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  • Report:  #548680

Complaint Review: Bank of America

Bank of America Hits Deployed Soldiers with excessive fees. Casa Grande, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Cheryl — Coolidge Arizona U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 02, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 10, 2010

My son is currently deployed to the middle east. His home of record is our address. We received a notice for him that his BofA account was overdrawn due to account maintenance fees. My husband went down to the bank in Casa Grande, AZ to rectify the situation. He asked how much he needed to write the check for to keep the account current until my son returned stateside. The teller refused to answer citing privacy reasons. We did not ask for any private information, just wanted to make the account okay until our son returned to AZ to close the account anyway. The teller was rude and dismissive and my husband (normally the calm one) left in a huff. New Year's eve, I made another attempt. A Mr. Galindo (supposedly the manager) told me that he could not and would not help my son because he did not want to lose his job. He said he couldn't and wouldn't help me make the account right because of privacy reasons. BUT....then he tried to tell me that his legal team could give me a power of attorney if I came back to the bank with my son's statement, account number and social security. 

So much for privacy, right? The last time I checked, that's fraud. You cannot achieve a power of attorney without someone's consent. Additionally, you should all know that my ex-husband opened the account posing as my son in the first place. My son was in Basic Training at Lackland AFB at the time the account was opened and had no access to a computer. My ex did not want to send him a check so instead he opened the account in my son's name OVER THE COMPUTER! So, if Bank of America tells you that it cares about it's clients, they are lying to you. If they tell you that your account and information are secure, they are again lying to you. They do not respect the military personnel that are serving to protect their liberties and they do not respect their clients. Don't try contacting their corporate offices in North Carolina either. They will not respond. Again, they do not care. They won't help my son because they will get more in fees by ruining his credit than they would get by helping a customer (who will not be one for long). It's all about the money. If the president wants to help American citizens, he needs to provide protection for deployed personnel from rip off artists like Bank of America. I'm just going to keep depositing money until the notices stop coming. Maybe I can have my exhusband fraudulently close the account just like he fraudulently opened it. Won't THAT be an experiment in the security of BofA's systems?!?!

18 Updates & Rebuttals

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Another factor overlooked...

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, January 10, 2010

The OP stated..." The teller was rude and dismissive and my husband (normally the calm one) left in a huff."

Now it is apparent and more then obvious by "some" of the replies left here..that rudeness is acceptable....or maybe they wish to accuse the OP of lying about this to make a point?

The real point to this complaint when you get down to the nitty the bank not helping a father who was only trying to help his son financially while deployed during war time. I am sure there was something more the bank could have done that would not have violated any laws to help this soldier..and perhaps did not need to be rude to his "normally calm" father.

So whomever wishes to continue defending this bank, or even to accuse me personally of mental disorders and illegal drug usage, so be it..but I feel I articulated my opinion, and stated with clarity and sobriety that I am siding with this customer against the bank in this particular situation. I have also read enough complaints about this bank and it's treatment to customers and even know some people personally that were hammer-bagged by this bank. Therefore, I have no reason to doubt anything this customer lodged in the report.

Ronny g

North hollywood,


#19Consumer Comment

Sun, January 10, 2010

Truth Detector stated...

"Of all the rebuttals of his I have read, I think this one proves RonnyG is either paranoid-delusional, a crack addict, or an alcoholic (apropos his previous post under the influence of alcohol)."

Yes, I posted time under the influence of alcohol when I signed on after a dinner party..and I apologized for it..I do not think that makes me an alcoholic.

Now with that out of the way..I am no longer going to allow personal attacks and insults against me personally provoke back similar responses. My opinion on this matter and seeing the side of the OP does not warrant being called any of the names you chose to call me..and the fact that you have the gall to speak of law when you come here and slander me like that..well I simply refuse to debate with you. Others who read this report can judge for themselves..done with you.


POSTED: Saturday, January 09, 2010

Are you the OP?  Because how can you clarify something that was not clear.

It is reasonable to assume by this statement the husband went to the bank with good intent to deposit a no avail...

- NO..the OP stated that the husband asked how much money they needed to deposit to bring the account current.  Yes, they may have intended to deposit that amount.  But asking for PRIVATE information(which an account balance is), and just depositing money is two totally different things.  That was the point.  Had the OP stated that they went in the first time and never asked for any balance information just trying to deposit $300(or what ever amount).  Then the statement that they wouldn't take the deposit would apply."

