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  • Report:  #1246281

Complaint Review: Beyond Breakeven TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Since 2003 Ed Keels and his staff at Beyond Breakeven Inc. (BBI) have been helping wannabe business owners with deal structures that provide business loans and business credit when banks won’t. Beyond Breakeven has developed more than one hundred ways to fund a business acquisition and do so with little to none of the buyer’s own money.

Beyond Breakeven TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Beyond Breakeven, Inc., receives a positive review due to the commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits consumers, ensuring complete satisfaction, confidence when doing business with a member business. Beyond Breakeven, Inc. recognized by Ripoff Report Verified as safe business service. Commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program benefiting consumers, ensuring complete satisfaction & confidence when doing business..

*UPDATE: Beyond Breakeven recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    unbreakable — Illinois USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 04, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 29, 2016
  • Beyond Breakeven TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Since 2003, Ed Keels and his staff at Beyond Breakeven, Inc. (BBI) have been helping wannabe business owners with deal structures that provide business loans and business credit when banks won’t. Beyond Breakeven has developed more than one hundred ways to fund a business acquisition and do so with little to none of the buyer’s own money.
    Tampa, Florida
  • Phone:
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Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. The author of the Ripoff Report below never responded to our offer to help them. The Report below should be taken with a grain of salt.


This author did not fully check her facts and based much of her negative comments in her report on the previous report. A report which we have proven to be full of lies, untruths and libelous statements. Specifically, with regard to alleged kickbacks which do not exist.



We will make this short and sweet.  Everything we state is based upon our own direct experience and discoveries. 

1. We found value in some of the business consulting advice on its own merit.  Ed should just sell that. 

2. We were told that we will be prepared in this process to speak to investors.  There are no investors.  We were told that there are sources at Ed's disposal that are not available to the masses.  Anyone can access those same sources with an easy Google search.  The unfortunate thing is that we knew none of this until the final funding plan deliverable. 

3.  Ed was upfront that he does receive a fee from the SBA when he gets you an SBA loan.  That is not unusual- many consultants and firms receive the same fee.  He did not openly share that he also receives a referral fee from some of the "sources" that he uses in the funding plan.  If you receive personal benefit from a referral you make to a client, you have an ethical obligation to disclose that benefit.  Ed did not disclose that to us.  If you are considering working with Ed, our advise is to ask him point blank if he receives any commission, referral fee, kick back, etc., from anyone other than the SBA.  If he denies it, have him put that in writing for you. Our position is that full disclosure is required when you are paying a consultant and he stands to personally benefit from the advice he provides.  

4. The business plan was touted as the most incredible, indisputable, incorruptible business plan ever created.  It's not. In our opinion, we wrote most of the plan- all BB did was put our work into a template.  We have the emails with the language verbatim. 

5. We were told repeatedly (and it was a formal "strategy" in our funding plan) of the need to build business credit.  To be sure, the establishment of a solid credit profile for any business is a necessity.  We recall one recording where Ed explains that when financing is sought, that it is sought for the business, not the individuals.  In our funding plan, the establishment of corporate credit was a key "strategy" to obtaining funding- but was number 4 on the list of "strategies".  Numbers 1-3, without exception, required the use of our personal credit and taken out as personal obligations.  All three of those strategies, by the way, are available for someone to look into via Google. None are properitary sources to Ed Keels.  

6.  Speaking of sources, we did not expect the funding plan to include such genius strategies like Kickstarter, family loans, investors, etc.  Does anyone of merit, after working with a client for a year, think that these strategies are new and revolutionary?  And why would those strategies not be discussed early on in a project?  It made us extremely upset to sit and listen to Ed talk about these options as if we were fresh from our mother's womb, and that it took Ed to show us to borrow money from friends and family.  Pure genius. 

7. One of the sources was a credit card conversion product, similar to that described by the other report on this compay.  That product was not outlined for what it was; rather, when we brought to Ed's attention what the product offered actually was, he coldly (and harshly) told us he knew what it was- we didn't need to explain it.  Well, if you knew what it was, and how potentially dangerous the solution was, then why for the love of all that is holy didn't you take the time you paid for to detail and explain it so that we could make an informed decision?  Could it be because there was a personal stake in it for Ed?  We don't know- we just know that it calls motives into question in our minds.  We also thank our stars we did not pursue it. 

