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  • Report:  #875609

Complaint Review: AT&T U-verse

AT&T U-verse Is AT&T U-verse Serving the People Or Fleecing the Sheeple? Internet

  • Reported By:
    vvvpr — Miami Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 29, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 08, 2013
*Consumer Comment: AT&T is sucking the life out of me *Consumer Comment: No issues here *Author of original report: Rebuttal of "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" *Consumer Comment: Still incorrect *Author of original report: Rebuttal to Arbitrary Contrarian "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" *Consumer Comment: Comments... *Consumer Comment: You make me laugh *Author of original report: Rebuttal to Virtual Persona "Robert - Irvine (U.S.A.)" *Consumer Comment: Why does she still have it? *Author of original report: Another Rebuttal of Arbitrary Contrarian (or Paid Hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" *Consumer Comment: Ummm... *Consumer Comment: Please drop it *Consumer Comment: To insane in Miami *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above *Consumer Comment: Ah yes... *Consumer Comment: and that proves nothing *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above *Consumer Comment: Here's some more info *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above *Consumer Comment: Just like any other occu-tard... *Consumer Comment: Faulty Logic PL *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And/Or, Uh, "ROR Community" Postings Above *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above *Consumer Suggestion: missing it all *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And/Or Other Questionable Postings Above *Consumer Comment: comment *Author of original report: Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And All Other Questionable Postings Above *Consumer Comment: I rest my case *Consumer Comment: I tried *General Comment: No, you're it! *Consumer Comment: Comment to Ashley

Ma Bell was notorious for corporate greed and customer abuse long before Lily Tomlin lampooned her on Laugh-In.  And in today's ATT Screw-U-Verse, the corruption continues.


Those of you still relying on mainstream media for news may be unaware of what Occupy Wall Street and the Global Revolution have planned for Tuesday, May 1 2012:
MSIE users Google this: (occupy AND ("may day" OR mayday))

But for those of you in the Occupy Movement looking for some last-minute May Day recruits, what appears to be a rapidly growing base of disgruntled AT&T U-Verse customers might be a target-rich environment:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

The following is a classic example of how Ma Bell continues to treat her customers like chattel, cattle or worse.  We are masking some names, dates and numbers, but everything else is as per the story and supporting documents we received:

A little over two months ago, an AT&T telephone and DSL customer we'll call "PL" needed a wireless Internet solution for her new tablet computer, so she called the number on her phone bill and eventually wound up speaking to an AT&T sales rep.  The rep offered PL an Internet access solution that would support her old notebook as well as her new tablet for $24.95 a month plus a one-time $100.00 modem charge, and promised PL two $100.00 gift cards if she agreed to transfer to the new plan.  PL accepted.  Installation was scheduled for sometime during the day on March 1X, and PL was told to expect UPS to deliver her new modem "a couple of days" before that.  By March 1X-1 no modem had arrived, so PL made a followup call to AT&T.  She was assured that UPS would deliver the modem that evening, and that the installation tech was still scheduled to come the next day.  

Like many 99 percenters, PL has to work two jobs to pay for the greed of Wall Street and the wars and waste of Washington.  She had taken unpaid time off from her day job to be home for the new Internet modem installation, but was hoping to still be able to work that night.  By midday no installer had called or come by, so she made another followup call to AT&T.  This time - and for the first time - she heard the word "U-verse", was told she was supposed to either open the box and install the modem herself or pay an additional $160.00, that the technician was coming by to terminate her DSL not install her U-verse, and that she didn't need to be home for that.  That meant PL had sacrificed a day's pay for nothing - and that AT&T expected a person with absolutely no IT training or experience to install their own cabling, configure a wireless access modem, and activate their own U-verse service!

PL didn't have "an additional $160.00", so she opened the box and did her best to follow the complicated instructions inside and configure the modem.  It didn't work.  But after holding 20 minutes then spending an hour more talking to an escalation of U-verse support techs, she learned that she had done everything right but the problem was the U-verse activation software did not work with some major web browsers - including hers.  The U-verse tech finally activated the service from his end, and began the process of creating an ATT email account for PL.  PL told the tech she did not want an ATT email account, and there ended their exchange and - PL thought - her AT&T U-verse installation nightmare.

A few weeks passed, then PL received one of the two $100.00 gift cards AT&T had promised.  Coincidentally perhaps, on that same day she received a letter from the AT&T Accounts Receivable Center which scolded and threatened her as follows:

"Did you forget to pay your bill?  Our records show that your account balance is $164.95 which includes a past due amount of $164.95...  If payment is not received by April 2X, 2012 your AT&T U-verse service may be temporarily disconnected.  If your service is temporarily disconnected, in addition to paying all outstanding charges, a restoral fee may apply.  The restoral charge is $30 per U-verse product and/or service on your account...  For accounts that remain unpaid for ten (10) days after interruption, service will be permanently disconnected."

PL was shocked.  She'd paid every AT&T bill she'd received, so she called the number in the letter - 800.228.2020 - to find out what was going on.  It was then she learned from AT&T U-verse's Lavonne M. (employee number LM154X) that from now on she'd be receiving a U-verse bill separate from her AT&T phone bill, and that the reason she had never seen her U-verse bill was because it was being emailed to the ATT email account she never had access to.  PL asked Lavonne M. to break down the $164.95 balance for her, but the only amount PL recognized was the $100.00 modem charge.  PL paid that with her $100.00 gift card, and asked if she could wait to pay the remainder until she had a copy of the bill to review.  Lavonne M. told her that would be fine, and assured PL that her U-verse service would not be disconnected.

Lavonne M. lied.  At just after 8:00am on the morning of April 2X+1, U-verse disconnected PL.  She called ATT Uverse and asked to speak to Lavonne M., and was told that "wasn't possible".  She requested to speak to a supervisor, and after holding several minutes got one and shared her sad story.  The supervisor coldly told PL her only option at this point was to pay the $64.95 balance plus a $30.00 reconnect fee.  PL refused, and demanded to speak to a manager.  She was again told that "wasn't possible", but she could leave a number and a manager would call her back.  PL did.  Six hours later, an AT&T U-verse manager who did not offer her name or direct extension did in fact call PL back.  PL told her everything in agonizing detail, based upon which the manager restored PL's U-verse service so long as PL settled her balance by May 1X.  PL agreed, with the stipulation that she would not pay the bill if she did not receive a bill to pay.

Deciding not to wait, that evening PL set out to settle her affairs with ATT Uverse.  She called 800.228.2020 and couldn't get past the bots to a human, so she went online to "chat" with AT&T U-verse support here:

She connected and started chatting with a support rep named Rajma-something whose English was not, in PL's words, "American".  She said she had a billing issue, and Raj replied he could assist her if she gave him the details.  PL typed away.  Raj asked questions indicating he did not understand, and PL typed some more.  After several exchanges with lengthy delays in between, Raj declared his role was actually Tech Support so he couldn't help her.  PL demanded to chat with Raj's supervisor.  He came online with another "Indian-sounding" name and had PL jump through the same hoops as Raj did before admitting he could do nothing to assist her either.  Furious by this time, PL introduced the supposed Indian to some choice American expletives, disconnected and went to bed crying.

