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  • Report:  #1410460

Complaint Review: Bad Cat Breeders

Bad Cat Breeders Konnie Surmann Michelle Halversson Publicly Defamed Me Snoqualmie Washington

  • Reported By:
    Chrissy — Eastleigh England / Hampshire United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 05, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 09, 2019

It all started in October 2016. I had been informed by the daughter of someone who had 2 male kittens from me, that said kittens both had developed a disease called FIP, and were to be put to sleep. I immediately attempted to contact the owner, who refused to answer any of my phone calls, emails or texts. It seemed I could only speak to the daughter, and this was only through Facebook messenger. I pleaded with them not to put the boys to sleep until my own vet had seen them. They did not live far from me, and I was happy to collect them. I had offered their money back, I had offered them alternative kittens, I was frantic and did not know what else to do. Things then went very quiet. Until the daughter posted a damning letter from her mother about me on two Facebook pages. The first page was run by an administrator who had knowledge of this disease, and removed the post without delay. However the other Facebook group, so called "Bad Cat Breeders" were doing no such thing.

They published the whole letter in full.

I was devastated. I had not even been told, but it seemed that both of my kittens had been put to sleep, in their own vet's words "in case they went on to develop FIP"! In case??

My lovely cattery assistant Emily wrote to the administrator of the group, and very politely asked them to remove the letter. It was clearly inflammatory, and there were massively contradictory and inaccurate statements in it. However the admin refused to remove it, and invited me to prove otherwise! Myself and several people I knew, and even the admin of the other group wrote to the BCB group, and were all met with hostility. All posters, including myself, had their (VERY POLITE) attempts to defend me, deleted and I was actually removed from the group. I reiterate at no point was I rude in any way, nor did I "make demands", in fact the same can be said of all posters. Only one person wrote something vitriolic to them, a fellow breeder who was incensed at the treatment I had received. I was accused of trying to blame the owner, when nothing could be further from the truth. Personal emails were sent to the administrator by private messenger, not for the group, and these were publicly posted on to their website, not their facebook page. In fact I had the dubious honour of having a whole page dedicated to me, as the archetypal bad breeder.

What has struck me about all of this was the utter refusal of the administrator to listen to reason or even to give me the right to reply. 

After a little detective work by a friend, it was discovered that the administrator of the Bad Cat Breeders website and Facebook page is herself a breeder. With a very bad reputation. Her name is Konnie Surmann, a German woman, living in Washington State, USA.  I am not the only person to have been put through the mill by her. There are many others.

And the detective work is something we have in common with her. She hires out her services as a cat breeder private detective to all intents and purposes. Take a close look at the Bad Cat Breeder website and you will see them plying for trade.

I notice in her rebuttal of the report by the previous poster, Sadpup13, that Ms Surmann mentions states that she is employed by "a private entity by the name of Michelle". The full name is Michelle Halversson. I know because I received abusive emails and Facebook messages from both "Michelle" and Konnie Surmann. I became suspicious and reported "Michelle Halversson's" Facebook account, stating that I suspected it to be a false account and actually belonged to Konnie Surmann. Facebook upheld the report and removed the account. I believe the two to be the same person, Konnie Surmann.

I now have a 2nd page devoted to me on BCB site, and they actually state that I defrauded my kitten buyer out of thousands! (badcatbreeders . com / calling-out-a-bad-breeder-deflection-as-a-means-of-justification). Totally untrue, the kittens were insured by me before leaving. Sadly I am in the UK, and they know it, which makes it incredibly difficult for me to sue her, although I would love to.

The Bad Cat Breeders website, and its corresponding Facebook page, lie and bully. As God is my witness, I did none of the awful things I have been accused of. The stress last year made me ill for several months, and I ended up hospitalised as a result. I am sure Konnie Surmann has anger and control issues. 

I have posted full details of the whole incident on my website, at ayshazencats . com / konniesurmann with further details here cheruk  . wixsite . com / catfancy bullies / single-post/2017/02/15/Bad-Cat-Breeder-Who-Says. There are screenshots on each page.

My sympathies with Sadpup13, and with the other people that Konnie Surman and her website and group have defamed and demonised. 