No, I am not the OP..I just have no trouble understanding their frustration with this bank. Now while I do agree technically that a deposit was not refused by this bank, I still agree with the OP's POINT..which is the bank would not under these specific circumstances simply tell the father how much was needed to be deposited to protect the account...used "privacy reasons" for not handling this issue to provide reasonable solution..but at the same time would give power of attorney and open accounts online.

Why is it so hard for some of you to understand that the bank is only out to screw this customer..and use any "reason" possible....but yet allow accounts to be opened online? Does anyone have trouble seeing what that could lead to? Yeah..the bank is really concerned. I hope no one in the military or their family is using this bank which ironically calls itself Bank of AMERICA..when judging by all the complaints and lawsuits against this bank..seems more they are out to hurt Americans..the same Americans that bailed them out with our tax dollars.

So go ahead..defend this bank over and over and over...and insult the customers who complain...but just remember...there is not much honor in doing that..and not ANY honor in what this bank is obvious who does have some honor...and that person got screwed by this bank.




#19Consumer Comment

Sat, January 09, 2010

Are you the OP?  Because how can you clarify something that was not clear.

It is reasonable to assume by this statement the husband went to the bank with good intent to deposit a no avail...

- NO..the OP stated that the husband asked how much money they needed to deposit to bring the account current.  Yes, they may have intended to deposit that amount.  But asking for PRIVATE information(which an account balance is), and just depositing money is two totally different things.  That was the point.  Had the OP stated that they went in the first time and never asked for any balance information just trying to deposit $300(or what ever amount).  Then the statement that they wouldn't take the deposit would apply.

Truth Detector


RonnyG: Privacy as an "excuse"...

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, January 09, 2010

Of all the rebuttals of his I have read, I think this one proves RonnyG is either paranoid-delusional, a crack addict, or an alcoholic (apropos his previous post under the influence of alcohol).

RonnyG quipped:

The point being that the bank would not cooperate with this situation using "privacy reasons" as an excuse..

I know when a bank protects my legal and constitutional rights, the last thing I do is complain about it. Only RonnyG in The Land of Oz believes that a bank would adhere to the law as an "excuse".

Seriously, Ronny...if you don't wish to live in a country that follows laws, perhaps you should find another place to live. The right to privacy is a legal and constitutional protection (by way of Justice Goldberg's Griswold v Connecticut concurrence). If you desire a country that doesn't hold personal protections as dear as rational adults do, perhaps you will find the accommodations in China more conducive to your line of thought.

And for the record, before someone chimes in, this isn't "name calling". Given his disregard for the rule of law, one can logically assume that RonnyG's reasoning is either drug-induced or a result of a mental disorder because a reasonable person doesn't advocate willful disregard for the law.

Ronny g

North hollywood,

Clarification for robert...

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, January 08, 2010

I said I (please read my original posting and spare me your crabby response) TRIED to make a deposit and they would not take it.

"- Okay I read and re-read your original posting and NO WHERE in that post did you say that they would not accept a deposit."

I only read it once and found this to be stated after the third sentence in the original report..."My husband went down to the bank in Casa Grande, AZ to rectify the situation. He asked how much he needed to write the check for to keep the account current until my son returned stateside. The teller refused to answer citing privacy reasons. We did not ask for any private information, just wanted to make the account okay until our son returned to AZ to close the account anyway."

It is reasonable to assume by this statement the husband went to the bank with good intent to deposit a no in all common sense it helps to know an amount to write before writing one. Granted he could have just made it for a few hundred..or a few thousand..or 75 million..but who are we to say how much the husband has to spend? Perhaps he is on a budget?

He asked how much he needed to write the check for to keep the account current until my son returned stateside. The teller refused to answer citing privacy reasons. We did not ask for any private information,

"- Your husband asked how much was required to deposit,  that is saying that he wants to know the current account balance.   Whether or not you want to believe it that IS private information.  Had your husband just gone in and deposited a check it would have been no problem(as I have done that before with BofA for other people) as long as you have the name and account number.  Now, in your defense you also stated that you went back in and they refused to "help" you.  You did not state what this help was but again if it was where they would not give you any balance information, that is a lot different than you just trying to deposit some money.

