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  • Report:  #1325950

Complaint Review: Best Choice Software

Best Choice Software FINAL WORDS ABOUT BEST CHOICE Brandon Florida

  • Reported By:
    Dave Clarke — Cartersville Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 02, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 10, 2016

The purpose of this report is to ensure that everybody knows that Best Choice has been bought out by a guy named Jerry McFarland whom I've been told is the new owner.  They now work out of peoples homes and have no office as they did before.  How long they will remain in business is anybody's guess.  Like me, most of the users bought the software in years past.  Some users got some level of training after they purchased but when I bought it in 2006 I never did.  I couldn't get any real help from Sunny Decker or Pete Hoyt.  The only training I've ever had was the after trade show 6 hr. classes.  They bragged and lied about what the software was capable of so when I followed many trades I found that out the hard way.  I bought both copies for the $5,500 hoping to get somebody else interested in using it but never could.  The idea being if they could assist me learning it would be worth my time.  Best Choice had a guy named George Lee, who was suppossedly very successful, produce a 3 CD training program but he only said what he did and not what Best Choice recommended.  He used it as a glorified search engine which is really all it is. 

My advice is to avoid it and find some other way to learn to trade.  Who to recommend is not something I can or will do.  I've tried literally dozens of different methods with no success and have given up even trying.  All these "GURU's" are scam artists, no matter whether big or small.  If what they are pushing worked they wouldn't be trying to sell it to you.  The one method I know that works is Warren Buffett's, of buying and holding, but only buying when a stock is really on sale.  You have to have a large trading account to do that however which I don't have and never will.  This game isn't for poor people to lose everything they have, trying.

I would really like to know what price Jerry paid Sunny & Pete for the Software Program.  I bet it was quite a lot.  Who's the sucker here ... certainly not Sunny & Pete!!  They knew how to make money that is for sure just like everybody in the business that sells software and advice to fools like me.

Best Choice is now going to be a web based program with monthly rental for use and data.  They have expensive training in "trading rooms" and a few user groups throughout the country.  I was never able to find one near me that was useful.  I was involved with a group for a very short time in 2006 when I bought the software but that died out very quickly.  When I moved to Georgia there was an individual that had a group but again the same situation.  So I've tracked the software since, going to several more of the 6 hr. classes after investment shows up to 2014 which I talked about in my prior report.  Best Choice didn't even display at the 2015 Money Show in Orlando so that pretty much ended any possibility of training unless I was willing to spend thousands of dollars which I don't have.

I refuse to pay monthly for using the program after buying it which was suppossed to be lifetime.  I've purchased data for years with getting nothing for it as I was afraid to lose more money making actual trades.  So now it's time to close the book on attempting to make money trading the market.  I was a sucker just like so many others who spend thousands trying. 


7 Updates & Rebuttals




#8Consumer Comment

Sat, September 10, 2016

I was completely puzzled by your report. My experiences were and are exactly the opposite from what you are describing.
Let me first explain my own experience with the software and then respond to some aspects of your report.
I have bought the software almost ten years ago, and it was definitely one of  the best decisions I have ever made, as it provided me with an invaluable tool for my trading.
After my purchase I watched the online training videos several times, which provided me with the ability to use the software as intended, but it did not stop there. It enabled me to search thousands of  stocks for high probability trades based on their history of the last ten years and reduce this number to a manageable amount in a matter of a few minutes. I learned very fast, that Bestchoice was not to be used as a black box, where I simply had to enter the recommended trades. As a matter of fact such a thing does not exist anywhere. Nobody and nothing can predict the future with absolute certainty, but  - as is the case with Bestchoice - it can provide information for HIGH PROBABILITY trades based on historical seasonal moves, which is exactly what it is doing. Of course one still has to take into consideration other aspects of trading such as general market direction, recent history of the stock candidates, earnings, etc., but there is simply no way around it, no matter what trading tool one wants to use. With the help of Bestchoice I was able to increase my trading to a probability of up to 85%, which is really phenomenal when it comes to trading. Of course, it was not always smooth sailing, but invariably I found that whenever my trading came to a valley it was because it was my fault, because I did not adhere to my trading principles and became sloppy in my approach.
Let  me make a few specific comments about your report.
You accusing Sunny and Pete of lieing about the software. All I can say to that, whenever I attended any of their seminars they were always straightforward as to its capabilities, including it limitations. As a matter of fact, they always pointed out what needed to be done to get the most out of it.
You mentioned Warren Buffett's method. I do not quite understand what that has to do with Bestchoice. One is based on long term investment using stocks; the other deals with short term trading, primarily with option in order to minimize risk.
I fail to see what the price Jerry has paid to Sunny and Pete for Bestchoice has to do with anything. As a matter of fact, I am glad that somebody, who was interested in taking the software to the next level by preparing it to be web based, bought it, especially since both of them especially Sunny were at the retirement age and clearly not interested in spending their golden years in going through the trouble of doing this. Good for them and the users that they sold it to somebody with Jerry's dedication.
Regarding training, shortly after Jerry bought Bestchoice, he and Gary conducted a serious of online seminars for existing customers, that I found very helpful. Also throughout the years, I attended a number of free online and personal seminars Pete and Sunny held. Each one of them contributed to various degrees to my ability to use the software successfully.
All in all, I can only say that I am very happy that I had the opportunity to acquire Bestchoice, because it provided me with trading possibilities, that otherwise I could only have dreamt about. I found that I was not enough to buy the product and suddenly and magically the trades would fall into my lap. Such a thing does not exist. I still had to do my homework and educate myself continuously in order to find good trades.

