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  • Report:  #865211

Complaint Review: Assistant State of Florida Attorney James A. Hellickson

Assistant State of Florida Attorney James A. Hellickson Tampered/Produced Fraudlent Affidavits to Gain Criminal Conviction and Extradition Lying to the Kindon of SpainP Clearwater/St. Petersburg, Florida

  • Reported By:
    feel your pain — Jasper Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 07, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, May 06, 2012
  • Assistant State of Florida Attorney James A. Hellickson
    Pinellas County Florida
    Clearwater/St. Petersburg, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

U. S. Attorney General  Eric Holder

U. S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

RE: Documented Proof and Concerns of  Prosecutable /Fraud and misconduct (fabrication of evidence)by the  State of Florida from International Fraud to Unfair Tactics of States Attorney to Law Enforcement Officials, Seizure of Corporations, Bank Fraud, Real Estate Fraud, Interstate Wire Transfer of  Funds Fraud, U. S. Postal Fraud, and Selective Prosecution of an Individual to commit such fraud and 1.4 million cases of Identity Theft.

U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder,

Fraud of this magnitude is a must for you to become aware of and the fact that the chain of command has been exhausted without due process of exploring and examining said fraud. I will attempt to place in chronological order for you as not to make this as lengthy as it is with supported evidence that has been placed in the hands of the States Attorney and Clerk of Courts who refuse to police and investigate their own agents and agencies. Allowing state officials to run ramped violating civil and international laws and citizens. The documented proof of these facts is undeniable.

Assistant States Attorney (Florida) James Arthur Hellickson under the direction of States Attorney (Florida) Bernie McCabe did in fact create and obtained a fraudulent warrant of arrest  and extrication from the Kingdom of Spain of a United States Citizen,. A felony information was created by said attorney without a sworn testimony of a material witness as mandated by the Florida Constitution and Statues. This instrument was used in the extradition from Spain.(not produced in Freedom of Information). Issued false promises and guaranties to fraudulently induce extradition with the intent to breech the Diplomatic Note.  A paragraph length statement of an officer that was felt not damning enough to encourage the Kingdom of Spain to follow through with the extrication of  a U. S. Citizen. Assistant States Attorney Hellickson and crew took upon themselves to bolster officer statement to enhance and encourage the Kingdom of Spain to negotiate  extrication and this type of communication is not in the scope of practice of a States Attorney when dealing with Treaty and Diplomatic Notes with a foreign  country and the United States.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, of the U.S. Constitution gives the president the power         to negotiate and ratify treaties, but he must obtain the advice and consent of the Senate (in practice solicited only after negotiation); two-thirds of the senators present must concur.  

Article I, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution forbids the states to enter into a "treaty, alliance, or confederation," although they may enter into an "agreement or compact" with other states, domestic or foreign, but only with the consent of Congress

As you will note there are many communications within the States Attorney office of affidavits being altered, manulipated, and exploited  to enhance a non-sworn accuser against an individual . Therefore, Assistant States Attorney Hellickson filed unsupported and fraudulent affidavits and included himself as a complaining witness and concealed these affidavits after extradition was accomplished.(unlawful per the Florida Constitution) to seek a Governors Warrant and to induce the Kingdom of Spain to extradite this U. S. Citizen. This U.S. Citizen has been titled a Rapist when in fact the defendant was never accused of Rape

Rape 1) n. the crime of sexual intercourse (with actual penetration of a woman's vagina with the man's p***s) without consent . There is the concern of law enforcement and prosecutors that women whose advances have been rejected by a man, or who have been caught in the act of consensual sexual intercourse may falsely cry "rape." (Free Dictionary by Farlex, Legal Dictionary)

See exhibits #A for documented facts.

