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  • Report:  #1097397

Complaint Review: Attacker George F Semeil former Atascadero State Prisoner attacker on Author Ralph Sanders

Attacker George F Semeil former Atascadero State Prisoner attacker on Author Ralph Sanders AKA George Francis Slandering and saying false statement about me due to his mental issues El Dorado Hills California

  • Reported By:
    mirasaco — Hawthorne California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 06, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 07, 2015
  • Attacker George F Semeil former Atascadero State Prisoner attacker on Author Ralph Sanders
    4202 Arenzano Way
    El Dorado Hills, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Author of original report: All Information on George Semeil are true facts *Author of original report: OMG...this man George Semeil lives in my community *REBUTTAL Individual responds: OH What a Tangle Web of Deception *REBUTTAL Owner of company: George F Semeil Will Not Stop Attacking Author Ralph Sanders *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Ralph Sanders be a man and pay your debts, pay me and the other women your scammed? *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Con Man Raplh Sanders complaints of Cyberbulling *REBUTTAL Owner of company: GEORGE SEMEIL CONTINUES TO HARASS AND ATTACK AUTHOR RALPH SANDERS DUE TO HIS LIFE LONG MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. WE PRAY THAT YOU ASK FOR AND RECEIVE HELP AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS GEORGE!!! *REBUTTAL Individual responds: just a person who got duped into his story to buy his book *REBUTTAL Individual responds: JUST A PERSON WHO GOT DUPED IS REALLY GEORGE SEMEIL. WE PRAY FOR YOU IN OUR CHURCH MEETINGS THAT YOU WILL STOP ATTACKING THE SANDERS FAMILY AND OTHERS YOU ARE ATTACKING ONLINE.YOU SHOULD BE TIRED *REBUTTAL Individual responds: CAMERA LADY WANTS HER MONEY IS REALLY GEORGE F SEMEIL. HE IS A GREAT STORY TELLER. HE WILL CONTINUE TO TRY AND STOP RALPH SANDERS BOOK SALES. TO BE HONEST THE NEXT BOOK WILL BE ALL ABOUT CYBERBULLYING *REBUTTAL Individual responds: A LOT OF HEAT IS STARTING TO BUILD UP AGAINST EX-MENTAL INMATE GEORGE F.SEMEIL...AKA GEORGE FRANCES S. IS THIS HOW YOU FEEL GEORGE? *REBUTTAL Individual responds: CONSIDER IT PURE JOY, MY BROTHER RALPH SANDERS, WHENEVER YOU FACE TRIALS OF MANY KINDS DEALING WITH GEORGE F. SEMEIL ATTACKING YOU UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES TRYING TO DESTROY YOUR JOB, IMAGE & SUCCESS *Consumer Comment: Seeking the Authors/IP addresses of these reports

After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose.  

I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, appeared. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquainstances, I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F. Semeil.  

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is  that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder. For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).


Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.


Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

            Mentally Ill Inmates

            Mentally Disordered Offenders

            Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial

                        Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little more clear why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, that I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote.  

He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to ad to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was.

This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

 Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the  ficticious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Ripoff site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader be ware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!  


13 Updates & Rebuttals



Seeking the Authors/IP addresses of these reports

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, May 05, 2015

  Case Name:* Ralph & Lauren Sanders *Case Number:* 2013-25491 I will be seeking a subpoena for the authors/IP addresses for this RipOff Report. The case noted above will be heard on June 2, 2015 in Sacramento California at 9:30 am, 501 I Street, 6th floor, Courtroom 35, Dept C.

El Dorado Hills Community

El Dorado Hills,


#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 26, 2014






The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.



#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 04, 2014


After I changed my last name as my middle name to start a new life here in Serrano in the Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca. which was a quiet place to lay low and convince the community I am normal. I do not use my real last name because when people GooGle me they will see my record and know that I am a Convicted Felon of Attempted Murder and still have mental issues. I enjoy writing blogs on this site to make me feel happy and not feel alone. Yesterday I downloaded a picture of Ralph Sanders standing in Lake Tahoe holding a shopping bad enjoying his blissful lifestyle, which I stole from his Facebook account in order to try and stop his happiness.


