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  • Report:  #931646

Complaint Review: Best Drug Rehab Verified TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Best Drug Rehab offers a unique approach to addiction treatment that encompasses all aspects of the physical emotional and spiritual issues involved in addiction. Best Drug Rehab’s clients can be assured of a more lasting recovery.

Best Drug Rehab Verified TRUSTED Business REVIEW: Customer Satisfaction Commitment: Best Drug Rehab will continue to find ways to assist clients to have a better experience in treatment. The facility will study and implement the most effective recovery methods.

*UPDATE: Recognized by Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program as a safe business service Best Drug Rehab pledges to always resolve any issues: feel safe, confident & secure when doing business with Best Drug Rehab recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    margaux — Los Angeles California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 23, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 27, 2017
  • Best Drug Rehab Verified TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Best Drug Rehab offers a unique approach to addiction treatment that encompasses all aspects of the physical, emotional and spiritual issues involved in addiction. Best Drug Rehab’s clients can be assured of a more lasting recovery.
    300 Care Center Drive
    Manistee, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am writing this report as both ex-client and ex-employee of Best Drug Rehabilitation Center in hopes that this place is shut down and I feel that everyone that went through this program should be given their money back and compenstaed for the deceit that got them there and the horrors they endured. Best Drug Rehabilitation center is in fact a Scientology rehab. It is based on therapeutic training routines which are scientology tools that are essentially a way to break down the psyche and brainwash.

Google scientology training routines on you tube and take notice this is what your hard earned 30 thousand is going to and there is no relevance to recovery. You are paying for what you could get at any Church of Scientology so basically you are being exposed and converted to the religion of what is in fact a cult. There is no correlation between recovery and scientology, not one that is Scientifically prooven albeit. And for that reason everyone is entitled to there money back. A large portion of it is given to the Chruch of Scientology which I have proof of.

Extyremely large checks are cut to the Church of Scientology bi=monthly from the money that you paid to get sober and learn as the intake couselors promise what your core issues are. They do have counselors but the majority of your day..6 hours are spent doing Scientology drills and reading L. Ron Huubard books. I know for a fact that the statistics are manufactured not acquired as I made after care calls for two weeks after I graduated the program on March 31 st and found very few people who were in fact sober.

Sobriety is defined as absitnence from alcohol and other drugs, the executive director defines sobritey as staying away from your drug of choice. For instance I once contacted a recent graduate who was an opiate addict and he told me that he had used alcohol and coccaine this was considered sober by the executive director.

Many of the staff memebers myself included relapsed while working there and after complerteing an ethics cycle, and doing there conditons were allowed to receive a pay check and rejoin the group. Ethics cycle and conditons are Scientology disciplinary measures and as the excutive director Amber Howe explained to me in Scientology productivity is what matters not sobriety and she told me that everyone messes up and that Per Wickstrom and Dan Owens mess up as well as the recent graduates.

My attorney has this on record. The excutive director was defending the fact that she left Best Drug Rehab on Mothers Day in the hands of two ex-clients who had recently relapsed on crack and heroine in April so at most had about 5 weeks sober apiece. Is that what you are paying for someone 5 weeks sober to be in charge of your loved one's recovery?

In a legitamite treatment center where sobritey is what you are paying for the staff is required to have a year sober before then can work there and in calfornia they have to be licensed by ccdac to practice. The executive director is not licensed or trained in recovery she claims to have a gift and to see pictures which in her mind makes her qualified to get your loved one sober. She is in fact a scientologits despite her insistance to concerned parents that she is a Christian. She told me that Scientologists deny that they are Scientologists for the greater good of the organization of Scientology.

Best Drug Rehab cuts checks to the church of Scientology and reports all activities to the Church. This is a fact. You and your family memebers are paying for the church of Scientolgy to oversee, run, and operate Best Drug Rehab. Yes, other paths are allowed, AA, NA, Native American and Christian Recovery but they are not required to graduated and as 1/3 of your day is spent sleeping, 1/4 of it is spent in the Scientology course room where you are either doing training routines or reading L.Ron Hubbard books.

