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  • Report:  #586091

Complaint Review: Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama Hussein Osama bin Biden Leftist, Islamist, Apologist, Partisan, Communist, Propagandist, Washington DC

  • Reported By:
    Lex — Miami Florida U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 27, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 25, 2010
  • Barack Hussein Obama
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave
    , Washington DC
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Barack Hussein Obama ascended to power much like the eery character the "Manchurian Candidate". While the Manchurian Candidate had a political family, B. Hussein was half black AFRICAN and half white American. The latter he chooses not to acknowledge. 

His rise was monumental and reminiscent of the historic manner in which a man compliments a moment and a moment compliments and enables the man. 

With his Goebbelesque propaganda he brilliantly used the words "change we can believe in" and "hope" to entice the masses. Why is this important? Well sub-consciously we have literally voted out "dynasties" or what we so perceive as such. The brilliance of his propaganda machine rivals Hitler's. He fed the fact that people were tired of a Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush and possibly Clinton again presidencies. This coupled with a new found disgust of the Republican party coupled his propaganda with the perfect words and chants to plant the seeds in the heads of Americans, some most unlikely voters in fact. 

But B. Hussein Obama is NOTHING that he promised. His first interview was to al-Jazeera, he bowed to Arab leaders of brutal nations who behead and remove hands of people as punishment, who still stone people to death, he reached his hand out to Iran, a country that has vowed to wipe our only democratic ally off the face of the earth, he gave grandiose speeches to the Arab world and went on an "I am sorry America has defended democracy tour". He remained so silent during Iran's "crackdown" on legitimate protests in Iran that the country we once called an Arab loving, leftist joke, France, actually ridiculed him. 

He has spent more money during his presidency than all previous presidents combined, nationalized more of the economy and still failed to help with any meaningful recovery thus far, that it is beyond comprehension. 

To add insult to injury he has insulted our allies while bowing to our foes. Spat in the face of Israel, gave the British the cold shoulder, Chile, and the list goes on. 

This man believes in his narcissistic mind that he has a mandate from above to fulfil a prophecy. He is not a prophet, America wake up, he is the devil in disguise. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix City,

I am glad I am not republican they don't allow people to think for themselves all they try to do Is make people homeless employers are mostly republican

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, April 25, 2010

Typical right wing BS always insulting people.  Always calling people names when we don't agree with them.  Ya'll LOST! whining & crying & hate will not get you anywhere.  But republicans will whine & b***h play dirty tricks to get elected again.

What about the republicans spending,  tax payer money.  At (BONDAGE CLUBS) & expensive motels.  The right wing stupid people don't say anything about that.  Its ALWAYS democrats fault.

All republicans do Is take AWAY our money,  (VIOLATE) our rights & freedom of speech.

The democrats should (THROW) out obama haters @ his speeches.  Just like how george w bush & the republicans did.  I just don't trust republicans.  I will NEVER vote for them.

People are stupid to think republicans will change our lives & make this better.  Bush & the republicans are the ones who turned this country into a s**t hole.  Republicans want us to DIE! on the streets.



Charles You MUST be an idiot!

#7Author of original report

Sat, April 24, 2010

The democrats were in control of both the House and the Senate for the last year plus. Under B. Hussein we have insulted the Queen of England by giving her a DVD (talk about megalomania) of B. Hussein's speeches and writing etc. BTW---US DVD's do NOT work in Europe or UK, it is a different zone, he did not bother to think of that. Gave his first interview to al-Jazeera, made a massive mea culpa speech to the Arab world, insulted Benyamin Netanyahu and makes a bigger deal of a house in Israel than a nuke in Iran. In fact Nicolas Sarkozy, yes the FRENCH president, had to actually scold him for his silence as Iran slaughtered their own people (his rebuttal was that "I do not interfere with the internal affairs of other countries"--unless of course it is Israel). 

So he has managed to cause Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister to say "there no longer is a special relationship between USA and UK", insulted Israel to the extent that only 7% of the people think Obama is even somewhat a friend of Israel, endeared himself to the entire Arab world apologising for USA being USA and in return has got a big middle finger and probably a nuke from Iran, Syria has openly obtained weapons, possibly nuclear, that can take Israel out and have formed closer ties and connections with our foes in return for our sending a delegation there, a bigger finger from N. Korea, hmmm, spent more money than EVERY  president ever did combined within his first year as president. Went back on his promises made to the gay community, has nationalized everything he can get his hands on. Hob-nobs with the rich and famous and is on tv more than he is in the white house. Has allowed comrade Pelosi and friends to push their socialist agendas as he pushes his marxist and Islamist agenda and you want to warn people to vote OUT the minority party? I think impeachment for treachery against this country is in order!


