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  • Report:  #1345984

Complaint Review: Autism Initiatives

Autism Initiatives Lying Prison B******* Sara Joanna Callum Edinburgh Scotland

  • Reported By:
    thesaunderschild — Other Edinburgh
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 27, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 07, 2022

This company has caused me untold problems. The people there had supported me for years because I apparently have a mild form of autism (which these zealots could not even diagnose me with properly). For 3 years, I was also living in their supported accommodation at 59 Blackfriars Street in Edinburgh. The agency employed all these a******* and so-called "seniors" who lied to me over two women, who went on to ruin my life.

After these two women were removed from my care because they didn't want to work with my any longer, I was promised shifts which the bosses had ZERO INTENTION of ever granting. Yet when I got angry and lashed out, they used my emotions to pin it all on how I behaved when they purposefully baited me.

Years beforehand, a man called Patrick Connolly who worked as an outreacher worker deliberately sent me many abusive emails from Gumtree using a pseudonym called "Bruce Ritchie" which was rather disturbing. He was winding me up over my desire to find my ex-girlfriend.

Eventually, I ended up remanded in jail when I got very upset over how they treated me. After months of the court deferring matters and putting me through tons of hassle, the assistant boss had me signing away my tenancy after conjuring up a story about rent arrears. They simply swept everything under the rug and got rid of me. I've been remanded in jail many times since, and have had to endure a lot of stress, multiple arrests and personal heartache due to this carry on. The corrupt legal system is 100% on their side. Then I got an advocacy worker to send a letter. They denied everything, of course. This is an absolutely b*******, and wicked agency, that should be avoided at all costs.

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom


#11Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2021

James, stop making the replies too long.


United States

Let me make clear.... (!!!)

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2021

am writing this letter in simple English in order that everyone can read and understand my words. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this letter will be: only a person who knows what prætorianism is and has a moral belief that it is wrong and has a personal code that keeps him or her from joining in with it, even when there is personal risk and sacrifice involved, can truly forge a bright, new future.

I will do my best to be such a moral person despite the fact that the first thing we need to do is to get Mr. Peter Ross Anderson to admit that he has a problem. He should be counseled to recite the following: I, Mr. Peter Ross Anderson, am an avaricious, shallow evildoer. I have been a participant in a giant scheme to require schoolchildren to be taught that aspish, acerbic braggadocios aren’t ever peevish. I hereby admit my addiction to vandalism. I ask for the strength and wisdom to fight this addiction.

Once Peter realizes that he has a problem, maybe then he’ll see that the emotionally fragile and psychologically vulnerable spend their entire existence seeking out the cause of their torment and then searching for the ideal therapy. Peter capitalizes on this by trying to convince such people that he is a refined gentleman with the soundest education and morals you can imagine. As malefic as that sounds, it’s pretty standard Mr. Peter Ross Anderson nuttery.

But Peter, never one to stop even when he’s reached the outermost edge, has proceeded to go right off the deep end this time by insisting that his beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments) are all about tolerance and sensitivity to others. The reality is different. Peter ’s beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments) are not at all about being nice—unless one believes that gulags are nice places.

By that, I mean that Peter ’s beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments) shame the poor into blaming themselves for losing the birth lottery. Despite rumors to the contrary (strategically introduced by Peter ’s brusque, pouty supporters), if I withheld my feelings on this matter, I’d be no less deluded than Peter . As far as I’m concerned, Peter has hatched all sorts of chuffy plans. Remember his attempt to wage a clandestine guerilla war against many basic human rights? No? That’s because Peter is so good at concealing his self-involved, scrofulous activities.

I acknowledge freely and make no apology for the fact that I once considered it reasonable for ethically bankrupt voluptuaries to commit acts of banditry and insurgency. But now I know that one could truthfully say that Peter ’s benighted, quisquilious asseverations are barren of worth and bereft of purpose. But saying that would miss the real point, which is that if you think that this is humorous or exaggerated, you’re wrong. You’ve never heard that Peter ’s intention is to sacrifice children on the twin altars of oligarchism and greed?

