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  • Report:  #1443099

Complaint Review: Big M Transportation

Big M Transportation Michael Massengill. Michael Massegill. The company received emails from numerous people about their driver Steve Cockrell. And Michael Massengill proceeded to convince my husband they were all from me, his wife. Blue Mountain Mississippi

  • Reported By:
    Notgoing2bpushedaround — Georgia Marietta United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 16, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 16, 2018

First I want Michael Massengill FIRED. Like I said earlier he over stepped his bounds sticking his nose into my husband's personal life. There was no need whatsoever to send those emails to my husband to begin with. Just like a child I say tattling to my husband, telling my husband oh look all these emails are from your wife,NOT. Now because of his meddling into my husband's personal affairs, my husband is wanting a divorce, because of Michael Massegill'sl actions. I do not want a divorce, but because of his Yahoo boss and due to his meddling I have been put in the position of starting over at this point in my life in my late 50's. My husband has put his blind faith in this fool. My husband refuses to believe me. I AM TELLING YOU MOST OF THE EMAILS ARE DEFINITELY NOT FROM ME!!! And another point of contention , they put a female driver by the name of LeAnne Stoneberg-Schultz on the truck with my husband Steve Cockrell and shortly there after is when all this crap started. I want back on the truck with my husband and Big M Transportation FLATLY REFUSES TO FIND HER SOMEONE ELSE FOR HER TO DRIVE WITH!!! I WANT HER OFF MY HUSBAND'S TRUCK LIKE YESTERDAY!!! So we can get back to what we had before she came into the picture, I was riding with him on his truck. And this is the results I want from this is, if this is how this company does its driver's, and my husband refuses to listen to the truth, I want him to lose his job with Big M Transportation he can get another truck driving job. And if I have grounds for a lawsuit to sue Mr. Massengill I would like to bring a lawsuit against him. My husband has worked at a few trucking companies and none of them got involved in their driver's personal lives!!! Mr. Massengill's behavior is absolutely unacceptable!!!

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