Phenix City,

Vote out republicans who take money from corporations and work for them instead of the people

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 24, 2010

I say Its time to vote out republicans who take bribes.  From corporations & work for them.  Instead of working for the people who elected them.  People who believe anything republicans say are stupid & braindead.

They will keep us In this mess,  If they get win.  But you can't tell stupid people anything.

I can't believe these right wing nuts.  Think that life was so glamerous & fun.  They need to wake up,  & quit living In a delusional world.




#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 28, 2010

I agree with the first post, however, as much as this ego maniac Obama turns my stomach inside out the blame lies entirely with Congress.  I'd say they sold their souls but that would mean they had one, and its obvious they don't.  What they did sell was the American people.  Complain all you want about Bush (to other posts), just remember who has had control of both houses for the majority of the time.  The democrats.  You wanted your so called change, you got it.  But you will soon find out the roads are not paved with gold, the banks will fail, which of course they can't wait for that to happen, and then Bawney Fwank  will be in charge of your (?) money.  Businesses will fail because of the burden of health care costs, more homes will be in default and then once again they will require banks to let you stay in a house you can't afford.  Student loans will go unpaid, but they will require the banks to give you a free ride for awhile till your life improves.  Do you see a pattern here? Typical socialist agenda.   Obama is not going to do a d**n thing for you as much as you'd like to believe it.  No president is put in office to see that you live happily ever after.  But the people in congress are the ones pulling the strings, and it's time to get rid of all these power hungry fools.  They can be bought and it was more than obvious with this so called health care.  It was not ever about health care.  Its all about power.  One day when its too late you will realize this.  Its coming, mark my words.  




#7Author of original report

Sun, March 28, 2010

Funny--I am half European, I have seen social healthcare, in fact my OTHER country was more or less its founder (Sweden). On his death bed the architect said of it, "It does not work and I urge all my family and countrymen to get private health insurance". Have you waited with a deadly disease to see a doctor for 6 months because of queues? (lines as per in USA)? Further, WE DO NOT HAVE SOCIAL OR NATIONAL HEALTHCARE. We have punitive, compulsory "buy your insurance and we tax you more for what we already pay for", namely the uninsured. Nothing was done to stop pharmaceutical prices, nothing was done to stop pharmaceutical companies wasting billions on tv and magazine advertisements aimed at an uneducated public in a ploy to get them to ask their doctor or go online and buy their products. Nothing was done to end frivolous lawsuits against doctors practising in earnest and to the best of their ability, their professions without fear of ridiculous lawsuits. 

As for the rest of Obamunism, never have I seen a wolf in sheep's clothing take over a country. We have the highest unemployment rate we have ever had, we have the highest deficit we have ever had, we have less respect from the world than we have ever had, highest foreclosure rate. When does the presidency belong to Obama and not Bush? The fact is that I was a HRC supporter. I woke up and saw Obamunism, I am not blind. We have an Islamic sympathetic, socialist, apologist in the White House whose narcissistic tendencies are his own downfall. You wait and see. 


San Jacinto,

You are an idiot

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 28, 2010

and let me guess the eight (8) years under Bush were the best in mankinds history? What a legacy. There are so many things wrong with this post I'm at a lost on where to begin....oh, and thanks to your backwards rhetoric we now will have National Health Care. I am not an extreme liberal, not even a staunch Democrat but you know what I certainly don't want Amnesty passed because I am in CA and I absolutely despise the fact that my taxes supports a public school system full of anchor babies and my granddaughter's teacher spends more time translating and interpreting instead of teaching. All the gorilla chest pounding the teabaggers, conservatives and basically every d**n right ring nut you can think of makes the average person believe that a liberal idea like Amnesty is ok. You know what even though I will be pissed if any type of Amnesty is passed which is likely it will actually be funny because you idiots are to stupid to realize that it will be all because you were just so much against it.

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