Now that this Ralph Sanders guy who I hate with a passion has done his homework is getting in my way of hurting others, I have to stop him. I have changed his Publisher Account Password and say that I have gotten into his email account to show him and others how crazy I really am.


If I would just have laid low and not been so jealous of others lives, I could have had a secret life still. I feel that Ralph Sanders will continue to expose more of who I really am now that he has finally got a hold of my background. I say it's Ralph because of my paranoia issues.


It was also interesting how last week when a cop knocked on my door I thought he was there for me and I invited him in and gave him some cookies, of course with powder on the top like the movie Flowers in the Attic. I did show him my ID because I thought he was my friend and I am sure I will see him again.....Hmmmm....I really do hate my life and what I have done in my past just won't go away in my head. I have dreams of Ralph Sanders talking to my Ex-Wife Andrea Semeil.....the one I tried to kill.

I do have a New IDENTITY trying to remain undercover from my Attempted Murder conviction and mental health issues from all the prisons I have been incarcerated in. SEE MY COURT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED BELOW. I have been scamming the lady that I live with in order to be able to stay in her home. I was also proven Guilty in 1991 of Attempted Murder with a firearm/handgun with the meaning to afflict great bodily harm to my Ex Wife Andrea Semeil.

I continue to have mental health issue of hurting others because I refuse to take my Psychotrophic Medications in over 9 years and am trying to have a normal life and need the community to see me as George Frances but I can't help myself at hurting Ralph Sanders' success and blessings because I'm really jealous and hurt that he had taken away my job of babysitting his little girl over two years ago and that was my only source of income that he was paying me, since I had just lost my job at Maximus, Inc also. I'm upset because I have a reason to be because of my mental insanity plea in court for trying to kill my Ex-wife Andrea Semeil and I can't get over the fact of having a gun and hurting her so badly that they put me in a mental hospital prison. I am hoping that I get on medication soon because I am feeling like I need to hurt myself or someone like Ralph.

I could not hold a job at Maximus because of my paranoid mental issues of not being able to get along with others, which got me fired, so I filed a law suit accusing my Boss Remington Paul for sexual harassment because I was doing a good job at work for the two years I had the job under false pretenses. I tell people in the neighborhood I am retired from the Federal Gov't, which makes me feel safe from my paranoia. But in reality, I need to realize that I am really retired from Patton State Gov't Mental Hospital Prison and I need to go back there.

I slander lots of people on and will get even with anyone that's associated with my Ex Employer Maximus or anyone associated with Ralph Sanders. Look me up on Google under George F. SEMEIL and you will see who I really am. I am getting old and can't have a good life like these people I harass, so I am called by Satan to destroy them under false names, posting untrue comments in order to make outsiders not believe these successful people I want to destroy and make their lives miserable like mine. If I can't have it, they should not have it either. I have issues and can't stop. I have this sickness attacking Maximus, Inc and my co-workers there and also Ralph Sanders for over 2 years now.

Even though Ralph moved, I miss him because he keeps me alive by the hurt I make for his life and others. It makes me feel good to see him with nothing and he should hide and stay inside like I have to. I had escaped from a Mental Hospital prison and fled to South America for 4 years and had a bench warrant for my arrest and return to the U.S. I just won't take my Meds or get along with anyone in the community unless I can manipulate them into helping my cause, because I should still be in a Atascadero State Mental Hospital and under the care of a Doctor and taking my Medication. Someone please call Mental Health of El Dorado County and get me some help.

George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they will not have a choice.

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

Maybe I should stop writing blogs and Lay low!

George - You're Up!


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc. His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil.

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger. No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away. Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters. For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).

1) The Fraud

2) His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3) Interesting Thread

4) Con and Liar

5) The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6) Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7) Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8) The Hilarious Show Continues

9) Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11) Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12) Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13) Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14) There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15) Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16) Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17) Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18) Libel

19) Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20) Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21) Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22) Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23) The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24) Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25) Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26) Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27) Ralph Intimidates Victims

28) Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29) Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30) Ralph Criminal Behavior

31) The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32) Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33) I Am A Victim

34) The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35) Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36) Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37) Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38) Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39) Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40) Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41) A Victim Sacramento USA

42) Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43) Stick To The Facts Ralph

44) Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!!

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at:


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity.

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.

Within weeks, negative postings started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of. I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings. Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name! His full true name is George Francis Semeil!

