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  • Report:  #278775

Complaint Review: Barbara Napolitano & Dom Rosati

Barbara Napolitano & Dom Rosati False Allegations, Defamation, Harassment, Threats & withholding funds from disabled sister Melrose Park Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Chicago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 15, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 15, 2007
  • Barbara Napolitano & Dom Rosati
    3421 W Lake St
    Melrose Park, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Barbara (Rosati) Napolitano is wife to Louis Napolitano of Cerniglia Co. in Melrose Park Illinois. Her brother is Dom Rosati who worked or still works for Louis Napolitano Jr. at Cerniglia Co. Barb and Dom have been involved first of all in several wills, doctoring them fraudulently, crossing things out, having family sign under duress. This paints a clear picture of who Barbara and Dominic are. Even an attorney regarded the wills as "hot" and containing major illegal changes. Barbara can do whatever she pleases because she's rich, (thanks to her husband's money) and feels that she'll pay her way out of anything using lawyers as threats.

Speaking of threats. Barbara and Dom both are threatening Phil Manzo, their brother-in-law and husband of their own disabled sister. Barb and Dom do not care for their handicapped sister, her husband Phil does. When Donna Manzo came into an inheritance, suddenly Barb and Dom pretend to be her friends. After shunning her, ignoring her and never coming over to care for her - there they are. Barbara Napolitano somehow has appointed herself family Matriarch and without any legal power of attorney, she has taken and is holding inheritance money for sister Donna. Donna's kids are never called or given any info on this situation, and Donna's husband is not informed either.

Donna's disabled husband lost his benefits when she as his wife inherited money. Donna does not pay his bills, she instead spends money on QVC garbage and lends money to her son etc. as confirmed by credit card bills in her name and the son's. Where does Phil Manzo fit in? He is there daily taking care of his handicapped wife. What does he get for this? Accusations of abuse. Donna Manzo has injuries from a long-ago car accident, she's had multiple surgeries and health issues, plus she refuses treatments and does not want to take care of herself NOR let nurses do it. When asked why she refuses care, she says "I'm embarassed" okay - fine. But Barbara and Dominic would have you believe that her problem is "neglect" by Phil Manzo. See it twisting here? She refuses care, Doctors have written her off, nurses are so sick of it they just do what Donna wants. As long as the nurse gets her $15+ per hour, who gives a flip about the patient.

Phil Manzo her husband ends up "covering" for the nurses. He has to care for his wife because it's the right thing to do. Sure he hates it, but the nurses hired by Barbara are losers! That's how much Barbara cares. Some of the nurses probably aren't in the country legally or have proper medical backgrounds. Other caretakers appointed by Barbara are some Polish women with no background checks who are also possibly illegals. Barbara and Dominic did once help out and try to care for Donna. They didn't change her bed pad for a week and left her in filth. Dominic Rosati, former bartender gives Donna a Vodka and Tonic while she's on meds. What kind of people are these AND furthermore - who do they think they are to threaten Phil Manzo and push him out of his home.

Defamation and threats by Barbara Napolitano, ever the bored rich jobless housewife cooking up scandal in her Melrose Park palace. Dom Rosati her brother is another one who should not talk - he works for her husband's company likely because after the cocaine bust, Dom would have a heck of a time working for another company. Dom and his own wife Rose can't even take proper care of their son whom until recently everyone thought was autistic because the kid didn't speak or develop normally. Why? Mom and Dad ignore the kid probably spending too much time gossiping or meddling in other people's business, or calling people like Phil Manzo with threats.

Phil Manzo is being framed by Barbara and her brother Dom for abuse and neglect of a handicapped person and this is a total lie. The are all corroborating stories, taking pics, and brainwashing the physically and mentally ill sister of theirs to go along with the plan. Their sister Donna trusts these people who have done nothing but talk against her and backstab her - now that there's money however, they are her "friends". Anyone see the obviousness here?