We could go on.  We feel that Ed does provide a value, but it is wrapped up in this whole charade of unlocking financing when everyone else says no.  We hope to inform everyone that if the answer is "no", it is for good reason.  That doesn't mean you need to give up on your dreams; nor does it mean you have to get sucked into a wormhole of financial trickery, either.  There are valid options out there that you can and should puruse- without having to pay someone $6000.  

One last thing on the fee- Ed says it's not a fee, but a savings.  His own blog says that, in addition to a down payment,  "The person would have to pay around $30k in fees to professionals like Business Valuators, Forensic Accountants, Deal Structurers, Business Plan Writers, Loan Packagers, Incorporation Companies and Attorneys. When you consider that we do all of the needed professional work in house, and provide funding resources that do not require a down payment (thereby eliminating the need for our client to come up with around $70k to $100k), then our $6K fee doesn't look like a cost..."

Some help for those interested on the above:

a.  There are sources online on how to properly evaluate a business.  Free.  

b.  Forensic accountants? Maybe.  But we did not see any of that, either, with this service. 

c.  Loan packagers?  Guess what- they get paid the same way we believe Ed makes some of his money, at least based on what we came to learn.  Finders fees. 

d.  Ed did not incorporate us.  He told us to file with the Secretary of State.  We knew that already. Value add? Zero.

e.  Your attorney represents you and only you.  Period.  And for all the talk about how much attorneys will cost you, Ed is quick to point out that he is not an attorney in all of his written documentation.  Get an attorney.  

f. As for everything else, it has value, but not as much as Ed is placing on them in our opionion.  What we will say is that a professional in each of these areas may cost you more, but will deliver what you pay for and will work only in your interest, in our opionion.  

6 Updates & Rebuttals

We are speaking to our experience.

#7Author of original report

Mon, August 31, 2015

We appreciate your opinion and comments with regard to your experience with Beyond Breakeven, Inc.  This forum is not intended as a bulletin board for all commentary, but rather to allow those who felt wronged by the service received to have a voice. 

The rebuttal function is open for the business owners/representatives to defend themselves, to which we note that as of this writing has not yet occurred. While it is fine for the business owner/representatives to reach out to former and current employees, vendors and customers to post something positive on their behalf, it would likely be much more effective for readers to see direct rebuttal on our points.

We do not invalidate your comments on your particular experience with Beyond Breakeven.  Those are your comments with your experience.  We have posted our comments on our direct experience, of which your comments cannot speak to as you had no direct involvement in our relationship, service or experience with Beyond Breakeven, Inc. 

We stand behind our comments.  We feel that if you are trying to open up a scrapbook supply store, a wholesale heating and cooling supply, a health food option for calzones, a smoothie or a roller rink, or whatever it is, you should receive the services that are advertised from your chosen vendors, suppliers and partners with full disclosure on any hidden fees or revenue.  If you don't receive those services as described, you have the right to voice your comments on your direct experience (assuming you are still operational and wish to do so).  

As the BBI website posts, the client testimonial section are compliations from "many different clients and are not representative of any one client".  While BBI may find it suitable to have comments posted herein from many different people, including those that have not paid for services at all (former employees, vendors, for example) so as to compile a single view, the fact remains that we are speaking to our view and experience solely with this thread. A compilation response is not necessary. 

Good luck with your endevors. 


lake in the hills,

WOW, Thank for making my dreams come true

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, August 24, 2015

What a great company. I am very pleased the with success that I have with my business and I owe it all to Beyond Breakeven. By following their step by step coaching and advisement, it really made my experience working with them a blessing. I like to say thank you and thank you for the continuous support for the last 20 month's. You have gone and proved loyal to your clients by going Beyond the 1 year membership. Again, Thank you

Client View

#7Author of original report

Fri, August 21, 2015

We appreciate your comments on Ed and Candace Keels.  We were not speaking to their worthiness as employers, friends, parents, neighbors or even as human beings. 

The views expressed in our report are directly tied to our experience as their clients.  We are speaking to our own opinions and the cirmstances around our own interactions with the Keels and Beyond Breakeven, Inc. 

We are not questioning the validity of your comments, simply that they do not apply to our view. 

