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  • Report:  #333411

Complaint Review: Bank Of America


  • Reported By:
    modesto California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 19, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 06, 2008
  • Bank Of America
    Customer Service Center
    Modesto, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Quit blaming the banks, and learn to balance your checkbook *Author of original report: you have no idea of what i just reported do you? *Consumer Comment: Chloee is correct................ *Consumer Suggestion: You are saying you are getting charged for using the debit card period? *Consumer Comment: $35 user fee for POS transaction? *Consumer Comment: Everyone knows what you posted *Author of original report: maybe so but they are still screwing us *Author of original report: maybe so but they are still screwing us *Author of original report: maybe so but they are still screwing us *Consumer Comment: Brain food. *Consumer Comment: You agreed to these fees when you opened your account... *Consumer Comment: The sad thing about this is... *Consumer Comment: I just love that "you must work for the bank" response.. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: it is all the same *Consumer Comment: Finally somebody else who's felt the wrath of BofA *Consumer Comment: But, you have no argument and are a victim of your own wrath. *Consumer Suggestion: Have your bank decline the charge *Consumer Suggestion: Have your bank decline the charge *Consumer Suggestion: Have your bank decline the charge *Consumer Suggestion: Have your bank decline the charge *Author of original report: bank of america just plain rips us off - and it is ovious by all of the reports i am reading *Consumer Suggestion: The root of your problems. *Consumer Suggestion: Additional suggestion -separate accounts. *Consumer Suggestion: Additional suggestion -separate accounts. *Consumer Suggestion: Additional suggestion -separate accounts. *Consumer Suggestion: Additional suggestion -separate accounts. *Consumer Comment: 4th item I forgot.

if it wasn't bad enough they way bandits of america charge excessive fees by the way they paid transactions , now they have come up with another way to hit us hard with overdraft fees. THEY ARE CHARGING 35.00 PER TRANSACTION ON ELECTRONIC AUTHORIZATIONS. Now even if you tell them not to authorize any item that there is not enough money to cover they will do it anyway, telling you the consumer that they are doing you a favor by authorizing that charge, and charging you 35.00 in the process, Something has to be done about them, they are killing us in fees, and they prey on those who live check to check. Bandits of america aren't making enough money i guess so they have come up with a new way to cheat us out of our hard earned money.

modesto, California

27 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

4th item I forgot.

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, June 05, 2008

Seems you and your husband are both causing transactions on the same account. This is contributing to your dilemma. I suggest you switch to seperate accounts that are not linked.

Years ago, married folks would have a joint checking account and would write checks against the account from 2 seperate check books and registers. That was an invitation to disaster then, and it still is now. Both of you accessing the same account tither and yon with bankcards for the same account is compounding your dilemma. If you switch to individual accounts I think you'll see a reduction in these dang fees.

Good luck.


New York,

Additional suggestion -separate accounts.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

I forgot to mention another idea for you in addition to refraining from using on line data to make financial decisions.

I suggest you and your husband establish SEPARATE accounts. It hard enough to manage an account on line because the data presented is not real time. It's even harder if there is more than one person causing transactions on the account-especially when out of town.

This is comparable to what some folks did in the old days some 35 years ago. A married couple would have a joint checking account and each of them would write checks using seperate checkbooks and registers. It was a recipe for disaster back then, and it's a recipe for disaster now (only NOW, some do this on line-same thing without all that pesky paper.)

Good luck.


New York,

Additional suggestion -separate accounts.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

I forgot to mention another idea for you in addition to refraining from using on line data to make financial decisions.

I suggest you and your husband establish SEPARATE accounts. It hard enough to manage an account on line because the data presented is not real time. It's even harder if there is more than one person causing transactions on the account-especially when out of town.

This is comparable to what some folks did in the old days some 35 years ago. A married couple would have a joint checking account and each of them would write checks using seperate checkbooks and registers. It was a recipe for disaster back then, and it's a recipe for disaster now (only NOW, some do this on line-same thing without all that pesky paper.)

Good luck.


New York,

Additional suggestion -separate accounts.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

I forgot to mention another idea for you in addition to refraining from using on line data to make financial decisions.

