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  • Report:  #1164596

Complaint Review: Backyard Living Source

Backyard Living Source Rion Sunroom Greenhouse Backyard Living Source will not honor warranted product Meridian Id

  • Reported By:
    NorthernPeople — roscommon Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 24, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 19, 2015

We purchased two Rion Sunroom Greenhouse from Backyard Living Source in May of 2010. These rooms were warranted for 7 years. We have had continual problems with both rooms, but did what we needed to in order to use them. Backyard Living Source was very helpful when we first received the kits, shipping us replacement parts for broken pieces and helping when we had a window pop through, a vented roof panel leak like crazy and a door that never did seal properly and let cold air in all winter. But that's where they stopped being helpful.

We built a very sturdy, very level deck to house the largest sunroom greenhouse, which was used to house our iPool exercise pool as well as sunroom furniture. We built it exactly as directed. The cost of that sunroom was around $4000. They are advertised as a "snap" to put together. They are anything but that.. They are incredibly hard to get together, espcially to get the windows in place, but after a couple of weeks of very hard labor, we did manage to get the 20' one done. 

Fast forward 3 1/2 years, our sunroom collapsed during the night on January 31, 2014. We contacted Backyard Living Source on the first business day (Feb.3) after the collapse, sent them a bunch of pictures and a description of what had happened.. It appears the frame just simply shattered at key points, allowing the entire roof to collapse, crushing our iPool and other personal contents. We were not asking them to cover the cost of our personal items, but rather, to cover the 3 1/2 years left on our 7 year warranty. 

I had to contact them a couple of times before I received a reply. Tim (((REDACTED))) or backyard living told me he had turned our claim over to the manager who was deciding what to do with it.. After not hearing from them again for a couple of weeks, I contacted him again. He replied that he had turned it over to Jeanette (((REDACTED))) of Backyard Living Source. I contacted her and was told she had sent a claim to Palram, who is the manufacturer of the kits.. She stated someone there would be in contact with me soon..

Months later, after no one contacted us by phone or email, I emailed her again.. She sent me a letter basically stating they had done what they were suppose to do and were washing their hands of the situation. She gave me the name of a contact person from Palram, Tina Bachman. I've never heard a word from this person. I've since written Jeanette, Tim and Tina many times, but no one will reply.. I found a website for Palram, so I contacted them through the websites contact page..

There wasn't much space to write, so I simply stated how angry we were that a claim had been made 6 months ago, but no one had contacted us or done anything to make this right.. I received a short email stating "your issue is not covered by our warranty".. That person's name was Chris, who also attached a copy of their warranty, which amazingly, lists a whole bunch of reasons they are not responsible for problems, which basically covered every single thing that could possibly happen to anything.. The warranty was written to protect the company, not to protect the customer in any way, shape or form. 

First problem, we didn't buy these kits from Palram, we purchased them from Backyard Living Source. We were never given a copy of this so called warranty, only told they were warranted for 7 years.. Their warranty is a joke. 

We feel Backyard Living Source should be responsible to reimburse us for the 3 1/2 years left on our warranted sunroom, which is now gone (we had to tear it down. There was no way to fix it).. We have personal property that was damaged. It's ridiculous that a company can sell something, calling it a warranted product, and then just pass a customer off with the excuse that the manufacturer needs to cover the warranty. As far as we're concerned, Backyard Living Source should pay us for the remaining warranty, and then they can go after Palram for the money.. Why should we be expected to absorb this loss because Backyard Living Source purchases products from a manufacturer who doesn't honor warranties.. 

By the way, Palram is a company out of Israel, not the United States.. When we purchased these sunrooms, there was no information about this anywhere on their website. They also have glowing feedback, which I have sense realized is either fictional, or they only choose to post the good feedback.. I have tried to post truthful feedback a number of times on their websites, giving them a 3 star or less, but they will not post my feedback.. But when you dig further, you discover a lot of unhappy customers who have had nothing but problems with the Rion brand greenhouses.. 

We have now filed a complaint with the BBB in the hopes of receiving some sort of compensation for a $4000 product that was built to crash.. 

We eventually did put up the 2nd kit, which is a 10' one, used as a greenhouse. The roof on that one is sagging and one of the vented windows popped through in the winter (even though it was covered with a tarp), and is now being held up with a pole because it won't go back in place.. The greenhouse is really kind of useless, as it's just too hot inside because of poor circulation. These kits truly are just a waste on ones money.. 

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Thank you for making my point

#4Author of original report

Fri, July 25, 2014

You know, I was just going to let my response to the incredibly rude warrenty reply go, but on second thought, I realize that you, mr/ms rude, have helped me make my point.

First off, my complaint isn't even available on the ripoff search yet, so with that in mind, how would just some random individual who has nothing to do with this even find my complaint? I would say it's pretty impossible. You must be an employee of either Backyard Living Source, or of Palram Applications..Just reading your incredibly rude, insulting reply, you have let others know what kind of company you are.. This is what we are dealing with.. A company who treats customers like they are stupid, entitled people (your words). 