That’s because his confederates have been staging a massive cover-up for quite some time now. But if you keep your eyes open you’ll notice that Peter ’s obtuse attempt to construct a creative response to my previous letter was absolutely pitiful. Really, Peter, stringing together a bunch of solecistic insults and seemingly random babble is hardly effective. It simply proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he truly believes that his impolitic psychobabble is based upon a firm and vivid grasp of the concrete truths of life itself. It is just such depraved, directionless megalomania, lethargic egoism, and intellectual aberrancy that stirs Peter to attack the fabric of this nation. To have the audacity to say that obstreperous fanatics—and let’s be clear that Peter is referring here to his foes—are incabable of getting people to stop believing lies that were forged in the fiery pits of hell is, in my opinion, nothing short of huffy.

It’s not just that totalism is the first link in the series by which Peter proceeds towards a hatred of all mankind but also that he asserts that mediocrity is a worthwhile goal. Most reasonable people, however, recognize such assertions as nothing more than baseless, if wishful, claims unsupported by concrete evidence. Sure, it’d be great to use the best available evidence to adjudicate Peter ’s mumpish memoranda. However, we must stick to the task at hand and do something about the continuing—make that the escalating—effort on his part to create widespread psychological suffering.

Otherwise, only a precious few people will understand that I’ve run into some distressing examples of confirmation bias among Peter ’s mercenaries. For instance, they think that we should derive moral guidance from Peter ’s glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented politics. Interestingly, though, they fail to notice that the suggestion that destructiveness and impulsive violence are ennobling traits is wrong, absurd, and offensive. Nevertheless, Peter ’s adulators like to suggest such things to distract attention from the truth, which is that if I wanted to brainwash and manipulate a large segment of the population, I would convince them that Peter is merely trying to make this world a better place in which to live.

In fact, that’s exactly what Peter does as part of his quest to drain our hope and enthusiasm. One might think that Peter barely needs an excuse to use jingoism as a bludgeon with which to beat his castigators, and this is, not surprisingly, the case. Although there’s no denying that he inspires fear both for the drug-addled things he’s likely to do any day now and for the things that may be done in his name, it may be somewhat more controversial to allege that I have been working around the clock to educate the public on a range of issues. Why does that matter?

It matters because we don’t have to tell over and over again the story of how Peter is living in a dream world. However, we do have to frame that story and provide some context to it. Let me begin that process by noting that an understanding of the damage that may be caused by Peter ’s self-deluded, quarrelsome subliminal psywar campaigns isn’t something I expect everyone to develop the first time they hear about it. That’s why I write over and over again and from so many different angles about how Peter ’s lack of vision for an alternative strategy is one reason that he insists on continuing in the same direction. I should add that Peter also benefits from the power the status quo gives him to burn his enemies at the stake.

It is my fundamental belief that if you’ve read this far then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. In the past, it was perfectly clear to everyone with insight and without malice that Peter should have been removed from the gene pool before he had a chance to contaminate it. Unfortunately, there were a number of people who seemed to lack this insight at the right time or who, contrary to their better knowledge, contested and denied this truth. So despicable are Peter ’s choleric, immature expostulations that Peter has been made a pariah by the international media, and his deeds have been condemned by numerous government officials.

This in mind, I would like to spread the news about how if Peter were as bright as he thinks he is, he’d know that I’ve said many times that the spirits of our ancestors grieve as they watch him violate strongly held principles regarding deferral of current satisfaction for long-term gains. Apparently, some people still don’t get it. I don’t know why. It can’t be said any clearer than this: There is not even remotely sufficient evidence to support Peter ’s claim that it is patriotic to eliminate the plebiscitary mechanisms that ensure a free and democratic society. That’s the sort of statement that some people avouch is pathological but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And it’s a statement that needs to be made because I’ve observed at least one of his trained seals putting the foxes in charge of guarding the henhouse.

