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  • Report:  #1471870

Complaint Review: Beware of Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago Under the Investigation of the San Diego Police Fraud Task Force Psychopathic Pathological Liar Identity Theft & Scam Artist

Beware of, Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago Under the Investigation of the San Diego Police Fraud Task Force Psychopathic Pathological Liar, Identity Theft, & Scam Artist Beware of, Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago Under the Investigation of the San Diego Police Fraud Task Force Psychopathic Pathological Liar, Identity Theft, & Scam Artist Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago Scammed Me of 30k in His Fake Corporation Scheme! Oceanside California

  • Reported By:
    Dave — Oceanside California United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 21, 2019
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 21, 2019



Name: Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago

Birth Year: 1988

Age: 30 years old

Nationality: Hawaiian/Polynesian/Asian

Address: (((REDACTED))), California (((REDACTED)))

Alias: “Tony”, “Mark Streetnoize Santiago”


Mark "STREET NOIZE" Santiago


Empirical Freedom Facebook:

Twitter Account:


Known Fact: Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago is under the investigation of the San Diego Police Regional Fraud Task force for Approximately 8 Months!! He has victimized dozens of people through fraudulent theft, scams, and unrighteous dealings!

I met this despicable man mid-April of 2018 while I was working as a security guard. We exchanged a few words and He [Mark] was impressed with my vast knowledge of credit cards. I told him my credit was good just had one too many inquiries. At this time he called himself “Tony” (Which months later I discovered it was an alias) and he decided to repair my credit for free if I become a business partner with him. His credit repair business was called “The Helping Hands”. He taught me how to repair credit we met at various places such as Upper Crust Pizza Restaurant, Denny’s, Starbucks in Oceanside California to name a few, and I helped him repair many peoples credit. I learned how to do the cover letter, the FTC reports, etc.

Around June “Tony” decided to start a corporation with me, and found others to join our corporation. I was in the corporation, Kacy A. Jones, Scott McCloskey, and “Tony”. He used an electronic scanner and “photocopied” my Bank of America credit card, PenFed Credit Union credit card, and Navy Federal Credit Union credit card. Approximately

On Tuesday June 12, 2018 he summoned me to meet up with a mobile notary person named Julie at the Oceanside Carl’s Jr. He said this was for “business funding” (I was a fool to trust him in hindsight). I thought the business funding was business grants, or business stocks. She [Julie] approved the “consent” form. She can vouch for me that he called himself “Tony”, and was using the (702) 630-3662 contact number (More about the (702) 630-3662 contact number later).

On June 12, 2018 “Tony” needed $5,000 for more business investment, so I balance transferred $5,000 from my Bank of America credit card to my Navy Federal Credit Union checking account and withdrew the $5,000 on Wednesday June 14, 2018. Later that evening I gave the $5,000 in cash to Tony in the Navy Federal Credit Union Parking lot.

On June 18, 2018 “Tony” said we should get a personal loan for $10,000 for the business investments. So I cosigned with Kacy A. Jones (A woman I never met) and we were approved for the loan. In order to escape the 17% APR interest rate, I balance transferred $10,150 from my Bank of America credit card to my Navy Federal Credit Union checking account to pay off the $10,037.58 personal loan to help out Kacy A. Jones and I from the ungodly interest rate.

After that he made 2 purchases with White Ink Ink corporations with Atomium Corporation in the amount of $5,999 and $3,299 and did the personal loan with Kacy A. Jones. “Tony” promised that he, Kacy A. Jones, Scott McCloskey will help pay off the $30,000 debt. “Tony” promised we would get $300,000 from the business investment to pay off the $30,000 debt he got me into.

We continued to repair people’s credit, on Friday June 29, 2018 we were at Denny’s and the waiter accidently spilled hot water on “Tony’s” Apple laptop. We hurried to Apple Store before they closed at 8pm and had the computer replaced, I used my PenFed credit card to help him out. Denny’s a week and a half later compensated me $3,033.44.

Around July I grew frustrated with “Tony’s” apparent evasiveness with me, making too many excuses for not being able to pay me back the grand total of $30,000 in debt. He made excuses after excuses such as, my kids were sick, wife troubles, and my wife has Ectopic pregnancy complications and she is dying.

We exchanged multiple texts with each other, and then the last I heard from “Tony” was Monday August 20, 2018. He just inexplicably vanished out of thin air.

Around late August I grew suspicious and suspected fowl play so I contacted Atomium corporation and figured out that the “business funding” nothing more than a deposit for a higher line of business loan!! I freaked out. Requested a refund, Wholesale Shelf Corporation which is an affiliated Chartered Company of Atomium Corporation. They said they do not give refunds!!! I learned that in the accounts were three names, besides myself there was Emmanuel Goodlett, and Lehua Villanueva (Lehua Villanueva is Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago’s fiancée)

I gave the (702) 630-3662 phone number a call and it said “We’re sorry the person you are trying to call is not accepting calls at this time, please try again later”!!