The following morning, PL called the 877.288.7973 number "Raj" had given her to track down her second and missing $100.00 gift card.  Not surprisingly, it was the wrong number.  She then found and called the right number - 800.288.9983 - and connected with the AT&T Rewards Center.  Employee number EV2455 checked her account, apologized for their "input error", and assured PL her second gift card would be on its way "in a few weeks".  

Finally, PL called AT&T U-verse Billing Support yet again to try to find out what the composition of her unpaid balance was.  When she did, she was surprised to hear the balance was now $48.00 higher than she'd previously been told, the increment being one more month's U-verse billing.  She advised the billing rep that she'd been sold 6meg Internet service for $24.95 a month, and that she would not pay a penny more.  The AT&T rep said that's not what their records showed, and there was nothing she could do to correct it.  PL demanded to speak to a supervisor again, and was placed on hold for several minutes.  When someone finally picked up, it was not a supervisor but another billing rep!  PL was ready to explode, but instead again declared that she'd been sold 6meg Internet service for $24.95 a month, and that she would not pay a penny more.  Unlike the last rep, this one promptly reduced PL's monthly rate to $24.95 and applied retroactive credits to correct the overbilling, which along with the "un-input" gift card PL now believes was intentional.

What do YOU think, America?  Is AT&T U-verse serving the People, or fleecing the Sheeple?

31 Updates & Rebuttals



Comment to Ashley

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013


We are all praying that you too get the same service we have received from AT&T. 
I also believe, the way you typed your comment, that you are not an educated person.  You typed it as if you were texting your teenage girlfriend.
I am glad you enjoyed your AT&T experience.


United States of America

No, you're it!

#32General Comment

Sun, March 03, 2013

Ashley (the immature "occu-tard") from Springfield said:

SUBMITTED: Monday, May 07, 2012

but much like the rest of the occu-tard movement, you are just as brain-dead as the rest when it comes to advice on how things work. I hope you enjoy your 1 year contract with U-verse for your slave labor made apple iPad as you sip lattes from starbucks and talk about how hip and trendy it is to oppose corporate greed. I can only hope that someday you decide to join the rest of society and become productive members of it. While you do not specifially mention your age, the fact
that you support the occupy movement likely makes you young. The older generations are not flocking to the movement, nore are they concerned about their ISPs and iPads like the younger folks are.

Ashley's Master said:

Actually, you're the "occu-tard" here. If you are truly "old", getting rowdy on a blog just seems more silly. And there is good reason why people would accuse you of being an AT&T spy - defensing AT&T in a close and personal way and attacking those that defamed it is a good give away as comparing to just saying I had good service.

By the way, no U.S. raised and born would ever put $ behind a number to indicate monetary value. I will call your B.S. on that.

Paper billing is always the default. If they truly never mentioned e-mail billing when a customer is signing up, they are ripping off by charging over due charges.

Ashley's Master respond to the rest of the "occu-tard" said:

As for the rest of you, jumping on the bandwagon without thinking doesn't make you cool. Rather than asking for proof, all of these supposed "old and mature" people just cry at one another. All of you are stupid.


P.S. I hope this post rile someone up because that would make me laugh.



I tried

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2012

but much like the rest of the occu-tard movement, you are just as brain-dead as the rest when it comes to advice on how things work. I hope you enjoy your 1 year contract with U-verse for your slave labor made apple iPad as you sip lattes from starbucks and talk about how hip and trendy it is to oppose corporate greed. I can only hope that someday you decide to join the rest of society and become productive members of it. While you do not specifially mention your age, the fact that you support the occupy movement likely makes you young. The older generations are not flocking to the movement, nore are they concerned about their ISPs and iPads like the younger folks are.

You can just keep repeating the same uninformation links to complaints that are meaningless.


New York,

I rest my case

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

You've just reinforced the point I made. Thank you.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And All Other Questionable Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2012

The "ROR Community"?!? ROFL... Could you Corporate Hacks BE any more obvious?!?

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. On Yelp's "Real People. Real Reviews." AT&T U-verse averages 1 out of 5 stars, the bottom of the scale:

7. On Consumer Affairs AT&T U-verse also averages 1 out of 5 stars, also the bottom of the scale:

8. This Customer Service Scoreboard shows that over 90% of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:

9. This Twitter ATT Uverse complaints stream is always active:!/search/realtime/%28uverse%20OR%20%22u-verse%22%20OR%20%23uverse%29%20AND%20%28sucks%20OR%20sux%29

10. And 1,600+ Facebook users agree that "AT&T U-verse Sucks":


New York,


#32Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

Wow - this thread has, like many others, devolved into the typical ROR: OP makes a complaint, fails to recognize alternative opinions and/or facts that refute the original argument; then resorts to calling rebuttals "corporate hacks" who work for the company; more rebuttals with logic from "Team Rebut"; more illogical and repetitive postings from OP.

Reminds me of Sharon and her repo man, Rita and her medical license, Charles and well, just about everybody, ad nauseum....

The only thing this post lacks is the equally obnoxious postings from Karl about how AT&T is probably owned by the feds, who are out to ruin America.

Give it up Team Rebut :-)  We have once again run into the proverbial brick wall that won't acquiese to our logic.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And/Or Other Questionable Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Sat, May 05, 2012

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. On Yelp's "Real People. Real Reviews." AT&T U-verse averages 1 out of 5 stars, the bottom of the scale:

7. This Customer Service Scoreboard shows that over 90% of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:

8. This Twitter ATT Uverse complaints stream is always active:!/search/realtime/%28uverse%20OR%20%22u-verse%22%20OR%20%23uverse%29%20AND%20%28sucks%20OR%20sux%29

9. And 1,600+ Facebook users agree that "AT&T U-verse Sucks":


P.S. to "Chef - dorchester (U.S.A.)" WRONG: Re-read the original post. The chat with Raj took place BEFORE service was disconnected.  Also, you comment about PL's generation (or ours?) when you have no idea what our ages are.  The rest of your commentary is likewise garbage.



missing it all

#32Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 05, 2012

what you have a failed to miss, is in the original post the op states the service was disconnected  and yet was able to get online and have a chat session with "RAJ" how is this being done with no service

So either 2 things happened !!!!!

1. AT&t never disconnected the service

2. the OP is full of sh*t

Funny how the rest of the country has made a decent life with BIG GREED, what do you young kids think this is something new.

I am 40 and have made a decent life for myself and my family, what your generations problem is just because you have a degree from a school that charges you $300,000 for a degree does not mean you deserve a job right out of college that is going to pay you $250,000 a year.

Where the F*ck do you kids get the sense of entitlement, that you are owed this.

Its called starting at the bottom and working youre way up to the top.

You think these big bank CEO's just graduated college and were given the CEO job

No they worked there way up the cooperate ladder.

If you cannot afford your college loans then maybe you should not have lived above your means and went to a community college, thats your first hard lesson in life, and believe me when I tell you there will be many more.

I am not going to say you 99% ers, were are the same, some of you are like this because this is the way your generation was brought up.

When I was a kid you tried out for little league and if you sucked you did not make a team,

Now every one makes the team and everyone has to play and everyone getS a trophy.