This is utterly indicative of the unprofessional, ungracious, and unacceptable behavior that is so endemic to Peter ’s lynch mob. Is it important that in the course of his omphaloskeptical self-explorations Peter often forgets that nothing wholesome can escape the toxic tentacles of his zabernism monster? Of course it’s important. But what’s more important is that Peter ’s zingers have kept us separated for too long from the love, contributions, and challenges of our brothers and sisters in this wonderful adventure we share together—life! To put it crudely, I’m not in the habit of giving advice to Peter ’s callous acolytes. However, there’s always a first time: You callous acolytes should stop dissolving the bonds that join individuals to their natural communities.

I admit I don’t have much confidence that they’ll follow that advice, but it’s important to make it known that the drivel emanating freely from Peter ’s mouth gives me cause to reach for the nearest vomit pail. It’s hard to argue, from that standpoint, that it’s not worth examining the notion that my only wonder is, Is Man to be free to follow his conscience and worship as he sees fit, or must he accept a conscience and god provided to him by Peter ? I’ve excogitated one theory that almost completely answers that question.

Unfortunately, it fails to take into account that when discussing the merits vel non of Peter ’s indiscretions, it helps to consider how I have seen numerous hideous quakebuttocks raid the public till. What’s sad is that Peter tolerates (relishes?) this flagrant violation of democratic principles and the rule of law. That just goes to show that it should not be surprising that Peter ’s publications are proving so attractive to pestiferous, alabandical twaddlers. Such people have been attracted to antisocial publications throughout history, and this is merely the next piece of evidence that you won’t find many of Peter ’s cultists who will openly admit that they favor Peter ’s schemes to crush people to the earth and then claim the right to trample on them forever because they are prostrate.

In fact, their ethics are characterized by a plethora of rhetoric to the contrary. If you listen closely, though, you’ll hear how carefully they cover up the fact that several things Peter has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how he and his camorra are the cutting-edge, trend-setting arbiters of acceptable thought. Really? It would be far more accurate to state instead that I am a law-and-order kind of person. I hate to see crimes go unpunished.

That’s why I surely hope that Peter serves a long prison term for his illegal attempts to violate values so important to our sense of community. Peter ’s microaggressions occasionally differ in terms of how fork-tongued can they are but generally share one fundamental tendency: They destroy the diversity that is so important to our country’s slowly growing awareness of pluralism and tolerance. I’m inclined to think that I have a problem with Peter ’s use of the phrase, We all know that…. With this phrase, he doesn’t need to prove his claim that he is a master of precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, and other undeveloped human capabilities; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, his cronies are encouraged—or more aptly, dragooned—into helping him inaugurate an era of boisterous antagonism.

It’s that simple. We can say that Peter, in his hubris, has decided that he has the right to deny the obvious, and he can claim the opposite, and it won’t make one bit of difference. By the same token, his plan is to pollute the great canon of English literature with references to his loud epithets. Peter ’s brethren are moving at a frightening pace toward the total implementation of that agenda, which includes imposing a uniformity of thought and behavior on all members of our community.

I wish I could say this nicely, but I don’t have much tolerance for the most unpatriotic politicos there are: Peter wants us to believe that we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed and kicked in the face by such a noble creature as he. How stupid does he think we are? The key to answering such questions is to realize that for Peter, all roads lead to fogyism. In closing, all that I ask is that you join me to stop Mr. Peter Ross Anderson and address the continued social injustice shown by annoying, insincere turncoats.


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom

Some people are not very bright...

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2021

You do know that a section 52 can refer to other aspects of the law, right? It's rather ironic that James Berich should post that troll bait on here, considering he made dirty remarks about my sister's kids years ago. So, yeah. Ignore that creep!


Scotland / Edinburgh,
United Kingdom

Oh noes, I hope that the section 52 referred to isn't what I think it is...

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2021

I did a quick google and the top result is relating to CP! whatever did they find on my devices? 

