. No one was helping me through it. I was forgotten and abandoned. 

I messaged Shawn to let him know of my utter dissapointment since joining the group and he answered back agressively. He was defensive and tried to put the blame on me right away.

That surprised me because leaders shouldnt react or talk like that. He just didnt seem like the same person I saw on his instagram page. He told me to call him at that moment so I did even

though I didnt exactly see the purpose of it. 


That was the craziest phone call.... I could not beleive what had transpired in that conversation. My view on Shawn Thomas was shattered. 

He sounded annoyed and aggresive. He tried pinning the fault on me (me being the client !) and said things like "Denise what did you expect? you only paid $48 - You probably had unrealistic

expectations!" I told him I didnt expect anything other than what he had told me - that I would have ACCESS to him and 12 other mentors. I did NOT have access to them since I obviously did

not get any replies or help. "But more than anything I expected the help from YOU," I told Shawn, "Since YOU were the one who told me I needed a mentor the most in this time, and then told

me we'd get on a call as soon as joined, and talked about how quick you were to answer everyone, I expected more from you." He then pinned the blame on Bethany for not scheduling my

appointment saying sometimes things fall through the "cracks" but then again, I knew he had SEEN my email and did NOT take action.


I can assure you no one else in the group was facing bankruptcy like me, and I was completely abandoned. "What do you want to do??" Shawn asked annoyed, "Do you want to talk about it

tomorrow? Or if you want to talk about it right now, you got me for 10 minutes," He said angrily. I was quiet. I didnt want anything anymore. I was so dissapointed and the only thing I had

expected was a sincere apology and a caring tone of voice. Thats NOT what I got. His apology was not sincere and he kept trying to pin it on me or Bethany.

Then he told me "I understand you were going through bankruptcy, but I mean, you just gotta be patient Denise!!" At that moment I almost hollered. A MENTOR / LEADER was trying to tell

me to PATIENTLY wait on him while my business was crumbling. I have NO WORDS for this. NO WORDS. 

"Look if you want I can refund you your money tomorrow," Shawn said angrily," and we'll just call it a day!" "ok..." I said. 

"OK! Ill refund you your money tomorrow and good luck with everything, goodbye!" He said annoyed.


I was in shock after that phone call.  I couldnt beleive this was the same person I had imagined in my head to be such a wonderful person. The truth is everyone wants money and since i didnt

have any, no one paid attention to me. NO ONE. They are looking for business owners with money. THATS their business. so beware business owners. They might help other business owners, but

in reality most consulting, and mentoring is a fraud. Theres ALOT of scams out there and Shawn Thomas talks about this, but funny thing is HES IN ON IT. open your eyes people.

If you want proof that hes a liar, just follow his post, pictures, videos and what he says closely. Youll start to see the cracks. He said he was part of a boy band group... a group that DOES NOT

EXIST. where are the pictures? Why hasnt he posted the group together and why does google have no information on that boy band? Beleive me, I would know of ANY and EVERY boy band since

they were big when i was a teenager and there is NOTHING on his boy band.


He said he didnt pay for his instagram followers but then he has such a small amount of views for both insta stories and his feed videos. You do the math. There is so much that now makes sense

to me when I see his page. This served as a lesson for me to watch out for scammers - They really are EVERYWHERE. Im glad I didnt have any money they could take and ill be refunded my

$48. This world we live in is just crazy... the things people do for money blows my mind, especially when they try to come off as God fearing good people. Beware and be safe out there.   

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#7Author of original report

Mon, November 18, 2019

Those are some big words Shawn throws around. 

The other people werent hard to deal with because from what I recall, it was Shawn who was hard to deal with, not the people. He's probably not used to dealing with someone whos more vocal about it in a polite manner. Interesting how I dont name-call isnt it?  

