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  • Report:  #106046

Complaint Review: Beaver County Police

Beaver County Police Framing For Murder Beaver Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 30, 2004
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 22, 2009
  • Beaver County Police
    Court House Beaver County
    Beaver, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

TO: Joseph Fennych
FROM: Daryl E. Waite,


This is written on the Advice of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania.

1.) On March 7th, 2003 my family including 2 young children were taken out of my home on the Orders of Timothy Staub or the Beaver County Legal System. I immediately filed for custody of my 2 young children Angel and Mayahna Fisher with the Beaver County Court System Following the Advice of CYS and Mental Health. They instructed me on how to search and find out how to make motions etc. The issues are mentioned in the custody motion.

2.) About a week later, I was on trial for a PFA by the mother: Mia Fisher. I spoke my mind, yet the judge reluctantly granted the PFA - stating "If you want me to sign it, then I'll sign it" - I wondered who he was talking to. I spoke all the issues and concerns for custody as well at this PFA hearing YET they were still ignored. It was more important for the police to fabricate a case than my children's safety.

3.) After this PFA Hearing, The FBI (Edward Moschella) and Beaver Detective Timothy Staubs called me in the Sheriffs office for questioning. I didn't know what was going on I had thought that my fiance was schizophrenic and just losing her mind. This questioning by the FBI caused extreme paranoia in both me and her.

4.) About a month later 6-8 police officers knock on my door and ask if I was "Daryl Waite". I reply yes, they then burst through the door, knocking me down to
the floor, screaming obscenities, hand cuffing me, kept me on the floor and proceed to search my entire household, without warrant or permission. They terrified me, and acted like I was a murderer or something.

5.) They find beer in my garbage, haul me off to Aliquippa Hospital to give blood, and I spend the night in jail wondering what was I charged with. They then let me go, and say that I will receive charges in the mail.

6.) I then get a letter charging me with a DUI, Reckless Driving, Terroristic Threats, Possession of Marijuana and a slew of other charges. So, I write the judge
Quoting biblical scriptures, and saying that I want these bogus charges dropped - still traumatized mind you. I tried to explain my situation, and that I wasn't threatening anyone in this letter, but after being so traumatized, my mental capacities were diminished somewhat removing tact. I sent a letter of apology to the Judge for such a display.

7.) I then receive a charge of Terroristic Threats for this letter and the Apology, and a warrant placed out for my arrest for what I assumed to be these charges and I was placed in Beaver County Jail with a Bail of $20,000 strait cash.

8.) I got a public defender. This public defender filed a motion to have me detained and involuntarily committed to a mental institution, and failed to acknowledge my request to attend a hearing in Beaver Falls while I was incarcerated. I hired an Attorney (Paul Steff), that quickly removed that detainer, and got my Bail Lowered.

9.) I posted Bond. My bond stipulated that I could have no contact with Judge Knaflec, His Staff, The Arresting Officer of the DUI, or Witnesses that Collaborated his story. (Seems that forbade me from defending myself and/or having a fair trial). There could have been some provisions for questioning the witnesses in front of the Police. I couldn't make a case if I wanted to.

10.) My attorney Paul Steff advised me in Jail that they (meaning DA, Police, Witnesses) were calling me a Gay Muslim Serial Killer and asked what Happened in San-Diego California. I knew then someone was trying to frame me.

11.) Not being allowed to question any witnesses or anything and being called a murderer by all involved, Paul Advised me to take the Plea Bargin, SO I take it, as long as I wasn't going back to Jail - terrified for my life, knowing full well that they tried to have me killed, framed for murder, and institutionalized.

12.) After being released on bond, while walking down the street, Officer Brian Jameson jumps out of his patrol car and tackles me in the middle of the street. I was charged with public drunkenness and disorderly conduct (with the citations dated for 1995). Seems to me, that if this Officer was in Fear of his life as stated in other reports, then he shouldn't have jumped out the car and tackled me in the streets, certainly not alone.

13.) After the Plea Hearing for the slew of charges, Timothy Staubs and a San-Diego Homicide detective questioned me. They had questioned my X-Wife, my Brother's Widow, and my other Brother also about murders in San-Diego. I was wondering what
was going on all this time. Shortly before Xmas of 2003, my fiance returns home from Butler County. She tells me her story:

1.) My fiance tells Detective Timothy Staubs a story with NO Details or anything, saying that I had killed my father and she was in fear of her life and that I killed someone in San-Diego while I was in the Service. Going off of these minute details, Staubs then sends someone to my house while I was at work and Takes her with the 7 children to a shelter. He then encourages her to get a PFA and terrifies her with the same FBI agent.

2.) At the Court House, Before the PFA, he possibly finds 3 homicides that occurred in San-Diego and tells her the details of these homicides in front of a Legal Advocate. These Details included the facts that: (The Legal Advocate on duty this day can collaborate this. Staubs said that he could get in trouble for telling her these things.)
a.) The guys were gay.
b.) A .22 Caliber Gun was used.
c.) Their pants were pulled down.
d.) An opel Ring, Necklace was taken
e.) position and location of the bodies
f.) A catholic cross was taken.

3.) He kept saying that He Knew that I did it, while Kimberly Clements offered her witness protection and money to say that I had confessed to these murders, to give the details at the PFA hearing recorded by workers in the shelter at Butler County. Yet she didn't. (How can witness protection be offered to someone whom wasn't a witness to anything. These Crimes occurred 10 years before I even met this woman?)

4.) Timothy Staub then went telling everyone that I was a Serial Killer (Including Fabricated witnesses to the DUI, the DA, and others Attorney Paul Steff is a witness to this fact) and it wasn't until a San-Diego Homicide detective (Terry Torgison 619-531-2293) came and questioned us, that the truth came out. And I mean it was a clearly staged/framed situation. I gave my DNA and was cleared one month after this, yet was never told. I could also prove that I was in College at CCAC (PA) full time and working full time, when these events occurred. Yet the details are out there, and neither one of us were in California Where did they come from?

