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  • Report:  #161321

Complaint Review: ATI Career Training Center

ATI College Of Health Or ATI Career Training Center Ripoff, Scam, NOT AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL Miami Florida

  • Reported By:
    Miramar Florida
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 19, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 12, 2012

I am a single mom that works and go to school. After many years I decided to go to back to school. I enrolled ATI- College of Health on May 23rd, 2005 for the Diagnostic Ultrasound Technician program. After almost finishing my first semester, and having AAA in my courses, a week before the semester finish, I found out that the school is not fully accredited. They are acreddited by the state, but not by SACS. The school is 100% percent minorities. The only way to enrolled students is lying to them. Making them believe that they will be able to continue their education after they receive the Associate Degree they are going to get from the school. BECAUSE THEY ARE ACCREDITED. Before I enrolled I made some reasearch and they specified on line at the time they were accredited. The school building had a sign saying ATI trainning Center, but inside the school they had signs saying ATI College of Health.

After I found out I spoke to the Dean. Ms. Cintron and I told her I wanted to withdraw from the program. She did not give me a straight face. I was so stressed out because not only I waisted 3 months, gas, time , money (they took my financial aid, and I am in debt for about $3,500), I hardly saw my son. I was going to night classes 4 days a week. I had already go to Keisser College to start my admission process with them. When I spoke to Ms. Cintron, I told her that they are so accredited that Keisser college will not accept my credits. The only thing she said "it is not fare because we accept theirs." She also said " You dont understand the Politics involved in this bussiness. We are the New Kids on the Block", I really do not who she thought she was talking to, but she was not professional at all. The addmissions officer that enrolled me at the time was not working for them any longer. Ms. Cintron tried to blame him for the misinformation. What she does not know that he is my friend and he is willing to testify if he has to.

She requested a letter from me stating why I wanted to withdraw. This was on a Friday, by Monday I had the letter, I wanted to see her so I could give it to her personally, they gave me the running around, and she is at a meeting lie. To make long story short, after that at my last days at the school they would not even look at me.

I would appreciate if someone interested will at least make this people pay those loans, that I have to pay for no reason. I want everyone to know about this... Very Bad Business!

Miramar, Florida

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

ATI is not acredited!

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, June 12, 2012

former student of ati. ATI is not accredited in any way shape or form. all these former student complaints are valid. went to ATI in oklahoma city, ok and i made them stick to the advertised catalog description of the course outline. all i can say is if you want to stick it to ATI them you must follow the complaint proccess that the state education department has. not what ATI wants. use the state complaint proccess only!


North Lauderdale,
United States of America

Program and Education Director

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 18, 2011

I recently attended ATI-College of Health. The thing we need to realize is the people in admissions are sales people. They're trying to sell us the school instead of trying to guide us in the direction we need to be. All they really care about are their pockets. Think about it, if u go to buy a new car, what does the salesman do, they tell you what you want to hear to have you fill their pockets with the commission. Is it ALL ATI's fault, YES and NO. We the consumer should have done our research on it before we dove head first into it. But they should have also have been honest with us. Now I can only speak for their DUT program not being accredited. But thank god I’m $3000 in dept and not $47500. The one accreditation that they don’t have is the major one that actually allows you to practice. I was told by another college that graduates of ATI have to wait a full year before they can sit for the board exam. (ABRMS) That exam certifies you. I recently attended ATI-College of health and let’s just say it wasn't a great experience. There was in-adequate parking; my English teacher was a Spanish lady that couldn’t even speak English clearly.  No one does accept ATI's credits. The program Director, (Angela Mills), wasn't at all helpful either. The director of education, (Eddie Jorge), was always "In a Meeting" whenever I called or went in to withdraw from the program. It took them 2 weeks to send me a piece a paper for me to sign so I could withdraw. ATI-College of health is full of incompetent retards.

Joseph Puglisi

North Carolina,
United States of America

Are you serious ???

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2010

Hey Steph...