I suggest you and your husband establish SEPARATE accounts. It hard enough to manage an account on line because the data presented is not real time. It's even harder if there is more than one person causing transactions on the account-especially when out of town.

This is comparable to what some folks did in the old days some 35 years ago. A married couple would have a joint checking account and each of them would write checks using seperate checkbooks and registers. It was a recipe for disaster back then, and it's a recipe for disaster now (only NOW, some do this on line-same thing without all that pesky paper.)

Good luck.


New York,

Additional suggestion -separate accounts.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

I forgot to mention another idea for you in addition to refraining from using on line data to make financial decisions.

I suggest you and your husband establish SEPARATE accounts. It hard enough to manage an account on line because the data presented is not real time. It's even harder if there is more than one person causing transactions on the account-especially when out of town.

This is comparable to what some folks did in the old days some 35 years ago. A married couple would have a joint checking account and each of them would write checks using seperate checkbooks and registers. It was a recipe for disaster back then, and it's a recipe for disaster now (only NOW, some do this on line-same thing without all that pesky paper.)

Good luck.


New York,

The root of your problems.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

NOW I see the root of your difficulties...

""most of us dread going online every morning and opening the boa site to see what the bank has done that we have to deal with or live with now, wake up and read all these posts from people..... this problem is very real... it may not be happening to you but it is happening to thousands of people or we wouldn't be posting on this site""

FYI, NO BANK offers real time account data on their consumer websites - NO BANK. Further, they have a disclaimer to this effect. I think this is the root of your problems. You appear to be relying on the on line data being up to the minute correct -THIS IS A MISTAKE ON YOUR PART-NO BANK OFFERS THIS SERVICE TO CONSUMERS.

I don't like the bank fees anymore than anyone else, but the reality is that the best way to avoid such fees is to maintain an accurate account register and to allow enough time for deposits to CLEAR before spending the money.

I appreciate your dilema but it seems to me that you don't fully comprehend how consumer "on line" banking functions - it's another method of communication between you and the bank, but it is delayed communication, such as writing a letter (although much faster.) You should NEVER use the online information to make financial decisions if you're running your account very low.

Also, I agree with the suggestion to stop making purchases with the debit card. Use a real credit card instead. With a real credit card you have some additional protections that are NOT available using a bank debit card. Also, you won't pay these dang bank fees with a credit card.

I'm old fashioned. I write checks and mail them to pay monthly bills and use my VISA for shopping/purchases. I keep an accurate account register-to the penny. I write and mail a check to pay my VISA card in full every month. I balance my register every month when I receive my monthly statement in the mail. And NO, I don't keep thousands of dollars in my checking account (that's wasteful-that money could be working for me) and at least twice a year I run the account down to less than $5. The ONLY time I have used online banking is to transfer funds between accounts, and that is rare. I don't use ANY FORM of automatice bill paying service on any account. That opens the door for trouble if there is a mistake by my bank or the service being paid.

I haven't paid an overdraft or other bank fee since 1982.

MILLIONS of folks in the US and around the globe use bank accounts without any trouble whatsoever. It is a very small majority of consumer banking customers who repeatedly get hit with these fees and with these folks it is almost always because they did something they shouldn't have- usually because of a lack of knowlegde as to how certain accounts and services operate.

Knowledge and sound financial practices are the way to AVOID these fees. The first thing you need to do is stop relying on the online balances when you make financial decisions. NO BANK OFFERS CONSUMERS REAL TIME ON LINE DATA - I just can't stress this enough!

The second thing you need to do is stop any and all automatic debits on this account (if you have any.)

The third thing you should do is keep an accurate register, that includes any routine account maintenance fees and always allow adequate time for a non-cash deposit to clear before accessing those "deposited" funds.

