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  • Report:  #1069192

Complaint Review: Attorney Jeanne Barron

Attorney Jeanne Barron Jeanne V. BarronJeanne Vallez Barron d**n Mad Lawyer Farmington Hills Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Julia — Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 22, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 23, 2013
  • Attorney Jeanne Barron
    32901 Middlebelt, Suite 500
    Farmington Hills, Michigan
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Believe it or not, Shiawaseee Condominium Association (Southfield, MI) maintenance staff, Robert (Bob) Piech and Thomas Blanding appeared on defendant’s preliminary lay and expert witness list offered by their attorney Jeanne Barron, Case No. GC 09 1653. None of the board members (Shiawassee Condo Association) were listed ONLY Piech and Blanding who are illiterate and non-licensed maintenance workers. Blanding, believe it or not during court proceeding “on witness stand” could not read what he actually wrote. “I can’t. I can’t believe I can’t read my own writing”. That was Blanding’s testimoney “on transcript”. Here is Piech “Well you know Ms. “X” has made some complaints to the board of directors and you know and and you know”. Both, Blanding and Piech responded to interrogatories (Case No. 2005-067809-NZ assisted by their attorney Jeanne Barron but both were selected witnesses, Case No. GC 09 1653, selected by Attorney Jeanne Barron. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. The lawsuit, GC 09 1653 additionally was served upon a board member not either of those two illiterate/non-licensed maintenance thugs, but none of the board members appear on the witness list, only those two non-licensed maintenance thugs employed by the Shiawassee Condominium Association. They, Piech and Blanding have no right to enter into anyone’s condo unit attempting to repair or repair anything – must be licensed by the State of Michigan. Providence Hospital (Livonia, MI) appears on defendant’s preliminary lay and expert witness list. Plaintiff, Ms. “X” was hospitalized weeks after a slip and fall accident (02/12/2008), at Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI NOT Livonia, MI. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Newland Medical Center (Troy, MI) appears on defendant’s preliminary lay and expert witness list also. Plaintiff received treatment from Newland Medical in Novi, MI not Troy, MI. Newland Medical has several Michigan locations: Southfield, Bingham Farms, Novi and Pontiac. Troy, Michigan is not one of them. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Believe it or not, the Shiawassee Condominium Association (Southfield, MI) through its attorney, Jeanne Barron denied that it breached any of its duties and further denies that it was negligent but states it was guided by, and strictly observed all of its legal duties and obligations imposed by operation of law, the condominium bylaws and otherwise, in that all of the actions of its agents, servants, and/or employees were careful, proper, prudent and lawful. . . . it took proper action to administer and enforce its master deeds and bylaws but their insurance company released payment to the attorney for Edna Rogers; their insurance company released payment also to Attorney Ezra N. Goldman on behalf of Ms “X”. Moreover, a request for snow maintenance was requested 12/17/2007. The request was refused 12/24/2007 “these items are co-owner responsibility the association will take no action on them clear snow. Additional wording, None [snow] available at this time”. How about that “None [snow] available at this time”. The Shiawassee Condominium Association on 12/24/2007 “in writing” refused to honor its legal obligation stated in the condominium documents, Article V, Section 5 and the Michigan law statue MCL 559.153. (Shiawassee) on 12/24/2007 refused to honor its fiduciary responsibility that it [defendant] accepts in its Spring 2005 newsletter. While defendant (Shiawassee Condominium Association) is not surer of safety, it has a duty to exercise DUE CARE, Roberts v Stevens Enterprise, Inc. (1999) WL 334455020. Defendant (Shiawassee) on 12/24/2007 “in writing” refused to exercise DUE CARE. The Shiawassee Condo Association (Southfield, MI) though its attorney Jeffrey Vollmer of Wegner and Associates, P.C. (St. Clair Shores, MI) foreclosed on a unit without authorization from mortgagee, Chase Bank and named itself the mortgagee not Chase Bank. The Shiawassee Condo Association did not own the debt , was not the mortgagee and had no right to foreclose. She gave her credibility no worth – Jeanne Barron.