I dont see what leadership has to do with the boy band. I still whole heartedly doubt it existed but I could definately admit that in the slight chance that it was real, it was definately not anywhere near as gigantic or flashy as Shawn made it out to be. I dont see what I have to "own up to". A lie is a lie. Whether its made up or not as big as he made it seem - theyre both lies. 

Malicious is the wrong word to describe me. I dont have a malicious bone in me. I love people and like to warn them from things that can harm them. If Shawn was innocent from any wrong doing then this report would indeed be considered malicious. However that is not the case. Im simply helping others make a decision that is informed. Im sure people appreciate that.



United States

Stand up for yourself

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 17, 2019

Once again, unsatisfied customer? Sounds good. I owned up to it. Maybe our processes weren’t perfect with Denise. But there have been plenty of times things like that have happened with others and the person was not as horrible to deal with as Denise was. And she got a complete refund.

Without even asking for it. What I am standing up for his Denise’s flat out lie about my experiences in a boy band. And once again, isn’t it funny how you won’t admit that you were wrong. Since you know so much about leader ship, why don’t you finally own up that you were wrong And then this charade can finalize. And I have zero problem with anybody in the world seeing this.

In fact I hope more people do. It illustrates how people will go to the greatest extent to lie about people. It’s hideous that this is even on a scam page. Better business bureau? Sure. Client review websites? Sure. But this is so far from a scam it’s not even funny. It’s laughable.

It just shows the extent Of somebody who is malicious. And I have been taught to stand up for myself and protect my name. The moment you admit you were wrong Denise, I am more than happy to let this go.

We will see what kind of person you are that you were actually admit that you were wrong in making the claim that I was not in a boy band. Were we popular? Nope. But it still happened.


United States

Oh Geez

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 15, 2019

You want to know something funny? I would never go back and forth with someone if my own customers or clients were watching. It makes you look bad. And the people reading this are potential if not already "ask a millonaire" clients. shameful.  

A real leader simply makes it right with the person who is unsastisfied and doesnt enagage in back and forth babble or name calls people "delusional." Or ha..."emotional." 

Interesting how new kids on the block are easily found on google and wikipedia and theyre from the early 90s too. Interesting...

Well the more Shawn tries to berate me...the more you're able to see who youre actually dealing with. Im just a nice woman, who wishes him well despite his faults. 

Be safe out there. 




United States

Why to be careful of reviews and reports from people like this.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 15, 2019

I feel like this could go on for years as Denise is dilusional and will never admit she was wrong in her reports of who I am and what I have claimed to be and this is not anywhere near related to being a scam. Just a dissatisfied customer who is very emotional and reported false claims.

As to her still misinformed info about my boyband days AGAIN, here is the link to the video. Would be pretty hard to forge or photoshop being on the news and the Owner of Ringling Bros circus talking about us. I trust this will settle this issue of her purporting I wasn't who I say I am and prove that she is dilusional and misinformed with misrepresentations of who I am.

This was never on the web because it was 1992 before they started documenting everything on the web. But it is indeed on file at Ringling Bros and Warner Bros and MTV and Billboard Magazine and all the other news outlets that we appeared in.

Again, clearly this person reporting me as a scam is simply displaying why I had such a difficult time talking to her. There are testimonials from numerous, current, members who have zero problem reaching me and great success in our orgainzation. 

And I have been transparent not everyone succeeds in our organization. 

I am always available for any contact from anyone to prove who I am and what I do. Feel free to reach out. 


United States


#7Author of original report

Thu, October 24, 2019

If someone wants to label me as an "unsatisfied customer"....I will say thats actually quite perfect. Thats like a woman being unsatisfied in bed- Obviously there was work to be done that was left...undone. hence...the unsatisfaction. pretty simple stuff. Not rocket science. 

The funny thing here is that im not that hard to please lol... I was only expecting what was promised to me. I think thats where people become angry or dissapointed - when we are promised something within a time frame, patience is exhausted, and we are not taken care of properly. As a business owner myself this is a CRUCIAL part of business to ensure good everyone has a customer expereince. However, I completely understand that if you dont have the big bucks to shell out, youll be disregarded to the back of the line. its politics. Just the way the world works. 

