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  • Report:  #62222

Complaint Review: AudioFile

AudioFile ripoff Brooklyn New York

  • Reported By:
    Brooklyn New York
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 29, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 29, 2003

I was confronted by two white males in a white van. They seemed to be in their mid-thirties. Both clean cut and wearing blue-polos. One had taned skin and short black hair/eyes and the other lighter skin blonde hair and blue eyes.

Everything happened so fast and was so surreal. They stopped me and began to tell me how this was an awkward situation but they had just done a pick up for their boss and in the pickup they somehow ended up with two extra-speakers.

They proceeded to explain how they were pressed with time and they were supposed to be back at work with the delivery but they didn't want to give their boss the two extra speakers. Instead they wanted to make a little money and find someone who would put the speakers to good use.

They showed me an invoice for the speakers, a catalogue with pictures of the speakers which were priced at $1500 a pair. They also showed me a warranty for the speakers and began to take the speakers out of the box to show me the quality of the speakers. The speakers were nice looking and in factory packaging so i was beginning to buy their story.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt like it was my lucky day and i had the chance to purchase some brand new equipment at a below bargain price. So i offered them two hundred dollars for the pair and told them that was all i could afford. The guy with the black hair which was doing most of the talking declined my offer and began to state how someone a few minutes earlier had offered them 600 for the pair but he only had a check so they declined the offer. So in my stupidity and complete loss of sense during the whole scenario i offered them $300 and told them that was my final offer.

Once again the guy with the black hair declined and said that they could definately find someone that would offer more for the pair being that they were brand new and worth alot more than i was offering. I told him that was my final offer and what were the chances of him finding someone in the next few minutes that would offer them $300 cash. He still declined and hopped in the van and proceeded to drive off.

With that i proceeded to walk away. I must have walked half a block down the street before i heard one of them yelling and calling me back. I approached the van and he said if i threw in an extra fifty it was a done deal and they would even drive me home with the speakers. The blonde guy said he agreed with me and what were the chances of them finding someone in the next few minutes willing to buy them.

So like a dumbass i hopped in the back of the van where there sat eight speakers, like written on the invoice and proceeded to direct them to my home. They began to make small talk and ask me what i did for a living. I told them i bused tables and that is why i didn't have much to offer. They assured me i was in luck and wanted me to promise that i would use the speakers for myself and not try and sell them to make a profit. I assured them that i could use the speakers since i was saving up for a lap-top and this would be a great addition for my audio. They had told me as well as it being written on the box that they were digital ready. So i told them I felt that since they were of quality i'd be better off keeping them instead of trying to sell them to someone else.

We finally get to my place and i get the $350 and give it to the guy with the black hair. He then asks me if i could throw in an extra twenty dollars for some beer since they were hooking me up. I declined and told him that was all i could afford since i bus tables at a restaraunt for a living. With that they took off.

Thinking i had just gotten a great deal I did a search on the internet to check out the audioFile website. I came across this site and decided to post my story.

Like they say if it is too good to be true it probably is.

Brooklyn, New York

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Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Dogg Digital & other Stereo Speakers sold from a car or van, as they approach you at a stop-light or parking lot telling you a BS story.

*EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report confirms contact info salesman misrepresentation ripoff

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