Wait! Wait! The best is yet to come. Barron, in her introduction 01/07/2010 Summary Disposition, page 2 , Case No. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court says (plaintiff) was not unfamiliar to defendant”. Truthfully, Defendant and Barron were not unfamiliar to plaintiff; all played part in a previous litigation, Case No. 2005-067809-NZ (Michigan Oakland County Circuit Court) of which plaintiff Ms. “X” prevailed. Case was not bogus and not declared frivolous. The two Piech and Blanding “willingly” committed a crime. Plainiff Ms. ‘X” sued them and prevailed, payment was surrendered. She, Barron knew this. Barron perhaps did not know the Shiawassee Condominium Association Board of Director members during the GC 09 1653 litigation, should have. She, however knew Robert (Bob) Piech and Thomas Blanding. She was previously their representative attorney. She knew them from Case No. 2005-067809-NZ. She was familiar with them and of course, plaintiff Ms. “X”. She (Barron) is no doubt a bitter lawyer and NEVER accepted defeat. Unlike the attorney James Schmier, Ezra N. Goldman didn’t/wouldn’t side with defense attorneys Jeanne Barron and Timothy Egerer, didn’t/wouldn’t take money from the Shiawassee Condominium Association to cover-up their wrongdoing. Goldman, additionally was/is a seasoned attorney. The winner, in the end was Goldman NOT defense attorneys Timothy Egerer and Jeanne Barron. Goldman alone triumphed above (2) defense lawyers, Barron and Egerer and (2) big book size appeals that they filed during that litigation; proved himself intrepid (Goldman), must have always haunted Barron.

The January 07, 2010 Summary Disposition, page 2 according to Jeanne Barron says “ plaintiff Ms. “X” alleges that, on September 18, 2008, she slipped and fell on accumulated ice on a sidewalk in the condominium complex. (See Plaintiff’s Complaint, paragraphs 17 and 18)” The summary disposition stated inaccurate information. Plaintiff, Ms. “X” did not slip and fall on accumulated ice on the sidewalk in the condominium complex on September 18, 2008; this is NOT STATED in the complaint, paragraph 17 and 18, Case No. GC 09 1653. How about that!!! She did that, Attorney Jeanne Barron, a practicing lawyer of “thirty years”, agent for the Shiawassee Condominium Association –  LOL Hummmmmmmm, should have been careful, also prudent. Hummmmmmmmm A successful lawyer – thirty years – incredibly intelligent but Inept, Incompetent and Obtuse. She may be an active attorney in good standing with the Michigan State Bar Association but still a fat white woman lawyer that looks like a man, still a sociopath, should be evaluated by Dr. Scott T. Monson.

Defendant, Shiawassee Condominium Association (Southfield, MI) in its (Spring 2009) newsletter states owners must carry condo insurance; this is NOT stated in the bylaws. Defendant (Shiawassee) must carry insurance. This is stated in the bylaws, Article IV. Compliance of this bylaw ruling, Article IV is mandated by Michigan law statue MCL 559.153. Defendant shall (will) keep detailed books/records; this is stated in the bylaws, Article 1, Section 3. Compliance of this bylaw ruling Article 1, Section 3 is mandated by Michigan law statues MCL 559.153 and MCL 559.154 (1). Notification of all meetings shall (will) be forwarded to co-owners by mail. This is a bylaw ruling, Article 1 (f). Compliance of this bylaw ruling, Article 1 (f) is mandated by Michigan law statue MCL 559.153. “The [condominium association] bylaws do not supersede or overcome the law of Michigan”. Barron now inflamed says (all above) is harming her reputation. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh. Laugh, Laugh. She said that via correspondence (02/20012) and forwarded it U.S. Mail – Certified, someone’s place of employment ‘UNAUTHORIZED’ She, of course is serious – very serious. Well, too bad Barron. Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of Michigan 1963, Section 5.

People get burned playing with fire, even in litigation. Case [GC 09 1653] in the Michigan 46th District was declared frivolous she says but harming her reputation. LOL. The outcome, Case no. GC 09 1653 was declared frivolous only because Judge William J. Richards in the Michigan 46th District Court is dishonest and not fair. She influenced Judge Richards’ decisions. She also influenced plaintiff’s attorney, James G. Schmier. He Schmier worked for Barron not plaintiff, his client. She, additionally suppressed material facts and entered into fraud (silent fraud, intrinsic and extrinsic fraud). She was familiar with Ms. “X” plaintiff via Case no. 2005-067809-NZ in the Oakland County Circuit Court. Ms “X” plaintiff prevailed in that case involving same defendant as that in Case No. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court. Case No. 2005-067809-NZ dissolved with a signed and sealed Release and Settlement agreement. The 2005-067809-NZ Release and Settlement agreement was signed by (3) attorneys; Jeanne Barron is one of them. She acquiesced to the Release and Settlment Agreement and signed it. That agreement barred her from expounding on facts and or non-facts that surfaced in case no. 2005-067809-N via communication of any kind. She could not transport facts and or non-facts from case no 2005-067809-NZ (Oakland County Circuit Court) into case no. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court. She did.

