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  • Report:  #1046863

Complaint Review: Beau James Pomeranians

Beau James Pomeranians beau james pomeranians cynthia wallen Paid $1500 for a dog that needed knee surgery at 7 months old! Internet

  • Reported By:
    Kate — Boston Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 28, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 24, 2022

I bought a Pom from Cynthia a few years ago and I think this is really important to tell others as a warning. There are a lot of other complaints about her on here, so I know I'm not the only one who feels completely burned by Cynthia and Beau James Poms. I bought a puppy from her as a pet with limited AKC papers for $1500. I drove all the way to Ohio to pick up the dog. I asked a million questions about how solid her lines were bc I wanted a quality Pom for $1500.

Around 6 months old (had the pup only about 4ish months) she was started limping and could barely walk. I took her to the vet and they said she needed surgery on both knees bc of a terrible luxated patellas. I was shocked! The dog was 6 months old and supposed to have come from a top breeder! So obviously I called Cynthia and no answer for weeks until she finally emailed me back saying she had no idea why her knees were bad and that both her parents were perfect and that when she left her care she has 0/0 knees by the vet and that an "injury" must have caused this (basically trying to blame me) and that vets sometimes say they need surgery and they don't.

So I wrote back I had her checked by two different vets already, as my main vet said she wanted a second opinion from someone who does the surgery on the regular. They BOTH said she has a grade 3 patella (0-4 scale, 4 being the worst) and the knee caps dont even stay on her knees AT ALL. They didnt push them out of place during the exams, they said the knees were already off and they pushed them back in and they immediately popped back out. They watched her walk before they examined the knees and the 2nd vet could already tell she had bad knees by her stiff walk. The second vet who has done over 300 knee surgeries and a lot of them toys and poms said my dogs were the bottom 10% of the WORST knees he has ever seen and he said to tell you thats not the bottom 10% of dogs, thats the bottom 10% of poms specifically. The reason i even brought her in was because she had been limping and the vet said she had probably sprained her knee due to the caps not being in the right place.

The surgery was going to be $1200 per knee so I was furious! I had the dog 4 months and had to spend 2500+ on surgery?! I very nicely asked for either some of my money back because she clearly sold me an inferior dog or to have some of the surgery paid for by her. Surprise surprise no answer, ever actually after about 4-5 more calls and emails.

I obviously got the surgery done bc my dog couldn't even walk. After surgery the vet said once he got in there he saw that this wasn't due to "injury" but a hereditary malformation of the groove of the knee (so it was 100% from the parents!). The vet said She has grade 4 knees, so if anything Cynthia shouldn't be breeding the parents again the vet said. Cynthia mentioned in the first email the dog having 0/0 grade knees (perfect basically) as a puppy and how it doesn't change, but that is just completely untrue, both vets said so. As the bones grow this happens and usually doesn't show up until 6-1yr he said.

She never answered my calls or emails, ever! I'm sorry but that is NOT how you run a business. All I was really looking for was an apology, and maybe even some money to help pay for the $2500 surgery, because that is just the right thing to do. I was appalled by her just straight up ignoring me!

My dog is almost 5 now and her knees are fine because of the surgery, but she's already showing signs of a collapsing trachea (never has she once had a collar on, only harnesses). While I love my dog to death and wouldn't trade her for the world, seriously look else where for a Pom, this lady straight up sucks and clearly the only thing she cares about is making money because if she didnt she would have done the right thing and refunded my money...I see she writes back to all these complaints too saying how the accusations aren't true, but you think I really just sat here and wrote this because I was bored? I mean get real, the lady straight up burned me!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

In response to Cynthia’s rebuttles

#7Author of original report

Thu, June 23, 2022

This is what Cynthia claims in her rebuttles to me: "To expect that your Pomeranian be covered by warranty from cradle to grave is not realistic.  The warranty clearly states what is covered at time of purchase.  An 8 year old Pom is not covered under any warranty I have ever heard of.  Pomlover is a breeder-who does not cover the Poms sold by them under any warranty I am aware of.  