I know you need to defend your Employer but REALLY ???
You did not have to be so rude to the girl.
She was just stating her side of the story...
And as far as who is responsible....
Yes.. her friend is really a jerk for signing her up, but he was representing ATI, not himself, which makes ATI still at fault for miss-representing the school's accreditation.
Her only fault was not informing herself better and trusting her friend's word for it.
And if he is willing to testify that he was giving out false information, then that once again, puts ATI at fault...
Either way ATI still looks as bad as its reputation..
By the way, I was a former student who finished the Ultrasound Program there at the TOP of my class in 2007 with a 3.59 GPA.... 
I got along with all of my teachers including Ms. Cintron.
All of my teachers thought that I was going to be extremely successful,
I had a positive attitude about the entire experience there.
I put all the rumors behind me and said "I don't care, I'm going to make it happen anyways...."
I have to this day not worked a single day as a Sonographer because I could not take the ARDMS test because of ATI's Accreditation not being up to par with them.
And none of my credits are transferrable to another college.
So face it.... You work for a bunch of lying scammers.... ATI is a joke !!!.
A great, money making Joke, but a joke none the less.
So if someone wants to blow off a little steam, they should have the right without you making them feel bad. 
Saying "have fun paying back those student loans" to someone that YOU KNOW for a fact, was lied to makes you a horrible person...
Enjoy life being the low-life you are..
God Bless.



Joanna & Steph - you are both wrong to some degree

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, March 18, 2009

Unfortunately, you're both wrong; especially Joanna. I'm actually a recent graduate from ATI college; I graduated late 2008. It's funny that one of the first things you said was that the school if full of minorities which shows where your head is.

Joanna, slavery has since been over years ago, blacks are here to stay and theres nothing that we can do about it. I'm white Irish and I've accepted that within the first semester I was there. On top of that, there aren't that many there in the first place. Minorities are there for the same reason we all go to school. They're there for their education, not to steal our cars the second we go to class or lab. Grow up already, you remind me of my aunt who's prejudice and doesn't want to admit to it.

Now for you Mr. Step22 you're also wrong. You both keep saying that the school is not accredited in which it is. However theres something that you both are not understanding. Theres a difference between being programmatically accredited and institutionally accredited. ATI is institutionally accredited which is all that matters. The school only has to be "Programmatically" accredited with a specific programs which are normally programs dealing with incisions or blood work like the R.N.'s, RT's and P.A.'s. do. ATI Respiratory Therapy program has the CAAHEP certification because it's required in for for their RT graduates to work. They don't need it for the DUT grads because it's not required, so get your facts straight.

I'm not ATI's poster child but when I registered with ATI in 2006 I did my own research before I even went there to begin with. I went to several schools before I registered with them. I went to Miami-Dade, Kesier, SanFord Brown, Nova and I even went to Barry University. Believe it or not but ATI actually had the best course outline, Equipment and equipment availability. Barry & Nova out of all places still only had 6-8 Ultrasound machines when ATI had just about 15 and I hear now it's even better since they upgraded in Jan 2009.

Now Step you also said the school was filled with professors who didn't speak good enough english or were alcoholics? lol now that's just plain ignorance. You need to have a degree in order to teach at a college in which ATI's medical campus is. ENOUGH SAID. As far as the Dean being charged with embezzlement, I never heard anything about that throughout my entire training. In fact they still have the same Dean since I started, so you sure YOU got your facts straight? or you want to make things up just to be in some sort of gossip?

Ms. Been There Done That, you really have to change that name honey. Nonetheless, it's good that you voiced your opinion towards people who suffer from spelling & grammar issues not to mention racism issues. You go girl.

Back to my take on ATI. I enjoyed my experience there believe it or not. The classes were small like they promised and no the teacher were not alcoholics and they spoke perfect english. I'm also a single mother of 2 and at the time I was working full-time so their school schedule still allowed me to go to school full-time. I was hired going on my 5 th week after graduation at Broward General Hospital. Now some places say they want their DUT applicants to be ARDMS certified which is being accredited by CAAHEP but it's not a requirement to work. When I applied at Broward General through ATI they interviewed me and asked to scan in front of them and that was the end of the interview. The very next morning I got a call from their HR department with a job offer and got hired. I'm proud to say that I'm making $48k WITHOUT my ARDMS certification AND I went to ATI. Most hospitals say that's a requirement to get hired there but that's not true. I found out they do that so they don't get thousands of people applying on their own. They prefer the school to do so, so they can also find out what type of student we were while we were in school and to ask them for our grades & attendance throughout school because it relates to our work ethics which is true. I was shocked but it all does make sense.

So Joanna and Step22, grow up. Just because you two didn't make it, doesn't mean anyone else can't. I graduated with Magna c*m Laude honors just shy of the Summa c*m Laude. For those of you who don't know what that is, I graduated with a 3.7 GPA and that was from professors who were "alcoholics" and who needed "esol" classes apparently. On top of that, I graduated High School back in 94 and tried Miami-Dade right after and I left so I haven't been in school in years.