"Scottish Criminal Law: 21 - Indecent Publications: Civic Government (Scotland) Act, 1982

Section 52 - Indecent Child Photographs

(1) Any person who- 

(a) takes, or permits to be taken or makes, any indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph of a child under 18 years of age; 

(b) distributes or shows such an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph; 

(c) has in his possession such an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph with a view to its being distributed or shown by himself or others; or 

(d) publishes or causes to be published any advertisement likely to be understood as conveying that the advertiser distributes or shows such an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph, or intends to do so, 

shall be guilty of an offence under this section."


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom

An update about the bother, that this nonsense has caused this...

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2021

This is Peter Anderson, just updating the page a bit more, since other incidents have occurred.

As I said, this commotion has been going on for several years. It has probably been a thorn in my side now, for something like 8 years by this point, and my life really is in the gutter today. 

Recently, I was in the Edinburgh Sheriff Court. It would be much appreciated if my solicitor could inform me the next time he is going to be on annual leave. So they have deffered matters again, as Sheriff Corke needs to see my psychiatric report before he decides to be a jerk and hereby ruin my life even more with whatever BS sentence he will slap me with, next month. Major meh and manly, indeed.

The sheriff even said something about a section 52 charge as well, and I don't know what the hell that is. But I'm aware that some money grabbing dominatrix on Twitter grassed on me months ago, right after she lied about a custom video I paid for, and that she said she did not send because her messaging system crashed. Although it's really all because that James Berich troll I know had contacted multiple people, and he provided them with my name and address details, hoping they would get me charged for pestering them. She had no intention of mailing out any video at all, and is just another scammer who is only interested in collecting your cash. 

Anyway, I just wanted to explain a bit more about what occurred with these former support workers...

That first support worker I mentioned (Patrick) had been sending me emails from Gumtree adverts, naming my ex-girlfriend's schools, saying derogatory things about the late pro wrestler, Eddie Guerrero, and tormenting me. Not only that, but I think he had contacted me even before we met, and I recall he made dumb jokes about me being passive gay. And he did this for at least 2 or so years, putting in snide references to 1980s music groups he knows I like, such as the Smiths and Tears for Fears. He even once said something like this; "You should listen to The World Won't Listen when you shake off your mortal coil". He said that sick comment while we were in a snooker hall too, as he sipped alcohol he had stashed in his coat. After that, I just seen him another once, but this was around 3 years after he quit his job. 

So anyway, my sister told me she has evidence that this guy called G. Hunter sent her messages on Facebook, apparently admitting that he said things to Sara as a warning, or whatever, because we argued online about a girl we liked. He went to the staff flat where I lived (at the time) to shoot his mouth off about me, but he didn't actually live there. So after that, Sara acted really weird around me whenever I seen her. Rather jumpy, in fact. I'll never forget the time she did the sleepover on Christmas Eve, back in 2013.

She was being rather odd that night, as it was just the two of us who were there. She moved her seat over to the kitchen sink and made a remark about stretching her legs. That's not including all the other times she didn't act nice, despite the fact she was pleasant at first, when she originally agreed to be my new key worker. Yet when both her and Joanna were removed (at different times, mind you), their bosses blatantly lied by saying they were just busy, when they knew that was a deceitful thing to do. But I mean, they do nothing but tell lies, so this is nothing new. They even once got the police to access my flat, which they did using the spare keys. Although of course, the staff lied about that too. Do you see why I'm so angry and fed up with ranting about this agency? 

Eventually, it got to the point where their higher-ups called the police - a lot. Yet they denied that they set me up, like that time I called from a payphone at Fountainpark in Edinburgh, and went to get frozen yoghurt, and then the police got me up the road a bit. Since then, I've been arrested many more times because I contacted Sara and Joanna, and I was often kept in a police cell overnight before a court appearance.

Plus, I even got arrested one time in 2014, when I simply left a park, and they made out I was a stalker because I was discovered close to Joanna's previous residence. So um, where is the proof I even went to her house? And the police (AKA the useless, biased, piggy tossers, who are clearly in cahoots with these two sweetie wives) cannot make up a ploy just to access my flat with a warrant either, after her no contact order expired in the summer of 2020. When it's done, it's therefore done. They only did that as hers ran out, but there's other ones that are still running until 2028 for Sara and her ex, Callum [Regan]. Deliberate, much? The court has also giving me a non harassment order for a singer based in Liverpool, named Pete Wylie.