Good luck in the future.



bank of america just plain rips us off - and it is ovious by all of the reports i am reading

#28Author of original report

Wed, June 04, 2008

okay so all of you bank of america lovers who come back with the same old bright idea to keep an accurate checkbook register -- this is for you

firstly- i do keep an accurate checkbook register - although alot of good it does me because the bank manages to do whatever they wish with my money anyway

secondly- there was never a formal informative letter sent to bank customers informing them of the "new practice" of charging you 35.00 for just authorizing a charge that the bank will authorize even if there is not enough funds to cover the charge at the time, they do that to get the new fee of 35.00 just to authorize the charge- and then yes they charge you another 35.00 when they actually pay the charge so you are getting charged 70.00 per transaction - for those of you who dont understand what i am trying to put across to you then oviously you are the ones who are lucky enough to not have to live paycheck to paycheck like at least half of america does and have never had to deal with the nasty little tricks this bank plays on us in order to steal our money

thirdly- i have had a account with bank of america for both business and personal and i can honestly tell you that yes i have made a mistake or two but 98% of the money this bank has literally stole from me is due to some devious little new policy of theirs,

fourthly - some of you state not to use your debit/credit/check card for purchases
then what the heck are they issued for? oh i agree with those of you who state pay cash, because yes the bank processes debits any way they see fit and your accurately kept check book register doesn't matter because the bank DOES rearrange debits to DELIBRATELY be able to get those fees accessed. AND I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANY ONE TRY AND TELL ME DIFFERENT , YOUR JUST WASTING YOUR TIME BECAUSE THERE ARE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF US BOA CUSTOMERS WHO ARE POSTING THESE REPORTS BECAUSE IT HAS AND IS BEING DONE TO US.

quit posting your " balance your register" comments because most of us do, alot of good it does us, most of us dread going online every morning and opening the boa site to see what the bank has done that we have to deal with or live with now, wake up and read all these posts from people..... this problem is very real... it may not be happening to you but it is happening to thousands of people or we wouldn't be posting on this site

now it was my understanding that the bank does not charge overdraft charges on thier fees that put a account into overdraft - GUESS WHAT PEOPLE THEY ARE NOW DOING THAT - this morning i checked my account and i went from having 21.00 in it to being 215.00 overdrawn. Here is what happened - there 21.00 in my account, then some god knows where website charges my account 38.00 on my husbands card, my husband has been away on work for at least 2 weeks, has no access to a computer at all - but according to this fraudulent charge he was on the computer - i asked him and he said he hasn't used his card at all. so because it was on his card he has to be the one to talk with this company that charged his card and he did and he was told that the charge wouldn't be processed. this was 2 weeks ago. last night out of the blue they process this charge that of course had dropped off the system because bank of america never got the actual draft to pay but simply a authorization but they never had to pay it. Well dont ask my why but it shows up this morning as being paid last night thus overdrawing my acct by 17.00. Okay so i can disbute this and get our money put back into our account.

Well meanwhile since we had no idea of this charge that oviously the bank put on the backburner until the time was right my husband does a charge for 19.99 , now if the account was already overdrawn by 17.00 THE BANK SHOULD HAVE DECLINED THE CHARGE PERIOD. Guess what, new charge of 35.00 x 2 occurs. oh it gets better, once in a while one of us will do a 20.00 gamble on line type deal with a casino online, and that is what the 19.99 was for, we have done this in the past many many times, and have never been accessed a international fee EVER but guess what for some ongodly reason there are 3 international fees 2 of them for 1.50 and one for .60 on there, and the bank now is charging us for those 3 fees at 35.00 each.

so i called them and the first thing i said is i need to speak with someone regarding my account, so this b***h gets on the phone and before i even have a chance to state what my problem was she tells me and this is her exact words


so, i politely told her to please connect me with a supervisor - i do this because oviously she is already made up her mind before even asking me what is the problem so why bother dealing with her anyway and because of prior experiences it is always best to go to the supervisor anyway just because i dont want to explain it to several customer service reps before actually getting someone who understands what it is the bank actually did to screw me out of my money,

AND BELIEVE ME PEOPLE, DONT GIVE UP - YOU KEEP CALLING AND CALLING UNTIL YOU FINALLY GET SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY GIVES A s**t ABOUT THE CUSTOMERS AND REVERSE THOSE CHARGES - they will tell you they are unable to- that is a bunch of crap because they can - it all depends on the rep you talk to

Personall i have had all i can take with this bank, i will get them to reverse these unjustified charges, and i am going to go thru every account i have had with them and add up all the UNJUSTIFIED charges they have charged my account and i am going to get myself a lawyer and go after them for not only the money they stole from me but for the pain and suffering and mental anquish they have caused me by doing so. its time someone stood up to them and make them pay for thier unethical practices.




Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Have your bank decline the charge

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 25, 2008

I'm not sure if all banks have this feature, but when I opened my checking account I asked that if I ever tried to make a purchase with my debit card with insufficient funds, I wanted the transaction to be declined. Just call or stop in and see if this option is available to you.

Fortunately I haven't run into this situation, because I keep very good records. My main purpose for this was to make sure that I never paid an overdraft fee, and I never have.


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Have your bank decline the charge

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 25, 2008

I'm not sure if all banks have this feature, but when I opened my checking account I asked that if I ever tried to make a purchase with my debit card with insufficient funds, I wanted the transaction to be declined. Just call or stop in and see if this option is available to you.

Fortunately I haven't run into this situation, because I keep very good records. My main purpose for this was to make sure that I never paid an overdraft fee, and I never have.


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Have your bank decline the charge

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 25, 2008

I'm not sure if all banks have this feature, but when I opened my checking account I asked that if I ever tried to make a purchase with my debit card with insufficient funds, I wanted the transaction to be declined. Just call or stop in and see if this option is available to you.

Fortunately I haven't run into this situation, because I keep very good records. My main purpose for this was to make sure that I never paid an overdraft fee, and I never have.


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Have your bank decline the charge

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 25, 2008

I'm not sure if all banks have this feature, but when I opened my checking account I asked that if I ever tried to make a purchase with my debit card with insufficient funds, I wanted the transaction to be declined. Just call or stop in and see if this option is available to you.

Fortunately I haven't run into this situation, because I keep very good records. My main purpose for this was to make sure that I never paid an overdraft fee, and I never have.


New Jersey,

But, you have no argument and are a victim of your own wrath.

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, May 24, 2008

"Now...Bofa has decided to change it's policy to say that our right to use our money how we see fit (such as making a charge or verification for $1.00 when we only have .50 in the account"

You prove your own ignorance right there. You were not 'using your own money' as you admit you do not have the $1 needed so $.50 had to be BofA's money - NOT YOURS. There is no 2 ways around trying to fleece a bank then not getting fees. Learn how to keep a register. Proven again not to be the bank's fault.



Finally somebody else who's felt the wrath of BofA

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, May 23, 2008

And despite the previous people's comments, I'll hopefully be able to amplify the idea that Kimberly is trying to convey here with an example. First I'll explain Bofa's policy change.

Previously and still at other banks today (such as Washington Mutual or Chase bank), a pending transaction is not a supposed cleared transaction, because of such things as authorizations and verifications on accounts, and such if during a pending status money is deposited to cover the amount that is pending no fee is assessed. For instance, if Xbox Live decides to bill your account, they verifiy for $1.00 before they take the full amount back. That $1.00 goes back into your account, that is why it's called a verification. It verifies that the account is active. Whether or not the funds are there is not the purpose. If it doesn't clear through, you're good.

Now...Bofa has decided to change it's policy to say that our right to use our money how we see fit (such as making a charge or verification for $1.00 when we only have .50 in the account) is wrong and punishable. It is Bofa's system that now charges a pending transaction which puts the account into overdraft.

I, myself, have felt the wrath of this idiot policy and have filed numerous complaints (and will be filing my own Rip-Off report shortly), spoke many long hours on the phone, spoke with numerous bank managers and bank tellers, all of which revert to this policy change.