Still Learning


Satisfied Customer 2

#8General Comment

Tue, September 06, 2016

Paragraph 2, sentence 3 of Mr. Clarke's submission is a tip-off to the amount of weight that should be given to his "report". That sentence reads:

"I've tried literally dozens of different methods with no success and have given up even trying."

Someone smarter than me pointed out that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I don't think that he would truely have had "no success" if in fact he had actually "tried dozens of . . . methods".

Think about it.

If he is exaggerating for effect, that indicates he can't make his point without exaggerating.

If he can't make his point without exaggerating, why should I listen to him?

I tried Best Choice in June, 2014. I had gains, I had losses. I continued to use it. I use it now. I have gains, I have losses, and overall, I am making money using it. I attend the free weekly webinars when I can, and review the recordings when I can't. I find them helpful and informative.

Best Choice is just a tool like an adding machine or a pencil. When I have a loss, I don't blame my pencil, and I don't blame Best Choice.

Jeffrey A Scott MD

Palm Beach Gardens,

Best Choice Software - A Positive Experience

#8General Comment

Tue, September 06, 2016

I am writing this as a satisfied user of Best Choice Software.

I have paid $5000 to purchase the program and use it on 2 machines.  I also pay annually $500 for data for the first machine and $250 for the second machine.  To clairify a prior concern, there has always been a charge for data, either annually or monthly.  Data has never been provided for free outside the initial trial period.

In trading, seasonality is a phenomenon that you either believe or do not believe.  Clearly some of this is easy to understand such as seasonality around oil and gas concommitant with the summer driving season as well as seasonality on stocks like NFLX during the 1st quarter EPS announcement probably reflecting although the connected devices given as presents over the holidays.

I am a big believer in technical analysis.  I have been doing a video blog on YOU TUBE for past 5 years on a weekly basis. As I have pointed out several times on my webinars, technicals trump seasonality.  However, that said, I do find seasonality important enough that I use it nightly as part of my routine and I have purchased each of the 3 main products available in the space.


I started with Best Choice Software about 7 - 10 years ago after seeing Sonny and Pete at the New York Traders Expo.  Although not a fan of their style of presenting I was hooked on the possibilty that seasonality would give me an edge.  I have receieved everything that was promised by Sonny and Pete.  Yes, there have been disappointments that the look and feel have not been updated and there have been no major functional updates.  However, I have always believed that Best Choice is as good as any other program in identifying seasonal trends.  From a feature standpoint, Best Choice still is the leader from the calendar function which is critical to my analysis.


We have learned that Best Choice has recently been acquires by a user of the system.  This is a great testament to the value of the program.  More important, the new owner has taken a big step to modernize the look and feel, expand the feature set while still maintaining the core value of the program.  As I understand, those of us who have previously purchased the program will get access to this new web based version for no charge beyond the continued data fees which we already pay.  For someone like me that has multiple machines, this will actually be a savings.    This demonstrates the new owner's committment to the prior product purchasers.   

Seasonality may not be for everybody.  Each of the major programs on the market today offer unique charicteristics.  I can personally attest that I have been a happy user for many years and also would like to call out the outstanding customer support when needing to change a computer authorization or if I have a problem with the program.  


I look forward to the new look and feel.


Jeffrey A Scott MD 


Cypress, TX,

Best Choice satisfied Owner

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2016

I have become aware of the biased and negative comments being  levied against Best Choice Software and wish to put in my 2 cents.