Your generation has never been taught to work for anything IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN GIVEN TO YOU, IN THAT LITTLE FANTASY WORLD YOU WERE LIVING IN.




United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack And/Or, Uh, "ROR Community" Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2012

The "ROR Community"?!? ROFL... Could you Corporate Hacks BE any more obvious?!?

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. This Customer Service Scoreboard, for example, shows that over 90% of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:

7. You will also find this Twitter stream is always active:!/search/realtime/%28uverse%20OR%20%22u-verse%22%20OR%20%23uverse%29%20AND%20%28sucks%20OR%20sux%29

8. And 1,600+ Facebook users agree that "AT&T U-verse Sucks":

Jim S

United States of America

Faulty Logic PL

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, May 04, 2012

..and you are PL, so stop with the it's my friend thing...  Do you also go to the doctor and tell the doctor, "my friend has this pain in her side...and...."  Seriously, get real....

For starters, the statistic you cite regarding complaints is irrelevant.  How??  Maybe you can inform us why someone would call customer service, UNLESS they had a problem.  If the problem were really as you say it is, the number of complaints to customer service would amount to 100%.  Seriously..... nobody calls customer service to say, "gee, I love the service!!"  They don't call (I don't call and yes, I have ATT U-verse) anyone.  Your illogic is actually quite profound.  It's sort of like saying, since all of the complaints on ROR are 100% negative, the service must therefore be universally bad.  Your assertion lacks context as to the total population.  If there are 300+ complaints, and millions of users, the number of complaints is therefore quite small.  Hence, it is the incorrect conclusion to your assertion.  Citing something on the internet reminds this reader of our friend Karl.... who because he cites something on the internet - it must therefore be true.....

Next, your complaints center around the fact that the service is not what you (yes, you...) thought it should be.  That's not AT&T's problem now, or ever. That's a problem centering around your inability to properly perceive what you ( think the service should be.....  The rest of the issue, you have either indicated it has been resolved to your satisfaction (yes, YOUR satisfaction) or has been explained properly by Ashley, one of the long-time memebrs of the ROR community.

None of your points are at all logical in any way.  The only thing consumers should take away from this complaint is this:

1.  AT&T U-verse works exactly as expected, and the company resolves its complaints pretty well.

2.  Complaints overall are relatively small in comparison to the total population of users. 

3.  This complaint related to this is lodged by someone who cannot be satisfied in any possible way.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2012

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. This Customer Service Scoreboard, for example, shows that over 90% of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:

7. You will also find this Twitter stream is always active:!/search/realtime/%28uverse%20OR%20%22u-verse%22%20OR%20%23uverse%29%20AND%20%28sucks%20OR%20sux%29

8. And 1,600+ Facebook users agree that "AT&T U-verse Sucks":



Just like any other occu-tard...

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, May 04, 2012

Brain dead and sounding like a broken record.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2012

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. This Customer Service Scoreboard, for example, shows that over 90% of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:

7. You will also find this Twitter stream is always active:!/search/realtime/%28uverse%20OR%20%22u-verse%22%20OR%20%23uverse%29%20AND%20%28sucks%20OR%20sux%29



Here's some more info

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2012

You know, from their website where you could do some research.

" AT&T Promotion Card fulfillment (applicable to all offers which provide promotion cards):

Card redemption required. Card sent 4-6 weeks after redemption to customers who retain qualifying service(s). Not redeemable for cash, for use at automated gasoline pumps or for cash withdrawal at ATMs. Card expires 90 days after issuance. For cardholder agreement/terms and conditions go to Cards are issued by U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc."

So, you have to be a customer for a certain period of time (retain qualifying services) and THEN in 4-6 weeks you will recieve your card. Clearly that time frame has not passed for PL.

"U-verse Internet only intro-pricing offer:

Offer available for new AT&T Internet customers only. Offer applies to Internet service after monthly bill credit. After 12 months, standard rate applies unless canceled by customer. Promotional rates may no longer apply if customer changes their speed tier during term. 12 month term required. U-verse Internet intro pricing for 12 months applies as follows: Basic Internet: $19.95, Express Internet: $19.95, Pro Internet: $19.95, Elite Internet: $24.95, Max Internet: $29.95, Max Plus Internet: $39.95, Max Turbo Internet: $49.95. Up to $180 early termination fee applies. Residential customers only. Modem/gateway required. Taxes apply. U-verse price includes 250 GB of data/mo. For more information, go to Speed claim(s) represent maximum downstream and/or upstream speed capabilities which may vary and are not guaranteed. Offer expires 7/14/12. "

Here is the offer she signed up for. Note: that the offer is AFTER a monthly bill credit. Ie: You will be charged the regular rate and you should see the credit apply later. From digging deeper in to thier website it says you must be a customer for 30 days before you qualify for the card. So 30 days plus 4-6 weeks. That would put PL to mid-may to mid-june to recieve her card, correct?

Also, it says on their website that it can take up to two months to get the credit applied to the bill. She hasn't even had it for two months yet to get that bill. Jumping the gun much? I can't wait for her to realize that she is locked in to a one year contract with AT+T. I'm sure you will be back to post about how they want a cancellation fee for breaking the contract.

She should really go to uverse's website and read/understand her service.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Thu, May 03, 2012

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:
MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

6. This Customer Service Scoreboard, for example, shows that 810 out of 862  - or 93.97% - of all comments filed regarding ATT Uverse are NEGATIVE:



and that proves nothing

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2012

Showing that there are complaints does nothing to address the validity of any complaint. Pick any major corporation in any industry and plug them in this site or google. All of them with have lots of complaints. From wal-mart to chase to bank of america to AT+T (my ampersand key was eaten by a european, I hope this is okay?) the larger a company the more complaints there will be on that company. You have yet to establish any sort of rip off on the part of AT+T, all you have established is piss poor customer service. In fact, the overwhelming majority of complaints on AT+T is on piss poor customer service.

No ripoff here. Just a self-entitled p***k crying for some brain-dead girl who can't set up her internet.



Ah yes...

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2012

The last vestige of people who really have nothing to stand on.  Saying that anyone who disagrees with them must be employees.  Then instead of answering the questions asked,  just post links that they hope people will think "Oh they posted links so it must be legitimate" and not really question them.

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

- This one is perhaps my favorite.  Posting a link to the same post that you are writing in.

I even love your original tiny URL's.  They aren't a link to some site that may explain your story more, they are to Google search..real informative.

You are so interested in our reasoning why people are posting here.  If you actually spent 30 seconds in all of your "searching" you would see how silly your "They must be an employee" accusation is.  So why not tell us how you know PL?  Are you PL?  In fact I am beginning to doubt that PL even exists.

This site has the ability to upload images.  So how about posting copies of these bills(with personal info removed of course).

How about answering the question why someone who has such a moral conviction as you/PL would want an IPad that was built with what you think is slave labor?  Or are your "moral objections" directly related to the cost of the item.  Where since it was free you no longer care who made it.