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2] No. 91-55064

[3] 1993.C09.44877 <>

[4] *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6] Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7] Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9] George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10] Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

Mentally Ill Inmates
Mentally Disordered Offenders
Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself! Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this. In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves." The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me. At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today. He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me. He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues. First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors. When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???) His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???). All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case). He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did. His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months. I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder. He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware. Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me. If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast:

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.:

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.
Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch
Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.
Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage
Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.
Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.
Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.

Erin Ladang:

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,


#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 28, 2014




George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice. 

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you. 

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at:


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast:

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.:

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.
Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch
Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.
Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage
Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.
Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.
Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang:

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,


#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 28, 2014




George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice. 

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you. 

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at:


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast:

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.:

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.
Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch
Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.
Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage
Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.
Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.
Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang:

See you Soon Dirt Bag

El Dorado Hills,

just a person who got duped into his story to buy his book

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 27, 2014

Sad that a Man out with his Family would sell a book to citizens and portray himself as something he is not. Yes he is a TRUE HALFTIME HUSTLER who is still hustling! The fact that he tells people he played professional basketball for the Kings and in Europe, to which is FALSE! He then tells people not to read what is said on the internet about him, NO I am not his angry neighbor he claims is out there, just a person who got duped into his story to buy his book.

Additionally The intellectual property in the book in question (printed by Outskirts Press: was listed by Sanders on his bankruptcy petition filed on April 22, 2013, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of California – Case 13-25491 under Schedule B - Personal Property:

  Patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property. Give particulars.

Copyright "Halftime Hustler" on market for 3 months. $100 copies sold at $4 net each.

Type of property: Community

Value: Unknown

The intellectual property in the book was NOT listed under Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt 

I understand that, when Sanders was questioned under oath by the bankruptcy trustee about his financial affairs, he was also instructed at the first meeting of the creditors on May 20, 2013, not to sell or promote the book. Presumably, as a non-exempt asset, the intellectual property in the book was or should have been available to pay creditors and not used for Sanders’ personal benefit.


However, Sanders apparently ignored the US Trustee’s instructions and continued to order books from Outskirts Press, including the latest order for $1,917.05 on June 25, 2014, which was shipped to an address that is not his – on Copping Way, Folsom, CA 95630 – belonging to the same person Sanders has recruited to write his falsehood with intentions to harassed senior citizens up the hill.

In fact, subsequent to his bankruptcy filing on April 22, 2013, Sanders has spent a total of $9,256.12 ordering copies of his books, the intellectual property in which should now be vested in the bankruptcy trustee and any proceeds of sale made available to repay creditors.

Ralph Sanders I have your scam to evade taxes down to a science, you and all those who collaborate to harass the innocent older folks have indeed made a very bad judgment call.






#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 15, 2014


Good people will help friends or even strangers in need, especially someone really in need. For a (borderline) sociopath do they ever feel a sense of obligation to those that extended a hand or do they just feel entitled to whatever they can get? A true SOCIOPATH can pull off the cons without others ever knowing.
The world evolves around their needs and desire to manipulate, con, and destroy other peoples lives. The problem we face when treating sociopaths is that they have an inability to learn from their prior mistakes. Unlike you or I who feel guilt, remorse, shame, sadness, regret and a host of other feelings, which fuel us to make better choices for the future...sociopaths lack such depth of emotion so they have no motivation for change. As far as they are concerned, their behavior causes them no discomfort.
George Semeil aka George Francis and/or Carlos (or the various many other alias he plays on this site) is an ex con arrested and convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to Atascadero State prison for 25 years... One would think every one deserved a second chance to live a crime free and productive life style after making such horrible mistakes.
To the contrary, Mr. Semeil as a master con artist release from a prison just a few years ago has intensified his sociopathic behavior to off the charts. Somehow he was able to con a women and move into her house in the affluent community of Serrano and set-up and elaborate scam claiming to work for the government. The sociopath even had the audacity to create and post a video on himself on to further entice naive citizens into supporting his cause. Indeed he is a true sociopath and mental patient!
In the Serrano Community, the imposter masquerades to his neighbors as being a frail old man named George Francis who's retired from the government and who actually owns his own home and cars and is actually married. This is far from the truth. He also pretends to be victimized by his neighbor and his ex-exployer Maximus and will Sue anyone in his path to his own demise.
Since he lost his job at Maximus, George Semeil aka "The Attacker" has now set his eye sight on his neighbor and co-workers. His daily scam on the honest hard working folks in the El Dorado Hills community and Maximus employees is so prevalent that law enforcement is now on to his game and will be taking him down soon.
This Sociopath will go door to door with his lemons trying to get his neighbors on his side. His typical day is filled with many hours sitting at his computer in his lonely house making Rip-Off reports on innocent people and making harassing phone calls to people because he doesn't have a life or a job or a family or a wife to call his own.  