There are many bad breeders out there, I agree, but Ms Surmann et al (if there are any others), are indiscriminately bullying and trying to destroy caring breeders' reputations too, even in the face of evidence that vindicates them. 

A dreadful witchunting site.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Continued false allegations

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 08, 2019

  Again, Ms. Surmann does:

1) make the website look pretty

2) post articles written BY OTHERS

3) update website upon request Ms. Surmann does NOT:

a) write articles

b) own the website

c) manage the Facebook page, and

d) maintain our database. You are deflecting from your wrong doing. Without proof. There is proof that you defrauded a women trying to put her life together after a death in the family. You can't go much lower than that.

Concerned consumer

United States

What your problem???

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, November 17, 2017

 If it wasn’t for Bad Cat Breeders I would have bought a very sick kitten. A week after I was to adopt a kitten I checked the site and did not adopt that kitten due to what I had read on the site. A week later that cattery was shut down by the city for cruelty and neglect and the kitten I was to adopt was dead as were the rest of the litter. I do not know how a webmaster who only posts the content and doesn’t write the content can be attacked for what is posted. Obviously, the person who wrote it was correct in their statements or you would have had some basis to attacked them instead. So now you go after someone who has nothing to do with what’s written just because you were found out and have to attack someone to make yourself feel better, I guess. I feel sorry for you but feel more sorry for the animals in your so-called care. Breeders like you are the main reason this site exist, thankfully. Anyone who had to go to this extent to try and divert the attention away from what they did is obviously guilty as sin. Why don’t you take the time you are spending doing this smear campaign and take care of the problems in your cattery. Because attacking the webmaster of this site will not make the statements go away nor will they make people forget. Actually you are making sure that your problems gets even more attention since I would never have even known about how bad a breeder you are unless I had not read your complaint. Pathetic, your causing more attention to your issues silly child.


Los Angeles,
United States

Clarification of Roles

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 15, 2017

Dear Chrissy,


You have demonstrated a few things perfectly


1. You have no idea what a webmaster does.

2. You are out for vengance without any consideration who gets harmed in the process.

3. You are desparately trying to deflect from your wrong doings.


1. Konnie Surmann DESIGNED the website. She does maintain it occasionally. She does NOT place content on it. That is done by several admins. Quite a few webmasters design and maintain as it pertains to functionality, not content. Your acusations of Ms. Surmann are ludicous at best. Do you accuse and publicly slander a grocery store clerk because a product you bought went bad? Of course not. The clerk merely put the product on the shelf.  Ms. Surmann has placed absolutely no content on the Facebook page and is not involved with it. It appears your hope is that Ms. Surmann will either quit her job with us or force us in some fashion to remove the negative information about you. There is a reason a vast majority of website owners pay to keep their information private. It is because of unedcuated, feeble minded people like you.

2. Because you do not know the owner(s) of Bad Cat Breeders, you go after the only name you do know insinuating that this person actually is responsible for the negative review about you.

3. You know what you did was wrong. You were invited to provide proof. The article was even suspended for several days while we waited for your response. You failed to respond. So the article went back up. You can still submit proof and the article as well as the facebook post will be removed.

Yours truly,

Bad Cat Breeder Admin #2


New York,
New York,
United States

Clarification on Personnel Mentioned in this complaint

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 14, 2017

Ms. Surmann is the web designer/web master of Bad Cat Breeders. As such she does not:

a) write content,

b) decide what content is posted on the website,

c) had zero involvement with the associated Facebook page,

d) secured the domain name as is common practice for webmasters.

The complainant was asked to provide information to refute the allegations brought forth on Bad Cat Breeders; however, nothing was ever submitted. It is incumbent upon the complainant to do so, but she instead chose to attack an employee.


England / Hampshire,
United Kingdom

Clarification of Bad Cat Breeders.

#6Author of original report

Sun, November 05, 2017

Konnie Surmann who administers the Bad Cat Breeders Website and Facebook pages lives in WA as reported previously. The issue is with what she has placed on her Bad Cat Breeders website and her Bad Cat Breeders Facebook page.

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