School is what you make of it. As long as the school has the training available, use your determination to get to the goal. I did and I used my two children to help me stay focused. So for those of you who are sceptical about ATI, don't be. I had a great experience there and I'm sure you all would too... Put it this way, if that school was open for 50 something years from what I can remember and all you can see is 10 to 15 people complaining, obviously the school is doing something right.

Good luck & God Bless


Been There Done That


Get your facts straight Step22

#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 06, 2008

You are a very bitter little girl, Joanna is 100 percent accurate. They are nationally acc but not regionally acc. This is how the obtain financial aid. Also, no other school will touch ATI credits, there bogus! They are not transfereable to Keiser, AIU, FIU, etc. I've done my homework and I've also attende ATI for 8 months which was no ones fault but mine. They will tell you whatever just to get you in the door. And as Joanne previously stated, the teacher come and go, barely speak ENGLISH, the dean was embezzling money and fired, and my teacher was always intoxicated! So, yes it is there fault for giving people a false since of hope and security. Basically, just flat out lying to the student in and out of the classroom. So before you open up your big trap and start flapping about a situation you know nothing about, do some research


Fort Lauderdale,


#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Hey joanna.... you mentioned how your FRIEND was your admissions representative, but you are angry that you were lied to about the accrediation of the school. How is is Ms. Cintron's fault that your friend enrolled you in the program. And if the school is not accredited... you would not be able to receive Financial Aid.. which you stated you did. If anyone is guilty in this misunserstading..It is YOU. I guess you will go through the rest of your life continuing to blame other people due to your inabilty to be an educated consumer. Enjoy paying back your student loans. Life is so much easier when it'as someone else's fault right?? If you continue to blame are just as off the wall as your accusations. Too Bad you are not that bright.


Fort Lauderdale,


#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Hey joanna.... you mentioned how your FRIEND was your admissions representative, but you are angry that you were lied to about the accrediation of the school. How is is Ms. Cintron's fault that your friend enrolled you in the program. And if the school is not accredited... you would not be able to receive Financial Aid.. which you stated you did. If anyone is guilty in this misunserstading..It is YOU. I guess you will go through the rest of your life continuing to blame other people due to your inabilty to be an educated consumer. Enjoy paying back your student loans. Life is so much easier when it'as someone else's fault right?? If you continue to blame are just as off the wall as your accusations. Too Bad you are not that bright.


Fort Lauderdale,


#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Hey joanna.... you mentioned how your FRIEND was your admissions representative, but you are angry that you were lied to about the accrediation of the school. How is is Ms. Cintron's fault that your friend enrolled you in the program. And if the school is not accredited... you would not be able to receive Financial Aid.. which you stated you did. If anyone is guilty in this misunserstading..It is YOU. I guess you will go through the rest of your life continuing to blame other people due to your inabilty to be an educated consumer. Enjoy paying back your student loans. Life is so much easier when it'as someone else's fault right?? If you continue to blame are just as off the wall as your accusations. Too Bad you are not that bright.


Fort Lauderdale,


#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2007

Hey joanna.... you mentioned how your FRIEND was your admissions representative, but you are angry that you were lied to about the accrediation of the school. How is is Ms. Cintron's fault that your friend enrolled you in the program. And if the school is not accredited... you would not be able to receive Financial Aid.. which you stated you did. If anyone is guilty in this misunserstading..It is YOU. I guess you will go through the rest of your life continuing to blame other people due to your inabilty to be an educated consumer. Enjoy paying back your student loans. Life is so much easier when it'as someone else's fault right?? If you continue to blame are just as off the wall as your accusations. Too Bad you are not that bright.



ATI College Of Health Or ATI Career Training Center Ripoff, Scam, NOT AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL Miami Florida

#12Author of original report

Fri, October 21, 2005

am a single mom that works at a job that is not satisfying to me. After many years of switching from job to job, I decided that I wanted to change my life and go to back to school. I looked through the job market to see what job is in demand and seems like I would enjoy the most. After my research, I decided to become an Ultrasound Technician. Of the schools that offer this program, I decided to enroll at ATI- College of Health. On May 23rd, 2005, I enrolled in the Diagnostic Ultrasound Technician program. My first semester was going great and I know I was going to get A's in all the classes that I took. However, near the end of my first semester at ATI, (about a week before the semester finished), I found out that the school is not fully accredited for my career that I was pursuing. They are accredited by the state, but not by SACS. The majority of the students that attend the school are minorities. The only way to get the students to enroll is by lying to them. They make them believe that they will be able to continue their education after they receive the Associate Degree from ATI.