I'm also going to take a minute to explain how this can effect over 60% of Bofa's customers, which are middle aged people living paycheck to paycheck. Most people have a savings account. Let's take figuratively (because this is a mild example of what happened to me) that a checking account has .50 cents in it, and the savings account has .40 cents in it. These accounts are linked with Overdraft Protection. I go online and want to buy a month of Xbox Live for $7.00. It processes my card for a pending verification for $1.00. At this point, during the PENDING status, I will automatically be charged an overdraft fee of $35.00. Automatically. I am now -$35.50 in my checking account. (I'll remind everybody that this is on Bofa's computers. The customer never sees this until a business day later, which by then is too late.) Now kicks in my overdraft protection from my savings account. It now adds .40 cents to the -$35.50. It does not add .40 cents prior. It adds it after the automatic debit has been done. Now I am at -35.10 in the checking account and $0 in my savings. Then a fee of $10.00 is charged automatically to my checking account for transferring the .40 cents from my savings to the checking automatically, despite it not covering the full amount. Now I am at -$45.10 in my checking account. Yet, the $10.00 that they automatically withdrew was not available, which the bank then pays for itself and tells me, the customer, that I overspent funds and thus charges another $35.00 in overdraft charges.

Now, in my checking account, for a $1.00 pending verification, and protecting myself with Overdraft Protection, I am penalized a total of $80.10, all of which will be given straight to Bofa.

This is only a MILD example of what Kimberly is complaining about. Imagine if it was a rent payment that went 1$ over the amount that was supposed to be taken out. Or if you're charged twice for something that you only paid once for. Is it realized in this forum how long it would take to get this money back? Not to mention it sets your other bills out of the way until that money is placed back into the account? And not because I didn't keep track of my money, not even for other people's mistakes, but because Bofa decided to change it's policy without giving ENOUGH notice to the customer. Kimberly is not complaining about a money-situation she's in, or other people's mistakes, she is complaining about this policy change that nobody was informed about properly and how Bofa hides behind it to rake in it's fees 10x over what other banks do.

I am on your side Kimberly, and I wish that you close your account with Bofa immediately after you settle any auto-bill pays or the like.




it is all the same

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 23, 2008

It is hilarious to read these comments. They are basically same. Bank ______ stole
money from me by charging me fees when my account became overdrawn. Bank_____
posted items in order to maximize od fees. Bank ______ charged me a fee for cashing a check or making a withdrawal. For those unaware of this, ALL OF THE LARGE BANKS
DO BUSINESS THE SAME WAY. Let me repeat, ALL OF THE LARGE BANKS DO BUSINESS THE SAME WAY. That is because they are all regulated by the same federal laws. My advice is if you think a bank is ripping off, dont do business with them. Just use cash, money orders and check cashing places. See how convenient a lifestyle that is for you.
(Not very !!!) Banks are a business and they will charge fees for services provided. Why should banks provide services for free? That is insanity. Just deal with it.



I just love that "you must work for the bank" response..

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2008

I just love that response of "you must work for the bank". So ridicolous.

And, hundreds or even thousands of complaints mean nothing. That just represents the number of people that cannot manage their accounts!

Keep an accurate checkbook register and spend only that money that is posted AND available in your account at the time you make the tranaction, and your NSF situation will go away. Guaranteed.

I am so tired of these NSF fee related posts.

Banks DO NOT cause NSF fees.
Irresponsible customers do.

Submitted: 5/20/2008 1:55:01 PM
Modified: 5/20/2008 2:45:33 PM Kimberly
Modesto, California

maybe so but they are still screwing us
still doesn't excuse the fact that bank of america is trying to get every dime they can out of us any way they can. this charging us just because of a authorization is just another way for them to screw us out of our money. No matter which way you look at it you know i am right. and so does all the people that they steal money from, they know i am right also, bank of america prays on people who do not have thousands in their bank accounts, myself and thousands of other customers do not post the things they have done to us just to hear ourselves speak, if it is happening to so many others and they are voicing thier opinions, do you think that maybe the we have a legitimate complaint? lets see, thousands of people complaining, I WOULD THINK SO! so all of you ' dont spend money you dont have' answers either have alot of money in the bank and dont have to worry about ever coming to close to overdrafts, or you work for the bank, either way i dont care what you have to say, we all know the truth about bandits of america, and that is they literally steal from their customers. just read the hundreds of reports listed on this site, dahhhh, what does that tell you, do you honestly think we are just making this up? maybe some of you that make stupid comments like balance your checkbook, etc, should read some more of the horror stories from consumers ripped off by bandits of america and hope it doesn't happen to you someday. then you will sing a different tune



South Carolina,

The sad thing about this is...