While this may have been clear to you, it was defiantly is not to people reading it.  It  also appears that not only are your complaints all over the board, they seem to continue to change from the original post through the updates. 

As has been stated before, if your son really had no problem with you accessing his PRIVATE information he would have given you his logon information for on-line banking.  That would have given you and your husband all of the information you needed.  But just like if you did get the information from the tellers, it would not show any transactions that the bank has not received yet.

I do wonder how the Credit Union helped you while maintaining his privacy.  Although if you really think like things such as an account balance is not private information then I wonder how much they actually protected."

You make some valid points here given...but at the same time while this bank is so concerned with "protecting" privacy...and some here have attacked the poster for simply lodging a complaint to warn others that this bank will offer no help when reasonable extenuating circumstances arise..there is someones son on foreign soil risking his life on a daily basis so we can be safer and to get screwed over by the big banks it seems.

What seems obvious to me where the poster has issue with this with this statement..."then he tried to tell me that his legal team could give me a power of attorney if I came back to the bank with my son's statement, account number and social security.  So much for privacy, right? The last time I checked, that's fraud. You cannot achieve a power of attorney without someone's consent.".

The point being that the bank would not cooperate with this situation using "privacy reasons" as an excuse..but would give power of attorney just by showing a statement with account and could find that in a dumpster truth be told. As well this bank allowed the account to be opened on a much for privacy and fraud prevention..agree?

Bottom line to me in most cases involving this bank..they suck..lack ethics and customer service, and rarely do anything to help their customers if a situation arises...and to me that is a good enough reason to lodge a report here to warn others and to air the grievance..nothing wrong with that. God bless America and those who defend it.



I just had to respond..

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, January 07, 2010

I said I (please read my original posting and spare me your crabby response) TRIED to make a deposit and they would not take it.

- Okay I read and re-read your original posting and NO WHERE in that post did you say that they would not accept a deposit.

He asked how much he needed to write the check for to keep the account current until my son returned stateside. The teller refused to answer citing privacy reasons. We did not ask for any private information,

- Your husband asked how much was required to deposit,  that is saying that he wants to know the current account balance.   Whether or not you want to believe it that IS private information.  Had your husband just gone in and deposited a check it would have been no problem(as I have done that before with BofA for other people) as long as you have the name and account number.  Now, in your defense you also stated that you went back in and they refused to "help" you.  You did not state what this help was but again if it was where they would not give you any balance information, that is a lot different than you just trying to deposit some money.

While this may have been clear to you, it was defiantly is not to people reading it.  It  also appears that not only are your complaints all over the board, they seem to continue to change from the original post through the updates. 

As has been stated before, if your son really had no problem with you accessing his PRIVATE information he would have given you his logon information for on-line banking.  That would have given you and your husband all of the information you needed.  But just like if you did get the information from the tellers, it would not show any transactions that the bank has not received yet.

I do wonder how the Credit Union helped you while maintaining his privacy.  Although if you really think like things such as an account balance is not private information then I wonder how much they actually protected.



Typical of BofA

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, January 07, 2010

I used to use BofA and got out.  They are fee happy big time.  I'd even been charged overdrafts because a transaction MIGHT overdraft (even though it did not), they're not good at explaining anything in a way a consumer can understand.

I'm glad you got your issue settled, however if you ex opened the account online, he should have online access to the account and would know what the overdraft is.  As long as he has the account number, all he has to do is fill out a deposit slip and put the money in, no need to explain to the tellers or anybody at the bank that it's not really his account.

As for your ex opening the account, that is identity theft.  It sounds like he had good intentions, however it was not up to him to do this without your son's consent.  


Fort Wayne,


#19Consumer Comment

Thu, January 07, 2010

I am being a brat? You are rude. I am glad it is getting taken care of BUT calling people names is childish. You really didn't need to go there. i meant take one of his deposit slips and go thru the drive thru. Deposit a couple hundred buck so you knew he was in the clear and it would not occur any more fees. Not trying to start a fight with you about it. At least all is good and it is closed.