To qualify as a subject under the, and the ability to traditional definition of international law, a state had to be sovereign: It needed a territory, a population, a government to engage in diplomatic or foreign relations. States within the United States, provinces, and cantons were not considered subjects of international law, because they lacked the legal authority to engage in foreign relations. In addition, individuals did not fall within the definition of subjects that enjoyed rights and obligations under international law.  (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, Source of International Law)

During a jury trial, Assistant State Attorney Hellickson denied ever seeing such documents including Diplomatic Note # 426( was the diplomatic agreement limiting jurisdiction). Assistant State Attorney Hellickson also knowingly, willingly, and wantonly misadvised Judge of said Diplomatic Note and the conditions thereof. This creating a Violation of Treaty and Diplomatic Note agreeing to the Kingdom of Spain of the conditions of the note. Assistant State Attorney Hellickson did in fact go directly against the agreement and sought a sentence totally against the Kingdom of Spain demands. This act of Assistant State Attorney Hellickson is a total disregard to Florida Constitutional Law and the International Treaty and Diplomatic Note from the Kingdom of Spain. Also during trial, forensic evidence did not show defendant DNA on the complaining witness (victim). The State of Florida refuses to have the court recording translated into writing for evidence.  See exhibits #B for documented facts.

As you will notice in the Diplomatic Note, the Kingdom of Spain requested assurances that this person would not gain a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. At the time of the trial, not one but three life sentences was placed upon this person. After complaints from the defendant to the Kingdom of Spain regarding the sentence(s), in a court of law that lacked jurisdiction and venue, the court of the State of Florida re-sentenced defendant to six determinate sentences(again without jurisdiction of 100 years. With the intent to nullify federal civil action filed against this prosecutor and state circuit court judges) Statically speaking this is a life sentence for this defendant. The current age is 58 years, statistics  show life expectancy (determined by the CDC) in the male species of humans is 75 years. Again I would like to remind you that this sentence(s) was the result of fraudulent affidavits fraudent unsupported felony information created by the State of Florida Assistant State Attorney and staff. This violates federal constitution and law.

The defendant has been charged and probated on a previous charge of the same magnitude some six years prior. In this case the complaining witness has re-canted her story that all the accusations was indeed a lie. The defendant protected the complaining witness from perjury charges and was sentenced to probation that the conditions of  the probation was never imposed on the defendant but was submitted to the Clerk of Courts some two months post trial without the defendant present or notified.

This being a matter of public record, was used against the defendant on the current trial and has been considered habitual and also charged with Violation of Probation. Violation of probation is not an extraditable offence and pursuing this violation breeched the International Treaty and Assistant State Attorney Hellickson was advised by the USDJ he could not violate conditions of Treaty  with Violation of Probation. In the court proceedings the Assistant State Attorney covered this by using the words criminal acts to cover up the Violation of Probation and the defendant was sentenced on that also. In my research of many hours in the law library, I have found that the State Attorney, Judges, many of elected officials that have had any type of connections with this persons case(s) have violated the Constitution of Florida by not taking Oath to Office in such timely manner as stated in the Florida Constitution, therefore by not complying with the Florida Constitution these elected officials do not hold legal title to the office of election and have no jurisdiction to practice in said positions. Hence, anything these individuals have stowed upon this U.S. Citizen is void. See exhibits #C for documented facts.

As you can see there is a web of deceit and lies to gain convictions of a U.S. Citizen by the State of Florida, State Attorney, and the complaining witness victim. Many processes of this case has been violated from the onset, from the investigation and the documentation to support said crime to judicial proceedings, convictions, and sentencing. Many of blind eyes have been stowed upon these issues and swept under the carpet to hide, at this time this is a request for your help to correct the wrong that has been done time after time after time. Is the State Attorney and other law enforcement and judicial beings given absolute immunity to commit fraud?


At the time of the above, this U.S. Citizen was self employed of a very lucrative business(s) and was expanding internationally. Also, was married ( now divorced) and the spouse (Patricia Ann Seagraves) and her daughter (Amy Evans) was employed by this business owner. Now residing in OFallon, MO.

