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  • Report:  #94550

Complaint Review: BBB

BBB Of Southland is a scam extortion on companies. Rip-off! Colton California

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 11, 2004
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 11, 2004

In or about January of 1998, we produced an investigative article entitled "BBB and its President Slapped with Lawsuit". This informative article revealed information and documentation that caused some to question the integrity, mission, and focus of the BBB in general, and the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., in particular. We documented and questioned as to whether or not the BBB was engaged in deceptive and fraudulent conduct with use of the controversial term "Reliability Report." With our reporting as influence, others came to the same conclusion.

Eventually the BBB of the Southland, Inc. stopped issuing so-called "Reliability Reports" and instead began using the more mild term "Company Report." The fact that the BBB was apparently stripped of its use of the term "Reliability Report" strongly suggests that the reports were defective and misleading, and that use of the term provides evidence to those who question the integrity of the BBB. After all, even heart surgery is not "Reliable" even if performed by the best doctor in the world.

Not surprisingly, we began to receive complaints or inquiries from several other businesses and persons who apparently had experienced similar or abnormal problems in dealing with the BBB that contrasted with their feel-good, chummy, reputation.

We reported information specific to the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., allegedly d/b/a (doing business as) "Orange County Better Business Bureau" "Los Angeles BBB" "Riverside BBB" and, "BBB Southland". We also included information about Mr. William G. Mitchell, the controversial President of the BBB Southland. Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., has five offices in the Los Angeles, California area covering Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County.

Investigation of Key Employees
In addition to exploring information about Mr. Mitchell, our initial report also included a background investigation of key BBB Southland employees. With the previous reports, we provide direct hyperlinks which allowed readers to download free of charge the 1999 Form 990 tax return documents uncovered by the Publisher and apparently filed by Mr. Mitchell's BBB Southland. Other media sources have seized upon this information to scrutinize the high salary of William Mitchell.

Publisher Explores Links to Electronic 'Animals'
In this report, we also provide hyper-links to Mudwalkers suspected of subversive, radical, anti-constitutional, and/or extremist activity, i.e., being Electronic Mules, Cyber Pigeons, donkeys, and/or Electronic Parrots. These calculating, efficient, cold-blooded electronic 'animals' are suspected of knowingly, willingly, deliberately being reliant upon questionable so-called "Reliability Reports" that both the American media and American judicial enitities have in fact raised questions about. The motives of these 'animals' and whether or not they can be linked to certain political philosophies that oppose Capitalism, and American ideals of commerce, is being explored in an idependent report that is currently under editorial review.

Summary of Previous Report: Questions of Honesty and Integrity

As part of our initial investigation, this Publisher was the first to report that it had uncovered certain documentation with regard to Mr. Mitchell and his BBB Southland chapter that questions the alleged honesty and integrity of the BBB Southland. Consider the following examples of previously reported information:

For example, we reported that neither negative factual information about the BBB Southland nor records of past litigation *against* the BBB Southland, Inc. chapter was mentioned on the home web page of the Council of Better Business Bureau's central server, or as part of a disclaimer in the BBB Southland's highly questionable "Reliability Reports". Negative information and damaging allegations have been a central part of past litigation involving the BBB Southland.

For example, we first reported that the methods used by the BBB to attract potential members and their simultaneous use of so-called "Reliability Reports" against non members was very suspicious. For example, we researched so-called BBB "Reliability Reports" against prominent and well known companies that had been the focus of government action or attention or numerous consumer complaints and noticed that the BBB reports were still generally favorable.

For example, we reported that some consumers had knowingly relied upon the false or misleading information that the BBB Southland had put out about certain organizations, including even N.A.A.S. A subsequent investigation and a companion report explores the motives, credibility, and legitimacy of a "consumer" that receives false, untrue, fabricated, deceitful, and misleading information from any consumer watch-dog group and/or submits false, untrue, fabricated, deceitful, and misleading information to any consumer watch-dog group.

Orange County Register Body Slams BBB.