United States of America

Refutation of All Corporate Hack And/Or Contrarian Quack Postings Above

#32Author of original report

Thu, May 03, 2012

1. No hack/quack comments posted above challenge the facts underlying our complaint against AT&T U-verse:

2. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 50 that specifically mention U-Verse:

3. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 516 that specifically mention ATT:

4. Our complaint against AT&T U-verse is only one of at least 2,181 that specifically mention AT&T:

5. The complaints filed against ATT Uverse at are merely the tip of the iceberg:

MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)



To insane in Miami

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

You have been a blast :D

What has AT+T done to you that is so egregious that you are on some sort of insane crusade?

VVVPR says:

We do not consider exposing corporate greed and corruption to be an "insane crusade":

You still havent exposed any corporate greed or corruption. You have exposed a mistake in billing and a friend, PL, who is too stupid to hook up a cable modem. Theres nothing in your entire report exposing coporate greed and corruption. Bad customer service? Sure. Not greed.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Robert doesn't have to take ou to court for anything. Why would he? Just like your petty little complaint doesnt mean s**t to AT+T.

VVVPR says:

It will...

If you believe that it will Ive got a bridge to sell to you in San Francisco. Last  time I checked, AT+T was one of the largest telecom companies in the world. Do you think your complaining here has any effect on that? None. Your entire report is third hand garbage you are posting for another person.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You are clearly an entitled and spoiled little brat along with your friend who is clearly too stupid to understand how the internet works.

VVVPR says:

You are clearly a disturbed person with nothing better to do than anonymously insult people you know nothing about.  Of course, there's no such thing as a veil of anonymity that cannot be pierced...

At least I dont think Im entitled to handouts from the government and corporate America. Im not being anonymous at all. I gave you my real name and where I live. Feel like emailing me? have fun.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got your gift cards.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  PL has never received the second gift card she was promised by AT&T.

And its very likely she hasnt fulfilled the obligations to get that gift card yet. I believe I didnt get mine until I had been a paid customer for 90 days.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got your correct rate.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  PL finally received a bill from AT&T U-verse yesterday, and the only thing "correct" on it was her address.
Post a picture or no one here believes you.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got the service installed and it works.

VVVPR says:

PL has 6meg ATT Uverse service for now, yes.  She says it is not noticeably faster than her old 3meg DSL.

Of course not, 6meg vs 3meg is barely a difference. Someone just surfing the web and watching videos on youtube would not notice a difference. There barely is any difference between the two.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

AT+T has fixed all the problem you had, yet you still have a major problem with the company? What do you want them to do, come suck you off? Take you out for a steak dinner?

VVVPR says: should ban you for posting that.

This site doesnt ban people.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I'm not sure exactly what you want them to do now.

VVVPR says:

Stop screwing their customers is one thing we'd like to see AT&T "do now".

You still havent illustrated where the customer has been screwed. All youve illustrated is bad customer service and a billing error.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I will await your complaint about that service too. Just search this site for mediacom, verizon, comcast, suddenlink... There are hundreds of complaints just like yours on every ISP in this country.

VVVPR says:

I don't doubt any of that.

Then why arent you filing complaints about corporate greed and corruption about them too? Im sure your ISP is a faceless corporation just sucking out your wallet.
Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Mostly from people who dont understand the service they are signing up for.

VVVPR says:

That is an unfounded accusation unless and until you post substantial authoritative evidence to support it.

And everything you have posted has been unfounded accusations also. You cannot prove any of your claims and you have no first hand knowledge of them, since you are not even the person that has the account with AT+T. You claimed that 80% of AT+Ts customers are dissatisfied and have billing errors. If you spend any time at all browsing this website you will see ththe majority of the complaints on this website are unfounded nonsense. Including your 99% corporate greed garbage.
Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

If PL would have just RESEARCHED her internet access before purchasing it, a lot of this would have been avoided.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  Why do you keep trying to sell this lie?  We have already refuted it above.
Because its the truth.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I'm also confused as to why you dropped DSL for Fiber optic internet just because you bought an iPad. (Which even a generation 1 is a luxury item far beyond my means to purchase)

VVVPR says:

If you read our previous post, you'd know the iPad was an old one somebody gave her, not a "luxury item" she went out and bought.

That still doesnt explain why you needed a new internet service for the iPad when your DSL service would have worked just fine for it.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You do realize that you could have simply connected to the internet with your DSL connection, right? If you didnt have a router, they are 20$ at walmart. You wouldn't have even needed AT+T to be involved in the first place.

VVVPR says:

Irrelevant.  As is everything you have posted to this thread.  And BTW, here in the USA we'd write "$20", not "20$".

Funny, Ive lived in the US for my whole life and I never learned that I was supposed to say $20 instead of 20$. So, here in the Midwest we say 20$ and last time I checked Missouri was in the united states.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Also, how do you propose that either Robert or myself prove that we dont work for AT+T? No matter what evidence I offer you, you would simply claim is false. I'm not going to broadcast the company I do work for on a public forum such as this, the last thing I need is some crazy occupier harrassing me at work. Feel free to look me up on facebook though. Not many ashley wiggs's on there. Then again, you'll probably just say that's a false facebook designed to keep the truth about my life secret and hidden.

VVVPR says:

More vacuous verbosity from someone who is either a chronic contrarian or a paid corporate hack.

Man. I have no retort to such obvious drivel. You really have a chip on your shoulder about the world you know that?

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Oh, and tell PL that its very brave of her to have somebody else fight her battles for her.

VVVPR says:

And what would you like us to tell the other 35 people who have filed Ripoff Reports against AT&T U-verse?

And what would you like us to tell the hundreds if not thousands of complainants found here?

MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)

That they most likely dont understand what the hell is going on with their accounts either. How many of those complaints are legitimate? I browsed througha  lot of them and most of them are pointless and untruthful also. Uverse only has 35 complaints here? Thats actually doing pretty good for a telecom company.Comcast has 624, suddenlink has 21, Mediacom has 88, cox has 380.
If we rate telecoms by the number of complaints, Uverse is one of the best! They are one of the LEAST complained about ISPs.
Dont you have a park to go occupy?


United States of America

Please drop it

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

1.  First of all, placing the dollar sign after the 24.95 instead of in front and referring to AT&T as "AT+T" suggests that if in fact you reside in the USA you were raised and educated elsewhere.

You would be incorrect. I was born in springfield missouri, attended high school in springfield MO, and graduated college from Missouri state university.  This is my home town and I still live here. Exactly how does saying something is 2$ make me foriegn as opposed to $2? Same with AT+T vs AT&T? Even if I were foreign, what would that matter?

VVVPR Reply:

The Internet makes it easy for people to assume virtual personae. Let's say, for example, that the AT&T U-verse web programmer behind the activation software identified as faulty in our complaint decided to cover himself.  Such a person might easily avoid using ampersands and shift dollar signs to the end of strings. Such a person might easily be you...

vvvpr, I disagree with your point on this one. The point you are attempting to make in this case has no relevant to the whole point of this report. It is just a plain discrimination from your point of view. Please drop it.

2.  Your familiar and defensive references regarding AT&T policies and website content suggest that you are more likely to be an AT&T employee, contractor or paid hack than an actual U-verse customer.

That is the first thing anyone who comes to this site says to any rebuttal on thier posts. I have been posting on this site for about 8 years now on various topics. I don't work for any of these companies, and I don't get paid for what I do. I am an informed consumer that feels the need to respond to obviously outrageous posts and claims. I do not and have never worked for AT+T. I am however a customer of At+T and have had celluar service with them for 12 years and internet for 2. I do however read the terms and conditions and research companies before I do business with them. This is how I'm familiar with their policies, its called being an informed consumer. You should try it sometime.

