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  • Report:  #907476

Complaint Review: Barbara R. Snyder CWRU President

Barbara R. Snyder CWRU President will have graduate students - who disagree with the misuse of class time & grades with no basis - removed from classes, ordered to fixed psychiatric evaluations by Peter Poulos to 'see what they find' Cleveland , Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Case graduate — Cleveland Ohio U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 06, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 06, 2012

President Barbara R. Snyder is among the highest paid University Presidents in the country - if not the highest - yet she is misusing graduate student classes, and student loan funds, to demonstrate that 'geek is chic' - or rather that controversial behaviors are status quo and mainline issues for the job market and 'common good.' 

Common good does not mean student degree good at Case - it means that the degree is in flux, evanescent, and ethereal = innovative teaching of higher math is not going on when you can't understand the Chinese instructor however well-meaning (the US Kent State Math PhD, who was willing to work with the Graduate Biostatistics Department to help with the math, wasn't hired). International is in.

President Barbara Snyder does not kapish/kapeesh that she is there to grant degrees that mean substance, not for the 'common good' or for Peter Poulos 'notches' on his belt of MENSA graduate women.  Peter Poulos likes to order psych evaluations on MENSA IQ women who object to the 'common good.'  Thinking beyond the possible does not mean a solution to breast cancer - just that you have to think within the narrow 'norm' of Case and Barbara.  Barbara Snyder does not have time to discuss with women graduate students unless you happen to schedule your hair appointment with her at Legacy Village = she's unavailable to women graduate students despite all the money. 

Class syllabus & descriptions are not followed anymore at 'CASE,' and you can't object even as a graduate student interested in making classes meaningful for the job market.  As a graduate student you want to interview and demonstrate knowledge and skills acquired in classes - notso at CWRU/CASE. 

Objecting - even mentioning - the possibility of a grade dispute to get a discussion, when you can't withdraw from a bizarrely run weekend seminar course, will get you canceled as a student.  The other courses that are not 'geek,' you will be taken out of and not allowed to finish your degree.  The 'geek' Professors have to be on the Thesis Committee and grade your non-geek comps answers.  You are told that some Professors complained (no evidence of this in writing anywhere ) - but not allowed to defend yourself that you enrolled in a class expecting that the class description would be followed - that class would not be an Aronofsky movie viewing.  And Barbara R. Snyder knows about these 'Aronofsky classes.'   

Case classes are not about the 'geek' in the normal science-math sense, just the 'geek' in the social sense of the word.  CWRU is not producing any Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg wunderkinds - just the socially liberated student espousing behaviors that parents try to protect their children from buying into too soon - the Cleveland parents that send their children to Case don't want how-to LGBT Case required books on the Beachwood kitchen table - or even the Mayfield Heights ones. 

At Case they will be buying required texts with all manner of new-school college 'required' issues - and none of them will be 'geek' but some will be dangerous, ie marijuana.  The 'medical' experiment of Hawaii is useful for one thought - that home-grown marijuana does not work medically or socially.  Made in USA should not mean marijuana; 'chic' should not mean medical marijuana, and Case should not equate with that issue.  But maybe students should learn Green's theorem.    

Case class descriptions can be changed, modified, and transformed - and you will find out after add-drop is finished.  If the student objects, as an older graduate student will, then Peter Poulos is allowed to order the student to a University-paid psychiatric evaluation vacation 'trip' to see what he can find to justify the 'geek.'  If the student came for the course descriptions - then that student isn't CWRU material.  And you have to like Aronofsky movies = the chic stuff.   

'Geek' in the Graduate School of Epidemiology means gender issues (required books with chapters on LGBT choices and lifestyle issues - we are all supposed to contribute to their common good or try that lifestyle for an 'A'), breast implants (another A), medical marijuana (the University supports it), needle exchanges for drug addicts (the Cleveland cops follow these CWRU sponsored needle-exchange vans), and that all other manner of outlier issues are piggybacked into required courses. 

There is nothing 'geek' about breast implants (just embarrassing for women graduate students that their women mentors endorse them without any scientifically-based thoughts, ie Dr. Sana Loue).  By the way Barbara - breast implants are associated with serious auto-immune disease in many women - not 100% - but BI are a significant risk factor for inducing auto-immune problems in women with a genetic predisposition for them.  You don't have an MD. 

There is nothing mathematically geek about the issues in classes at some of the Graduate Medical level courses - or the consequences that follow disagreeing with the 'geek is chic' stuff.  The Uganda Graduate Students in Epidemiology are taken and fast-tracked without having to do any college math - no calculus.  Statistics classes with these students - who are not made to take the math that they don't get in Uganda - are bogged down in group projects where no one knows the math.  It's a 'Tower of Babel' when the math is missing from Statistics graduate courses at Case, or when the geek Professor does not have to prepare for class.  How any of this is contributing to common good is a conundrum = another 'c' word for Barbara R. Snyder.  Case is a conundrum. 