Phil Manzo the husband needed to go out - he is there caring for Donna daily. He has to get out, shop etc. He has a cell, his wife has the number and he will head right home if she needs him. Donna who has been trained by Barb and Dom and turned against her husband, calls Barbara, the troublemaker deluxe who then threatens Phil, telling him if he goes out again and leaves Donna, she will call the police and have him arrested.
So now Barbara is trying to hold Phil hostage in his own house? What? Phil has had two strokes already and has health problems. Barbara is harassing him on purpose to get him to move out, get sick or better yet die. Barbara hates Phil - and Barb being an Italian mobstress herself makes racial insults calling Phil a "Greaseball" because he is actually from the country of Italy. Donna and Phil's kids have been defamed, and Donna has made completely delusional and false comments about things that her daughter allegedly said to her. What would motivate hatred like this? Donna's daughter has called, tried to be her Mother's friend only to find that she too is being backstabbed and lied about.

Barbara Napolitano and Dominic Rosati need to stop harassing the Manzo family and hand over the inheritance and legal papers to Phil, Donna's husband so that they can all discuss a game plan. Donna needs to make a will, and now it is a race for Barb and Dom to create yet another fraudulent will, where they mysteriously split the loot. They don't want husband Phil getting a penny, and now he's having to file divorce due to the threats and constant harassment. If he stays there he'll be framed, if he leaves, Barb and Dom steal all the money, the house and toss Donna in a facility. Barbara is telling Donna right now to get back on SSI. That would be ILLEGAL Barbara! A federal crime. Barbara's scheme is likely: have Donna transfer all assets to her, then force her sis to go back on SSI benefits. SSI usually takes your home when you die, in exchange for their lifetime services. Fair enough. So Barbara probably figures, why let the Feds have the house - Barb will simply push Phil out, hire an attorney to bleed Phil dry and steal his half of legal marital property (he paid for the house in full himself with no help) - Then Barb will have Donna on SSI showing no assets, and Barb walks off with property, inheritance and bilks the Feds. Brilliant! Way to go troublemaker. You destroyed a family, you're robbing their kids of any family home or inheritance. Bravo for you Barbara you criminal.

Not to forget Dom Rosati in all this. He idolizes sister Barb and worships her for her money and the mafia-esque bigwigs they appear to be in craphole Melrose Park, a town that is busted by Feds and watched by Feds often because of all the dirty dealing that goes on. She'd probably go as far as to try and have someone "Off" Phil Manzo or anyone who gets in her way. Or she'll push him to get ticked off then frame him. We all know you Barbara Napolitano, you steaky slimeball you!

A bit about Barbara as a kid, she was so jealous of the now disabled sister, that she used to scratch Donna until her arms were bloody, then sit there and pick Donna's skin out from under her fingernails laughing with a black rotted tooth grin of a derranged child. In today's world, Barb would have been carted off to a therapist. Creepy kid is now a creepy adult. Under the bleached blonde hair and big hollywood wannabe sunglasses and all the cheap Melrose Park glitz that those aging housewives think is fashion, is a very miserable woman. She never held a job since marrying money. Hobbies? Obviously scandal and gossip, oh, and cats. She likes to rescue kittys. That does not make her a nice person, far from it. That fake practiced smile is nauseating. Self-righteous, can-do-no-wrong, my s*** don't stink Barbara. I can do what I want to anyone I want because I have money. Now she's screwing the disabled - put that on your resume Barbara "I screwed over the Italian greaseball disabled guy my sister was married to - I ruined any chance of them working things out - I am powerful - don't mess with me".

So Barbara Napolitano has a pile of ruin. Her father Dominic Senior dies and Donna's kids get nothing as a keepsake. She and Dominic Jr. her brother hoard it all. Her Mom Olga dies, Aunt Gen dies, same thing. As if Barb doesn't have enough with all the millions her husband's companies rake in, she's got her hands in everyone elses property.