VVVPR Reply:

Nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  All you have done here is confess that you have spent "8 years" of your life writing arbitrary contrarian responses to Ripoff Reports.

vvvpr, this is another reply that should be dropped as well. Most people who create a report on here have one thing in common -- they all believe that those who reply against them are either employees or work for them. If they really are, your obligation is to prove them wrong. Brushing off (or running away) by throwing in your own assumption is just to discredit yourself that you have no proof but accusation. Ashley may be right or wrong, it is all from her experience. I do not use AT&T U-verse, so I have no further input here.

Just my two cents.




#32Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

nothing in our original complaint has any dependencies on "Twitter".  Nothing in any replies thereto says anything about a "Twitter feed".
Directly from Post #3
6. PL's experience is far from unique: Twitter's AttUverse ( @The_Att_Uverse ) claims 80% of all U-verse customers have billing problems - which might just mean that 20% of all U-verse customers do not realize they're being overbilled. 
- Directly from Post #5
The Twitter reference is not random but specific, and you can challenge the identified source if you like. 

Do you now deny you said either of those things?

She freely admits she is "not part of the 0.001% that have no issues", and that she is therefore part of the 99.999% that DO.
And as I said in court they will require her to prove it.  Of course it is going to be really hard since based on what you wrote everything was taken care of.

Are you attacking PL because someone gave her an iPad - not iPad2 or iPad 3, an "old" iPad - built with planned obsolescence by suicidal slaves in China for sale to Apple Zombies in the States?

- I'm not attacking anyone.  You were the one who made these "slave labor" comments.  But I do wonder why someone with such a "moral conviction" as PL/you have, would even want such a piece of technology that according to you was built by slave labor.

So go knock yourself out, "Robert - Irvine (U.S.A.)".  And let us catch you in more lies.  PLEASE.

Please point out one lie I have made in this post?

Prove it.  Prove it to PL.  Prove it to them:
- Prove to us that you are not PL.


United States of America

Another Rebuttal of Arbitrary Contrarian (or Paid Hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)"

#32Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2012

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

If AT +T is THAT HORRIBLE then why do you still have the service?

VVVPR says:

We don't.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

What has AT+T done to you that is so egregious that you are on some sort of insane crusade?

VVVPR says:

We do not consider exposing corporate greed and corruption to be an "insane crusade":

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Robert doesn't have to take ou to court for anything. Why would he? Just like your petty little complaint doesnt mean s**t to AT+T.

VVVPR says:

It will...

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You are clearly an entitled and spoiled little brat along with your friend who is clearly too stupid to understand how the internet works.

VVVPR says:

You are clearly a disturbed person with nothing better to do than anonymously insult people you know nothing about.  Of course, there's no such thing as a veil of anonymity that cannot be pierced...

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got your gift cards.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  PL has never received the second gift card she was promised by AT&T.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got your correct rate.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  PL finally received a bill from AT&T U-verse yesterday, and the only thing "correct" on it was her address.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You got the service installed and it works.

VVVPR says:

PL has 6meg ATT Uverse service for now, yes.  She says it is not noticeably faster than her old 3meg DSL.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

AT+T has fixed all the problem you had, yet you still have a major problem with the company? What do you want them to do, come suck you off? Take you out for a steak dinner?

VVVPR says: should ban you for posting that.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

They made everything right and fixed all the problems.

VVVPR says:

WRONG. PL has never received the second gift card she was promised, and she has never received a correct bill from ATT Uverse.  That's a far cry from making "everything right".

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I'm not sure exactly what you want them to do now.

VVVPR says:

Stop screwing their customers is one thing we'd like to see AT&T "do now".

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

If you hate them so much, then cancel the service. Go with a competitor.

VVVPR says:

AGAIN, we don't use ATT Uverse.  PL does.  At least for now...

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I will await your complaint about that service too. Just search this site for mediacom, verizon, comcast, suddenlink... There are hundreds of complaints just like yours on every ISP in this country.

VVVPR says:

I don't doubt any of that.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Mostly from people who dont understand the service they are signing up for.

VVVPR says:

That is an unfounded accusation unless and until you post substantial authoritative evidence to support it.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

If PL would have just RESEARCHED her internet access before purchasing it, a lot of this would have been avoided.

VVVPR says:

WRONG.  Why do you keep trying to sell this lie?  We have already refuted it above.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

I'm also confused as to why you dropped DSL for Fiber optic internet just because you bought an iPad. (Which even a generation 1 is a luxury item far beyond my means to purchase)

VVVPR says:

If you read our previous post, you'd know the iPad was an old one somebody gave her, not a "luxury item" she went out and bought.

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

You do realize that you could have simply connected to the internet with your DSL connection, right? If you didnt have a router, they are 20$ at walmart. You wouldn't have even needed AT+T to be involved in the first place.

VVVPR says:

Irrelevant.  As is everything you have posted to this thread.  And BTW, here in the USA we'd write "$20", not "20$".

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Also, how do you propose that either Robert or myself prove that we dont work for AT+T? No matter what evidence I offer you, you would simply claim is false. I'm not going to broadcast the company I do work for on a public forum such as this, the last thing I need is some crazy occupier harrassing me at work. Feel free to look me up on facebook though. Not many ashley wiggs's on there. Then again, you'll probably just say that's a false facebook designed to keep the truth about my life secret and hidden.

VVVPR says:

More vacuous verbosity from someone who is either a chronic contrarian or a paid corporate hack

Arbitrary Contrarian (or paid hack?) "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)" said:

Oh, and tell PL that its very brave of her to have somebody else fight her battles for her.

VVVPR says:

And what would you like us to tell the other 35 people who have filed Ripoff Reports against AT&T U-verse?

And what would you like us to tell the hundreds if not thousands of complainants found here?

MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)



Why does she still have it?

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

If AT +T is THAT HORRIBLE then why do you still have the service? What has AT+T done to you that is so egregious that you are on some sort of insane crusade?

Robert doesn't have to take ou to court for anything. Why would he? Just like your petty little complaint doesnt mean s**t to AT+T. You are clearly an entitled and spoiled little brat along with your friend who is clearly too stupid to understand how the internet works. You got your gift cards. You got your correct rate. You got the service installed and it works. AT+T has fixed all the problem you had, yet you still have a major problem with the company? What do you want them to do, come suck you off? Take you out for a steak dinner? They made everything right and fixed all the problems. I'm not sure exactly what you want them to do now. If you hate them so much, then cancel the service. Go with a competitor. I will await your complaint about that service too. Just search this site for mediacom, verizon, comcast, suddenlink... There are hundreds of complaints just like yours on every ISP in this country. Mostly from people who dont understand the service they are signing up for. If PL would have just RESEARCHED her internet access before purchasing it, a lot of this would have been avoided. I'm also confused as to why you dropped DSL for Fiber optic internet just because you bought an iPad. (Which even a generation 1 is a luxury item far beyond my means to purchase) You do realize that you could have simply connected to the internet with your DSL connection, right? If you didnt have a router, they are 20$ at walmart. You wouldn't have even needed AT+T to be involved in the first place.