Certainly not the issues she speaks of in her post.  I have not had communication with this person-so can only wonder why they would choose to libel another breeder when they do not cover their 8 year old Poms with a similar warranty.  I have had the same email for over 30 years-so I can't imagine that I was contacted by her with a problem that was covered under the warranty contract at time of sale.”

"We are also known in the fancy to have worked against breeding Black Skin Disease (also called Alopecia X) although the incidence of this condition has risen dramatically in the breed, Beau James Pomeranians has only known of 2 reported to the breeder-incidences of BSD or Alopecia X in the last 47 years of our time in this breed.” 1. I’m not a breeder. What? Where are you getting that from, I’ve owner two Poms in my life.

You sold me a Black and Tan puppy in 2009. My puppy need both knees done when discovered grade 4 at 4 months old. The orthopedic surgeon who did both knees said the groove was MALFORMED due to genetics and that I should tell my breeder to never breed the parents again. The knees were in the bottom 10% of Pom knees the surgeon had ever seen and he does hundreds of knees a year he said.

Also, do you want me to dig up the emails from you? Because I still have them in my email from 12 years ago, you liar. I just went and re read the emails and you told me the patella’s could be from slipping on the floor and then I emailed you 5 more times asking for a refund and your ignored every single email after that.

Also, the dog was 8 at the time I wrote that last response, the dog wasn’t 8 when I emailed you about the knees, the dog was FOUR MONTHS old, and I had the dog for about TWO. 2. Oh go on about you "2 reported cases of alopecia-x”. I grilled you about this before I decided to go with your breeding line and you gave me the same bs.

I had a Pom that had it before so wanted to make sure the next puppy didn’t. We’ll surprise surprise, when my 7 year old beau James Pom started going bald. She remained almost fully bald on her torso area until she just passed away a few weeks ago at 13. Your claims of not having alopecia in your lines is pure fantasy. I have pictures to prove it of my dog!

And side note, I just had to put my 13 year old beau James Pom down due to end stage severe collapsing trachea. Thanks again Cynthia for your horrible breeding. I owned another Pom before this one for 14 years and I’m well versed in collapsing trachea. I never had a collar on her, never did anythjgn to cause it. Her trachea was basically almost non ecsistent in the last X-ray before being put down.

Horrible breeding lines! If anyones interested in Cynthia’s breeding you can see the conditions she clearly has her Poms in now because the news did a story on her. This wasn’t the case when I saw her in Ohio, but wow now… Or this case from back in Ohio -


United States


#7Author of original report

Thu, June 23, 2022

Hey everyone, I wanted to update this since my Pom from Beau James is now 13 years old. Unfortunately, she just had to be put to sleep due to severe end stage tracheal collapse. We got her X-rays done after she had some respiratory distress in the middle of the night a few weeks after turning 13 years old.

The vet showed me the X-ray and explained her trachea was basically almost non-existent on the X-ray, she also had bronchial collapse. Unfortunately after having her in an oxygen cage for 3 days, she couldn’t be weaned off and we had to say goodbye. If you expect Beau James Poms to be healthy after a heavy investment, think again.

I researched and chose Beau James based on their lines being clear of Pom issues like alopecia-x, luxating patella’s and collapsing trachea. My Pom had ALL THREE from Beau James lines. You hear over and over how collapsing trachea is manageable and dogs can live with it, well mine got so bad she has to be euthanized - all because it’s in Beau James’s lines!

And honestly, I’m not even sure is Cynthia gave me a Beau James line Pom, considering after sending tons of emails and calls, she ignored my request to give the AKC papers that were in the puppy contract. So honestly who knows, because she never showed me the parents even though I drove to Ohio to pick the dog up! You can see by my other updates, she is a terrible business owner and a scammer.

I’m heartbroken my Pom had to suffer for years with breathing because of a unethical breeder. FYI, she seems to be selling puppies again but in Mobile, AL, not in Ohio anymore. She also seems to be a complete backyard breeder by the looks of it from this news video on her!! She also was cited a lot in her old city in Ohio.