First off, we did not receive a copy of the warranty on this product when we purchased it. We did not, but that's kind of one of those know, when someone says something that inadvertantly gives them away? Why would you think the warranty information was included in the kit, probably at the end of the paperwork with a little note saying the detailed version could be found on their website, (your words) unless, of course, you work for this company and that's what is suppose to be sent to the customer.. At any rate, no, we did not receive anything like that. 

2nd, I didn't say there was anything wrong with products being made in Israel, however, when I buy something from a company in the U.S.A., I don't expect to be told I have to deal with a company in another country in order to get my warranty honored.. That just isn't right.. Do we all have to learn foreign languages now just in case something we buy at Walmart was made in China and we need to use the warranty? Will we now be expected to deal with the manufacturer directly on everything we buy? 

3rd, I never signed ANYTHING saying I agreed to the warranty terms.. In fact, I never signed anything with Backyard Living at all.. I used a charge card online, ordered them and the rest is history.. Never put my signature on one single thing where Backyard Living is concerned.

4. Where do you get off saying I can't even take 5 minutes to read a warranty? You don't even know me or anything about me.. I happen to be someone who researches everything, and I did call Backyard Living Source and asked many, many questions, including questions about the warranty. I was told if anything happened to the sunroom within the 7 year period, it was covered under the warranty. I was never told I would have to deal with a company out of Israel, or that Backyard Living Source would not be responsible for said warranty.. Since I was never given a copy of the warranty, and never told the company that makes this product was out of Israel, I was quite shocked when I was told a claim had been sent on to Israel..  Do we all need to record our phone conversations with customer service reps just in case they are lieing to us, or leaving out pertinent information? Get real!

5. How dare you call me lazy and dumb.. I'm anything but lazy and I am certainly not dumb... As for Facebook, what is your problem? I don't spend all my time on facebook.. I don't have time to be on facebook.. Maybe you do, but I don't.. I check on my family for maybe 5-10 minutes a day to see what's going on with them, then I'm off working.. Yes, working, very hard, very long hours.. I am anything but lazy. In fact, you could absolutely call me a workaholic, but don't call me lazy, because it makes you look like an a*s calling people you don't even know derogatory names.. 

6. Too dumb and slouthful to protect myself? What do you think I'm doing by filing a complaint against this company? I would be dumb and slouthful if I just said "oh well" and let it go... And who uses the word "slouthful"? Oooooo....makes you look so intelligent. 

7. There is a rippof here, and it isn't the "usual consumer entitlement" (again, your words).. That's another one of those "tells"... consumers don't like being ripped off by company's that think they can sell inferior products and not be held responsible for them.. that's what the Rippoff Site it here for.. Only someone who actually makes said inferior products would make a statement like that.. No one wants to be ripped off, especially when it's $4000... That doesn't make me entitled.. That makes me angry. 

8. Warranties are not great.. Warranties have become a joke.. Anyone can say they warrant a product.. It's the company's that actually honor those warranties that are great, not company's like Palram Applications who write a warranty that covers their butts and leave the customers out in the cold that make warranties a joke.. Especially when they don't give the customer a copy of said joke warranty until after there is a problem, as in this case. People wouldn't need a website like Rippoff if Warrenties actually meant something in todays world.

9. As an adult, you are right, I have critical thinking skills, and yes, I have children, grown children, probably older than you judging from the ridiculousness of your remarks, and I'm proud to say I raosed them to stand up for themselves and their rights. Again, you don't know me or anything about my life, so stop judging people you don't know. 

10. I hope my parents are proud of me.. I know I'm proud of my children when they stand up for their rights.. If we don't stand up for our own rights, who will stand up for them? Our governement? Little joke there. 