But the really 'unchic' part is that if a graduate student objects to (1) the class hours not matching the credit hours (two 'c's); (2) classes where classtime is misused to show Aronofsky film noire - Requiem for a Dream was shown in a Epidemiology Ethics course when the Professor was admittedly not prepared for class for 8 hours of credit class time (it was just a nauseating waste of time & the one graduate student that objected was canceled); (3) Canadian airport bestsellers being on the required course book list - THE DRUG TRIAL - for Epidemiology, but not ordered by the Case bookstore - so that you sit in class and discuss a book that no one has; (4) issues like breast implants being non-autoimmune (just a hoax per Barbara & company), medical marijuana being a good thing, and needle-exchange being a solution for drug addicts being considered mainline epidemiology, ie social issues in lieu of serious discussion about global infectious diseases such as malaria taking up paid for class time; and (5) the lack of class supervision, mentoring, instruction being ok - then that graduate student will be ordered to an evaluation to see what Peter Poulos can find = Chief Legal Counsel. 

So object to any of the above, and 'chic' Peter Poulos will find you a Case psychiatrist so that he can say that you are just homophobic, or 'unchic,' or not a 'geek' = you will not be able to finish your 'geek' Graduate Case degree.  He's the Case 'cleaner' - in the Nikita sense - for Barbara.  Peter Poulos makes the Procrustean bed of 'geek is chic' fit. 

If the graduate student tries to stick to the issues, ie that class time is being hijacked by & for the special issues of the Professor (psychotic pregnant Hispanic women with HIV) - then the student is told that they will be taken out of classes, despite As, and made to sign special University Promissory Notes to pay for whatever they have done so far - that they are not allowed to finish these courses, but must pay for them.  This money apparently goes straight to Barbara's highest paid salary - it wasn't for the course - just for Barbara's bank account.   

The special University Case Promissory Notes are a really 'chic' touch - and are not even legal in the normal sense of that word - and she's a former Case Law Professor.  That disagreement is still ongoing for one student from 2007. 

For parents a word of warning: 'geek' does not mean doing the math at CWRU - it means knowing about how to be a l*****n, get breast implants, use marijuana for medical purposes, sign special Promissory Notes, and view Aronofsky movies for hours in classes (which you can only do if you are on drugs).  And Barbara Snyder's office staff knows about these graduate classes that show Aronofsky movies for credit hour time - to use up the hours.  And it's all 'chic' and aboveboard.      

US Graduate Students Loans won't cover this 'chic' stuff.  President Barbara Snyder may be contributing to the 'common good,' but not graduate student careers - required course materials are not being covered.  And she can't do the Math that 'chic' doesn't add up to a degree. 

Peter Poulos is her enforcer, and her office staff knows about the abuse of students, misuse of class time, and the canceling of students if they express that they might have to dispute a grade and what went on in class - and nothing was for a 'geek.'  And you can't get a discussion of this as a parent or student.  As a graduate student if you express any objection: you are suddenly stopped at the ID check-points, your Case email account is canceled, your classes are canceled, and you can't come back unless you are on some drug that will make you not think about increasing knowledge.

And our faculty have advanced interdisciplinary efforts in areas as diverse as advanced materials and ethics, creative arts and energy innovation = as Barbara Snyder writes.  But - Advanced materials are Aronofsky movies, Ethics means LGBT & marijuana are norms (Dr. Loue's office), creative arts means statistics without calculus, and energy innovation means a solitary misplaced wind generator on campus (one that is so misplaced that it can't possibly 'catch' a breeze unless you use a wind turbine to make one). 

The 'math' courses in the Graduate School of Biostatistics need total revision - trying to get a calculus review course for starting graduate students was vetoed by Dr. Sara Debanne several years ago - a course with a pre-existent syllabus which had been offered in the past - and she had taught it - before Barbara Snyder.  In 3 years of courses in the Biostatistics Department, there was not one offered that Dr. Debanne (a woman Professor former Chair of the Biostatistics Graduate Program) taught from 2004-7.  The Professors aren't teaching the Math courses in the Graduate School of Biostatistics - they are being 'chic.'  [I know this because I was the graduate student that tried to get the calculus review course resurrected - to help the black Uganda professional students with no math - so that Dr. Debanne would see that they needed help that their classmates could not give.] 

But with Barbara R. Snyder, the women Professors don't have a better deal, aren't doing more teaching, and are not allowed to even be even innovative enough to bring back a needed course.  Dr. Debanne has been shelved for years when she is an excellent mathematical statistics resource & mentor. 

Welcome to Case Western Reserve University.  We are: one of the country's nine trendiest colleges; among 15 where "geek is chic"; and ranked 7th nationally for contributing to the common good.  This is Barbara Snyder's come-on from her web page - but she doesn't sit in classes and/or see the problems from the hair salons.  Barbara Snyder doesn't have to view non-sensical Aronofsky movies in class time or comment on the dysfunctional family behaviors for a grade.  It's just a good thing that there are only 15 Universities where 'geek is chic.'  Try one of the special Promissory Notes, and nothing this geek will ever be worth the 'chic' part.

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