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  • Report:  #1013684

Complaint Review: Avangate Top 10 Reviews ASO

Avangate, Top 10 Reviews, ASO Avangate, Top 10 Reviews, Herman Street, Systweak, Advanced System Optimizer, ASO, Avangate: North America Corporate: Redwood Shores, CA; Western Europe HQ: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Internet FRAUD, Sales of INTENTIONALLY INFECTED SOFTWARE, Fraudulent Technical Support Sales SCAMS, Redwood Shores, California

  • Reported By:
    Dana and Annie — Laguna Woods California USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 13, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 22, 2015
  • Avangate, Top 10 Reviews, ASO
    Numerous Internet Sites
    Redwood Shores, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    +31 20 890 8080
  • Category:
Top Ten Reports reviews of Best computer utility and optimizing software of 2013: Advanced System Optimizer, #1- 10/10, well ahead of any other PC utility tools, registry optimizers, system optimizers, and famous fix-it-alls. Top10Review States:

"Advanced System Optimizer (ASO) is one of the best PC system utilities on the market today and our TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winner. It excels at maintaining the performance of your system by repairing errors in the registry and on your hard drive, protecting your system and privacy, and optimizing sluggish system processes. We appreciate that this application has an easy-to-use interface which is loaded with features that are both user-friendly and extremely functional. If your computer is having problems, Advanced System Optimizer likely has the tool that can fix it."

Top Ten provides direct links for consumers to purchase Advanced System Optimizer, which link to Herman Street, and Systweak, as premiere resellers. Product is advertized as "just $29.95."

When ordering, system offers various options: 1) Back Up DVD (provided by Avangate), 2) Multiple Computer DISCOUNTS (offered by Systweak), 3) Discounted Technical Support Programs (24/7, 1 year, two year, 3 year and 4 year offered by Systweak), 4) Online 24 Hour Live Support (offered by Systweak).

Played out like a classic Championship Boxing match, this FRAUDULENT INTERNATIONAL SCHEME involves promoters, trainers, corner men, cut men, glamourous round girls announcing new versions, right down to the fighters themselves: The Consumer vs International Software Scam, where the Consumer is always undertrained, puny, and outweighed by the prior and defending champ, XYZ Computer Fixer, which is invariably the Best of the Best! The consumer has little chance of winning this fight, unless his fans and supporters like RipOff Report are there to inform, train, and warn him of XYZ's myriad of tricks and sleights of hand, often known as the "low blow," the "shot below the belt," or the "elbow to the eye," which bloodies and blinds Consumer.  Multiple companies, Internet Software Providers, Service and Support providers, warranty sellers are all in tow ready to knock out the Consumer. 

In fact, Wikipedia joins right in, playing their part in providing credibility, information, and even their own assessment: "...Subsequent versions of Advanced System Optimizer have included several improvements over the first incarnation of the software. The Smart PC Care feature is one such example, working to carry out multiple tasks on the machine simultaneously. This is sued to schedule automatic PC Care and scan the system without any required input from the user...In a review syndicated to The Washington Post,[8] PC World praised the quality of the suite's design, stating the tools perform as advertised. The reviewer did however question whether its worth paying the money when Advanced System Care Pro is available with a similar functionality for almost half the price and when free packages are available albeit with less features.[3] PC Advisor also praised the package's functionality, but warned readers they would have to decide for themselves whether it is worth the price considering the availability of free alternatives.[9]"  What about the warnings of software that is FILLED with spyware, Trojan horses, and viruses, all cleverly placed to lead the Consumer to the always needed, Tech Support, which Advanced System Optimizer offers in abundance, that is, until the Consumer has been bilked out of his hard earned cash, ranging from $29.95 (for dangerous software), or $1299.00 for the non-existant 24/7 software support package, covering ALL of Consumer's computers. Worst of all, they have brought a HUGE horse with them, and he is ready and willing to lift his tail, and drop some steaming apples along the way, "Clump, Clump, Clump..." and Im' buying this story hook line and sinker...