I have owned BC since 2001 and have had my ups and owns with the program. It was billed as a so called "Black Box" that would you into and out off trades profitably. There was always a lot of Hype around the meetings and sales pitches by the previous owners. I also bought it as a new trader and soon learned that there is no such program as the "Holy Grail" for trading and believing that it exists is naïve. In the early days in Tampa Fl. Pete (one of the owners) used to regularly attend the BC users group and would teach using real time examples to a group of 40 or 50 traders. All using the software and all had a variety of trading experience on their own.

What I got out of the very lengthy and detailed dissertation from the disgruntled trader is that BC is a "glorified search engine". While He finds it undesirable I contend that it performs the way it is intended to perform. The purpose of the this program is to act as "Glorified Search Engine" that gives you a limited number of results in accordance with the parameters you program into the system. You don't want a list of 3000+ optionable stocks to look at every night.  That is What the software does is first to give you a Users List of stocks that meet your particular requirements and then running it thru the Seasonal Wizard, it reduces the list to a smaller, concise list of stocks that have a high probability of moving during a particular month. That pattern may be repeated over a number of different months in the same year. While that does not guarantee a successful trade each and every time it does give you a focus list of high probability trades. Again, it performs its job.

What I do and think most people do is to take the monthly seasonal lists generated by the program and apply my (their) own strategy to those stocks to further heighten a profitable outcome. You have be comfortable with your trading strategy after all.

Now, after saying all that I have said, I have included part of my list, created in Jan 2016, for May and June showing the dates that BC recommended for  the entry and exit.

First, the List(s) are self explanatory as to how to read them.

Second, May and June are Closed, the summary is included.

Third, these trades shown are for demonstration only, no back testing,  no cherry picking to get in and get out. I have showed the raw dates from the program and market prices at the open when the entry was called for and the exit. You get in at the open and get out at the open. Very simple.

I traded 5 to 7 stocks from each list, using my own strategy, risk management and profit targets. That is the way I have learned to use the program and I still use it cause it makes me money!

I have spoken with Gary many times, don't know Jerry yet,  but like what they have done in the short time since He or they have purchased the company and the direction they are taking it in the future. I am looking forward to the revised program (web version) which will be updated and hopefully include more indicators and useful searches.

I hope this sheds some light on the practical side of using the program and as owner from the early days I am looking to a long and continued prosperous future with the program. And no, I am not involved with BC in any way  except as an owner and user.  I am also a reader and sometimes a contributor to the Yahoo Users Group. 

Orlando F.__Houston,TX


#8Author of original report

Sun, September 04, 2016

This is a rebuttal to the two responses to my post of September 1, 2016.  It appears to me that both actually support what I have always said about Best Choice. 

“hanksterr” said it best with “Sadly that is where my feeling special ended.”  and “After many years and many expensive extra extra costs like data feeds, advanced DVD's, videos, special weekend conventions etc. I gave up and stopped using the software.” 

“I realized that Sunny was no more than a very good snake oil salesman.”

“I also realized that while Pete acted like the good guy and didn't say much he was equally culpable.”

But then goes on to making the ludicrous statement of “This is an awesome product and will only get better.”  So which is it?  I say it's like his initial assessment, that its junk!

He goes on to say about the new owners; “I can't speak for anybody else but I have made more money than I have lost following some of their ideas.” yet they have to my knowledge only owned it for less than a  year.  I would disagree with this assessment simply because not enough time has passed to make such an assessment.  But he is certainly entitled to his opinions of what might occur with any new versions of the software, but that remains to be seen.  I  doubt it will ever be worth the cost of using it just like the many other programs I have tried to use such as Global Tech's “MADE EASY” programs that I tried initially that were totally useless.

In the second rebuttal Jim D. says that “at the time (as the web site has been changed to reflect the upcoming web version) the desktop software had learning tutorials built in which referenced back to a tutorial page on their web site.”.  Yes the software had tutorials but some were confusing and there WERE NO “tutorial pages on their website to aid in understanding and nobody would answer questions about them when asked in emails or at the after show training classes.  Yes they had webinars occasionally but they were never free either.  At least Global Tech actually had free training but their programs were useless.

Whether these two individuals meant to dispute my experience or support it I don't know but what they say certainly can be taken either way.  Again my advice is to avoid this program like the plague just like any “BLACK BOX” software that claims to be the “HOLY GRAIL!”