Our View is Represented

#7Author of original report

Fri, August 21, 2015

We appreciate your comments regarding both your personal and provider relationship views with both Ed and Candace Keels.  

We were not speaking to their worthiness as customers, parents, neighbors or even human beings.  What we spoke to tied to our direct experience as clients with the services outlined in our post. 

We are sure that your comments are genuine.  They simply do not apply to ours. 



Awesome Company! Behind-the-Scenes Info!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, August 19, 2015

My relationship and experience with Ed and Candace Keels of Beyond Breakeven, Inc. comes with a behind-the-scenes perspective that gives me a unique look into their knowledge and ethics of the business-buying and start-up processes. I say “behind-the-scenes” and “unique” because I am not a client of Beyond Breakeven, rather Beyond Breakeven is a client of mine. My relationship and dealings with Ed and Candace have not been limited to a 6-month or 12-month or even a 24-month time frame, as most of their clients’ relationships have been. I have known and worked with Beyond Breakeven for seven years as a graphic and multimedia designer. Furthermore, a lot of my work with Ed and Candace is in-person, not just by phone or email, so I feel I know them even better than most of their clients.


Ed Keels is passionate about what he does. He truly cares about his clients and their success. Beyond Breakeven’s mission statement, “Empowering the Entrepreneur,” is not just a tagline to Ed and Candace. It is their entire essence, professionally and privately, and the primary reason for Beyond Breakeven’s existence. Over the years, I have met with dozens of Beyond Breakeven clients from around the country and heard their personal stories about Ed, Candace, and Beyond Breakeven. Unfiltered, unsolicited stories—on-the-record as well as off-the-record—about their appreciation for how Beyond Breakeven helped them start or buy a business; how Beyond Breakeven had changed their lives for the better; and how Beyond Breakeven helped them take control of their own financial destiny through business ownership. Many of these clients confirmed to me that they were able to close their deals with little or none of their own money, just as Ed had told them they would be able to do.


Simply put, I do not question Ed or Candace’s integrity, passion, or commitment to each of their clients’ projects, or Beyond Breakeven’s depth of knowledge and experience in the entire business-buying and start-up processes. I have seen first-hand how Beyond Breakeven operates and how they go the extra mile for their clients. They want their clients to succeed and prosper and they are determined to make that happen. Just as they have done in countless business startups and acquisitions for their clients through the years: empowering the entrepreneur!



Great People, Great Company!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, August 19, 2015

I have known Ed and Candace Keels for more than six years, having worked for Beyond Breakeven, Inc. as an independent contractor during that time. I am a videographer and audio engineer so I have had the opportunity to interview and record Beyond Breakeven client testimonials all across the United States. I usually video each client testimonial at their own business which Ed, Candace and Beyond Breakeven helped them buy or start. No one from Beyond Breakeven is with me so the client is free to say whatever he or she wants to say about his or her experience with Beyond Breakeven. There is no script. The clients’ statements are spoken in their own words and, from my perspective being right there with them, I believe the clients are speaking truthfully and candidly about how pleased they are with Beyond Breakeven and the business-buying and start-up processes. All of the clients comment on how grateful they are to Ed and Beyond Breakeven for providing guidance, knowledge, and the funding structure that made their deals fly. Some even speak of Ed and Candace as if they were part of their own family.


Now let me tell you about the Ed and Candace I know personally. I have met all of Ed’s children and his dad. I see the mutual love and respect between three family generations. I hear what his three kids (all adults) say about their father. (Last Father’s Day they created a surprise music video tribute to their dad that would melt your heart.) I see how Ed speaks of his dad, and how his dad speaks of him. Through all these family interactions I see how Ed and Candace really care about people, not just their immediate family, but their extended family of clients as well. They are honest, genuine “people people” who really want to see their clients succeed and their businesses flourish.


Ed Keels wants people to take financial control of their lives. He hates how big businesses and corporations often take advantage of their employees by not paying a fair wage or by overworking them on a fixed salary. Ed believes the best way for people to create financial security for themselves and their families is through business ownership, where hard work is rewarded with appropriate compensation; where being your own boss also means carving out quality time to spend with family and friends; and where working at something you are passionate about creates a fuller life for those fortunate enough to experience it.

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