Eventually, other legitimate newspapers, and media sources not mesmerized or beholden to the powerfu BBB brand-name began to show interest. One such newspaper that we know of is the Orange County Register, which is a division of Freedom Communications, Inc. The Orange County Register is published daily and Sunday, and is located in Santa Ana, CA. Upon examing the recent investigative articles by the OCR and numerous complaints from responsible and reputable business owners, Joe D'Agostino of the Orange County District Attorney's office consumer-protection division said his office will investigate. The state Department of Consumer Affairs is referring complaints to the state Attorney General's office.

The Orange County Register reports that numerous business owners have contacted the newpaper for complaints ranging from "misleading membership solicitations", to unauthorized credit card charges by over zealous BBB telemarketers. "We're very concerned" about the complaints says Pamela Mares, spokeswoman for the Consumer Affairs division. Not surprisingly, Mr. William Mitchell, the reputed leader of the BBB Southland empire, "did not return the Register's call..." reported the newspaper.

Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc:
"A Complete and Total Scam...~
Terri Linzmeier, owner of Select Homes Real Estate in affluent Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, is just one of numerous intelligent and successful owners who have complained about the tactics and alleged practices of the BBB Southland. According to Terri Linzmeier, a BBB caller wanted to do a background check on her company but needed a credit-card number. "I normally wouldn't give my credit-card number to anyone, but it was the Better Business Bureau; *I trusted them." writes Linzmeier. [*Note: the BBB has been so successful in inflating their reputation that many intelligent people have 'trusted' them.]

Two weeks later, after "trusting" the BBB Southland, Terri Linzmeier received a rude dose of reality. She noticed that a $364 annual membership charge was tacked onto her credit card, courtesy of the BBB Southland, reports the OCR. When she complained, the BBB Southland representative told her the BBB has a "no refund policy." Terri Linzmeier threatened to contact her attorney and the BBB Southland ultimately relented. She was provided her refund.

Later, she made this quip in reference to the BBB Southland: "This is being run like a complete and total scam." Greg Almond, a general manager of the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., whose headquarters are in a seedy, smog-filled, crime-plagued, run-down, and stench-smelling section of otherwise pleasant Colton, California, conceded that "We (the BBB of the Southland) wouldn't survive very long without memberships...". Membership fees and the relentless pursuit of new members apparently is the rallying cry for BBB telemarketers.

Fountain Vally, CA, tax-preparer Judee Slack has also reportedly had problems with the BBB Southland. "I find it offensive that they make the sales call with the (pretext) that someone has filed a complaint about your business", reports the OCR. Slack also objected that the BBB Southland caller said, "Uncle Sam will return your entire fee when you file your tax return.". Being a professional tax-preparer, Slack rejected that argument. She said a deduction for a business expense is "only a percentage of the total cost, depending on the tax bracket.".

Gerry Ansel of Best Software Inc. in Irvine, CA also reported began receiving suspicious calls and "negative inquiries" from BBB telemarketers hawking BBB memberships. "We saw no value in joining, as our company is already well-known...", Ansel said.

Dan Golka of United Home Improvement Center in Tustin, CA, said a BBB telemarketer told him the only way to make a complaint against his company go away was to join the BBB, writes the OCR. "It was a shakedown", Golka told the Orange County Register.

Allan Lobel of A-L Financial, a Santa Ana, CA auto financier said he found out about complaints against his company when his son checked the BBB website. "We have been in business 25 years and never had a dispute we didn't resolve." BBB allegations against his company "were absolutely not true", he says. When he called the BBB to inquire about his firms so-called "Reliability Report", a suspicious BBB employee allegedly remarked, 'Join first, then we will look at the record.'

Rod Condit of Power Plumbing in Placentia, CA, said he received 20 calls from several BBB offices leaving allegedly "urgent" messages about consumer inquiries. "I finally got one caller to admit he got my name out of the Penny Saver.".

"I see so many references to the BBB as its some sort of watchdog, but it's not", says Fullerton, CA, locksmith Jim Troeller, reports the Orange County Register. Mr. Troeller blasts the BBB as a "a paper-shuffling organization.".

Case of Bryan Guy: Mud--walker or BBB Victim?
(PENDING; Published)
Despite numerous published reports, judicial decisions, and voluminous public records concerning the credibility, integrity, and reliablity of the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., and despite the elephant-sized facts regarding use of the controversial term "Reliability Report", Mud-walkers continue to soak in the mud and accept any garbage put out by the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc. For example, in or about December of 2002, a person named Bryan Guy wrote a bizarre, rambling and disjointed letter to an affiliate of National Academy of American Scholars (a/k/a/ N.A.A.S.), which this Publisher subsequently obtained a copy of.

