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  • Report:  #1493658

Complaint Review: Ben McGlade

Ben McGlade was my barrister (lawyer) in a court case and turned up drunk to represent me and told the court wrong information which led to me losing my case Brisbane Queensland

  • Reported By:
    Alan — Brisbane Australia
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 04, 2020
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 04, 2020

I write this report with great seriousness to warn other people of Ben McGlade who is a barrister practising from Deans Chambers located at Level 16, 239 George St. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

I used Ben McGlade to represent me in a legal matter which I believed I would win with no problems whatsoever. Incfedibly Mr. McGlade lost the case for me. I have described below the conduct of Mr. McGlade in my matter -

1. Mr. McGlade turned up drunk to court. While he assured me he was not it was obvious that he was as he slurred his words and stunk of alcohol. This is at 10 AM in the morning. Of course when you have paid a lot of money and waited years for a court date the last thing you want is to annoy your barrister and then have the matter adjourned and wait another year for a trial. Obviously in hindsight I should have jumped up in court and made my complaint but then I would have had to hire another barrister, pay probably another $100 000 so he could be briefed properly and so on. 

Incredibly I was later informed by another barrister that Mr. McGlade was well known as a drunk and the only reason he was recommended by law firms to clients was due to his willingness to pay money to the law firms who recommended him which is highly illegal but hard to prove. I was told to check out a court case involving Mr. McGlade which can be found at the following link where Mr. McGlade's criminal history, drunk driving, unlicensed driving, appalling traffic history (as described by the judge) and obstructing police officers are detailed. His drunk driving included running red lights with his girlfriend in the car while being pursued by police and almost being involved in a traffic accident.

I am astounded that such a person would be admitted as a barrister let alone be allowed to represent people in court. Clearly Mr. McGlade has a very serious drinking problem.

2. Ben McGlade was recommended to me as a highly experienced barrister who wins all his cases and was provided a list of cases he had won. After losing my case I found out that he had in fact lost most of the cases he had told me about and a lot of them he was just assisting another barrister in an unpaid work experience role. To say this made me furious was an understatement.

I became aware that court decisions are published on the court website so I did a search for Ben McGlade and was astounded to find that despite having been a barrister for almost twenty years his name appeared in only two court cases being an appearancy for himself to overturn his own criminal conviction and a second case where he was barrister for a lawyer called James Loel where the advice given by Ben McGlade was found by the court to be incorrect. Knowing Mr. McGlade pays money to lawyers to get cases I did a search of James Loel as well and was not surprised to find that Mr. Loel owned a law firm called Lillas Loel lawyers and that James Loel had been struck off as a solicitor for stealing funds from clients and his partners, Jill Prosser and Michael Baker, had also both been struck off which is detailed at the following link -

3. Incredibly after my court case was over Ben McGlade charged TRIPLE what he had initially said he was going to charge with no warning whatsoever. Please do not trust this man. There are hundreds of good barristers out there who will do your legal work properly. This man is not one of them.

4. Incredibly I also found photos of Mr. McGlade drunk on the internet. It is incredible to think that a barrister would consider it appropriate to have such photos of himself on the internet.

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