Nonsense, of course not. She breached contract, a signed and sealed Release and Settlement agreement on file in the Michigan Oakland County Circuit Court. She could file a formal complaint but must challenge the Clean Hands Doctrine that has been adopted in Michigan. She is now beyond safety of Judge William J. Richards. Her hands are not clean – Case no. 2005-067809-NZ case in the Michigan Oakland County Circuit Court is not hiding. Case no. GC 09 1653 Case in the Michigan 46th District Court is not hiding either. Case No. 2005-067809-NZ did exist as did Case No. GC 09 1653. Case No. 2005-067809-NZ settled out of court with a signed and sealed Release and Settlement Agreement. She, Barron knew this BEFORE entering case no. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court. She Barron may file a formal complaint but must prove that case no. 2005-067809-NZ (Michigan Oakland County Circiut Court) never existed. Must prove also that the court transcript writers lied. Raftery, Janeczek and Hoelscher, P.C. via facebook says its mission is to hire the most skilled attorneys. . . . the firm and its attorneys are highly regarded by clients and the legal community. Case No. GC 09 1653 representede by Jeanne Barron refutes said statement.

Now, now Baron via the professional networking site tells us that she is senior attorney at Rafftery, Janeczek and Hoelscher (Farmington Hills, MI), a six-person injury insurance defense and litigation. She tells us that she has a Bachelor of Science degree (University of Michigan) specializing in Special Education and Journalism. She tells us also that she has a Juris Doctorate degree (Wayne State University). Based on her representation, Case No. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court, she’s not incredibly intelligent, not intelligent at all. This is quite visible in her representation, Case No. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46th District Court. The complaint is written on three counts. She, Barron acknowledges this before the tribune. “Your honor, you know this case is written on three counts”. Transcript Page 9 (line 1-2).Her 01/07/2010 summary disposition, however, does not address three counts. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh.

The previous litigation, Case No. 2005-067809-NZ in the Oakland County Circuit Court dissolved with a signed and sealed confidentiality agreement. All parties and their attorneys signed the agreement. Barron represented three individuals employed by the Shiawassee Condo Association: Thomas Blanding, Robert (Bob) Piech and Mark Hawley and signed that agreement. She (Barron) could not dispatch information from Case No. 2005-067809-NZ, transfer and or enter it to another case. She did. Specific information stated “in writing” Case No. 2005-067809NZ was put into the 01/07/2010 Summary Disposition, Case No. GC 09 1653 (Michigan 46th District Court) from Jeanne Barron. The plaintiff, not Barron disclosed it to tribune. She was therefore forced to respond and did. She (Barron) stood before the court and spoke lightly with her hung head down “I didn’t bring it up because . . . . Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh. She said that “I didn’t bring it up because. . . . a successful lawyer of thirty years. . . . incredibably intelligent. Laugh. Go ahead and laugh. She, no doubt embarasses the that Farmington Hills, Michigan law firm, Raftery, Janeczek and Hoelscher, the Michigan State Bar and the University of Michigan law school. Find the Best Lawyer site advertises Jeanne Barron and another one Find a lawyer fast. She apparently registered herself on both sites. recommends talented lawyers to consumers who are in need of legal assistance. Barron, somehow was entered into that database. Laugh. Just laugh.

Doing an act, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident when the same is material, whether such other crimes, wrongs, or acts are contemporaneous with, or prior or subsequent to the conduct at issue in the case. Reading from the Michigan Rules of Evidence 404 (b). Barron had a scheme – definitely. Dr. Scott T. Monson was in it. Dr. Monson appeared on the preliminary lay and witness list as did Robert (Bob) Piech and Thomas Blanding. Dr. Munson is frequently used by Michigan defense attorneys representing insurance companies, but he is only an orthopedic surgeon. Alike case number 2005-067809-NZ in the Michigan Oakland County Circuit Court and Case No. GC 09 1653 in the Michigan 46 District Court any type litigation defended by attorney Jeanne Barron likely will be linked to Dr. Scott T. Monson, an orthopedic surgeon for negative results. It’s wrong for the legal system to create a phychological defect if there is non. Barron was on a mission to do just that via Dr. Scott T. Munson, an orthopedic surgeon. The attorney James Schmier was helping and forcing the judge, William Richards to allow it. This is a d**n mad lawyer, convinced that she is so talented in the field of law, Jeanne Vallez Barron.

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