I wouldn't recommend that this company supports any autistic clients at all. But if it works out for you, then hey. Well done. I guess you're lucky. Unfortunately, I've called up civil lawyers a lot and other people, and have I had any luck of my own by doing so? Nope. But I'll have to keep on trying. I'll demand a lot of compensation, or the removal of these bogus non harassment orders, which I firmly believe are false, and a result of their unique brand of prolonged nastiness. 

The Action Group in Edinburgh doesn't want to support me, and I seriously doubt anybody else does either, because of these venomous lies that have been plastered on my record by these stinking, pieces of trash. Advocacy workers are also useless. Social services neglected me. Oh, and that social worker I had for a few years didn't even bother to look for the support that I ideally wanted. I've even told them numerous times, that I'll just have male workers, but it's like that doesn't matter. No one on any of these pointless online mental health related forums seems to care either, about my version of what happened. Even when I rabbit on and on about what they did and provide a degree of proof, they just pick out everything I did instead, as if I'm the culprit, or whatever you call it.

I'm sure these zealots have asked to have their names taken off the general election, as I did willfully dox them in the past. Either way, they are best avoided. People who cry wolf cannot see the wood for those trees out there. This is rather scary, as they're meant to have been professional care assisants. Yet they knowingly put me through all of this heartache and vindictive grief, and chose to laugh it off. And as I said, it's hard to see any justice served when the law is so corrupt nowadays, and I know they're all totally on their side, 100% here.

Why even have a stupid "Simple Procedures Department" at the court, when all the staff do is ask me questions to try to catch me out, or refuse me what I rang them up for? That's not being helpful. I cannot get any darn forms unless I know what the heck they are called, right? 


Scotland / Edinburgh,
United Kingdom

But if I don't reply to my own posts, then who will

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2021

Hi Guys,

I was wondering, does anyone even notice when I post something on here?

No-one ever seems to reply to my posts. That's one of the reasons I have use so many different names online (thesaundeschild, Peetur DCF, Grace Saunders, PeterHoping44, Deer rest FOA, Rebecca Chambers, Caffeine Addict, My Coffee Cup,  Aniseed Toffee, Hunter Hunted, Paul Lee, White Rock, Cwaazy P3nguin, The Scottish Pedro, Green Shield, Gold MD, and so on...) - if I'm going to have to talk to myself at least I can make the effort to pretend to be different people.

Although a lot of people get angry at me online and try to get me banned so it helps with tha too (I even have my own Encyclopedia Dramatica page of glory as Grace Saunders after they banned me - that's right I was too much of a troll for that den of trolls! :proud grin: ).

Honestly though - what's the world coming to when you can't get services from a suppose support organisation after you harass and stalk and assault their employees (and go to prison for it) and then breach court orders saying to leave them alone (and go to prison for that)?  I like to say it's because of my PDD-NOS but given that Autism Initiatives have years of experience of dealing with spectrum disorders, that excuse doesn't really  seem to convince them. It's not fair. I'll never get that cat, or go for that bike ride with my beatiful spanish lady.

I've tried stating my case - the same tale of woe - on autism related forums too, but they always end up turning against me too! Even when I gloss over the details of my behaviour, they keep saying that I'm just failing to take responsibility for my own actions, and that having austism has nothing to do with stalking woment and sending people death threats and doesn't exuse psychotic, sociopathic, violent and mysoginistic behaviour.

Honestly I don't know why I bother - they're worse than the neurotypicals. And gaming forums are worse. They're full of ignorant people who disagree with me because they like Resident Evil games, which means they can't be Real Fans (Real Fans hate all the games after RE2), and when I tell them repeatedly and at length that they are all brainwashed simping morons they get all angry at me and say horrible things like Sylveser Stallone is a rubbish actor (when he is the best) and Eddie Guerrero was a terrible wrestler (he was A+) and call me nasty names like "idiot" and "troll" and "Rattata" and "misogynistic pscho" and say things like "you must have been dropped on your head as a baby" (which isn't true because I was never held).