United States


#7Author of original report

Tue, June 18, 2019

 I wanted to give an update because I see Cynthia is again breeding poms after supposedly retiring. My Black and Tan Pom girl is now 10 years old, has extreme collapsing trachea, alopecia x, and also can barely walk due to arthritis from her patella surgery 10 years ago (from a passed down genetic issue) and now issues with her elbows.

I just thought it was worth updating on the health of my beau James Pom at 10 years old, because if this isn’t the clearest picture of how terrible her breeding lines are, I don’t know what is. I grilled Cynthia on her lines making sure there was no patella issues or black skin diseases and she ASSURED me of none. And now I carry around my crippled, bald Pomeranian everywhere thanks to her poor breeding practices where she’s bringing dogs into the world when they shouldn’t be.

To anyone buying from her make sure you do your due diligence. And to Cynthia, I hope you read this and see how the poms you breed suffer from your ignorance in their old age. Do everyone a favor and stop breeding.


Boston, MA,
United States of America

SAME thing happened to me

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 25, 2016

 Hello! Just wanted to let you know literally the same exact thing happened to me! The puppy needed surgery on both knees at 6-7 months old! The knee specialist that did the surgery said it was also from a birth defect genetically passed down from the parents, the vet said the paresnts should never be bread again due to this. When I tried to get some of my money back from Cynthia because of the $2500 surgery, she IGNORED my calls/emails. My dog is now 7 and while the surgery fixed her knees, she now has collapsing trachea when she's never ever had anything around her neck (as I've always owned poms, I know this is the number one rule to prevent collapsing trachea). I'm not surprised to see your review of the exact same situation as me. What a shame!

Your excuse doesn't matter

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 25, 2016

Ok, so the patella isn't covered under your contract? Who cares? The point is the dog you sold me needed double knee surgery for a GENETIC malformation of her knee joints which needed to be carved out by the vet during surgery at SEVEN months old on both knees for a tune of $2500. The second point is you IGNORED my emails and phone calls for months! She did not "slip on a floor", I have the vet records from a patella specialist that did her surgery to back that up - she should have done right by this and she chose not to. And yes, my roommate ended up being very allergic to the puppy and I discussed with Cynthia, yet she certainly never said she'd take the puppy back, instead she suggested about 100 other things I could do, like move, which is obviously what I did about 3 weeks after getting the puppy so that I could keep her.

She is now 7 years old, and also has collapsing trachea, this is the 3rd Pom I've owned so I've know from the beginning to never have anything around her neck, so it's not due to that. I love my dog, and she'll be with me until the day she's passes, but seriously guys, go to another breeder. My best friend breeds French bulldogs I see the way she treats her clients, some have had serious issues after a year and she will refund half or even all of the money the people paid - Cynthia wouldn't even answer my emails about the genetic issues with the puppy when that was happening - and I still have those emails for 7 years ago, so if you're interested in seeing them, let me know and you can see for yourself.

Beau James pomeranians


Contract is binding on all parties.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, November 24, 2016

This lady first wanted to return her puppy as she said her roommate was allergic to the puppy. I said I would take the puppy back and attmept to rehome it and forward the monies from that to her as per our contract.  Some time later I am told the puppy has patellar luxation-which is NOT COVERED UNDER OUR CONTRACT.  Approximately 95% of all toy dog breeds have some degree of patellar luxation-and because of their small size, it is common that they will develop some patellar luxation.  I do not cover this condition (per my contract) as it can happen due to a slip on a slippery surface, tearing the ligaments and then luxation happens.  The current veterinary treatment is usually supplementation with glucosamine chondroitin and herbs, which will strengthen the ligaments and prevent the onset of arthritis.   

Anyone can post anyrthing on Ripoff Reports-and not include all the particulars of their agreement. This sums up my experience with this customer. If you are looking for a 100 percent warranty covering anything that may happen with your puppy I cannot provide that. Plain and simple. 

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