Does Shawn have a legitimate business? YES of course. Can he potentially help out business owners to thrive? YES to some EXTENT and depending on how much you are willing to pay. I never said he couldnt. However, he will take your money, and it most likely will NOT be an even exchange.  They promise alot but only deliver some of it if they price is right. All i can say is dont be gullible. this world preys on the gullible. Do your research, save your money, and find the right associations in your area- associations are everything. They will take you to your next level.

If you really want to pay someone to help you please take this advice: make sure they are GENUINELY a good person and not just pretending to be. get to know them as best as you can BEFORE you decide to work with them. I would even suggest having a trained psychologist look over their profiles and videos before you decide anything. I have studied human behavior for a large part of my life and while I can, I will not diagnose Shawn as that is more personal, but I will say to be very careful with your money. 

The pictures he attached as "proof" of his boyband days - I urge you to research it. Again, you will find almost nothing for a boy band that he talked so grandiously about. One of the pictures looks photoshoped - I urge you to show it to a friend who does photoshopping and he can confirm it. The other article looks made up. And thats ALL there is. for being such a hit, there sure is almost nothing to show for. I could deepen my research and look through warner bro records and make phone calls if i wanted to but at this point i have enough to know its not all he made it out to be. Not even close. 

Im not a diffcult person to work with at all lol... that made me laugh. Shawn was not emphatic of my situation - HOW? lol. I wish i knew HOW. Because i didnt see it. I dont remember him trying to "reason" with me either. The only time we spoke on the phone, he was angry and rash. I didnt even know how to react. I was stunned. when we hung up that night, I literally drove home in silence, shocked. He fell from how high I saw him.

I understand we all make our money - some honestly and some not-so-honestly. Pretty lies were sprinkled on the cupcake to get me to join and basically the only thing i got was the ability to join the group and see what they posted or talked about. Thats what my $48 a month bought me. I was told differently though. I was told I would get a phone call with Shawn RIGHT AWAY and ACCESS to the other 12 mentors. It just wasnt true. 

Despite my dissapointment with Shawn, I wish him well. I just hope other people dont go through what i went through - or worse. 



United States


#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 24, 2019

I would Start this by saying this is not "scam" related. This is simply the case of an unsatisfied customer. The word scam, of which I have been scammed more times than I can imagine, has been thrown around in a very ugly way and it’s a shame. I am the easiest person to get a hold of and I have never taken a dime from somebody illegally. I have always refunded any unsatisfied customer and honored every contract.   To prove the exaggerating and that she was a little bit "off”, and is now "lying” about me. The only response I will give which will show she doesn’t have her facts, is if you go into Google and you Google: N/motion Ringling Brothers You will find that I indeed had a record deal on warner brother records and traveled with Ringling Brothers circus in a boy band under my birth name Shawn Doughty. I changed it to Shawn Thomas after that music stint as it became my stage name. Those facts are obviously indisputable. Proving that Denise does not know every boy band. I am sure you can use your imagination as to whether other "opinions” might have been exaggerated. With that said, I won’t pretend to say that every single person in the world likes me or my style. But I can tell you that Denise was probably the most difficult person we’ve ever had join our group and try and get help. She had unrealistic time expectations of being able to solve severe financial problems quickly and was in such a bad place emotionally and I truly was emphatic to her situation because I had claimed bankruptcy before. I assure you I tried to reason with her. I sincerely hope she has found peace and has worked through her problems. It’s never fun. But once again, this is the case of an unsatisfied customer, not anywhere even remotely in the neighborhood a scam. This is a very legitimate business for myself and other mentors and experts help business owners grow their business and we have tangible, proven testimonials and success cases. We welcome anybody to feel free to reach out at any time to discuss this issue.

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