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  • Report:  #1373018

Complaint Review: Ayahuasca in Portugal / Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Portugal

Ayahuasca in Portugal / Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Portugal Earth Connection Portugal, Sanctuary 1860 Ayahuasca Retreat Portugal, Johannes Maasland, Alexandra Akat, Attila Akat Amateur Ayahuasca Shamans in Portugal with limited experience and bad integrity Oliveira do Hospital Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Alabama USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 13, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 13, 2017

For those looking to drink Ayahuaca in Portugal be aware that there are amateurs on the ground with limited experience in Ayahuasca that do not really know what they are doing and are not skilled in holding a space for healing.

Some of the shamans have toxic relationship issues, alcohol and violence issues as they openly admit on their Facebook walls, and others do it for popularity, to be number 1 in Portugal for Ayahuasca whilst overlooking ethics and integrity.

Two Ayahuasca retreat centres in Portugal to avoid are The Sanctuary 1860 Ayahuasca Retreat Centre and Earth Connection Portugal.

The Ayahuasca shamans of the latter were raided by police and face drug trafficking charges, the former are business partners with them. For more information about these centres, the police raids and the scandal visit:-

These shamans do not follow the sacred dieta nor respect the medicine and thus one may not have the best experience. Those people and Ayahuasca Portugal retreats to avoid are pictured.

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Sanctuary 1860 B & B Ayahuasca Retreat Centre under police monitoring / I warned them (Daniela Markert and Johannes Maasland) to tone down their cannabis operations but they did not listen.

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, August 13, 2017

In September 2016 I warned them (Daniela Market and Johannes Maasland who are or at least were partners with the Sanctuary 1860) as their Mentor to tone down their cannabis operations but they did not listen. They agreed to legal disclaimers with regard to illegal activities and personal responsibility.

They brought my Voyager book which talks about how to use medicines responsibly (and legally) in the context of spiritual practice as well as messages about love and healing from other spiritual planes, and teachings about Ascension.

There is a time and place for the use of shamanic medicines, and even cannabis (where legal) and thus some of my book taught them how to integrate medicine wisdom into their lives.

But they did not take my teachings seriously and they believed they would ascend (go to heaven alive, like Jesus) in December 2016, despite having major personal problems and a lack of respect for their mentor and they also admitted they had toxic relationship and self-love issues.

The very first page of the book (that they paid a lot of money for because of its rarity and size) carried a legal disclaimer which says:-

Important Legal Disclaimers

Free Spirit does not advocate illegal activities. If something mentioned within is illegal in your country or
entails risk of any kind  by doing the same, the reader assumes full responsibility for their actions.

Readers agree that they are fully responsible for their lives, actions and decisions whether inspired by
this book or otherwise. 

I foresaw big trouble in their lives as their mentor, because I felt their egos were getting high on the attention of being the number one in Portugal. They were growing much cannabis. At first, they only grew a small amount, and as their mentor, it is not for me to judge or get involved.

But he said always to me he is afraid to get caught, and his land has no fences and many people can see in, and visit as well for the retreats.

Then he grow many cannabis plants, like 100 in a big plot, and then I know this is crazy and trouble is coming.

I said to them many times in 2016, to tone it down and just keep it personal (growing the cannabis for personal use). But they clearly wanted to be the number one in Portugal for cannabis, so I withdrew from their lives, as a raid was inevitable.

Daniela behaved in such a way that I was invoked to give more lessons, so I gave them prophetic warnings of trouble and told them the steps to take and made recommendations, including toning down the cannabis, but she insulted her Mentor and thought she knew better.

So I let them find their own way.

I also reminded them of the legal disclaimers about abuse or threats to me (the terms they agreed to are screenshotted) because abuse to the Mentor makes karma.

There seems to be an issue where they or the Santo Daime Church (who provides the Ayahuasca tea) think they are not responsible, but the disclaimers are clear, and in any case, when you break the law, the problem is with yourself.

I never taught them to break the law as their Mentor, and the record should show, I warned them to choose a different path and instead they turned on me, and Johannes labelled me mentally ill, evil and made threats (police report GCLSA 37 /17.0)

I was summoned to see the police again because I had to make a complaint about Johannes, because he kept trolling me online and saying I was mentally ill and should feel the fear, and that comes under harassment of trial witnesses.

As a result, the police said to me instead of having to report to the police three times a week, instead, he may be subjected to house arrest or pre-trial detention pending trial.

They also said they were monitoring the Sanctuary 1860 Ayahuasca Retreat Centre on an ongoing basis because they now know that Ayahuasca retreat centres in Portugal are places where cannabis may be grown or perhaps sold/distributed on the premises.


So anyone attending their retreats may be subjected to in person or vehicle searches.



Cannabis raids in Portugal Ayahuasca Retreat Centres, some apology received from Santo Daime Church and my opinions about the Santo Daime Church and the movement

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 09, 2017

Some of the retreat centres in Portugal also are involved in cannabis cultivation or supporting those who do, for more proof of that see here:-

Despite growing cannabis being illegal in Portugal, several members of the Portugal Santo Daime Church were caught with a big amount of it, thought that I told the police about it, and then made threats (see report above)
The individuals involved growing the cannabis were told to 'tone it down' as I foresaw trouble, but they thought they knew better, and were caught in November 2016, and now face prison and Court cases for drug trafficking and making death threats.
In my opinion:-
Members of the Santo Daime Church seem to have a pre-disposition to flout the law, as many of its members seem to grow proliferous amounts of cannabis despite it being illegal.

