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  • Report:  #283081

Complaint Review: ATI Career Training Center

ATI Career Training Center A TOTAL WASTE Miami Florida

  • Reported By:
    MIAMI Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 05, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 05, 2007

So, where to start? Let's start at the beginning. Say the TV ad, called. Set up an interview with Mari a "counselor"/person who gets paid by enrolling unsuspecting people. She was (of course) super nice friendly and easy going. Now, I'm not gonna toot my own horn here but, let's just say that I had well over 4 pages, front and back, with questions on top of questions. Surprisingly enough, she was able to answer most if not all of them. Needless to say, I was impressed and we continued our conversation. SCAM ALERT#1: She constantly, during our conversation, tried to make me sign all the financial aid forms to enroll me...right away.

Since I felt pressured, I became reluctant. I told her that ATI was just one of a couple of schools I was interested in. So, again, she told me what the percentage of graduates find jobs, their job placement numbers, past graduates, etc. I left and went home and did my home work. And I must admit, I was once again impressed. I decided that ATI would also be benefical since it was close to home as well as work. I returned and signed all the paperwork. SCAM ALERT#2: At the time it didn't dawn on me but, I had signed a paper which said that I was given a tour of their facility (if it so could be called). She told me that her time was short and that she could give my a tour after the end of the school day, and it was just a "formality." I didn't get the tour and now I know why. So, I enrolled.

On the first day there, I went to their orientation, and finally got my tour.
Their facility is sub-par, and that's saying a lot. Their computer lab was 6 computers. The "library" consisted of older edition school books and magazines, most of which were sent to the Dean's home address. The computer themselves suffered from freezing issues; during my time there I probably used them a total of ten times since most of the "students" where usually on MySpace or checking out some porn. Which brings us to the best thing of all. SCAM ALERT#3: The "students" at ATI, could best be described as degenerates, criminals, idiots, ignorants, sychophantic, bums, losers, high school dropouts, parolees, drug dealers, lazy, lackadasical, niggardly and overall morons who couldn't put to streams of thoughts together to form an intelligent sentence. LET ME BE CLEAR THOUGH, not everyone fit into this catagory, I certainly didn't, but if you count the number of students who wanted to be there versus the one's who were forced or had to be there, they would easily number 20 to 1. The entire time I was there, I came across 3 people who really knew what they were there for and what they wanted. Everybody else just bitched, moaned, barked and complained about school, the system, and (of course), "The Man" who's job it is to keep them down.

SCAM ALERT #4: The majority of the teachers there aren't even qualified to be teachers through the state. During my 18 months there, I went through at least 4 different teachers in my chosen field (which I will not mention, however I will say this: they no longer offer it at this location because the majority of the idiotic student body prefer to be grease monkey monkeys). It was during the 3rd time they changed teachers that we found out the vast majority of those wonderful "counselors" were all fired because they were misleading both prospective and current students, this included, surprise, surprise, Mari. If your wondering why I didn't leave, it's only because I was taught to see every one of my endeavours through. Which is more than I could say about the student body at ATI.

So yes, I eventually graduated, not to difficult to do when your the only intellectual shark in the stupidity pond. But, here's the kicker: SCAM ALERT#5: The dimmest, dumbest, idiots also graduated...with honors no less! Some where even Summa Cume Laude and Magna Cume Laude!!! The same guys who where having major issues in our 10th grade (yes, that's right I said 10th grade) math class, where graduating at the TOP of the class. I can only surmise then, that ATI has to get money from the government depending on how many imbeciles "graduate."

DO NOT ENROLL AT ANY OF THESE "CAREER TRAINING CENTERS," that you see at strip malls. They're scams and rip-offs. Instead go to school at a Junior College or even Community Colleges, why you may ask? SCAM ALERT #6: NONE, and I mean NONE of the classes I took at ATI can be accredited towards ANY University, which basically means that right now, I'm in my 18 month at a public University doing most of the things that ATI, excuse me, I taught myself.

MIAMI, Florida

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