The main reason that I selected ATA was due to the fact that they they specified online that they accredited. The school building had a sign saying ATI training Center, but inside the school they had signs saying ATI College of Health. After I found out about being mislead, I spoke to the Dean. (Ms. Cintron) and I told her I wanted to withdraw from the program. She could not keep a straight face when I told her that here school was not accredited. Being misinformed caused me to become stressed out. Not only I did I waste 3 months of school, money on gas, and time that I could have been spent in another school that was credited, they took the little money that I had and now I am in debt for $3,500. I sacrificed going to ATI and was not able to see my 1 year old son grow because I was going to night classes 4 days a week.

Before the semester had ended at ATA, I went to Keisser College to start my admission process with them. When I spoke to Ms. Cintron, I told her that I had confirmed with Keisser College that there school is not accredited. The only thing she said was "it is not fare because we accept theirs." She also said You don't understand the Politics involved in this business. We are the New Kids on the Block. I really do not know who she thought she was talking to, but she was not professional at all. The admissions officer that enrolled me at the time was not working for them any longer. Ms. Cintron tried to blame him for the misinformation. What she does not know that he is my friend and if needed, he is willing to testify that the school is misleading students.
She requested a letter from me stating why I wanted to withdraw. The request was made on a Friday and I was so disappointed with the school that I completed this immediately so I could give it to her first thing Monday morning. I wanted to see her so I could give it to her personally.

In conclusion, I am looking for someone who is interested in helping me, the students who are currently being mislead and all the future ones to come, so this will never happen again. I would appreciate it if someone can help me get a refund or at least make the school pay my loans that I have to pay for nothing. I want everyone to know about how unprofessional this business is and let the public know so they can't be taken advantage of.

Miramar, Florida

ps.. Ive been out of their school system for about 2 months now and they still havent clear out the status with one of the loans. Ive been calling them about it and they are still giving me the running around..The loan company is harrasing me now.



ATI College Of Health Or ATI Career Training Center Ripoff, Scam, NOT A FULLY ACCREDITED SCHOOL Miami Florida

#12Author of original report

Wed, October 19, 2005

I am a single mom that works and go to school. After many years I decided to go to back to school. I enrolled ATI- College of Health on May 23rd, 2005 for the Diagnostic Ultrasound Technician program. After almost finishing my first semester, and having AAA in my courses, a week before the semester finish, I found out that the school is not fully accredited. They are accredited by the state, but not by SACS. The school is 100% percent minorities. The only way to enrolled students is lying to them. Making them believe that they will be able to continue their education after they receive the Associate Degree they are going to get from the school. BECAUSE THEY ARE ACCREDITED. Before I enrolled I made some research and they specified on line at the time they were accredited. The school building had a sign saying ATI training Center, but inside the school they had signs saying ATI College of Health.

After I found out I spoke to the Dean. Ms. Cintron and I told her I wanted to withdraw from the program. She did not give me a straight face. I was so stressed out because not only I wasted 3 months, gas, time , money (they took my financial aid, and I am in debt for about $3,500), I hardly saw my son. I was going to night classes 4 days a week. I had already gone to Keisser College to start my admission process with them. When I spoke to Ms. Cintron, I told her that they are so accredited that Keisser college will not accept my credits. The only thing she said "it is not fare because we accept theirs." She also said You don't understand the Politics involved in this business. We are the New Kids on the Block", I really do not who she thought she was talking to, but she was not professional at all. The admissions officer that enrolled me at the time was not working for them any longer. Ms. Cintron tried to blame him for the misinformation. What she does not know that he is my friend and he is willing to testify if he has to.

She requested a letter from me stating why I wanted to withdraw. This was on a Friday, by Monday I had the letter, and I wanted to see her so I could give it to her personally, they gave me the running around, and she is at a meeting lie. To make long story short, after that at my last days at the school they would not even look at me.

I would appreciate if someone interested will at least make this people pay those loans that I have to pay for no reason. I want everyone to know about this... Very Bad Business!
Not because we are in Florida, we deserve a Mickey Mouse Degree!

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