The training routines have a part called bull baiting where two students sit facing eachother and are encouraged to say nasty and demeaning things to one another. This includes the words f****t, s**t, w***e, refernce to gentitail, and what ever the patients can imagine. The person saying these things is the coach while the student has to be there comfortably meaning they cannot so much as loose eye contact with the coach let alone react.

There is no licensed or trained professional there in the room. This is conducted patient to patient and over seen by a Scientologist. The patients are recquired to sit in a chair and stare at eachother every morning for about an hour. And to graduate they have to do this in incraments of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour and 1 hour and a half, and 2 hours for a supervisor pass. I am epileptic with a major spine disease I am termed permenantley disabled by the Federal Government and was forced to do this.

Since I relapsed I was required to do an additional 25 hours and this is when I left with the paperwork in hand which I showed to the court and was granted a repreive. In my case, my judge and probation officer were lied to and decived by the court and manipulated to get me there. They are taking action and reporting Best Drug Rehab with the attorney general, CARF accreditation, the federal licensing board for health providers. By the way the CARF accreditation was acquired fraudulently and CARF has been informed so do not let that accrediation fool you. 

While I was an Ethics officer there from April of 2012 to June 1st of 2012 ( my date of sboriet was Feb 1st, 2012) there was an influx of drug use by staff members that were ex clients. A male case manager in the month of May was found with Methadone in his housing unit. I know as I was there when it was found. He was also selling methadone to clients. This was never even documented because as the Executive Director informed me to write it down woud open them to lawsuits. This did occur there so if your loved one attended Best Drug Rehab during this time and informs you of this believe them.

I know that 3 case managers, 2 withdrawl specialists, 1 administrative assistant, and the director of quality all drank or did drug in the months of April and or May and the ones that still work there are claiming that there sober date is the date they entered the program. This is what you are paying for, newly sober, untrained, ex-clients to get your loved one's sober. By the way the higer ups at best drug rehab only feel this help is worth minimum wage to 9 bucks and hour. So what in fact are you paying for?

The place is filthy. A major viloation of health code to say the least. There is no air conditioning. It is a large facility and the patients are responsible for cleaning it. And those on ethics cycles which is primarily clients caught having sex or using drugs clean the facility for 12 hours a day. By the way that is illegal as anyone who is at the facility Best Drug Rehab meets the men rea for temporary disability as they are deemed incaple of taking care of them selves and therefore it is a violation of their rights to be forced to clean.

The alternative is being dropped at a homless shelter. Best Drug Rehab did not get your loved one from a homeless shelter so where do they get off on your loved one to one. I witnessed an extremely intoxicated 20 year old boy be driven to one. In California treatment centers do not kick you out intoxicated as it is a major liability. They let you sober up before they kick you out. One day someone will kill or be killed because of this practice.

Alcohol use is rampant by the clients. They sneak down the hill and steal alcohol from the market or have a Western Union sent to them and purchase it. Yes, this is addicts being addicts and happens everywhere but I have been to many treatment centers and this is the worst I have seen. And it is because there is no recovery offered here. Best Drug Rehab does not offer any form of legitamite recover on Saturdays.And at best your loved one is getting 90 to 120 minutes of recovery (Sunday through Thursday) that they have to seek as additional to the Scientology stuff that is required to graduate. A lot of patients do not because no one wants to stay there any longer then they have to. The place is by definiton hell.

Keep in mind that Scientologists do not believe that addiciton is a disease. They do not believe that addiction is progressive and that it is a brain disease. Counseling is just provided it is not acknowledged. The Owner and Executive director believe that all you need to do to recover from addiction is to confront it. I do not even know what this means and obviously it does not work. To go to a rehab where the patients relapse while in treatment, the staff does drugs and addiction as a disease is discounted is horrifying enough.