Be very careful with this man as he is very conning, manipulative, and possible very dangerous, make sure you keep him away from your home and family.  Do not cross paths with him or he will start attacking you too.


Urgent Read Rebuttal #51, Ralph’s friend tried to trap his attacker and now she is being attacked. See URL’s below. 

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).   

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph


These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital. 

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: 

Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast:

Author Casey Jones Topix:

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.:

Erin Ladang:

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc:

He Scammed Me Too


Ralph Sanders be a man and pay your debts, pay me and the other women your scammed?

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 29, 2014

Ralph Sanders when are you going to lay off the lies and your con games and be a man. Your ignorance and illiteracy is so prevalent, you are now the biggest laughing stock of the entire state of California. 

Stop soliciting $20.00 from customers in front of businesses in exchange for your self-published $999.00 frivolous piece of garbage book no one wants to read. Why don’t you get a real job for once? Oh I almost forget no one is going to hire a twice convicted felony for fraud and Identity thief!

 You should be ashamed of yourself to accused one person for exposing your scams, when in fact we did our research on the compost you and your wife posted only to find out, this person is much too intelligent than you stupid a** thinks. You should check the courts records and see that this person has single handed beat a major cooperation legally and received a lucrative award which is under court seal. Additionally, you Ralph Sanders is so foolish, not to realize you have attacked the wrong family, with the resources and all the right connections to stay on your criminal trail all the way to the gates of hell.

Ralph Sanders be a man and pay your debts, pay me and the other women your scammed, don’t attack and try to intimidate the older people in your neighborhood as way to deflect the much warranted attention you deserve for your on-going scams against naïve people.  You have ZERO credibility in the Serrano community, no one cares or like you up there. Most people agrees you have over overstay your welcome.

Your corrupt wife Lauren will get her dues for supporting your criminal activities, by writing and posting all your make believe and slanderous comments on the internet, since you Ralph Sanders is so illiterate.

This is so frigging hilarious for you Ralph Sanders too keep given a so-called mental patient so much credit for being so smart.  More importantly I don’t see any one is after that person you have wrongly accused, no one is saying or accusing him or her of stealing or conning them out of their hard earned money.  You thought you could hide up in El Dorado Hills from all the victims you scammed when you was living in Antelope, well Mr. Con man we the victims have created a well lubricated machine to purse and make sure you pay for all your dirty deeds.

Shame on you Ralphy boy, are you telling us a NUT is really rattling your cage by pulling off such an elaborate and effective exposé on your criminal activities?

Wow, Mr. Fake Sacramento Kings, aka Basket Ball Star for Italy, Argentina, Brazil et al, driving high end cars obtain by questionable means under other people’s names less than a year after lying to the bankruptcy courts to discharge over $250,000.00 obtain by dubious means, to include all what your stole from me under false pretense is coming to bite your ignorant and swindling AZZ very soon. While at it, ask you’re deceitful and shameless wife Lauren to explain what is Form and General Interrogatories?

Just sit tight Ralph Sanders, the few of us you have foolishly underestimated is about to show you what it means to steal, intimidate and harassed the wrong people.

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

George F Semeil Will Not Stop Attacking Author Ralph Sanders

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 28, 2014

 George Semeil-

We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. My name is Jodi and you don't know me but what you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum,, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked:

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast:

Author Casey Jones Topix:

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.:

Erin Ladang:

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc:

Fighting lady


OH What a Tangle Web of Deception

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 16, 2014

OH What a Tangle Web of Deception? This is so hilarious, for a man who makes his living conning good people out of their hard earned money, while utilizing his notorious text book criminal behavior to intimidate his victims into silence, by implementing various harassment methods coupled with vague threats to include slander, defamation via cyberbullying, is now complaining on his Facebook page of being attack by Rip-off Report. What the h*** is this world coming to, when a disreputable pathological liar/con man, criminal-undercover child molester and master schemer like Ralph Sanders can complaining of being under attack?