To JandJMommie

#19Author of original report

Thu, January 07, 2010

Obviously, you failed reading comprehension in school. I was NEVER fine with privacy laws being broken. I was very upset with my ex for opening the account in my son's name. My son WOULD take care of the situation himself IF HE WERE NOT IN THE MIDDLE EAST. I said I (please read my original posting and spare me your crabby response) TRIED to make a deposit and they would not take it. Duh. Read, reread and then think before you type. I will no longer respond to your rude and antagonistic remarks. I'm trying to help people and you are just being a brat. It's a moot point because had you read my rebuttal, the matter has been addressed by corporate. Find someone else to start an argument with. I'm not responding to you any more.


highlands ranch,

*Anyone in the world, even the President of the USA, can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: THE CARD GAME, and watch it on the web!

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010

It's about credit cards & debit cards.

Thank You.


Fort Wayne,

AGAIN...............SICK OF IT

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010

I am SO sick of someone saying something the OP's don't like and that person getting accused of working at the 'evil company'. NO, I do NOT work for Bank of America. I work for the evil cable company ( so there!).  You were just fine when they violated privacy laws ( supposedly) to your liking. But they wont do it now and your in an uproar. It is you sons account. It is his responsiablity to make sure it is current. If they allowed you to close it they could be sued by him. I can understand how banking laws can be confusing and how the bank people give incorrect is poor training on the part of the bank. The bank needs to teach those employees not to say stuff like that. Do a couple of deposits to cover the monthly fee until your son gets back ( I think the most they run is 11.00? a month) and then he can close it.



Response to rritchey

#19Author of original report

Wed, January 06, 2010

I had replied to JandJmommie that THEY must be employed there. I would never work for that outfit. As to why they are double-dipping you? Who knows why they do any of the things they do. I hope your situation receives attention. If you want help at the corporate level, call 714-792-5972. That is the number for the office of the CEO of Bank of America. I've never had a good experience with BofA, never known anyone with an account that was happy with them either. They may take a while to get back to you because it took them over a week to get back to me. Corporate was more helpful than the local branch which is filled with people handing out misinformation. Personally, I would deal with a credit union if I were you. I've never had problem one with my credit union. Even with issues beyond their control, they helped me and worked toward resolution. We all need to start sending a loud and clear message to the Big Shots of Banking: Chase, BofA, Wells Fargo, etc. When we start closing accounts and taking our money to smaller, more personal institutions, they'll get the message.
In closing, I realize BofA did not initiate the difficulties my son has, but they were a MAJOR part of the problem by not helping at all. I've conducted business for him in other areas (Verizon for one) and had no problems upon proving my relationship to him. With Verizon it took a few stabs at the situation to get it right, but they finally squared it away and they definitely do everything in their power to help deployed personnel. Also, you should contact your local representatives and senator(s) to let them be aware of the issues facing all of us in this time of economic upheaval. I wish you luck.


United States of America


#19General Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010

Usedtoworkthere..........did you really work there???? and if so, can you maybe lend me some insight....... as to why Bank of America charges overdraft fee's on overdraft fee's?

and maybe why they (Bank of America)  wouldn't use the maximizer account for the overdraft protection in my checking account???????? I paid for overdraft fee charges..

I would appreciate any helpful info ..........even if it is only for my piece of mind....... since they refuse to give the monies back.




Thank you Robert

#19Author of original report

Wed, January 06, 2010

There was an amount listed on the notice but first it was not legible and second it stated that fees would be assessed daily. Today, finally, corporate called and we got it sorted out. The man that called from the CEO's office stated that the notice should not have been sent in the first place! The account is closed and my son can go in and take care of what is owed upon his return home on leave after deployment. I had my son's info, but considering their privacy policies regarding information, it was useless. No, I did not "miss" any information regarding the power of attorney situation. Mr. Galindo was just ill informed I'm sure and that doesn't give me the warm fuzzies about BofA either. My husband was with me and he concurs. Needless to say, when he returns home we will be obtaining a limited power of attorney so that I can act on his behalf when necessary to protect his financial well being. I think they need to stop the practice of allowing accounts to be opened via the internet. The potential for fraud and indentity theft is too great. Yes, I'd like to horsewhip my ex. I understand he had good intentions, but I believe that he should have gifted him with a VISA gift card or something instead of burdening him with an account he didn't need. My son won't file charges against my ex because he only opened the account to gift him with cash. It was just a bad situation all around and I'm not whining so much as trying to make people aware of what they could be facing by dealing with Bank of America, or any "large" financial institution. When he had a problem with his pay during Basic Training due to the recruiter transposing a number, our credit union was very helpful while maintaining his privacy and security and they managed to do it with a pleasant and helpful attitude. I will never personally patronize BofA or any other major player in the banking industry. They get so large that they forget that without clients, they would be out of business. Credit Unions seem to be the way to go, and I will urge my son to stick with his DSFCU account. They've been awesome.




