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  • Report:  #882061

Complaint Review: BayNews9

BayNews9 Bay News 9 trying to capitalize on tragedy to incite a race war Internet

  • Reported By:
    Baynews9startingtroubleagain — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 13, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 28, 2012

Let's face it. Our society is infested with animals that look like humans. Some of these animals are black. Some of these animals are white. Others are shades in between.

These primitive minded humans love to commit violence while hiding behind what they claim are just causes. (Don't terrorists do that?? Or is terrorism a manufactured threat? But we'll save that one for another report.)  And the media -
notably BayNews9 in this particular case - loves to capitalize on it. The media must figure "Some people are going to act like animals no matter what. We might as well profit from it. And that's understandable. The pathetic part is that the
media likes to antagonize and incite violence. It can be likened to one of those  wacked out firefighters who like to go out and start fires.

The Trayvon Martin incident was tragic, I think that anyone in their right mind would agree. But what about the countless other victims since him? It seems that those victims don't count, because they weren't black. And that's tragic. The media doesn't seem to care about that white mother who was brutally murdered by that black nurse. Nonetheless, since the
Trayvon Martin incident,  countless white victims who have done nothing wrong - have been attacked by racist blacks - the animals that I was talking about in the beginning of this report.  Now before you start getting defensive, remember, I said that all races have these animals. Anyone who brutally murders, attacks or causes to attack another human
being for any reason other than self defense or in the defense of another - is an animal. It's that simple. They belong in cages or on death row.  The truth hurts : but 2 + 2 will always equal four, no matter how much you try to argue otherwise.

Now that we know that every race has trash, here's an idea:

What if each race actively, vocally and publicly denounced it's trash?  If you don't take out your trash, you start to smell like trash. Anyone disagree with that statement?

Every time Al Sharpton gets on his little podium and downplays a crime perpetuated by a black offender - he is HURTING the black community. How? He is poisoning the black community with that offender - re-infecting you with your own trash.  If you are black, you need to realize that Sharpton doesn't give a  (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))
bout you. He's a hypocrite who is devoted to himself more than to any God, person or cause.  He is trying to divide the black community from the rest of society. He always has. What the black community needs, what many communities need - is an intelligent leader. A leader who can lead the other intelligent members of the community to insist on finding, implementing and maintaining a solution to put an end to the animalistic violence that haunts us like a disease. A leader who isn't afraid to call things how they see it. We don't need another phony in political office. Look at the damage that dishonest politicians have caused to us - the American people. They hurt us very badly. We went from a nation that created the CIA and put men on the moon, to a nation that is now hitch hiking with the Russians and outsourcing intelligence tasks to incompetent third parties. There is no sense of unity in America, and to dare even claim to be a patriot is considered "offensive".  We have a "If you love America keep it to yourself" attitude. And this DOES tie into this entire story - because if America was truly a United States -then we would never let the media get away with this. We would put them in their place and let them know that they have no right to try to intentionally divide America just so that they can make a quick buck. Or at the very least we wouldn't play right into their games.

Black people are smart. White people are smart. Asian people are smart. All people are born smart. Humans couldn't survive hundreds of thousands of years in the rainforests if we were dumb as rocks. But we are susceptible
to damage caused by cultural poisoning. Al Sharpton literally makes the black community sick. If he cared about your well-being, he would encourage - and DEMAND - that the black community take charge of communities which
are taken hostage by an insurgency of black violence. He would say "We can do anything we put our minds to, and we are going to fix this". The black community is lucky to be able to pull together like that and have the opportunity to be able to take on and achieve a goal like that. The "white community" is, there really is no white community per say. There
are whites of Italian, Russian, English, Irish, French  ancestry- did I miss any? Oh well.   Let's back track for a second. Let's define "Black Community". I think a good definition would be "A sub-community, one of many, which is part of a larger community known as the United States of America", which is part of a larger community known as the global community.

Each community could be thought of as planets orbiting around a star - in this case - the USA. If you lose sight of that star and it no longer matters to you or your community, then you become just a rogue planet wandering aimlessly
through space, with no goals, no ambitions, no hope. Don't be a rogue planet.  That goes for all races. Remember that regardless of who you are or where you  are from - that you have chosen to be a part of this system. When people forget this, people get hurt. What is it going to take for people to realize this?

There are going to be degenerates of all races who didn't even read this article. They likely skimmed the first sentence. The white degenerates are saying "Blacks will always be violent it's what they are"... The black degenerates are saying "You're just racist"... But the smart blacks and the smart whites and the smart other races are saying "Hey there may be some truth to this. How can we use this information to better our lives for ourselves, our families and our futures?"

The media wants to use the degenerates to change the course of history. Look at my photo I added to this report. It's been the front page of  for at least a month now. And sure enough every other week or so, I hear
about another white victim who was beaten just for being white - and the black degenerate who  perpetuated the crime saying "I did it for Trayvon"...

The animals of our races can't think, they can't form coherent articulate sentences.  They can't plan, dream, envision or reason. So, they will do what they do best:  they will repeatedly say simple one liners. White degenerates will say something like (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

.  ... Or something ridiculous like that...  These intellectually challenged burdens to society love to repeat phrases over and over, like parrots who dine on paint chips.

Those kinds of people, think of them like that dumb a*s spice addict who works behind the counter at Burger King. If Burger King got robbed, would you want that slow (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) talking to the press? No way! The people that say "All blacks are..." or "All whites are..."  - they're that dumb a*s spice addict behind the counter at Burger King. You just have to tune them out. Not give them a microphone! Talking to you BayNews9!!!

Smart whites, blacks and others realize that this childish nonsense gets nowhere. But the media, for now, still has control of the spotlight. They  have that constitutional right, but no one ever said that the people don't  have the right to shine brighter than the media, right?  How do you do that? You stop supporting the media. Don't visit their websites. Don't buy their  silly newspapers. They don't respect us. So why do we still support them?

The media LOVES to incite the degenerates. By keeping that Trayvon Martin picture up constantly, they aren't doing that to honor the victim. If that were true, they would have a collage of all of the victims since then. Trayvon Martin
is nothing more than a business opportunity for BayNews9. The truth is - no victim is more or less important than the next or last. All victims deserve justice. So while the news is seeking to cash in on every penny they could from this tragedy, new victims are being beaten senselessly by black degenerates who are using  the Trayvon Martin tragedy as an excuse to  commit violent crime. And some of you are just buying right into it.

Bottom line - all races have degenerate animalistic trash among them.

Take out your trash. 
Not literally don't get yourselves arrested. But take charge of your communities. The police don't (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) Al Sharpton doesn't give a (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) . You have to give a (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) about yourselves, because nobody else will. This goes for EVERYONE - black, whites, greys, browns, whatever.

- stop trying to start a race war by antagonizing the degenerates. Please. Thank you.


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