We originally used the fictitious name Doe for his last name but his real name is being released at this time because the time period for him to provide indisputable facts to refute the original allegations against him has elapsed and he has thus far failed to provide substantiation of any of his claims as required by publicly posted NAAS EAS/N2 Rules. Additionally, his name is being released pursuant to posted NAAS EAS/N2 Rules which he previously acknowledged and apparently consented to.

In his letter, according to sources, the rural Nebraska resident, and a purported student of University of Nebraska at Omaha, allegedly attached a document that he purported to be an actual "Better Business Bureau" Reliabiliy Report (a/k/a/ "Company Report"), that was of and concerning N.A.A.S. Bryan Guy further claimed that the source of the suspicious report was the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc. Based upon his apparent beliefs, Bryan Guy requested a "response" to what he claimed and represented as an authentic BBB "Reliability Report".Yes, the same BBB that is the focus of this Media Report.

Bryan Guy Solicits Publisher's Attention
The person that Bryan Guy directed the suspicious letter to declined to dignify or smell the garbage that Bryan Guy attributed to the BBB. After all, what sane, honest, and ethical self-respecting person uses the BBB of the Southland, or any other fee-based membership-based consumer agency as a source of accurate, objective, and independent information? Instead, the source questioned whether or not the actions of Bryan P. Guy was simply a poorly disguised, self-pity, diversionary campaign to distract attention away from his own conduct, his apparent personal failings, and/or his attempts to cover the hide of persons he accused of being "indifferent."
Nonetheless, his request for a "response" was forwarded pursuant to posted NAAS EAS/N2 Rules.

We certainly appreciate and welcome Mr. Bryan Guy's voluntary decision to personally inject himself into the public debate about the credibility and integrity of the BBB Southland, Inc. In fact, this Publisher encourages others to do so. Assuming his information is authentic, Bryan Guy provided some interesting documents. However, we question the credibility of certain aspects of his information. Upon comparing the information that Bryan Guy claims came from the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc. with sources deemed to be far more reliable than the BBB of the Southland, the information distributed by Bryan Guy is certainly false, untrue, deceptive, misleading, and/or completely unsubstantiated. For example, Bryan Guy claimed the existence of "two complaints remain unanswered to date" with the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc. in regards to "National Academy of American Scholars."

According to representatives of National Academy of American Scholars, they "are not aware of any alleged unanswered complaints." The respected organization further asserts that it was never provided any copies of the purported "complaints" and that it has no record of ANY person having completed an SP 1066 form (an Official N.A.A.S. Complaint form) that went unresponded to. In a further attempt to verify the wild and suspicious claims of Bryan Guy and/or the model organization he attributes as the source of his information, DSIA agents conducted additional research, including contacting various federal and state agencies. Nothing turned up. Specifically, not one agency provided this Publisher or agents of this Publisher any documentation whatsoever of any "unanswered complaints.".

Given the fact that the President of the United States has recently forcefully condemned the use of race-based policies in education and its application to merit, the fact that many persons and organizations, and institutions have had and continue to have a very high regard for N.A.A.S., and its pure, merit-based programs, the bizarre letter from Bryan Guy naturally resulted into questions of his loyalty to America, his true citizenship, his respect for National Academy of American Scholars, his honesty, integrity, intelligence, and character.

How smart does a person have to be to accept the fact that no one should be barred from ANY merit-based competition based upon social and political factors that he/she has no control over? Welfare, lazines, indifference, insubordination, low standards, and Bolshevistic principles may be acceptable to persons with beliefs like Bryan Guy, but others need not accept those same despicable and deplorable values.

In or about January of 2003, a DSIA agent contacted Bryan Guy and requested that he provide actual copies of the purported complaints and proof of the legitimacy of his claims. He did not respond the agent. He was also requested to have the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc. authenticate or certify his purported document. Bryan Guy was further asked not only to substantiate his claims of "two unanswered complaints" but he was instructed to include such identifying information as:

The name of the purported complainant;
The address of the purported complainant;
The telephone number of the purported complainant;
Evidence that the purported complainant had a consumer relationship with N.A.A.S. (e.g., a cancelled check, invoice, award application, or receipt, for example); and, A true and exact copy of the full, uncensored, unedited, content of the purported complaint.