#19Consumer Comment

Mon, January 04, 2010

I sincerely want to thank your Son for his service, however this has nothing to do with them being against the Military.

They appear to be protecting Privacy laws.  First, an account was opened by someone who "said" that they were that person.  Unless there is some fraud alert on that person's credit, you are not going to find a lot of banks(or other creditors) going through additional steps to "verify" the person.   In this case it was your Ex who committed Identity Theft when he claimed to be your son.  If as you state in your update it was "fraudulent", I hope that your Son filed a police report and had your ex arrested for fraud.

Second, why did you need to go into the branch to find out what is owed?  Not only would the letter show what was owed, but Bank of America has On-Line banking.  If your son really does not care about you accessing his account information why did he not give you the logon information for that?

The ONLY issue I see is if you are saying that they would give you this information if you had a Statement, Account Number and SSN.  I can see why that might be a problem.  But, I also wonder if you didn't miss hearing that a signature from your Son would also be required.  This goes back to what the actual Power of Attorney said, where if you got it you may have found out you did need his signature. 



Response to JandJMommie

#19Author of original report

Mon, January 04, 2010

To JandJMommie...that's exactly my point. They violate privacy laws at THEIR discretion when it suits them and their purposes. I wasn't complaining that they allowed the account to be fraudulently opened, I was upset that they feel fine with allowing that but not allowing the account to be resolved for the same reasons. I'm guessing you are employed by them judging by your somewhat sarcastic response.


United States of America

B of A's Hogwash

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, January 04, 2010

I am  so sorry to hear that BANK of AMERICA can treat the people who fight for their freedom, their pursuit of happiness, their freedom to rip-off others in the United States of America have to cheat the soldiers like that. The bail out money amounting in the upper millions was gladly ASKED FOR and accepted by Bank of America from President Obama is like a double slap in the face! It's the money of tax payers, THE PEOPLE from whom it originated to begin with.

Like the trillions of dollars Obama gave to banks. What the H%$$ did they do to inherit such BANK-RUPTCY:)? Oh let's say serve outrageous overdraft fee's and double overdraft fee's, account fee's, fee's for the use of your debit card, free checking that you have to pay for the list goes on and on and on and on and on.

I myself utilize Bank of America and boot myself in the rear. I have first hand knowledge of their shiesty way's.  I CAN FEEL for you son. However, I do know this each computer has a ip (Internet Protocal) address; the computer initially used to create the account is automatically listed just as the Bank of America has. They too have to have an Internet Protoco Address. I am not real Information Technology savvy but I do know they have to have the original address from the computer your EX-HUSBAND used, just the same as the computer the EX has he can get the address off of the computer he used.

If you have difficulty finding out the address you may try looking on the internet connection in the system tray (the little the lower right hand corner) right click it; click "STATUS" a pop-up should appear with 2 tabs on the top one says "general" the other says "SUPPORT" click "SUPPORT" it should tell you your IP ADDRESS. You can also click on the "DETAILS" button below and it will give you other important info about you connection to the internet.

Without the IP ADDRESS one cannot get on the internet. Feel free to correct me should I be wrong, I can accept this like I said I am not a Information Technologist. Yet, I have the ability to mosey around my computer and find out info necessary when needed.

I hope this will hellp you out in some way, anyway for the best. As your son doesn't deserve Bank of American's bullpuckey. My son already completed one tour of duty in Iraq and is going on his second.


Fort Wayne,


#19Consumer Comment

Sun, January 03, 2010

First you complain they will NOT violate privacy laws then you complain they DO violate privacy laws. Which is it?

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