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Atlantic Alliance Evaluators Phony secret shopper firm fake Cashiers check Phoenix Arizona
I received an offer from this firm to be a secret shopper via email. I already do that for several companies so I applied. I received my first assignment in the mail. It was to do a report on service received at a Money Gram location. Enclosed was a cashiers check in the amount of $980.00!
$100 for my wage.
$40 for the service fee
and I was to use the balance as a test transaction - $840.
I was to send it to a person in Canada. (The company headquarters is in Canada with branch office in Phoenix)
Well red lights went off in my head and I called the bank and sure enough they did not issue that check. The bank name and signature were laser printed which was also a give-away.
This firm is obviously set up just to send out fake cashiers checks!
, California