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  • Report:  #1495948

Complaint Review: Audie Cornish NPR HYPOCRITE PATHETIC FRAUD!

Audie Cornish NPR HYPOCRITE PATHETIC FRAUD! Destroyed the lives of children from 3rd world countries DENYING THEM WHEELCHAIRS! Washington, DC Washington DC

  • Reported By:
    Greg — United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 04, 2020
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 08, 2020

NPR journalist, Audie Cornish, is the most despicable, disgusting, evil, unprofessional and unethical journalist there ever was.

Without any background or knowledge about a subject, and a person who was being discussed on NPR's All Things Considered, Cornish made the decision to speak her mind and chimed in to make clear her comments that she knew the person who was being defamed, was a fraud.

With sly-sarcastic remarks, following none of NPR's 240,000 word Book of Ethics, by her remarks she initiated a social media mob mentality from NPR's demented listeners who trashed and tarnished the reputations of two humanitarians, a husband and wife, taking two good peoples lives, and destroying their reputations so badly, that the person who was being insulted by Cornish, had to be saved by his wife from hanging himself with a rope.

Emergency room visits, 2 suicide attempts, and being placed on serious anti-depressants, Audie Cornish reeked havoc upon 2 peoples lives, not just any 2 people, but a husband and wife who were trying to raise money to help other unfortunate people in 3rd world countries. ( see the film being produced about the lawsuit ) HERE>

Because of her unprofessional conduct and severe cynicism, Audie Cornish was responsible for destroying the lives of children from 3rd world countries who are victims of land-mine explosions.

Audie Cornish was clearly aware of the Charity Benefit concerts that were to help land-mine victims in 3rd world countries, the children, some who have no arms or legs must crawl on the ground, over 100 million people still don't own a wheelchair.

NPR defended Cornish and their first amendment right to be able to call the events a fraud, and destroyed the lives of many people.

Audie Cornish is not only a disgrace to her colleagues, but her own race. She went on insulting an "unknown" artist, whom she knew NOTHING about, then comparing them to her hero Kendrick Lamar, the artist that can only rhyme words with the word n****r, she stated in her obnoxious opinion that this artist, had "earned his success" and insulted two people who were trying to make a difference in the world.

The video in this link ( Wake Up People) >

is the artist she insulted and defamed, this video proves without a doubt what these 2 people were doing and what they cared about, but Audie Cornish was so arrogant and bold in her insults and accusations, she took no time to know her subject, only to become a bah bah sheep and chime in with the other 2 imbeciles Andrew Flanagan and Jacob Ganz who were sued for 350 Million $.

The Yeagers had no choice but to defend themselves and try to repair the damage done. After 3 years and the courts denial to be heard because of unjust laws that protect the media from having the right to kill people and ruin their lives, Audie Cornish just turned her back and looked the other way.

For 3 years, Audie Cornish never had to integrity or audacity to stand up to her superiors for something she saw that was unjust, something that she participated in and caused, a woman like this deserves hell in her next life.

This is what we call a w***e. A sold out w***e like all the rest of the journalist at NPR who ALL were fully aware of the serious damages to peoples lives, and not a one, stood up for truth or justice.

The movie William Yeager v. NPR (4 part series) I understand, will be available on Netflix (IMDB) > by the end of the year, we hope all Americans can get a glimpse of this trailer trash w***e when the film comes out.

Her is the background of the case, excerpts taken from the case files.

It is appalling.

For over 12 years the Yeagers desire was to one day be able to "help those who cannot help themselves."

In 2015 their story was produced into a feature film documentary called The Film That Changed The World. The Film won Most Inspirational Movie Award.

In 2016 the Yeagers were busy planning and organizing their charity benefit concerts that were to be held at an underground missile base located in Kansas. The music concert with a full 18 piece band orchestra, theater play, and film screening on the large 47 ton steel entrance door to the base was going to raise money for 10s of thousands of wheelchairs for landmine victims.

But in March 2017 National Public Radio destroyed the Yeagers entire lives. Emergency room visits, anti-depressants, post traumatic stress medications, the humiliation was extreme and Billy Yeager suffered severe depression; he lost over 30 pounds and tried to commit suicide.

The Yeagers are also activists; they create music protest videos, they are trying to raise awareness about the suffering and injustice that happens all over the world, but when NPR published their story about Billy Yeager, they destroyed his reputation calling him a fraud and a charlatan to over 14 million people across the world on their radio broadcast on All Things Considered. So effective was NPR's agenda and smear campaign that NPR's listeners compared Billy Yeager to Charles Manson.

NPR wasn't interested in the Yeagers' spiritual mission and message. NPR's journalist Andrew Flanagan who defamed Billy Yeager also mocked Jesus Christ on his Facebook posts, Laughing out Loud at Jesus' crucifixion/resurrection. Flanagan also mocked what is known as the sinners prayer, taking "come into my life" and changing it to something so obscene it could only be considered as blasphemy.

Instead, NPR heavily promotes Muslim artists and music, and when it comes time to write about Christianity and Christian music, NPR writes about Gay Christian music, or if NPR features a Christian story, it's about Christian sex, or Christian food such as Judas the traitor delicacies.

Flanagan was fully backed up and supported by his editorial managers, CEO, and NPR's own attorneys.

NPR's attorney Ashley Messenger corresponded with the Yeagers for over 3 weeks over the matter. NPR admitted their massive mistake but attempted to make light of it simply stating that they "misunderstood" them.

All board members and top executives at NPR were well aware of the Yeagers' charity concerts, mission and vision to help change the world. Anais also informed NPR about Billy's severe depression and suicide attempts, but as Billy and Anais's lives were falling apart leaving Billy in deeper depression, instead of removing the article, NPR gave permission for Ashley Messenger to leave on a 7 day vacation.

Messenger published a book about media law that teaches journalists little secrets such as "Think about who you are referencing in a negative light." A private person is far more likely to have a claim that a public figure. It can be hard to guess in advance." And "there are some affirmative defenses that can be raised to protect defendants from liability."

Not only did NPR not give Billy Yeager the opportunity to respond to the serious allegations, but when Yeager contacted NPR's legal team, NPR again violated Yeager's 1st Amendment Right and  told him that his reply would not be published it if contained certain information. While NPR is fighting to defend their Freedom of Press, they censored Billy Yeager, and its not the first time NPR has censored an American Citizen's Freedom of Speech.

Instead of showing accountability, NPR used your American tax dollars to hire 3 attorneys against the Yeagers to defend their "freedom of the press" and their "right” to destroy the Yeagers lives.

Pouring gasoline on the fire, NPR's lead attorney on the case, David Bodney, also ridiculed the Yeagers mission, mocking the "divine intervention" in Billy’s life and calling him nothing more than a film flam artist in their motions.

To change the libel laws will take one very serious case of media injustice to be able to proceed to the Supreme Court.

This case is William Yeager v. National public radio.

Watch the videos, NPR is pure EVIL.

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