When caught, they then do not take responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.
For many I have seen, all that matters is drinking the Santo Daime and being at the centre of attention as (inexperienced) hosts and for many, getting high on cannabis on the land or the dream of 'One Love, out of the Matrix, believing they are enlightened and wise, whilst displaying an egegrious lack of wisdom whilst claiming to know better than anyone else.
Their egos get high on the Daime and attention 'fix' and then serious trouble is the end outcome for their leaders do not foresee the inevitable downfalls.  
They (the followers of the Church) often believe that by thinking positive, one does not have to pay any taxes, one can break all kinds of laws, because somehow the Daime is the healing and that nothing can go wrong, a very dangerous delusion indeed.
Because the Santo Daime opens people to the energies of the astral worlds, they are exposed to an energy that many of
them cannot really handle.

Without the right training and foundations, going into the astral again and again reinforces ethical twists and this explains
why the Santo Daime movement is riddled with people all into 'love and light' but really it is a superficial veneer which
covers up abuse, law issues, darkness, a lack of integrity, a lack of respect for the Santo Daime and a host of other
maladies that no amount of Santo Daime will fix without a proper foundation in integrity before going so deep into the
Daime space.

This explains why operators of retreat centres (who claim to be wise and host retreats about spiritual wisdom and similar)
get into big trouble, and they show to the world clearly, that they are not suited, and set a bad example.

How can one claim to be a gateway for healing or similar, if you end up in big trouble with the police?

There troubles are caused because integrity does not matter for these people, as they have had no training in it and the Santo Daime Church clearly did not see the importance of instillling integrity in people before allowing them to drink large amounts of Santo Daime.
This is why one has to be VERY discerning in where to drink Ayahuasca or Santo Daime.
The screenshots also show the people involved and the police tweets of the cannabis that police found at Earth Connection Portugal, run by Daniela Markert and Johannes.
I warned them to tone down their cannabis operations, because they were afraid of getting caught and were growing huge amounts. I told them to keep it personal, but they thought they knew better and Daniela refused to send Johannes over to see me so I could informally tell him to keep within the law, and to address some other issues.
She said I had no right to summon people, and thus as their teacher, I had to let them find their own way.
They were arrested in November 2016
This sums up the scandal

I did receive an apology from Adrian Freedman of the Santo Daime Church for the troubles caused to me and he has been billed a private amount to settle some of my damages because some of those involved were members of his Church.


NO APOLOGIES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED from Earth Connection Portugal (Daniela Markert and Johannes Maasland) as well as from Sanctuary 1860 (Alexandra and Attila Akat) have NOT been received for the behaviour complained of, including being threatened in relation to being accussed of being a police informant on the cannabis.

Those apologies are outstanding.

Earth Connection Portugal is now PERMANENTLY CLOSED as  a result of this matter.

Sanctuary 1860 have cancelled some high profile retreats including a visit from an international shaman, after concerns were raised. They too, are expected to close because of the scandal of a cannabis bust in the family, and for partnering up in business, with those in trouble with the police, a bad business decision.


NEVER EVER drink Santo Daime or Ayahuasca anywhere with untrained shamans or amateur guides.

Ask to see a Shamanic Training Certification and a Code of Ethics that many reputable centres will have.



Spiritual Master


NO APOLOGIES RECEIVED from Earth Connection Portugal or Sanctuary 1860 Ayahuasca Retreat EUROPE / PORTUGAL but member of the Ayahuasca Church does offer apology and to learn lessons from the matter

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, July 24, 2017

Apologies from Earth Connection Portugal (Daniela Markert and Johannes Maasland) as well as from Sanctuary 1860 (Alexandra and Attila Akat) have NOT been received for the behaviour complained of, including being threatened in relation to being accussed of being a police informant on the cannabis. Those apologies are outstanding.

Earth Connection Portugal is now PERMANENTLY CLOSED as  aresult of this matter.

Sanctuary 1860 have cancelled some high profile retreats including a visit from an international shaman, after concerns were raised. They too, are expected to close because of the scandal of a cannabis bust in the family, and for partnering up in business, with those in trouble with the police, a bad business decision.


However, I was apologized to by a long standing retreat leader involved in the Ayahuasca scene, he had this to say:-


This whole sorry tale has been a wake-up call for us in the importance of ethical practice as you say, and in the light of
this we will endeavour to do all we can to bring more clarity and grounding to every aspect of our practice, both in and out
of the workshops. Thank you for being such a beacon of uncompromising integrity, hopefully others may learn from your

However, sadly, and with all the best intentions in the world we cannot control the thoughts, words and actions of others.

IN over 20 years of being involved in this movement we have never asked anyone to set up any kind of group on our
behalf and have never assumed responsibility for what another person might do. In the case of JM, he seems like an
extremely unstable and maverick character, totally unsuited to this kind of work. As I mentioned before, we never asked
him to do anything on behalf of us, or to be representative of us, and its most unfortunate that he should claim such a
thing. If I ever met him again I would confront him over why he is making these false claims.

In the meantime, i take this experience as a lesson and a teaching and will do my best to take advantage of the
opportunity to be a better person and a better group leader. I feel so sorry for the distress and disturbance you have
suffered as a result of one person's stupid, irresponsible behaviour, and the way it reflects badly on all of us.

By the way, I look back on our long association and i appreciate your luminous presence in all the spiritual works we

Wishing peace, good health and love for you.


(I withheld his name as he is already embarassed enough over the scandal) but it shows that some in the Ayahuasca movement have integrity and are willing to admit their shortcomings.

Unfortunately Earth Connection Portugal and Sanctuary 1860 have still refused to apologize.




I was the author of this report but I do not have the email address to login.

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