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AWI Digital Pro Audio System Speakers ripoff rip off scam con artists Costa Mesa California
I was leaving school at orange coast college when i was approached by a white, Chevy Aerostar, mini van. They asked me if i was interested in buying speakers. They said that there boss had over ordered and they were just trying to get rid of the speakers. At first i wasn't interested at all,but i was talked into looking at the speakers in the back of the van. They looked like they were nice speakers, and they said that they normally sell for around $2000 a pair, but he said since they were just trying to get ride of them he would sell them to for super cheap. I ended up paying the three men $400 for a pair of speakers. When i went home to verify how much the speakers were actually worth, all i could find were reports of people getting rippeed off from people in vans selling shitty speakers.
Laguna Niguel, California
*EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report confirms contact info, salesman misrepresentation ripoff