Also, how do you propose that either Robert or myself prove that we dont work for AT+T? No matter what evidence I offer you, you would simply claim is false. I'm not going to broadcast the company I do work for on a public forum such as this, the last thing I need is some crazy occupier harrassing me at work. Feel free to look me up on facebook though. Not many ashley wiggs's on there. Then again, you'll probably just say that's a false facebook designed to keep the truth about my life secret and hidden.

Oh, and tell PL that its very brave of her to have somebody else fight her battles for her.


United States of America

Rebuttal to Virtual Persona "Robert - Irvine (U.S.A.)"

#32Author of original report

Tue, May 01, 2012

- When you provide that support to a court of law they will "challenge" you as well, in fact you are going to be challenged a lot more than anything that has been posted here.  Probably the first thing you will be shocked to realize is that they won't care anything about some random Twitter feed.  Even if that feed says that 99.999%(or is it %99.999, I always forget which is the accepted US way to format a percent), of the customers have billing errors.  They are going to want you to prove that you are not part of the 0.001% that have no issues.

VVVPR Reply:

Nothing in our original complaint has any dependencies on "Twitter".  Nothing in any replies thereto says anything about a "Twitter feed".  And to use your own words, what else must PL post to prove she is - quoting you - "not part of the 0.001% that have no issues".  She freely admits she is "not part of the 0.001% that have no issues", and that she is therefore part of the 99.999% that DO.

Anyways in looking back at your original complaint

PL has to work two jobs to pay for the greed of Wall Street and the wars and waste of Washington.
- Funny how PL has to deal with all of this greed, yet they not only have a netbook, just bought a tablet and seems to have no problem with paying $24.99 a month for Internet Service.  Heck with some companies charging double or triple that amount I would think you "occupiers" would be supporting a lower-cost alternative.  This is not even counting that PL will eventually get the modem for free and have about 4 months of service paid for with the rebate cards.

VVVPR Reply:

Are you attacking PL because someone gave her an iPad - not iPad 2 or iPad 3, an "old" iPad - built with planned obsolescence by suicidal slaves in China for sale to Apple Zombies in the States?  Attack away, but not her or here.  And the fact that there are "deals" other than the one AT&T gave PL up the backside is equally irrelevant:  AT&T made multiple (intentional?) misrepresentations, and many more mistakes trying to cover those up. Epic FAIL.

I think there is always suspicion with these "third-party" reports.  Because just by their nature, the person posting has not been present during the events and may be getting a skewed (and in some cases very skewed) story.  If you are really PL and trying to make it a third person you have just destroyed any credibility you may have had as well, because you are trying to make the report more than it is.

VVVPR Reply:

MAKE OUR DAY.  Challenge PL - or us - in a court of law.  PLEASE.

All I see in this report is PL who doesn't really seem to know what they are doing, and yes AT&T making mistakes.  However, it appears that it is more miscommunication (on both sides).  There is a big difference between Miscommunication and a RipOff.  It also appears that AT&T was/is trying to make it right.

VVVPR Reply:

No cigar.  You're going to have to hack better than that to earn your pay, poser.  But lucky for you, PL's is only one of dozens of Ripoff Reports filed against AT&T U-verse:

So go knock yourself out, "Robert - Irvine (U.S.A.)".  And let us catch you in more lies.  PLEASE.

Oh and I know you are just itching to say it so I will just answer your question now.  No I am not now nor have I ever worked for AT&T or for that matter any communications company.

VVVPR Reply:

Prove it.  Prove it to PL.  Prove it to them:

MSIE users Google this: ("u-verse" OR uverse) AND (complaint OR complaints OR dissatisfied OR sucks OR sux)



You make me laugh

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, May 01, 2012

VVVPR Reply:

The Internet makes it easy for people to assume virtual personae. Let's say, for example, that the AT&T U-verse web programmer behind the activation software identified as faulty in our complaint decided to cover himself.  Such a person might easily avoid using ampersands and shift dollar signs to the end of strings. Such a person might easily be you...

You are really out of your mind now, you think Im an AT+T web programmer using some software to monitor rip off report and reply to you? Do you think AT+T gives a d**n about what anyone posts on this website let alone hires people to dispute things. Im not sure how me using a + instead of an & makes me a computer programmer. I thought that made me a foreigner? I am not misrepresenting myself at all. Im a chemist working in quality control for food manufacturing in springfield mo. Go ahead and believe some cockeyed conspiracy theory if you would like.

VVVPR Reply:

Nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  All you have done here is confess that you have spent "8 years" of your life writing arbitrary contrarian responses to Ripoff Reports.

Sure it does, if your friend wasnt such an idiot when it comes to dealing with companies then she would have understood what she was signing up for. Real consumers investigate and ask questions about products they are purchasing. Especially ones that have a monthly fee. I write what I write here to battle people like you filing frivolous complaints against companies.
VVVPR Reply:

Nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  No number of reasonable questions would have prevented the AT&T U-verse activation software from being faulty, the AT&T U-verse Billing department from miscoding PL's billing options, or the AT&T Rewards Center from neglecting to input her second gift card.

Funny, I got the EXACT SAME activation software with my Uverse and it works fine. In fact I have half a dozen friends with Uverse that had no particular issue with the software either. The billing error? It happens. Thats why you READ YOUR BILL every month. Youve never had a company make a mistake regaurding a bill? It also sounds like At+T fixed the issue for PL and she was never overcharged. No where in your report have you proven anything about being ripped off, just poor customer service. If she had bothered to ask questions and read the literature about her product, she might have known how the gift cards worked.

VVVPR Reply:

Again... nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  Nothing PL might have asked would have prevented the AT&T U-verse activation software from being faulty, the AT&T U-verse Billing department from miscoding PL's billing options, or the AT&T Rewards Center from neglecting to input her second gift card.

See above. When you actually ask questions and read about products you dont have problems in the first place.

VVVPR Reply:

We have support for everything we claimed and are willing to provide that support in a court of law.  The Twitter reference is not random but specific, and you can challenge the identified source if you like.  As for authoritative support, you have provided none - absolutely nothing to back up any of your attempts to skew the facts in this case and condemn the complainant for not being as sharp of a consumer as you see yourself being.  And if AT&T U-verse ever manages to actually deliver a bill to PL, I can assure you she will go over it with a fine-toothed comb.

Robert addressed this above my response. You should take his advice, he is far wiser than I am when it comes to legal issues. If you want a bill from AT+T, just sign up for one. You are likely subscribed to paperless billing, all you have to do is log in to your uverse account and change your settings to receive a bill in the mail. Would you like me to send a second grader over to do this for you?

