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Atlanta Journal - Constitutional ripoff Atlanta Georgia
RIPOFF:The Atlanta journal-Constitutional-
Atlanta Georgia, 30303
During the second week of March 2004, a salesperson from the Atlanta Journal -Constitution called to offer me a discount on my paper dilevery. We agreed on 13 weeks of weekends only, for $34.95. I authorized a check over the phone for $34.95.
Then I told him that I had recieved a notice that I owed them $12.97, and I asked what it was for, since I always pay for mypaper delivery in advance. He stated that he did not know, that I would have to call customer service. They cashed my check for $47.92.I called customer service and asked that they cancel my
delivery, and refund my money. They did cancell the delivery,but to this date 07/08/04 I have not recieved a refund. I am surprized and appalled that such a big company as that, has to stoop to fraud, and dishonesty for $12.97.
Riverdale, Georgia