This man really believes he can manipulate the cyber world into believing victim and consumer advocate organizations like Rip off Report should be sanction for their hard work in exposing scam artists like him? You are witnessing how the lies and deception of a REAL CROOK is starting to hit home. His façade of showing off by driving luxury vehicles he does not own and acquired thru questionable means on other people’s names has expose the idiot to all kinds of questions by the Feds. Competent and objective investigators should not need to be rocket scientists to figure out a man with no job, no gainful employment skills sets and unable to writes a baisc sentence in English without making major grammatical errors, can afford such high-end vehicles. Keep in mind this man Ralph I. Sanders posted on LinkedIn he is a graduate of San Jose State University and works Overseas as basketball player for Italy, and some South American countries, the problem with that statement is the Who is Who in basketball in those countries he claim to have played for, never heard of the liar.

Word has it he is in a hurry to move out of Serrano in hopes of finding new targets for his scams since his cover has been blown in El Dorado Hills. A smart con-man would know to lay low for a while after generating so much heat on himself. But knowing flamboyant Ralph Sanders for who is, I doubt very much he can stay under the law enforcement radar for too long. The man is just too colorful and suffer from Attention Deficit Syndrome (ADS). His behavior of making ambiguous threats, bullying and pestering of his victims some innocent older folks is consistent with a sociopath. My best girlfriend’s parents a few weeks had to file complaints with the Home Owners Association and the El Dorado County Sheriff’s office against him for trying to force his way into their garage under the pretext of looking for his dog, when in reality he was just casing the place to rip off those poor folks.

I was told just a week ago Folsom PD was called to take a report on him after stalking his neighbors on Bidwell Street in Folsom. These are older people Ralph Sanders has fixated on for while unleashing his typical harassment and intimidation, blaming them for his soon to come demise. It was interesting to learn that while his wife Lauren was at work, Ralph was observed in the company of his mistress Erin Ledang of Roseville, a not so smart blonde woman Ralph has led to believe he is divorced from Lauren. This woman has help the criminal cover up his cons and other illegal activities, I would hope the authorities charge her for Aiding and abetting a criminal in planning and execution of a felony.

I hope all the people he scammed out of their monies stay in his trail, as the saying goes "Run but you can’t Hide"!

Keep up the good work Ed Magedson you have given a voice to thousands of victims to include all the innocent and gullible women Ralph Sander’s has wronged.

Ralph Sanders

March 30 via

Ralph Sanders

I am being attacked ...Google: ralphsanders being explains my attacker.

Google: Fight online bullying and cyber harassment by deindexing RipOff Report from Google’s search engine results worldwide - Sign the Petition!


Ralph just signed this petition on

23 signatures are still needed!

Bail Bonds Lady


Con Man Raplh Sanders complaints of Cyberbulling

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 07, 2014

This is so hilarious for a man who makes his living conning good people out of their hard earned money, while utilizing his notorious text book criminal behavior to intimidate his victims into silence, by implementing various harassment methods coupled with vague threats to include slander, defamation via cyberbullying, is now complaining on his Facebook page of being attack by Rip-off Report. What the hell is this world coming to, when a con man/lying/ criminal and master manipulator like Ralph Sanders can try to mislead the cyber world into believing victims and consumers advocate organizations like Rip off Report should be sanction for their hard work in exposing scam artist like him? You are witnessing lies that a REAL crook like Ralph Sanders is spreading in an effort to discredit the Rip-off Report and all those who took him on for his intimidating and harassing behavior, Just as he did to all his innocent victims. In his sick criminal thinking, his lies/scams will continue go uncheck, little does he realize his days as fee man are numbered.

This man posted on LinkedIn he is a graduate of San Jose State University is just one of his Big lies. He can hardly write a sentence in English without not making grammatical errors. All his writings and postings is done by his wife Lauren a woman without any moral character who enjoys the fruits of Ralph’s scams on other women.