But lets not forget that your loved ones are forced to endure Scientology training routines or be dropped off at a homeless shelter. That is a violation of human civil rights. Freedome to choose your own religion. And finally you were lied to and manipulated. Did you know that Best Drug Rehab was based on Scientology training routines? Were you called repeatedly by the intake counselors who promised you a paradise for your loved one, and exploited your desperation to get your loved one there. You should get your money back and you should report this to the state of Michigan Attorney general 517-373-1110, CARF International 520-325-1044, The Manistee Board of Health, 231-723-3595, and the FBI Internet Fraud Divison. 

Everyone who came or comes to Best Drug Rehab is a victim. I have witnessed the executive director hit both patients and staff. The security are from the Nation of Islam and they say some horrificly deragatory statements to the male clients. Calling them faggots and gainging up on them like some sort of prison gang. The food budget is 1.80 cents per meal so the food is very low quality and made in a dirty enviornment.

Prison allotes 50 cent per meal so this is not much better. And Best Drug Rehabilitation claims to be hollistic so wouldn't healthy food be implied in that statement? The facility is flithy and the patients clean it themselves the whole 4 story buliding. All extra curricular activities must be paid for out of your loved ones student account.

 So what are you paying for or what is your insurance company paying for? The executive director told me that Best Drug Rehabilitation was not a celebrity center and laughed at the horrific conditions. She claimed it was for the middle class and scoffed at that. But the insurance is billed 800 a day and cash pairs pay and average of 24,000. The average patient gradauates in 45 days. So insuarance will have paid 36 thousand dollars for six weeks.

This means Best Drug Rehab is making 4 to 6 thousand a week and between 571 and 800 dollars a day. The food is 5 dollars and 40 cents a day. The staff makes an average of 9 dollars a day, those that are scientologists make a lot more but still what are you paying for? I guess seats for Amber Howe and Per Wickstrom and there band of Scientologists on the Spaceship to Xion. Because you are definitely not paying for your loved one to get sober. 

90 meetings in 90 days is an effective way to get sober and it is statistically prooven in a sound manner. Self help, NA/AA meetings are free. Sober living is around 250 dollars a week depending on the area you live in. And there are lots of legit treatment centers around the united states that take insurance and are more cost effective. To name a few Beit T'Shuva 7,500 a month in Culver City California. House of Impact in Pasadena Calfornia 7.500 a month. Pasadena Recovery Center in Pasadena California 9000 a month. Any of these centers legitamelty help people and have licensed staff and are cheaper then Best Drug Rehab.

Best Drug Rehabilitation was the worst experience I have ever had. California Institute for Women and Los Angeles County Jail were not only cleaner facilities, but they were better facilities and I never thought I would say that. My emotional well being and physical health were jeaopardized and overlooked. Working there was a moral conflict of interest and a major moral dilema. No one believed me about how horrible the facility was and no one took action to get me out of there.

When I finally escaped a trained professional, a licensed counselor, explained to my family and legal liasons what was going on there and validated my complaints. I am beyond greatful for that. As I am 29 years old and have been using drugs for a long time there has been a lot of manipulation on my part and times when I have lied. This was not one of them but who would have known that if someone did not stand up for me. This is the exploitaion and manipulation that allows for Best Drug Rehab to exsist. 

If you stand for nothing then you fall for anything and we the victims need to unite and stop this from happening to anyone again. Stop before more lives are ruined and befroe someone actually dies or kills themselves as a result of being there if it hasnt already happened. I will be looking at this sight daily. Let me know if you want to take action and I will guid you in the right direction as legally I cannot refer attornies or give out my last name.

Best Drug Rehab is a scam that preys on the lost and the desperate and exploits your loved ones desperation to get you help.  

9 Updates & Rebuttals



best drug rehabilitation michigan

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 17, 2013

I need an information on any ckass action going against this place I have a helk of a story to tell. And have been tramatized for life. I NEED HELP. Any info appreciated.