North Port,

A new look at Best Choice Software

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, September 03, 2016

I am one of the first 100 members of Best Choice Software.  Sunny and Pete said we were special and called us Charter Members.  Sadly that is where my feeling special ended.  

After many years and many expensive extra extra costs like data feeds, advanced DVD's, videos, special weekend conventions etc. I gave up and stopped using the software.  

I realized that Sunny was no more than a very good snake oil salesman.

I also realized that while Pete acted like the good guy and didn't say much he was equally culpable.

I have been trading for over 30 years and have spent tens of thousands of dollars on Holy Grail software.

You might think I am an idiot to have done that and there is some truth to that.

The fact is there is no Holy Grail software.

There are only good traders, and bad traders.

After decades of mistakes and sure persistence and determination, I am making some profits.

I never made a dime from any ideas from Sunny and Pete although I practically begged them for trades sometimes.

I was contacted by the new owners, Jerry and Gary, who I had known for many years, but never was actively involved with them.  They told me Sunny and Pete had sold the business to them.

My first thought was, I feel sorry for these guys, because I knew there were many problems with the software and I had hoped Sunny and Pete would be convicted and thrown in jail for fraud.  In my opinion, I think the new owners should file a lawsuit against the former owners.  

I wish all the owners that had purchased from Sunny and Pete would be able to have a class action suit and sue for all the money they paid to these former owners.

Well the way this world works, just ask Bill and Hillary, if you have enough money and enough lawyers you will always stay on top.  Our justice system is the best justice MONEY can buy.

Jerry and Gary, are decent hard working, honest guys, not like Sunny and Pete.

They told me they were going to commit to make this software completely over and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it.

This is an awesome product and will only get better.

They have been true to their word and I am now excited about using the software again.

For the first time in my life, I am now again very excited, active and consistently making money with the software.

Why, because Pete and Sunny were always bragging about the super trades, and millions were made, but it was always AFTER the fact. Jerry and Gary always give useful information BEFORE the trade happens.

They do not tell you how to trade, they tell you what they are trading and it is up to you to decide if you want to trade or not.  You do have a chance to participate in upcoming trades which something I always wanted but never got before.

Sometimes they are wrong, but nothing is ever 100% in trading.

I can't speak for anybody else but I have made more money than I have lost following some of their ideas.

Re the software, it is an extremely complex and sophisticated algorithms.  You do need advanced users to show you what it can do.  That is why it is very valuable and helpful to have available about four or five different online real-time sessions a week to help you become a better trader. These sessions cover many different ideas, options, spreads, etc.  None of this was available from the former owners.

To say it is just a search engine is laughable. Google is just a search engine and it boggles my mind everyday.  

More valuable than the software are the owners running it, willing to spend many hours every week online and spending huge amounts of money and dedicated to fix all the errors that Sunny and Pete knew about but in my opinion, chose to hide and ignore from new and old customers in so many ways.

I would like to see the new owners reach out to the thousands of unhappy former owners and be willing to share all these valuable online webinars and data feeds at a reduced price.  I would urge all of them to take a second look.

In summary and in my opinion, do I think the former owners, Sunny and Pete were dishonest and committed fraud, yes.

Do I think the new owners, Jerry and Gary are going to make this software great, yes.

They are dedicated to making this work no matter how much it will cost to do so.

Jim D.


Another view of Best Choice Software

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, September 03, 2016

I too bought the program, first the trial package and then the full package as well as the additional 2nd license years later.

Initially the program is overwhelming with numerous things to discover, use and interpret. At the time (as the web site has been changed to reflect the upcoming web version) the desktop software had learning tutorials built in which referenced back to a tutorial page on their web site. Also occassionally they woud have an educational webinar mainly on Sunday to help people become familiar with the workings of the system.

Any trading software is a learning experience and should only be approached with using the suggestions in a "paper account". If it doesn't work out the only loss is the time invested in that series of trades.

I personally had trouble with the trades i was putting on but Pete reviewed my trades and made suggestions as to what was good, bad or ugly. I learned.

The new owner Jerry seems above board with all his comments as to what he wants to do with the software. This includes ALL legacy owners will have access to the web version but need to pay for data which you need to do anyway with the current desktop version. If you want to run both "programs" you will need to pay for two data feeds as they are from two distinct sources.

The program does suggest some possible trades based on past years (10) data. this gives you a fighting chance at finding a good trade. All the time - NO, but it has given me the insite as to possible trades coming up. And then the ability to then watch those stocks for an approriate entry point.

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