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2008

that BOA is not 'stealing' your money, you are choosing to give it to them by using your card to purchase items whent the money is not available in your account. Keep a register and keep the balance in the positive and the bank will not charge you any fees. Use your card to spend more than you have and you have just donated your money to the bank. It really is your choice. I hope you choose wisely.



You agreed to these fees when you opened your account...

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2008

Those fees were listed in the welcoming packet. BofA is one of the banks I use and I can pull that list out and tell you exactly what page it is on.

If you had a problem with the fees, you shouldn't have opened the account or caused it to go into the red.

I'm not rich and I do not work at a bank. I simply use a register so I know when to stop spending and thus avoid those high fees.



Brain food.

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2008

I'm going to pass on the brain food, thanks. It looks like you're in dire need.

"you have absolutely no idea of what i reported because if you had a clue you what get what i just said. balancing my checkbook has nothing to do with what i reported, if your able to, go back and and SLOWLY read so understand what i just said."

Ah, where do I begin?
I absolutely have an idea of what you reported. You are whining because YOU authorised an electronic debit that YOU did not have sufficient funds for -- and you received a $35 charge because BOA paid it. So, in the end, balancing your checkbook has EVERYTHING to do with it because had you checked your register balance, you most likely would NOT have authorised that charge. Unless, of course, you enjoy paying an additional $35 for your merchandise. And, by the way, it's "you're" not "your," as I am assuming you are using the contraction for "you are."

"the banks are now charging us fees to just authorize your account, and then they will charge you yet again if the charge overdraws your account, so actually your getting charged twice now for one overdraft, and you say its my fault? wake up and eat some ' brain food'"

Yes, Ms. brain food, that is exactly what I'm saying. You are the one who spent money you didn't have. And just so you're clear, the bank does not charge you fees 'just' to authorise your account; the bank charges fees when you authorise something you do not have sufficient funds for.
Now, go back and SLOWLY read your bank's disclosures.



maybe so but they are still screwing us

#28Author of original report

Tue, May 20, 2008

still doesn't excuse the fact that bank of america is trying to get every dime they can out of us any way they can. this charging us just because of a authorization is just another way for them to screw us out of our money. No matter which way you look at it you know i am right. and so does all the people that they steal money from, they know i am right also, bank of america prays on people who do not have thousands in their bank accounts, myself and thousands of other customers do not post the things they have done to us just to hear ourselves speak, if it is happening to so many others and they are voicing thier opinions, do you think that maybe the we have a legitimate complaint? lets see, thousands of people complaining, I WOULD THINK SO! so all of you " dont spend money you dont have" answers either have alot of money in the bank and dont have to worry about ever coming to close to overdrafts, or you work for the bank, either way i dont care what you have to say, we all know the truth about bandits of america, and that is they literally steal from their customers. just read the hundreds of reports listed on this site, dahhhh, what does that tell you, do you honestly think we are just making this up? maybe some of you that make stupid comments like balance your checkbook, etc, should read some more of the horror stories from consumers ripped off by bandits of america and hope it doesn't happen to you someday. then you will sing a different tune



maybe so but they are still screwing us

#28Author of original report

Tue, May 20, 2008

still doesn't excuse the fact that bank of america is trying to get every dime they can out of us any way they can. this charging us just because of a authorization is just another way for them to screw us out of our money. No matter which way you look at it you know i am right. and so does all the people that they steal money from, they know i am right also, bank of america prays on people who do not have thousands in their bank accounts, myself and thousands of other customers do not post the things they have done to us just to hear ourselves speak, if it is happening to so many others and they are voicing thier opinions, do you think that maybe the we have a legitimate complaint? lets see, thousands of people complaining, I WOULD THINK SO! so all of you " dont spend money you dont have" answers either have alot of money in the bank and dont have to worry about ever coming to close to overdrafts, or you work for the bank, either way i dont care what you have to say, we all know the truth about bandits of america, and that is they literally steal from their customers. just read the hundreds of reports listed on this site, dahhhh, what does that tell you, do you honestly think we are just making this up? maybe some of you that make stupid comments like balance your checkbook, etc, should read some more of the horror stories from consumers ripped off by bandits of america and hope it doesn't happen to you someday. then you will sing a different tune