VVVPR Reply:

PL was buying "Internet access", and she understood that as well as most "Internet access" customers do.  But if you are suggesting that only geeks well versed in web and telecom technologies should consider buying "Internet access" from AT&T U-verse, we wholeheartedly agree.  That's at least one way to limit the number of trusting customers they can abuse in their greedy and endless attempts to expand the AT&T Screw-U-Verse

I advocate Uverse for *anyone*  especially the non-computer saavy. Their equipment is very easy to use and install. I am not  the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to home computer networking, and I figured out how to install this. It was a hell of a lot easier than when I had cable internet. I mean, I had to hook up two wires, one to my computer and one to the wall. Install some software and done! It was super easy. What did she think internet access was? They just flip a switch and its magically beamed to your house? Theres *always* hardware to install. You either do it yourself or you pay someone else to do it. Why is this hard to understand?Let me see if I got this straight: She is being charged the proper rate. She has her gift cards. She got everything installed and her internet is working just fine. Where is the rip off again?




#32Consumer Comment

Tue, May 01, 2012

VVVPR Reply:
We have support for everything we claimed and are willing to provide that support in a court of law.  The Twitter reference is not random but specific, and you can challenge the identified source if you like.

When you provide that support to a court of law they will "challenge" you as well, in fact you are going to be challenged a lot more than anything that has been posted here.  Probably the first thing you will be shocked to realize is that they won't care anything about some random Twitter feed.  Even if that feed says that 99.999%(or is it %99.999, I always forget which is the accepted US way to format a percent), of the customers have billing errors.  They are going to want you to prove that you are not part of the 0.001% that have no issues.

Anyways in looking back at your original complaint

PL has to work two jobs to pay for the greed of Wall Street and the wars and waste of Washington.
- Funny how PL has to deal with all of this greed, yet they not only have a netbook, just bought a tablet and seems to have no problem with paying $24.99 a month for Internet Service.  Heck with some companies charging double or triple that amount I would think you "occupiers" would be supporting a lower-cost alternative.  This is not even counting that PL will eventually get the modem for free and have about 4 months of service paid for with the rebate cards.

I think there is always suspicion with these "third-party" reports.  Because just by their nature, the person posting has not been present during the events and may be getting a skewed(and in some cases very skewed) story.  If you are really PL and trying to make it a third person you have just destroyed any credibility you may have had as well, because you are trying to make the report more than it is.

All I see in this report is PL who doesn't really seem to know what they are doing, and yes AT&T making mistakes.  However, it appears that it is more miscommunication(on both sides).  There is a big difference between Miscommunication and a RipOff.  It also appears that AT&T was/is trying to make it right. 

Oh and I know you are just itching to say it so I will just answer your question now.  No I am not now nor have I ever worked for AT&T or for that matter any communications company.


United States of America

Rebuttal to Arbitrary Contrarian "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)"

#32Author of original report

Tue, May 01, 2012

To "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)":

1.  First of all, placing the dollar sign after the 24.95 instead of in front and referring to AT&T as "AT+T" suggests that if in fact you reside in the USA you were raised and educated elsewhere.

You would be incorrect. I was born in springfield missouri, attended high school in springfield MO, and graduated college from Missouri state university.  This is my home town and I still live here. Exactly how does saying something is 2$ make me foriegn as opposed to $2? Same with AT+T vs AT&T? Even if I were foreign, what would that matter?

VVVPR Reply:

The Internet makes it easy for people to assume virtual personae. Let's say, for example, that the AT&T U-verse web programmer behind the activation software identified as faulty in our complaint decided to cover himself.  Such a person might easily avoid using ampersands and shift dollar signs to the end of strings. Such a person might easily be you...

2.  Your familiar and defensive references regarding AT&T policies and website content suggest that you are more likely to be an AT&T employee, contractor or paid hack than an actual U-verse customer.

That is the first thing anyone who comes to this site says to any rebuttal on thier posts. I have been posting on this site for about 8 years now on various topics. I don't work for any of these companies, and I don't get paid for what I do. I am an informed consumer that feels the need to respond to obviously outrageous posts and claims. I do not and have never worked for AT+T. I am however a customer of At+T and have had celluar service with them for 12 years and internet for 2. I do however read the terms and conditions and research companies before I do business with them. This is how I'm familiar with their policies, its called being an informed consumer. You should try it sometime.

VVVPR Reply:

Nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  All you have done here is confess that you have spent "8 years" of your life writing arbitrary contrarian responses to Ripoff Reports.

3.  "PL" was never told that the product she was being sold was U-verse, so she had no way of knowing to check the U-verse website for the specifics of the offer.

It never crossed her mind to ask what she was signing up for? Especially when they were sending her a modem? She didn't think to ask any questions about the service she was signing up for. Tell you what, I have a car I'll sell you. I'm not going to tell you anything about it, I'll just tell you that it runs good. You'll have to buy it to find anything else out. Sound good?

VVVPR Reply:

Nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  No number of reasonable questions would have prevented the AT&T U-verse activation software from being faulty, the AT&T U-verse Billing department from miscoding PL's billing options, or the AT&T Rewards Center from neglecting to input her second gift card.

4.  None of the billing and support problems PL suffered could have been avoided by any information she might have gleaned from the U-verse website anyway.

Sure they could. She would have been able to read up on how to get her gift cards. She could have read up on the installation process and how it works. She would have been able to find out she had to pay for someone to install it. She would have found out how to get a paper bill instead of paperless billing. She would have know the price of her internet service and the exact details of how it works.

VVVPR Reply:

You are again wrong on all counts.  Nothing PL could have read on the AT&T U-verse website would have prevented the AT&T U-verse activation software from being faulty, the AT&T U-verse Billing department from miscoding PL's billing options, or the AT&T Rewards Center from neglecting to input her second gift card.

5.  PL was never provided with anything whatsover to "read" other than the installation instructions for the modem that didn't work and the past due notice for the bill she never received.

And she never thought to ask? She never wondered where her bill was? Or how to get her gift cards? Of how any of it worked? It didn't dawn on her to ask any questions about the service she signed up for until it was going to be disconnected? Shame on her.

VVVPR Reply:

Again... nothing that you state challenges any of the facts stated in our complaint against AT&T U-verse.  Nothing PL might have asked would have prevented the AT&T U-verse activation software from being faulty, the AT&T U-verse Billing department from miscoding PL's billing options, or the AT&T Rewards Center from neglecting to input her second gift card.

6. PL's experience is far from unique: Twitter's AttUverse ( @The_Att_Uverse ) claims 80% of all U-verse customers have billing problems - which might just mean that 20% of all U-verse customers do not realize they're being overbilled.

I love these random claims on the internet without any factual backing. Hey I readon twitter that 80% of all women are pregnant right now, does that make it true? Can you show me the factual evidence backing up the claims made here?

You know how I keep from getting billing errors? I read my bill and I compare it to the rate I'm supposed to be charged. Every single month. Have you tried it? It works.

VVVPR Reply:

We have support for everything we claimed and are willing to provide that support in a court of law.  The Twitter reference is not random but specific, and you can challenge the identified source if you like.  As for authoritative support, you have provided none - absolutely nothing to back up any of your attempts to skew the facts in this case and condemn the complainant for not being as sharp of a consumer as you see yourself being.  And if AT&T U-verse ever manages to actually deliver a bill to PL, I can assure you she will go over it with a fine-toothed comb.

7.  There is one thing you were correct about:  If AT&T had told PL enough up front for her to research what she was actually being sold - and the billing and installation nightmare she'd have to go through to get it - she never would have switched to U-verse in the first place.

You're right, she would have been able to make an informed decision instead of blindly buying things she doesn't understand.