Sorry I'm rambling a bit, but I'm in court in the morning (again - but for harassing and threatening someone else this time!) so I'm a bit stressed. I don't really have anywhere else to vent as on the few forums I'm not banned from no-one ever replies to me, and when I reply to myself they call me a sockpuppet and get all mad at me.

Maybe I should really start listening to people when they tell me that all my problems are entirely of my own making. Maybe I'm the one in the wrong. I like to think I'm the hero of my own narrative, but maybe I'm the villian? I don't know. Anyway I'm quitting the internet (until I return) so if anyone wants to get in touch they'll just have to do it the old fashioned way using snail mail - at (((REDACTED))), athough if tomorrow goes badly it might be better to send things care of HMP Edinburgh (((REDACTED))).

Anyway, bye for now, and I'll catch you again soon.



Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom

Just so you know...

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2021

If you happen to see any weird or sarcastic looking replies in any of my reports that don't sound like I authored them, that's because I didn't. There's an annoying Australian man called James Berich who is constantly following me around online, including coming to Ripoff Report to be disruptive, and he likes being a menace elsewhere as well.

So if any strange posts end up on here, it's likely going to be due to him submitting them here. He has no involvement with Autism Initiatives whatsoever, and just clogs up pages I contribute to, in order to gain a heated reaction, since he's a troll. He isn't someone I know personally. Thank you for understanding. Peter Anderson.


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom

Ignore the rebuttal by PeeturDCF, who is actually James Berich impersonating others, yet again!

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2021

That's not me (thesaunderschild). That is once again, James Berich, using a name I had been using in the past. But I am flattered by his rather feeble attempt to impersonate me for to gain my attention. Bravo, Jim! James also posted some amusingly erroneous jive about me on the page about this person I reported called TS Rosie, thinking that cheap little stunt was supposed to somehow intimidate me, when it was so obviously James just up to his usual carry on, that it made me laugh more than anything.

Most people I talk to about this moron agrees that he is an absolute idiot, after I show them evidence of his sock accounts and stupidity. Once again, please ignore this fruitcake named James Berich, and add any accounts he signs up on forums to your ignore list by doing so in your User CP. Thank you.

James Berich is an Australian psychopath that is a failure by default. He also goes by the aliases, Rub, Twixygirls, Gimpy, Escapement, and Slackjaw. Look up the report on him at Wikipedia that was composed by several administrators, where he was evading a well deserved ban.


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom

I was in HMP Addiewell as well, some 3 years ago...

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2021

Well, Joanna Sharp reported me after seeing a rant video, and then the police came to my home and broke in with a warrant. This was over a year ago; I believe it was around May of 2020. When I was arrested and taken to the station, they didn't bother explaining what this was about, so my lawyer had to tell me at the court the following day. And I then had to go to court again and again after the pandemic caused problems, and have the nonsense and personal grief prolonged, as they deferred sentencing for to obtain reports from various people.

I also had the police pestering me and putting cards through my door. Nearly 3 years ago, I got two jail sentences over petty crimes related to these traitors or other unpleasant people, that resulted in over £1750 in rent arrears, which I had to pay for out of my own welfare. The police also gate arrested me on the day of my release from the slammer.

Luckily for me, I got interviewed without being charged, and the cops drove me home from West Lothian. This was in December of 2018. Not only that, when I call up the Edinburgh Sheriff Court these days to ask for paperwork or advice on how to sue these former support workers or other people, they completely fob me off. They are totally useless. But civil lawyers charge way too much for their services. What am I supposed to do now? Do not trust Joanna Sharp or Sara de las Heras. They are a pair of little snakes.

Peter Anderson

Edinburgh ,
United Kingdom

Sorry. The URL is wrong.

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2017

The URL above for the official Autism Initiatives site is actually wrong, and requires a change. 

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