As usual Ralph Sanders blames his neighbor for all his problems and I am sure for his up-coming down fall, he also blame the 37 plus victims he scammed out of a lot of money and then file fraudulent bankruptcy to discharge the debts obtained by fraudulent means. While playing the blame game he now blames Rip off Report for exposing his scams.

Think about it – if you repeat a lie often enough, some people may start to believe it no matter how groundless it might be.  That’s what scam artists like Ralph Sanders and some of Rip-Off Report critics are counting on.

Keep up the good work Ed Magedson you have given a voice to thousands of victims to include all the innocent and gullible women Ralph Sander’s has wronged.





El Dorado Hills,

OMG...this man George Semeil lives in my community

#14Author of original report

Thu, November 07, 2013

After reading all this I am very devastating.

This is an open "can of worms" I don't know Ralph Sanders real well but we always wave to one another up and down the street because he's a friendly guy.

Now I understand after attending his beautiful little daughters birthday party almost 2 years ago why this man is attacking his caracter and his new published book.

I thought I respond because I live in "Village E" in the same community this man George Semeil lives. I read disturbing things on line about Ralph Sanders dealing with ripping people off and scamming others and that he's a dangerous man. This is so untrue and false information.

I knew that this was something that was not true because over the 4 years talking with him he did not fit the description. WOW, his book is amazing and he openly speaks on his past and how he used to lie and cheat and the nature of his past crime. What a great story for a movie. A man that became a Christian incarcerated.

I don't know why I am responding on this site but I just happen to stumble across one of his video's that was just released. Quite interesting now I understand the nature of all this slandering.

It's actually scary to think we have a men in the neighborhood that I've never seen before, actually would do these type of things to a person on the internet. Now that I know Ralph is dealing with this man with a similar past it's interesting why a person would attack such a man that is trying so hard to get back rather then take.

Ralphs nature of crime does not fit the nature of George Semeils past criminal history. Attempted murder is a lot worse than a young man that forged some bad checks in his past.

I happen to google George F Semeil and read all the case studies on this man and even the ripoff sites of what he is doing to his ex employers at Maximus in the city of Rancho Cordova. This was very alarming and sad to hear what Ralph has been going through.

Attached info: video "Halftime Hustler" broadcast cleared up a lot of things to me. I advise anyone to look at this video.

Great job Ralph. People need to be exposed that are doing things like this to other people. Don't be vindictive toward him just pray for his issues.


See attached video....





All Information on George Semeil are true facts

#14Author of original report

Thu, November 07, 2013

This information on this man is so true. I was shocked to read today all the articles on this man that is attacking Mr. Sanders and his success. I know George Francis Semeil from working with him in Rancho Cordova in 2010.

There is a court case going on between our company and how he lies about our supervisor attacking him in a sexual way at work. He is really upset and claims our boss made a sexual advance on him.

It's his way of getting back at our company called "Maximus" George is an individual that is very disturbed and a convicted con for attempted murder. The facts are true that he did serve time in Atascadero, that's why the company terminating him. The company found out that he was not honest about his past criminal record. His performance was poorly and over the year his behavior was preditorial.

That are a number of HCO employees which HR and managers that were curious of this mens everyday behavior in the work enviroment.

Since his termination of his employment from MAXIMUS in february 2011, plaintiff has filed a litany of complaints against MAXIMUS in forums, each case having been closed with a no-cause finding in favor of MAXIMUS.

George is now attacking many people in this company like Paul Remington under false Rebuttals and under false names to make believe that this company is a fraud.

This man is a game player with a fixation on other human beings success.


I noticed submitted september 27th 2012, reported by: Jesus-Cincinnati Ohio. There was a ripoff complaint about Maximus on Paul Remmington having bad behavior, which are false lies by George Semeil.

Due to investigation by the detectives that are investigating this matter ironically speaking, he has attacked and continues to slander his neighbor Ralph Sanders and author of the book Halftime Hustler.


Quite suprising he writes a ripoff report submitted October 22th 2012, reported by: Jesus-Cincinnati Ohio. Making false stories claiming in his fixation believable lies.


Now that the detectives and attorneys are aware of his slanderish and deformation of caracter he will be punished by law and have to answer to what he's doing.


Respond to this Report!