1.) The San-Diego Detective found the truth of this Domestic Dispute, but the fact remains that since I didn't have a record, he tried to create one and frame me for Triple Murder.
2.) When I filed for custody of my children and served her the papers at the PFA hearing, he told her that they would handle it and it was ignored by the Court System. He has manipulated other judges as well to get my bond so high. He even had a warrant placed for my arrest for not being at a hearing in Beaver Falls while I was in Beaver County Jail.
3.) Subsequently, I find that my 4 year old daughter was being Sexually abused and Mia Fisher filed charges with CYS, but Detective Kimberly Clemens told Tyneshia Johnson (Mia's 15 yr old daughter) that this was a lie and her mother was a liar and the case was Dropped within one month Even with a written confession by Tyneshia.

4.) This has elements of False Reports by Brian Jameson, Tampering with witnesses, Coercion of false testimony and severe police misconduct by Staub. I did write letters like crazy because this was very traumatic and should have in No way went this far. I have a medical diagnosis from mental health of the paranoia caused by them making these false accusations and defaming my name. I was told that my phone was tapped, and if this is the case and can be proven, it is just more evidence collaborating my story.

I mean if you read Brian Jameson's Police report for the DUI Why would he say a White Woman followed me home after a hit and run, yet he was in fear of his life She deserves his job then. What person do you know will do more than Take the license plate for a hit and run? This was fabricated because I just moved to Ambridge and Nothing had my address on it thus the fabrication and then forbidding of me from having contact to prove fabrication. To use Beer from my own garbage can in my HOUSE to validate a DUI is pure fabrication. And to charge me with this and Use 6-8 police officers, whom break in my house clearly shows excessive force.

When I went to the PFA hearing way back in March, these SAME cops asked if I was Daryl Waite, and gave me an extra pat down and metal screening. Can we believe that Timothy Staub went so far as to call the FBI to interrogate me (which was illegal and intimidation in and of itself) and didn't let local Ambridge Police know whom I was or where I lived. In fact, while going into Fred's Divot to get TAKE OUT on the Night of the DUI, Kurt Martin jumps from behind the bar, screams obscenities at me, and follows me outside with 20+ patrons of the bar. I see officer Jameson in is patrol car, go over to get help from being lynched, and he Nod's his head and drives off! I narrowly escaped with my life, yet wasn't intoxicated, and went home (Not Directly) and drank the warm beer I had along with Plinkevac.

I was so intimidated I saw psychologists and psychiatrists. I'm a computer geek, bullied by Professional Officers of the Law accusing me of Murder. I don't want to be killed or have my probation violated because I speak of this injustice however. I took this probation out of fear and intimidation being accused of murder and all. Unless I'm mistaken, there were clear violations of my Civil Rights and even my rights as a human being.

Even the letter written to Judge Knafelc in the disoriented state that I was in after being Lynched by first the Local Police Hangout and then Ambridge Police, I clearly and vehemently wanted ALL driving charges dismissed, because I wasn't driving. The quotes after this merely admonishes that What Jameson thought that I had said was in reference to a biblical quote still being traumatized. And All reference after this was to biblical quotes. Any writing expert will admit that a biblical quote can not be taken as anyone saying it except those whom wrote the Bible, which wasn't me by the way. I never stated that I would Kill Judge Knafelc in this letter as Staub told reporters and was published to defame my character. I just want to get to the bottom of this.

P.S: Mel Vatz (Attorney), these things can be proven based on Calls to CYS and Mental Health, Legal Documents Filed, The Verbatim Testimony at the PFA hearing (very damaging), Plea Bargain Agreement, Attorney Paul Steff, Legal Advocate on Duty during the PFA, FBI Agent Edward Moschella (interrogated me and said that I should Sue Beaver County afterword), The Butler County Womens Shelter recorded the offering of Monies to Mia Fisher, San Diego Detective Terry Torgison, X-Wife Dianne Waite, Brother Martell Waite, Alice Waite (brother's widow), Warrant issuing date based on not being in trial while in their custody (Beaver falls was Staub's former jurisdiction as a local cop), And threatening in writing to issue a warrant for my arrest if I didn't communicate with Judge Knaflec, when if I did I would violate my probation.

At the PFA hearing, I said that Mia will go from shelter to shelter and house to house until CYS had to step in. The Judge reluctantly signed the agreement, yet crossed out Angel and Mayahna Fisher (my children's name) because he saw the cruelty and TORTURE being administered towards me. Take my children first, then since I didn't break, take my car. This was a threat to my life, and to me my life is worth a lot. Subsequently CYS did step in for ALL or MOST of the reasons stated a year ago at the PFA hearing. The Attorney General said first pursue these means given, if nothing is resolved, get back in touch with them. Yet I NEED a Lawyer to investigate places where I can-not venture myself, and the Knowledge of the Legal System. (The above portion of this letter was sent to Chief Joseph Fennych, with a few minor revisions). My Fiancee has more details of the murder scene that she will testify to in court. But if this case is taken, they'd settle because they know Most of these atrocities are recorded in their own system of justice.

With All Due Respect

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2 Updates & Rebuttals





Tue, September 22, 2009

I received sole custody of my minor children with the tremendous help of Beaver County CYS and Project Star from the children's institute.  The problem is remedied and I want to remove all references to the original report.





Tue, September 22, 2009

I received sole custody of my minor children with the tremendous help of Beaver County CYS and Project Star from the children's institute.  The problem is remedied and I want to remove all references to the original report.

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