Bryan Guy Follows Trail of Mud-walkers
As of today's date, despite repeated requests, and long delays, and multiple excuses, Bryan Guy has not provided the requested information. In fact, over 60 days have elapsed, and this Publisher has yet to see any evidence that substantiate the existence of "two unanswered compliants" as pertain to N.A.A.S. Honest people and legitimate businesses do not like or appreciate liars. Only liars and disreputable persons find comfort in each other. If someone, for example, fingered Bryan Guy as the person who molested the 10 year-old girl that lives down the street from him then he would want to know that person's name and address such that he could demand to know the basis of the girl's claims.

As expected, Bryan Guy has thus far not provided ANY information whatsover that can even approximate the existence of "two unanswered complaints." Based upon this Publisher's investigation of the character and integrity of Bryan Guy, and the types of persons he is known to associate with, and the practices and immoral conduct of the typical Mud-walker, we sincerely doubt that he will ever, (repeat again, ever) be able provide the information requested because no meritorious and legitimate "unanswered complaints" really exist. The fact of the matter is that a lie cannot be truthfully substantiated by him or any other person he may choose to be prostituted by. Therefore, in the absence of facts with respect to his purported documents and allegations, one may assume one or more of the following:

Either Bryan Guy/Doe forged and/or fabricated a document that he purports to be an authentic Better Business Bureau document; or, Bryan Guy/Doe misused the name and identity of the Better Business Bureau for his own self-serving purposes; or, Bryan Guy simply has not provided any facts to substantiate his own claims because his goal all along is to distort, deny, and delay the inevitable facts that will show him to be what he really is; or,
Bryan Guy contacted the Better Business Bureau of the Southland, Inc., and told the officials that he wanted evidence of the "two unanswered complaints" but the BBB unit told Bryan Guy to take a hike.

Bryan Guy: The Disgruntled Sore Loser?
Neverless, what is clear is that Bryan Guy is at least suspected of being in a class of disgruntled persons, if not in a class of full-fledged Mud-walkers. Mud-walkers, for whatever reason, choose to engage in conduct that is deceitful and evasive as opposed to being honest, cooperative, and entirely truthful. Based upon the facts we know, the facts that Bryan Guy did not deny, the facts he did not dispute, and the facts that he expressly admitted to, one can arrive at numerous opinions of Bryan Guy ranging from liar to cheat to disgruntled loser to honest BBB victim. Of course, we are not stating that Bryan Guy fits either description. The reader of this report may draw his/her own conclusions about a person that uses false, deceptive, and misleading information, or information from an organization like the so-called "Better Business Bureau" of the Southland.

Yes, this Publisher welcomes all debate, including the debate material provided by Mr. Guy. However, any debate that includes lies, omissions, and deceit is not welcome. Anyone can assume that Bryan Guy is not a document forger or an identity thief or a top-rank liar. But, if we compare the superior record of the organization he attempts to attack, and the national respect of that organization, versus the shaky track record of credibility and legitimacy of Mr. Mitchell's BBB empire as evidenced by the Orange County Register investigation, and numerous other citizens who do not have an ax to grind, it is quite doubtful that such so-called "unanswered complaints" really exist. If they do exist, then both Bryan Doe( i.e., Bryan Guy), and the BBB, are free to consider this Media Report as a preliminary answer and response to the alleged "unanswered complaints" until such time as N.A.A.S., or any agent of the same, receives actual copies of the purported "unanswered complaints. "

Alternatively, if anyone, including past or current BBB employees, informants to this Publisher, have copies and identifying information of the two purported "unanswered complaints" and wish to correspond with this Publisher anonymously, and be compensated for the tips/information, then please address your concerns c/o Publisher to the e-mail form above.

Based upon the long history of N.A.A.S, it posted rules, and clean record, this Publisher, it is a safe assumption that N.A.A.S. would swiftly respond, in detail, and adequately refute, rebut, and/or resolve any legitimate complaint, claim, inquiry, or grievance brought to its attention.

Los Angeles, California

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

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