maybe so but they are still screwing us

#28Author of original report

Tue, May 20, 2008

still doesn't excuse the fact that bank of america is trying to get every dime they can out of us any way they can. this charging us just because of a authorization is just another way for them to screw us out of our money. No matter which way you look at it you know i am right. and so does all the people that they steal money from, they know i am right also, bank of america prays on people who do not have thousands in their bank accounts, myself and thousands of other customers do not post the things they have done to us just to hear ourselves speak, if it is happening to so many others and they are voicing thier opinions, do you think that maybe the we have a legitimate complaint? lets see, thousands of people complaining, I WOULD THINK SO! so all of you " dont spend money you dont have" answers either have alot of money in the bank and dont have to worry about ever coming to close to overdrafts, or you work for the bank, either way i dont care what you have to say, we all know the truth about bandits of america, and that is they literally steal from their customers. just read the hundreds of reports listed on this site, dahhhh, what does that tell you, do you honestly think we are just making this up? maybe some of you that make stupid comments like balance your checkbook, etc, should read some more of the horror stories from consumers ripped off by bandits of america and hope it doesn't happen to you someday. then you will sing a different tune


New Jersey,

Everyone knows what you posted

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2008

You are telling the world you don't know how to keep a register or refuse to and somehow a bank is suppose to cater to your laziness. YOU are the only one who knows what money they have spent - not any bank. Follow your opwn advice and go eat some 'brain food', you really need it.


New York,

$35 user fee for POS transaction?

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2008

Are you sure? If you use your ATM/bank card to make a purchase at Walmart, you're gonna get hit with a $35 fee? (it is an electronic transaction.)

Could you amplify just how this fee works? It just doesn't sound right to me.

J G Shrugged


You are saying you are getting charged for using the debit card period?

#28Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 20, 2008

Because your rebuttal to the rebuttal sounds like that. So if you have $6 in your account, and you buy $5 at a fast food place, you are saying BofA is now charging $35 to authorize the transaction, causing an overdraft, and then when the $5 settles you get charged again?

If that truely is the case, file a complaint with the OTS and FTC.

But I'm reading your complaint to be that you DID not have enough funds available to cover a transaction you *tried* to do. In the old days yes, the banks would deny the charge and move on. Now yes they are charging you the moment you swiped the card (or gave the #s out to a vendor online) - it's the same as writing a check when funds aren't available in the account. So you can't pre-auth something like that - it's authorized when it's requested, and so the original response to your RoR is valid.


Fort Wayne,

Chloee is correct................

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2008

You need to go back thru and read your own post over..........BOA has been doing this since June of 2007 I believe. Your money has to be in available when you swipe your card or you get charged a Unavailable funds fee. If it hard post then you will be charged a Non sufficient funds fee. Yes, 1 plus 1 equals 2. That is 2 good reasons to not spend money you do not have to begin with!!



you have no idea of what i just reported do you?

#28Author of original report

Tue, May 20, 2008

you have absolutely no idea of what i reported because if you had a clue you what get what i just said. balancing my checkbook has nothing to do with what i reported, if your able to, go back and and SLOWLY read so understand what i just said. the banks are now charging us fees to just authorize your account, and then they will charge you yet again if the charge overdraws your account, so actually your getting charged twice now for one overdraft, and you say its my fault? wake up and eat some " brain food"



Quit blaming the banks, and learn to balance your checkbook

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2008

How about **YOU** tell the merchant not to authorise any items there aren't enough funds to cover by CHECKING YOUR REGISTER. The bank is not your babysitter! Your money, and how it's spent is YOUR responsibility -- NOT the bank's! The bank merely houses these funds for you (sometimes even pay interest), so you can access them via debit card, checks, or ATM. If you are too lazy to property manage your funds, CARRY CASH ONLY. This is not a ripoff; banks have every right to charge whatever they please if you use their money.

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