Los Angeles,


#10Author of original report

Sun, April 07, 2013

The other day I was contacted by an old-client-of-mine at BDR's parent. The girl had relapsed and was in treatment again. This was a talented, bright and amazing woman that for all intesive purposes should be sobe. As much as I would like to say that going to BDR is an excuse to relapse, it is not. I am clean and sober, 9 months and 3 days. I am back in school studying to be a doctor and I have been through several surgeries after having my gallbaldder removed and develping idiopathic pancreatis and hepatits of an autoimmune nature and required an EMDR. I have survived, recovered and I help other people daily to get out of my own head. So if I can do it anyone can. I dont even smoke cigarettes and I am vegan. Drugs are horrible that serve as inhibitory allosteric enzymes in many cases they effect the cells much the same way that cyanide does. 

Ripped off

West palm beach,

I agree

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2012

This place sucks so bad. I had flies in my food, sweat all night. The staff are religious zealots. I found awesome treatment and recovery @ stepping stones in Jacksonville Florida. I hope this place burns to the ground.


Los Angeles,
United States of America

Best Drug Rehab

#10Author of original report

Tue, October 02, 2012

Thank you for your response. I appreciate the validation as this must be hard for some to swallow, let alone believe. Are you on facebook? Contact me on there if you can. Cause I am not allowed to leave my phone number or email on here. I hope all is well. Look forward to connecting with you.


South Carolina,
United States of America


#10General Comment

Tue, October 02, 2012

I have also attented BDR and was there at around the time you were. I was there in March and April. I would just like the say thank you for spreading awareness about this "rehab". I, as you, am very unhappy about my experience at Best Drug Rehab and the deceit used to lure clients there. The whole experience is one that I got absolutely nothing out of but frustration and disbelief. Its hard to explain to someone what you experienced unless you too have been through the same and from what I read you were absolutely truthful. Had I had to pay out of pocket for this rehab and had it not been useful for me to complete a rehab for a legal issue, I would be taking drastic measures to shut the place down. I wanted to check their website today and see if this place was still up and running because I couldn't imagine the deceit and complete lies of this place and it still be open. The website still doesn't offer the truth of what you are getting yourself into and that doesn't seem just or right at all. I just don't see how it hasn't been shut down yet. Right after I looked at the website, I looked at reviews, hoping that when others consider BDR they can easily see the truth and not be pulled in to the mess I and so many others were. I am glad I came across this page, and where I was just going let my experience at BDR go and believe that theres no way they can stay running much longer, I decided to thank you and just let others know that I can validate your story. And as crazy as some may think it sounds, It is true and it is wrong. If there is anything youd like me to do to support you I will do the best I can.


Los Angeles,
United States of America

Fundraiser for Best Drug Rehabilitation

#10Author of original report

Fri, August 24, 2012

Per Wickstrom and Amber Howe are conducting a fund raiser in New York City on September 6th. Charlotte Ronson is dj'ing the event. They are doing this under the guise of a fundraiser for their Hollistic Rehab. Best Drug Rehabilitation is a Scientology Rehab. The staff is run through an org board that is governed through Narconon International and overseen by the Headquarters of Scientology.

All staff memebrs have to take the Scientology classes to work there. That is the training that Amber Howe and Per Wickstrom want there staff to have. Training Routines.. What about drug and alcohol counseling classes? Quite Possibly this is why the staff and secuirty are so disrespectful to the patients. I have heard security tell clients to f-ck off, and case mangers tell clients to get the h out or f out of my office. So wrong..

Any how I doubt Charlotte Ronson knows she is doing a fund raiser for a Scientology rehab..Since the patients and family members do not even know and are never told that upon entering Best Drug Rehabilitation Center they are essentially converting to Scientology..

Take notice..Since there are normally around 80 clients a month at Best Drug Rehab..Everyone is paying 100 hundred and 25 dollars a month so that Per Wickstrom can have a publicist in New York City. 


Los Angeles,
United States of America

Where your Best Drug Rehabilitation Money goes..