Moving along to:

Round One: While searching for the best PC utility for repairing registry entries, errors, optimizing registries, among numerous other vital tasks, searches often lead the consumer to Top10 Reviews, who claim to be owned and operated by Tech Media Network, who in turn claim to operate: Laptop Magazine, NewsArama, Life's Little Mysteries,, iPad News Daily, Business News Daily, North Orion, My Health News Daily, Security News Daily, IT Tech News Daily, Innovation News Daily, among numerous very recognizable and respected names in Internet information services, all of which leads Consumer to believe he can win this fight against XYZ. All it takes is ASO's sly support of of all these trustworthy supporters. When you call (ROUND ONE) rep offers GREAT 2 year plan, covering 6 family owned computers with 24/7 support- $129.99. WHAT A GREAT DEAL! Cha-Ching!  Several weeks pass (6-8) and ASO looks like it is the Champ of Champs. Bells, whistles, and all the feelings of a POWERFUL software program.  Then something in the computer begins to have problems.

A warning message appeared- VERY SUBTLE. I called the 1-800 number and get a Dutchman with an impeccably minor accent-- he asks why the computer has so many registry errors?? 7,600 odd errors! He is friendly, speaks well, educated, clear, and sounds very "German BMW, Mercedes or Porsche" knowledgeable- really SHARP! Clump, clump clump! (ROUND TWO) as he tells you that he needs to get a higher level technician- your computer is filled with spyware, errors, and corrupted files. The "PLEASE HOLD FOR TWO TO THREE MINUTES, while I get US some help.." Sounds BETTER THAN MICROSOFT or DELL U.S. based Tech Support. Clump clump. 

(ROUND THREE) as his supervisor asks permission to log on with you, as he asks how the weather is where you are? Regardless of whether you let him into the system (DO NOT LET HIM TAKE OVER YOUR SYSTEM) or you are screwed for life! FULL ID THEFT! While the supervisor is telling you about their 2-year 24/7 software support, covering EVERYTHING on EVERY PC owned by anyone in your family, Clump clump,  (all 6 computers, even the ones away at College), Supervisor (with very slight Indian accent) engages in small talk while technician is going through your system for passwords, credit cards, etc-- and Supervisor is checking on the price of the 2-year plan...clump ,CLUMP, Clump!

Dutchman comes back on line while Supervisor checks for price of 6 computer, 2-year plan, all while MORE and MORE corrupted files are being found by the Dutchman-- and you can see the system running in DOS mode, with thousands of files flying past on the screen...faster than you can read them...other than the words, corrupted file. Supervisor comes back with price: $1299.00!! As he moves your mouse to their fake ORDER site, showing $99.99 per computer, per year... (ROUND FOUR) as he gives you back to the Dutchman, while Supervisor appeals to accounting department for a discount... Dutchman makes small talk, and says your voice sounds very young... CLUMP!

YOU HAVE BEEN LULLED TO SLEEP BY THE TRUST CREATED BY TOP TEN REVIEWS, Wikipedia, The Washington Post, PC World, and the hugely supportive Advangate! ready to send out your $14.00 back up CD- all seemingly trustworthy advisers? A seemingly legit site??  Supervisor comes back on line and has approval for a great price of $992.00 for 100% third party software tech support AND hardware "trouble shooting" 24/7 on the TWO YEAR PROGRAM... CLUMP! ( just as my brain remembers something way back in the beginning of the conversation (eons ago) about FOUR YEARS of coverage...(ROUND FIVE)... I confirm they accept AMEX Gold, but I'll have to go get the card from my wife...Something is very wrong here, but I can't quite figure it out... I grabbed my trusty IPad, turned off the WI-FI, and ran a quick search of Systweak on that Rip-Off Report page...

Oh mi god! There are oodles of rip-off reports on Systweak, Herman Street, and ASO!! while Avangate hides in the shadows, ready to collect their cut.  Back to the call: I am totally screwed, and some Dutchman is breaking into my password saving program!  I started running through the house ripping plugs out of the walls, I pulled the kids' Playstation 3 right off the table trying to unplug it, clump, clump, while I ran back to my desktop, pulled the plug out of the back of the CPU, killed the power on the UPS/surge protector, (thank god for Vonage- the phones went dead on the Dutchman and Supervisor, as my cell phone began to ring.