In closing, I'd just like to say again, your incredibly rude and offensive reply is very telling, one that any intelligent person can see through and realize that you work for one of these companies and instead of sending a company rebuttle, you thought you'd just attack my person and try to make me look like a stupid, lazy, unintelligent person wanting something for nothing.. The only thing is, I paid $4000 for a product that didn't live up to it's advertisement.. I didn't include all the many, many problems we faced with this sunroom in my original letter, but let me mention a few of them here. The thing leaked like a sieve. This was a sunroom, intended for enjoyment, relaxation, fun.. It wasn't suppose to leak at every joint. It wasn't suppose to be wet inside of it.. Where the windows meet the frame, there is a gap. Every single window has a gap... Water and cold air leak through those gaps. It's ridiculous.. Your company, errrr, I mean, the palram company includes these little gray spong like things the customer is suppose to stick in each and every gap.. They look hideous, and don't work anyways.. As soon as the temp from the outside differs from the inside, the little sponges pop out.. The door is engineered terribly. It doesn't close properly, it doesn't lock, it doesn't seal.. Snow was able to get in all winter long, so we had to stick a 1" foam insulation sheet in the door for the winter. We had to seal each and every gap with silicone, as per recommended by Backyard Living Source.. We ended up having to permentaly cover the roof vent, making it inusable because rain just poured inside whenever it rained, despite our sealing it with silicone. We even had a new one shipped to us by Backyard Living Source, only to find it did the very same thing.. The one in our smaller greenhouse also leaks the same way.. The first winter it was up, we had a very light snowfall, and one of the windows popped out during the night, allowing snow to fall inside the sunroom during the night before we got up and discovered what was going on..Backyard Living admitted they must have sent us the wrong window, which is cut slightly smaller, saying this happens often.. They sent us a new one, which we had to go out in the bitter cold weather and put in, which wasn't easy.. The windows on these sunrooms are very hard to get in place, half the time popping out of place before you can get everything in place, so you have to start over.. This was the case with the winter window.. After a year or so, we had parts that would just pop off, the parts intended to keep the windows in place.. They start deteriorating after a year or so, and even start warping... They are incredibly hard to put back in place, but we did it, over and over and over again.. We finally covered the entire thing with a solar blanket for the winter to protect it, and our inside belongings from any further windows popping out.. We cleaned the snow off if it accumulated, but actually, the solar blanket was a blessings, as the snow simply slid off of it for the most part.. But getting that thing up was incredibly hard, and not something we should have had to do. The pretty green frame started faded within a couple of years, so by time it collapsed, it was very faded looking.. We were no longer proud of our beautiful sunroom, but rather, embarrassed by the way it looked.. We worked very hard to keep this thing in tack, looking good, tried to protect it.. they are not built of quality materials. The plastic frame parts break easily. I could go on and on, but I think you get my point, not that you will take anything I've said and try to understand why I feel this company should stand behind the warranty and compensate us for the loss of a product we thought would last at least 7 years based on it being warranted for 7 years.. And PLEASE, don't tell me you don't know that is exactly why company's warrant products for certain lengths of time.. They want consumers to believe they expect that product to last at least that long.. They want us all to believe that they are comfortable giving a warranty for a specific amount of time, knowing that after that amount of time, problems will probably start occuring.. So don't call me stupid, entitled, or lazy.. Call me a consumer who is pissed off at trusting a company who advertised a product that led us to believe we would get at least 7 years of use from it.. 

And by the way, please don't hide behind the ability to pretend you are just a casual consumer adding your rude opinion. Have the guts to admit you are an employee of one of these companies. 

At any rate, as I said, your reply just proved my point.. This is what we're dealing with.. a company who treats customers like stupid, slouthful idiots instead of a respected customer. 









All Warrenties

#4General Comment

Thu, July 24, 2014

 All warrenties have stipulations as to what they cover and what they dont. This is in EVERY warrenty and YOU as an adult should know this from your own experiences. Odsd are that 3 1/2 years ago the information was included in your kits probably with a little note at the end of the paperwork that a more detailed version is on their website. As for it being an Isreli what. We are no longer a "regional" society. We are a WORLD society and marketplace. By making an assurtion of it being made outside the US only shows YOU are a bit of a biggot.

While you may not agree with what they have told you, it IS legal because YOU signed a contract for that warrenty. By purchasing said warrenty you agreed to the terms and conditions of said warrenty. What it sounds like to me is that you are throwing a online tantrum because you are not getting your way. Thankfully the web has grown and most everyone is going to see your post for what it is. A post whining and complaining because YOU have a issue and your warrenty doesnt cover it. YOU have to take responsibility here. Since YOU never researched your warrenty, you had no idea as to WHAT was covered under the warrenty YOU purchased. So because YOU cant even take 5 mins to read up on what the warrenty covers, the people who sold it are the bad guys. THEY are the bad guys ONLY because YOU dont want to have to do all of the hoop jumping nessasary in order to make the claim. THEY were corect as to WHO you had to file a claim with and they gave you the information in order to do so.

It constantly amazes me exactly how lazy and dumb people like YOU are. Too lazy to even sit on your a*s in front of the computer and look up information. I guess unless its presented to you on FB YOU dont care. Too dumb and slothful to do ANYTHING to protect yourself and since YOU cant even do that, everyone else is the bad guy. There IS NO RIPOFF HERE!!!!! Just the USUAL consumer self-entitlment.

Warrenties are GREAT!!!! When they cover your problem. When you have a issue OUTSIDE of your warrenty then its on you and NOT the company to handle your problems. As an adult, one would THINK that YOU have critical thinking skills. If you have children, look at the lesson YOU are teaching here. YOU are teaching them that it is perfectlt acceptable to rant online and accuse individuals who have ZERO liability in the situation. YOU are teaching them that its OK to spew YOUR venom all over the web in order to get YOUR way. Think about how YOUR parents taught YOU and then look at your behavior. Do you REALLY think they would be proud of a child that thinks nothing of internet blackmail.



Work for Backyard Living Source?

#4Author of original report

Thu, July 24, 2014

Gosh, I'm not sure what in the world I did to upset this person, unless of course, they work for Backyard Living or Palram.. I'm not whining, I'm warning other people about this product.. Unless you have information to offer concerning this matter, how bout you mind your own business.. 

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