Barbara Napolitano has now earned herself the title of RipOff Artist along with brother Dominic Rosati running a close second. What makes it worse is the hatred these people have, the contempt for other humans. Telling Phil Manzo, a hardworking man who became a citizen and paid taxes honestly, did all the right things - they are telling Phil Manzo to get out of HIS house and go live with his family. They use and discard him like he is nothing. Woe to you, I'll give you enough rope to hang yourselves. Revenge? Karma is the greatest. Nobody wants your money you greedy insecure thing, just go away. Just go away and leave the Manzo family alone. Hand over the papers, the inheritance, the game is OVER. Honestly, do you think you won't be on the spotlight red-flag list now with agencies, Feds etc? Wives of powerful businessmen should learn to be discreet and not cause trouble. Your husband should have been man enough to put you in your place and tell you how to act professional instead of ruining his good name (I trust it's good?) and his reputation. Barbara never dreamed that the internet offered so many ways to skin a cat.

The game is up Barbara, you've been outed. You too Dom, so go home, raise that son of yours and try to teach him to be less of an a-hole than his Dad. You people teach hatred, disrespect, racism and you should be ashamed. YOU are abusing a handicapped person by neglecting her when in your care, by serving her hard liquor and getting her blood pressure up by feeding into all these lies about her husband and kids that are not true. You know Donna suffered from paranoia, and you are using this to make her fear her husband and concoct stories. You don't do that to someone in her condition. Do you want to kill her? Have I touched a nerve? Perhaps you want both Donna and Phil dead in the longrun. Barbara and Dom you've really been no good for the family in any sense. Dom living at home until his parents were 70? Not paying his bills according to his elderly Mom, or over-spending, oh and we all recall the public record of the cocaine bust. Come on, you need money, you spend too much, you try too hard to keep up with your rich sister's lifestyle. You envy it. So when family started dropping dead, you saw a way to make a buck. Fine, just stay out of your sister Donna's business, because she is NOT dead yet Dominic. She isn't dead because PHIL MANZO keeps saving the day. The man you DARE to threaten, the man you badmouth. You aren't even half the man he is Dominic and I hope your own son grows up to spit in your face.

Barbara, keep going....keep being arrogant and it will catch up. You may ruin your sister's family and pocket some cash but the federal people will catch up to you and then you can answer to Louie Sr. and Jr. about your antics. What business do you have threatening people and making false calls to the Melrose Park police department you little Melrose Park Princess!? There are real crimes baby, real accidents, murders etc. and you are calling the police on your brother-in-law. Making a false police call is punishable Barbara. It is a crime. Framing someone like Phil or getting Donna to be an accomplice on this fake abuse scam is pathetic. Do married couples argue? Sure! You bet. You and Louie fight as well. Add to the stress level in your sister's house that both of them BOTH are sick and disabled! You're not there helping, and when you did, you screwed up - you neglected your sister. You have no clue how to do anything other than take care of your stupid frigging cats. Dom, take care of your stupid frigging son AND STOP the threats and harassment against Phil Manzo. Stop trying to aggravate him because you know you'll get his blood pressure up - because you'll drive him to another stroke.

THAT WOULD BE MURDER. And you will pay for it. Hand over the docs and inheritance to the Manzo family, they are not your property. Anyone reading this who knows Barbara Napolitano and Dom Rosati - well now you know the truth. They are hateful people, and obviously have major insecurities to motivate them to manipulate, lie, cheat and steal. Changing a will, IS stealing. You did that. Evidence is that nobody but you both benefit. You'll no doubt try to get Donna to make a will that you SUPERVISE. Funny how Barbara Napolitano always wants to use HER lawyers. One lawyer just ripped off her disabled sister of $5,000. His name will be obtained and placed for all to see as well.

You are all bottomfeeders, scavengers and low life.

Truth hurts
Chicago, Illinois

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