Upon the arrest in Spain, these two women conspired to steel the business and seized all business bank accounts and millions of dollars in monies and valued property to gain profits for themselves and leave this person penniless. These two women was not members of the corporations and had no authority to enter into transactions with Wachovia Bank and have signature cards changed, adding themselves and deleting the owner. The home and personal property was sold by said women and retained profits of said sales. Patricia Ann Seagraves, aka Patricia Ann Curtis is being counter sued by Stewart Title and Wachovia Bank as a result of her actions.  These possessions  was not marital assets and was not property for these women to sell. Funds profited by these women have been wire transferred from Florida to Missouri. Also the business computer with all clients information was retained and used by these women to fraud such clients and stealing identity of said clients and their monies collected and closed down the business(s).. Hence, bank, real estate, wire, and interstate fraud and identity theft of the clients.  Client total in excess 1.4 million. Are these people allowed to commit these heinous acts and be given immunity because one is a states witness to the above? The investigators and  courts have fought against every step to bring these women to justice and turned blind eyes, to conspiracy, and RICO. Is this a communist county like Cuba? It appears this is the way this country is heading with the violations of the United States Constitution that our fore fathers built this country on. These women are allowed to run scott free just because one is helping the State of  Florida law enforcement and judicial beings act against the constitution both state and federal. Proof has been filed with the courts and NO action has been made and continue to place burden upon the victim in this matter and the burden of proof is there. See exhibits #D of documented facts.

Then you have an attorney in private practice that exhibits the State of Florida Seal and a replica of a State Attorney badge to advertise his private practice. This too is against the Florida Constitution and State Statues. This attorney is Joshua M. Drechsel, Esq. working in the county of Pinellas, city of St. Petersburg, Florida. This attorney supports and employs a Notary who process fraudulent documents filing civil litigation( and mailed said documents via the U.S. Postal Service which commits mail fraud) of a non existing person(bogus name) to obtain a financial gain. This to is fraud committed against the laws of the State of  Florida. To the best of information searched there is not a person alive or dead with the name of Jane Doe that posses a birth certificate. This fictions of a Jane Doe is in fact the alleged victim of the criminal case in the beginning of this letter of multiple disputes and frauds. See exhibits #E of documented facts.

In closing this informative request and documented proof of quantity and magnitude of fraud to you, We pray that you will take on your powers of your position and not turn blind eyes and investigate and correct the wrong with in this corrupt State of Florida from the top to the bottom. Our fore fathers would rattle in their graves to have what they worked so hard for to create a country one would be proud to live and support. I am sure that this is not the only state in this country that has such corrupt system that refuses to admit or investigate the damages to the citizens of said states. The documented  criminal acts and conspiracies by agents of the State of Florida fraudulently commit these unjust to the citizens of this state is criminal. The total disregard of elected officials not with holding the Laws of the State and the Constitution of Florida and the United States Constitution.

This letter will be forwarded to all legislative branches, public chronicles, and to anyone who may have the ability to stop these acts and hold accountable the elected officials and below to follow the rules of this land.

Copyright Release: Granting permission to forward this document to whom maybe interested or have interest or power to hold an investigation and address such actions of said authorities. More documentation is available upon request, hundreds of pages.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

feel your pain


Florida Asst. States Attorney James Hellickson Still on the loose!

#2Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2012

James Arthur Hellickson, Asst. states attorney in Pinellas County Florida is still on the loose and still running free after commiting fraud upon the courts with fraudlent affidivits and over stepping his scope of practice by making false deals under Treaty Violations with Spain and diplomatic notes.

The State of Florida is a corrupt state and will not even investigate the blind justice all the way to the Attorney General. They will lie and produce fraudlent affidivits and bury you in their prison system for life. They will lie against the Constitution of the United States, then when you call them on it, they want to sweep it under the rug. Rip your life away.

The above allegations are true and there is hard proof of this as the Emails from Hellicksons computer are solid proof of his lies and intent and success of sending a innocent man to prison. All evidence is available upon request.

Beware people when going to Pinellas-Pasco counties of Florida, one false complaint and your in prison. They feed like snakes.

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