Then In September 2018 I gave the (702) 630-3662 phone number a call and it said “We’re sorry the number you’re are trying to call is not a working number”!!

“Tony” abandoned me and I just discovered he just scammed me of $30,000!!

I was about to give up trying to look for him, and then fate in his infinite wisdom after I got off from an interview for a job, I was having breakfast at Denny’s Oceanside adjacent to College and Highway 76 intercepts on Wednesday October 24, 2018, and there I met Luis Salazar and Kacy A. Jones (The one I cosigned a $10,000 personal loan with Navy Federal Credit Union).

Luis Salazar told Kacy A. Jones that’s the guy (Me) who repaired my credit. So Kacy A. Jones approached me and said, “Hey where is Mark? We haven’t seen him in a while, you know where he is at”? I replied in a befuddled manner, “Who is Mark”? She replied that he was the short Asian dude that repairs credit. I said his name is “Tony”, Luis Salazar and Kacy A. Jones insisted he called himself Mark. I was dumbfounded by the new discovery. I said to Luis Salazar do you know where he lives? They replied they do not know! Luis Salazar was annoyed and dismayed that Mark just “ghosted” on him as his (702) 630-3662 phone number was inoperative. I told them it was a VIOP virtual disposable fake phone number he used on a phone app called “silent circle”.

Luis Salazar said he goes to Calvary Chapel in Oceanside and that Mark goes there every Sunday.

The following Sunday October 28, 2018 I awaited Mark at the Oceanside Calvary Church, and my patience was rewarded, I saw Mark with his wife and daughter, so politely I followed them and Mark put his family in the worship sanctuary and we mutually went outside to converse. I took multiple pictures of him and took a video of him:

Then Mark, conniving as he is, proceeded to play the victim and called the police deceivingly saying I followed his family to the Calvary Chapel from their house, oh, I am so scared, he is trying to hurt me!! Pathetic a self-avowed “Christian” that goes to Church, is a thieving scam artist!!

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from YAHUAH, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who sees us? and who knows us? Yesha'yahu (ISAIAH) 29:15

These six things YAHUAH hates: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren. Mishlei (PROVERBS) 6:16-19

I left peacefully and then went back to the Calvary Chapel Oceanside and liberally disseminated Mark pamphlets all over the church as a ploy to see if anyone knows of this person and if they did could they help.

Dan Leitz one of the pastor of Calvary Chapel Oceanside sent me an email and said there was a similar case about a year ago and referred me to some police detectives that have worked against fraudulent crimes.

So Tuesday October 30, 2018 I talked to the detective and we exchanged information, and I verified with him via picture text message that he was the guy they were fervently investigating.

So on Wednesday October 30, 2018 I went down to San Diego and told them what happened between Mark and I, and they told me he was partners with someone else who taught him how to scam people and that he has been under investigation for approximately 8 months!

According to what they could tell me, Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago has a diabolical penchant for preying after the Latino and Samoan communities as he views them as easy targets to exploit!!!

On November 1, 2018 Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago filed a maliciously false restraining order against me claiming:

I threaten to go and shoot his family if he didn’t pay what he owed me!!

That I grabbed his arm and almost ripped of his T-Shirt!

He also on Sunday October 28, 2018 after I left, filed a maliciously false police report claiming I physically assaulted him!

I went to the restraining order civil hearing and produced the judge the evidence to exonerate me of the maliciously false accusations he inflicted upon me. I told the judge the only reason I was there at his church was to get an identification on him and forward to the authorities, since my objective was fulfilled, I have no other reason to tediously pursue him any further as I will leave it to the capable hands of the detectives that are on the case against Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago.

The judge pronounced that the restraining order was unnecessary and there wasn’t enough evidence proving that I was an intrinsic threat to Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago’s family!! Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago presumptuously challenged and protested the judge’s final decision saying, “My wife is 5 months pregnant and I need protection from him”! The judge snapped at Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago and said, “Your restraining order is denied, the gentlemen said he wasn’t going to pursue you and he’ll leave it to the detectives to do their jobs, everyone in this room wants a restraining order, but not everyone is going to get one”!

I left immediately and went to the Oceanside police station and gave them a copy of the Calvary Chapel surveillance MP4 video proving I didn’t assault Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago and Calvary Chapel Pastor Dan Leitz contact information. Once they cleared me of the falsifying police report Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago inflicted upon me they can charge him with a misdemeanor for false police report.

The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Tehilliym (PSALMS) 58:3

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. Shemoth (EXODUS) 20:16

YOU shall not raise a false report: put not your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Shemoth (EXODUS)] 23:1

What are you going to do Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago? You have lied to the police and to the judge but the judge saw through your craftiness!!!

You are an incorrigible pathological liar Mark Anthony Jarcia Santiago, you will continue lie until you run out of lies to lie about!! You don’t even have a soul much less a human heart!


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