#10Author of original report

Fri, August 24, 2012

Did you know that Per Wickstrom pays a publicist 10,000 a month in hopes of gaining access into legitimacy and Hollywood. 10,000 a month..I know this for a fact. The publicist is in New York. Per Wickstrom and Amber Howe are having a party on September 6th with Charlotte Ronson in New York City for fashion week. This is wrong behavior as Best Drug Rehab should be hiring legitimante staff instead of addicts still active in their addiciton. And a bunch of Nation of Islam guys that reently discharged from prison and know nothing about addiciton.

Or Scientologists from the Sea Organization who are also not licensed or trained in addiciton. I have been to many rehab and most do not have but one security guard and since drugs and alcohol are rampant there anyway and unprotected sex goes on both patient to patient and staff to patient what does the security do there anyway? I find this whole thing to be horrifying. The intake counselors also jeopardize the legal standings of many clients that have issues with the court.

First of all if you are on felony probabtion or out on bond you need permission from the court to leave the state period. Going to rehab is not a get out of jail free card and Best Drug Rehabilitation does not even have contact with the court or proabation officers in an efficient manner so if your loved one is there and under any court obligation watch out. Take the advice of the court not uneducated and untrained staff at Best Drug Rehabilitation. If you where there via insurance ask for a pay by pay breakdown of your bill.

What were you billed for? Drug Education for instance is conducted by a case manager that is neither educated in addcition or licensed in drug and alchol education. So boycott that aspect of your bill. Everyone that is there via insuaranc signed a power of attorney with Best Drug Rehabilitation so they could cash your insurance check issued to you in your name. Beware of that scam. Some people have reported to me that Best Drug Rehab continued to bill there insurance long after they left. Victims Unite..

Call Nancy Grace at carf 520-325-1044..The carf accreditation was fraudulently acquired. They are aware.. This should have never happened to any of us and we need to make sure that it does not happen to anyone else. The scientology training routines have nothing to do with addicition so being forced to do those to gradaute is a violation of human rights and an example of your civil liberties being taken away. You were forced to convert to Scientology essentially. In sobriety you need to learn to fight for yourslef because you matter. Anyone who goes to rehab needs to be treated with respect not disrespected and lied to and abused, your making the choice to better yourself and that deserves respect and is very courageous.

Addiciton though is a disease and despite the best intentions one might not stay sober as it is a fight with your own self. So start advocating now for yourself and stand up for you. Who is Amber Howe and the Nation of Islam security to disrespect you and your family. Who is Per Wickstrom and the Intake Counselors to rob you, your family, or your insurance company. Anyone trying to change and looking to become sober deserves legitimate treatment and unfortunately none of us got it. So lets unite.



Let's unite.

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 24, 2012

Thank you for your report on Best Drug Rehab.  You have a lot of courage to come forward like this, and I hope you will be successful in your sobriety.

It's important for potential clients of any drug rehab to research (not easy, I know, with the search engine domination by referral sites) and look at what the program actually consists of.  Narconon has become somewhat of a bad word lately, so the rehabs that use L. Ron Hubbard's methods are getting smarter and naming themselves so as not to be recognized so quickly for what they are. 

I'd like to invite anyone who has had an experience at a Narconon or a Narconon Clone to participate on the Reaching for the Tipping Point forum (google it), where our goal is to expose this scam, and take any actions we as individuals can, including everything from telling their experiences to putting the pressure on the authorities to take badly needed action, and more.


United States of America

Very familiar stuff

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 24, 2012

This is all very familiar stuff. I've been reading and hearing the same complaints, lingo, everything -- in reference to Scientology's Narconon program.

The novelty here is the involvement of Nation of Islam. I've been reading reports of some sort of alignment between the two, but this is the first I've heard of a Narconon/Purification Rundown actually having NOI staff.

For the sake of brevity, I'll post only one link -- but it leads to a wealth of information, in addition to giving you a method of contact with others working on bringing this to light.

(((ROR redacted)))

I've been working with ex-Scientologists for nearly twenty years. Narconon and Scientology are dangerous, their "program" is dangerous, and I strongly suggest not charging in until you have at least gotten oriented to the nature of the beast (at the link above).
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