Now what does any of your post have to do with corporate greed? You are all over the board on problems. All I see is that your friend didnt get signed up for the right package. they fixed that. She didn't understand there was an installation fee if she didn't do it herself and she has her gift card. What's the issue again? What does any of this have to do with you being an occupier?

VVVPR Reply:

PL was buying "Internet access", and she understood that as well as most "Internet access" customers do.  But if you are suggesting that only geeks well versed in web and telecom technologies should consider buying "Internet access" from AT&T U-verse, we wholeheartedly agree.  That's at least one way to limit the number of trusting customers they can abuse in their greedy and endless attempts to expand the AT&T Screw-U-Verse.



Still incorrect

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, April 30, 2012

To "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)":

1.  First of all, placing the dollar sign after the 24.95 instead of in front and referring to AT&T as "AT+T" suggests that if in fact you reside in the USA you were raised and educated elsewhere.

You would be incorrect. I was born in springfield missouri, attended high school in springfield MO, and graduated college from Missouri state university.  This is my home town and I still live here. Exactly how does saying something is 2$ make me foriegn as opposed to $2? Same with AT+T vs AT&T?
Even if I were foreign, what would that matter?

2.  Your familiar and defensive references regarding AT&T policies and website content suggest that you are more likely to be an AT&T employee, contractor or paid hack than an actual U-verse customer. 

That is the first thing anyone who comes to this site says to any rebuttal on thier posts. I have been posting on this site for about 8 years now on various topics. I don't work for any of these companies, and I don't get paid for what I do. I am an informed consumer that feels the need to respond to obviously outrageous posts and claims. I do not and have never worked for AT+T. I am however a customer of At+T and have had celluar service with them for 12 years and internet for 2. I do however read the terms and conditions and research companies before I do business with them. This is how I'm familiar with their policies, its called being an informed consumer. You should try it sometime.

3.  "PL" was never told that the product she was being sold was U-verse, so she had no way of knowing to check the U-verse website for the specifics of the offer. 

It never crossed her mind to ask what she was signing up for? Especially when they were sending her a modem? She didn't think to ask any questions about the service she was signing up for. Tell you what, I have a car I'll sell you. I'm not going to tell you anything about it, I'll just tell you that it runs good. You'll have to buy it to find anything else out. Sound good?

4.  None of the billing and support problems PL suffered could have been avoided by any information she might have gleaned from the U-verse website anyway. 

Sure they could. She would have been able to read up on how to get her gift cards. She could have read up on the installation process and how it works. She would have been able to find out she had to pay for someone to install it. She would have found out how to get a paper bill instead of paperless billing. She would have know the price of her internet service and the exact details of how it works.

5.  PL was never provided with anything whatsover to "read" other than the installation instructions for the modem that didn't work and the past due notice for the bill she never received.

And she never thought to ask? She never wondered where her bill was? Or how to get her gift cards? Of how any of it worked? It didn't dawn on her to ask any questions about the service she signed up for until it was going to be disconnected? Shame on her.

6. PL's experience is far from unique: Twitter's AttUverse ( @The_Att_Uverse ) claims 80% of all U-verse customers have billing problems - which might just mean that 20% of all U-verse customers do not realize they're being overbilled. 

I love these random claims on the internet without any factual backing. Hey I readon twitter that 80% of all women are pregnant right now, does that make it true? Can you show me the factual evidence backing up the claims made here?

You know how I keep from getting billing errors? I read my bill and I compare it to the rate I'm supposed to be charged. Every single month. Have you tried it? It works.

7.  There is one thing you were correct about:  If AT&T had told PL enough up front for her to research what she was actually being sold - and the billing and installation nightmare she'd have to go through to get it - she never would have switched to U-verse in the first place. 

You're right, she would have been able to make an informed decision instead of blindly buying things she doesn't understand.

Now what does any of your post have to do with corporate greed? You are all over the board on problems. All I see is that your friend didnt get signed up for the right package. they fixed that. She didn't understand there was an installation fee if she didn't do it herself and she has her gift card. What's the issue again? What does any of this have to do with you being an occupier?


United States of America

Rebuttal of "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)"

#32Author of original report

Mon, April 30, 2012

To "Ashley - springfield (U.S.A.)":

1.  First of all, placing the dollar sign after the 24.95 instead of in front and referring to AT&T as "AT+T" suggests that if in fact you reside in the USA you were raised and educated elsewhere. 

2.  Your familiar and defensive references regarding AT&T policies and website content suggest that you are more likely to be an AT&T employee, contractor or paid hack than an actual U-verse customer. 

3.  "PL" was never told that the product she was being sold was U-verse, so she had no way of knowing to check the U-verse website for the specifics of the offer. 

4.  None of the billing and support problems PL suffered could have been avoided by any information she might have gleaned from the U-verse website anyway. 

5.  PL was never provided with anything whatsover to "read" other than the installation instructions for the modem that didn't work and the past due notice for the bill she never received.

6. PL's experience is far from unique: Twitter's AttUverse ( @The_Att_Uverse ) claims 80% of all U-verse customers have billing problems - which might just mean that 20% of all U-verse customers do not realize they're being overbilled. 

7.  There is one thing you were correct about:  If AT&T had told PL enough up front for her to research what she was actually being sold - and the billing and installation nightmare she'd have to go through to get it - she never would have switched to U-verse in the first place. 



No issues here

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, April 30, 2012

I"v had AT+T's uverse service for almost 2 years at this point and have had no issues with their service or billing. I had to have a tech out once to repair a line, when I called I waited for 5 minutes and they had a tech out the same day to fix it. My bills have always been exactly the amount promised in the paperwork I signed. I recieved my gift card just fine also.

Couple problems with your story: Your friend is clearly, to use your words, a sheeple that just blindly agrees to things over the phone. It doesn't sound like she questioned any of the things she was being offered, didn't bother reading any of the things she was agreeing to, and didn't understand them. If she had sone the proper research on the product she was purchasing she would have been more informed.

Like for example, I couldn't get my gift card until I had been a customer for 60 days. That may have been the delay on her second gift card.

This is not a 99% vs 1% fight at all, this is someone purchasing an internet service without understanding how it works. The information is all available on AT+T's website, and she could have read and understood what was going on. Are you going to come back when her introductory rate of 24.95$ for internet expires and complain about that too? Has she realized that they locked her in a contract when she signed up yet? Did she bother reading where you can combine your wireless and uverse bills if you just want 1 bill?

If Uverse is so terrible, what internet provider should we all be using? Mediacom? Google their horror stories. Maybe comcast? Lots of horror stories there too. Who is the internet for the 99%?

Good luck on your may 1st stuff tommorrow. I'll be at work making money to support my family.


United States of America

AT&T is sucking the life out of me

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, April 29, 2012

I have become utterly exhausted with them. My bill has never been the amount they claimed it would be and the internet does not work. I have called so many times and spent hours on the phone with them (I have Verizon phone so it costs me $$ to call them) They escalate the call and say that someone from maintence will call me to set an appt to come out. This has been going on for five months now. My entire story is a lengthy one, but long story short I am in tears. I am at a loss and tired. They have mob tendencies under a completely legal corp. name.

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