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  • Report:  #1039265



  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 30, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 30, 2013

The best way to describe this slug is by using the text from a letter that I wrote him. If you google his name you will find pages and pages of his advertisements for himself! I have done further investigation on this guy and found out that he was convicted of two DUIs which gives him the experience to say that he handles these types of cases!

 My letter to him dated 4-20-2012

Charles it has eating at my soul ever since my loss in Court in Fort Bend County Court House on the 23rd of January, 2012.

As you are well aware I found you on the Internet and took my chances based I what I read there and my conversations with you! What was presented to me by you in its entirety turned out to be a sham, nothing more than miss-representation of yourself and your slothfulness in representing me
in my serious family Matter!

Of course I did my due-diligence and contacted Several Attorneys in my pursuit of the Attorney I wanted to represent me! Why did I pick you? You appeared by the picture on your website to have a very nice office! This turned out not to be the case and your office is slightly larger than the average master bedroom closet and is in an office suite! Not that it matters however not honestly depicted in your advertisement! Additionally your picture was of a much younger you and not the today you. I mentioned this to you in person on the 22nd of January and you have
since changed it!

The thing that is most important to me is dealing with a Christian who is a Godly man! You indicate on your web-site that you, among other impressive endeavors teach Discipleship classes at your church which turns out to be Sugarland First United Methodist Church!

Your statement:

I am a husband, father and Army veteran. I am a volunteer leader on the governing boards of charitable organizations, and I also teach adult discipleship classes at my church, based on my belief in servant leadership and public service. Dicipleship classes, certainly you don't teach by example? 

Well, Charles you did a great job on the phone with me and I was very impressed with your strategy and plans to address my situation. Your documentation and the quoting of statutes were impressive! I told you several times that I was impressed and you always responded well, this is what I do. As you recall our court date was on the 23rd of January, 2012 in the Fort Bend County Court House. You requested that we meet on Sunday for up to three hours to prepare and I agreed. You told me about your Church Service time and that you taught class after the service. I told you that I would love to come to service there and that I would like very much to attend your class. I met you after the service and you informed me that you would not have a class that day because of a Ukrainian Missions session that was to take place! I attended this session and enjoyed it very much! I personally have been to Russia seven times and liked listening to the Ukrainian experience! After this session I told you that I would follow you to your office and you stated that you had more to do at the Church and would meet me there in a half hour! Okay, I parked outside your office and waited and all of sudden you show up at the back door! Thats
strange; I thought where did he park? Upon leaving I saw there was a ramp up the back of the empty parking lot which also had access from its level! Thats strange, why didnt he park where I told him where I would meet him in this empty parking lot? After we got inside one of the first conversations that we had was that you told me that my Mother had called you and wanted us to do mediation and that she didnt want to go to court and that she never hired her attorney Richard Behlmann. You also told me that she told you that she didnt want anyone to know that she had called you. You told me that you agreed not to do that! Well, my first question is, why are you telling me then? On later contemplation I realized that you had you had lied to my Mother!  You also told me that because of this promise you could not bring it up in Court! I told you clearly that honesty was the most important thing to me and that I despise dishonesty! Well, moving ahead a little bit, in Court in front of me and my sister you asked her in about question number three if she remembered the phone call and you stated the details of that conversation and your broken promise to her and me, thats saying it nicely, the truth of the matter you lied to her twice and me once!  Ok, back to our Sunday meeting, I saw all of the nice documents that I had diligently prepared for my case and I could tell that they were never looked because of the lack of a fold mark by the staples or any other marks or wrinkles! In fact every document was still neatly in order as I had sent them to you! You told me that you didnt want to spend the time looking at all the documentation unless you really needed to! That didnt sit right with me but you insured me that you had a strategy which we briefly went over. In retrospect I put together all of that information in anticipation of you reading it and being prepared for Court and I expected to pay you the professional for it.  After all, I gave you a $ 5,000.00 retainer and expected to have to pay more if necessary! I departed after about one hour and we agreed that we would meet about a half hour before the Court session the next day in the parking lot!  About 45 minutes before Court I called you on your Cell phone three times to tell you that I was in the parking lot waiting for you and each time you answered with I cant hear you, I am on my way to court and if you need to leave me a message and I will call you back! Shortly thereafter I say at a distance a rather unsightly old car pull up and park and it looks like you getting out but I just said no, it cant be, he would have called me to say where are you because we agreed to meet in the parking lot!  Several minutes later you call me and ask me where I am and I told you waiting for you in the parking lot as we had discussed.  You told me you were already inside waiting for me! Strange, very strange! At the end of our loss in Court, I said to you lets talk as we walked out to the parking lot. You saidno, I need to go talk to the clerk! It was obvious to me that you did not want me to see your vehicle! We parted and I went to the car to make some phone calls!  And what to my surprise, there
you go to your car, the one I saw you get out of earlier! So, lets recap, so far your office as represented by your web-site doesnt exist, your picture is very old, you didnt even look at the documentation (3 or 4 hundred pages) that I sent you over the previous months, you lied to me and my Mother despite the fact you teach discipleship classes, you lied about hearing me on the phone and you hide your car because you are embarrassed!

Now lets go back to us going inside the Court room! We file in together with the Attorneys for about 7 or 8 cases and they all sit in the Gallery with their clients but not you, you open the gate to the area in front of the Judge and sit at a desk leaving me, your employer behind!  All the rest of the Attorneys are sitting with their clients, I am sure discussing their cases! Then we get called up and the first issue was Attorney Behlmann representing both my Mother and Edasi, the issue where you had quoted so many State statutes which would disallow this, and within less than two minutes that motion was denied and the judge says that was a ridiculous and then you put my 86 year old Mother on the stand. Well the case was really about all of the self-serving issues with my sister who you never called to the stand! The case was a joke and your job was pathetic! I trusted you based on phone conversations and web site representations particularly your being a teacher of discipleship at your Church. If you had presented a good solid case with all of the facts that I had carefully and completely prepared for you and we still lost, there would be no question but that it is Gods will and I have to accept it!

Did you earn what I paid you? No way! Were you honest with me? No way! Were you honest to my Mother? No way! Were you well prepared for Court? No way! Did you live up to your mission statement? Not even close! As a Disciple of Christ in view of what you say you teach others were you and are you as a believer responding to the Holy Spirits prompting to examine your thoughts, words and actions and compare them with the Word of God. Something for you to ponder on and you know the right answer!

I spent a lot of Money for nothing!

God bless you Brother and I pray that you take this in the way it was intended. Be real Brother and act in Gods image as a teacher of his Word should!

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