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  • Report:  #71857


BENEFICIAL FLORIDA - HOUSEHOLD INTERNATIONAL ripoff the political soft money pleasers LAKELAND Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Lakeland Fl
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 14, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 14, 2003
    4254 US HWY 98 NORTH
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Yes I said soft money for so many Americans have been ruined by these evil companies that some have no home, some have lost all of their good credit and some have even committed suicide.

What is sad or should I say more evil is those we elect take the soft money and slap them on the hand when we all have proof and evidence of the wrongs they did.
Household International never admitted any wrong but yet decided to pay out the $484 million to fifty states, gee wasn't that nice of them and to think only about $500.00 was given to those who chose to agree to the class action law suit.

I am paying $1,800.00 per month on and old 1976 year old home I have been in for seventeen years and it takes two and a half of my husbands paychecks to pay them.
This leaves nearly nothing to pay our normal bills.

We have hired a forensic handwriting expert and he has proven that they in fact forged my husbands signature.
They never gave us a truth and lending paper nor our three day right to rescind nor the papers we thought we saw with a low interest rate.

They changed everything, and to think know notary was present. We have had to use many credit cards to survive and now we are maxed out.

We had a credit score of 700 and that was great in 2000 when we refinanced this loan. On top of all of this they joined two loans together on the same day saying we had to get a line of credit because our debt to ratio was not high enough.

On top of that they pushed some of the debts on both loans like my car, almost half on one and the rest on the other.

I have spoken to many attorneys and they all say that they have broken every law in the book, I have worked on this case for three years to find that in fact every law has been broken but yet in Florida it seems all Attorneys are in a hush hush state.

If any of you have sued Beneficial Florida AKA finance AKA Household International please let us know for it seems that we cannot find any who have done so.
One wonders when we write our Senators, our Legislators, our Attorney Generals, and our Department of Finance why nothing gets done?

I have written, called, been to Tallahassee with a Senator on camera and in the news, been to Washington D.C. you name it I have done it only to wait and wait and wait.

Guess what America, ( Seems no one cares) and they wonder why our country is going to pieces.
If any of you have the fight in you that I have then lets blow this wide open.

We the people of this country are the paychecks for those we elect and if we just set and cry about it and do nothing, this includes you Attorneys who know we have been beaten to the ground then it is all a lost cause for everyone.

Let it be known that as I write our elected ones are making a law to put back the very laws we have fought for on these predatory monsters.

And to all you Attorneys who have a heart help those who come to you on a contingency bases for if you can't see the illegal wrongs as we do then one must think that maybe you should get another job for if we win you win and maybe just maybe we together can stop this injustice.
If you credit card companies want to know why so many are not able to pay you anymore then take a look at the very banks that are screwing you to!

In fact if all of you credit card monsters would pull with us maybe, just maybe you would not lose like we are.
America do what ever you have to to get the word out about Household International AKA Beneficial Finance and the many companies they are subsidiaries of to let the American people know to stay the HELL away from them.
Sooner or later they will go down just as they made us go down.

Do this with all of those corrupt mortgage monsters but email, write, shout, do what ever it takes before we are all taken in and they win!

Dame the injustice, dame the greed, enough is enough!
Fight for Florida, fight for your State!

I am strong but I am also getting very tired so please, UNITED WE STAND, or do nothing and let them keep taking our rights away slowly, bit by bit and soon we will have nothing to complain about for there will be nothing left!
If we do not have an American dream, a home, a job, then it is our fault, FIGHT FOR THE VERY LAW'S THAT WERE WRITTEN!

Together we CAN make a differance!

Lakeland, Florida

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