I was like a crazy man running around the house throwing switches and pulling plugs... I was running room to room, unplugging every electronic device possible, Plasma TV (plugged into the network), fagetta-bout Windows 7 or 8 leaving crap on the computer if you don't shut down properly...the Dutchman and the Indian have been shoveling truck-loads of spyware, corrupted files, Trojan horses lifting their tails and doing their business all over the irreplaceable photos I just scanned onto the hard drive...clump, clump, clump...and loads of Trojan horse manure is being spread throughout my new Cisco 6500 AC wireless router...

oh no, my wife didn't save the new knitting stitches on her laptop- so sorry- ethernet cabled ripped out of her laptop... (ROUND SIX), stupid me, I ripped the ethernet cable right out of the wall socket. It got real scary when I saw sparks come from the wall socket where I pulled the plug on my desktop (probably because I pulled the plug sideways in my rush, I pulled a 360 and ran for my Realtor key that was updating in the kitchen , and I almost threw my back out slipping as I went for MY Play Station 3 cord, pulling the unit right off the shelf, clump clump, I thought I was so cool when I figured out that all the TV firmware would update automatically if i plugged them into ethernet...what an IDIOT!

I nearly knocked over my daughter's TV jerking the ethernet cable out of the back, ohmygod my wife's IPhone is plugged into her computer, clump, clumpity, clump, I thought I was "really the man" when I first plugged our Blu-Ray player into the network. Crap, I couldn't find the remote-- the new players have no on-off switches on them- something about the player automatically taking control of the TV when you insert a disc, clump, another plug ripped out of the wall- clump clump! I'm so glad I was too busy dealing with computer junk that I forgot to do the 2013 map update for the GPS on the cars-- whew! , clump, clump...

my cell phone is ringing again- it's the Indian and the Dutchman- (ROUND SEVEN)... I won in a split decision- I like to tell everybody that I won by a TKO in the Seventh round-- my wife says SHE won-- she keeps control of the AMEX Gold Card-- and fortunately they might give me a refund of the $129.99 (plus $14.00 for the handy back-up disk), Plus 8% sales tax-- Jan 2013- up from 7.75% to 8% CLUMP! Right, as if the Indian and the Dutchman are going to send the eight and a half bucks to the California Board of Equalization- clump- And Amex says if you put your name on the form on the Internet you gave consent- Clump! 

It all sounds very funny writing it down afterwards-- just imagine if I was in charge of the Amex Gold card- we'd be out $992.00-- I wasn't going to let them charge me one single dime for California use tax- it doesn't apply to LABOR, and tech support is pure labor-- unless you're a Dutchman and an Indian, in which case, it's not labor at all-- it's more like taking candy from a baby!  There's a sucker born every day, and if you're stupid enough to let a Dutchman and an Indian into your computer, you're too stupid to be in charge of the AMEX Gold card! (ROUND EIGHT) My wife saved us $992.00, not to mention the $129.99 plus $14.00 plus California sales tax she'll talk Amex into giving back to us.

WIFE WINS BY KNOCK OUT OVER 3-MAN TAG TEAM- It's gonna take me weeks to get all the computers cleaned out and reinstall Windows and all those d**n third party software programs and apps back on them. IF THE DEAL SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE-- IT IS!! Clump. STAY CLEAR OF SYSTWEAK AND ADVANCED SYSTEM OPTIMIZER (ASO)- It is NOT the BEST OF THE TOP TEN PROGRAMS FOR 2013-- However, it may well be one of the best Internet, Computer, ID Theft and Rip-Off Scams of 2013!  If there's and Indian (as in, FROM India) and a Dutchman (or a European sounding person with a very light accent, and lots of charm), WATCH OUT--- They have a FOUR-YEAR PLAN TOO, AND IT COVERS ALL THE COMPUTERS ON YOUR BLOCK!! Clump. And, Avangate is still hiding in the shadows!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Vendor Not Paid

#2General Comment

Mon, June 22, 2015

I am a software vendor who briefly used Avangate to process sales of my software. As of this writing they haven't paid me a dime. I switched to another provider and demanded that Avangate close my account. They wouldn't do that either. It's impossible to reach anyone at the company who will help, by phone, e-mail, or their online chat. I have filed complaints with the FTC, the FBI's Cybercrime task force, the California State Attorney General's Office, and the Better Business Bureau of the State of Georgia. The company appears to be based in Romania and/or the Netherlands, but claims its "Corporate" office is in California and its "Headquarters" is in Georgia. But every employee that I have been able to identify has a foreign sounding name and/or accent. If this whole operation isn't a scam, it sure looks like one.

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