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  • Report:  #1092663

Complaint Review: Big Mikes Trading Forum

Big Mikes Trading Forum Big Mikes Big Mike Trading Deceptive Website, Forum is VERY Biased, Cannot not leave rebuttal feedback Princeton Texas

  • Reported By:
    Padge — Chicago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 17, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 31, 2015

Big Mike's trading forum is a joke, biased, fraudlent, and all out a gigantic scam. 

  1. A toliet bowl full of crap:  The forum is nothing more than a bunch of negative biased comments against some very good seasoned traders.  I personally have been following and trading with puretick since Januray 2012 and decided to join as an affliate recently.  Then I was promoted to SVP of marketing.  I kept hearing about these negative reviews and when I found "Big Mike's" trading forum, there was one resounding and glaring aspect, "the trader can't defend himself!"  LOL ~ what kind of one sided review forum is this???  
  2. Pecuinary Interests:  Big Mike is a Scam Artist, Fraudster, and bashes others for his own pecuinary interests.  His business model's is to let other "LOSER" traders vent their frustrations out on his forum and collect their money ($100 to post as an ELITE member) this is a joke.  
  3. No Substance, No Real Advice, No Credibility:  Every single post has ZERO validity, and most of them are name calling!  I couldn't believe it!  The posts are from the 90% of traders who "Don't Get It" and have obviouisly not read Mark Douglas book "Trading in the Zone." 
  4. Big Mike Response:  After I started defending these completly inaccurate reviews of a trader, here comes big Mike asking me "What's your affiliation.."  REALLY!  So he was moderating my rebuttals for the comments left in his forum.  I told hiim I was a trader, which I was, and I asked him why did he want to know?  There was no response and he discontinued my membership!!!  I sent him an email stating I was going to uncover his cloak around his so called "Review Forum" and he sends me a very unprofessional response like "you were hiding your identity..."  Really, I most certainly told him who I was, and simply asked him "why" he wanted to know my affliation with the trader.  Proof positive that he need to keep his scam alive to profit from the weak and feable minded and those who don't know any better. 
  5. See you later:  Big Mike sent me another email "stating he would see me later"  Really, then let's do this Big Mike!  Let's get together you tell me what you think you know, and I will tell you what I know as fact.  Then I will tell you what your and you're website is. That is of course a biased to the negative sounding board for the 90% of loser day traders who need someone to blame.  So this is what you profit on?  Really?  Come on, your better than that. 

Buyer BEWARE!! Do not subscribe to Bike Mikes Biases Forum, Unless you want to lose your credibilty.  

9 Updates & Rebuttals




#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 31, 2015

Hey guys this bigmike is a scam, he's making the wrong accusation of other people in order to lift up his self. This man is so selfish and greedy. He’s good in manipulating humans, just read his recent post, this man is a jerk and look at what is the main the content of his posts. Seriously big mike? Ha-ha!



Finally, My Side of the Story

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, May 06, 2014

I joined Big Mike's forum several years ago.  I have no knowledge of him being a "criminal" in a true legal sense because I was banned from the forum some years ago.  Big Mike seemed to take great delight in banning me from BMT and made sure the world knew his side of the story while I had no way of presenting mine.  But now I do.

When I first joined Big Mike's I was very impressed with how it was built mechanically and with the overall spirit of the other members.  Traders helping traders.  I promoted BMT heavily in my Trading Toom and in my webinar presentations.  I am confident that I must have personally sent Mike hundreds of new paying Elite members and yet I never even received a single "Thank you" from Big Mike. 

As a professional trader and educator, I felt I had something to contribute and I offered to lend my knowledge, training and code to Elite members at no charge whatsoever.  I even conducted a few training webinars that were well received by many.  Well, it wasn't long before I got the attention of Mike's "Cujo Corps" and the personal attacks and vile lies relentlessly began.

At one point, Big Mike, informed me that I was not allowed to do any more webinars at BMT.  When I asked him why, I was told that it was because I was a vendor...?? Really?  He had vendors doing webinar presentations all the time.  It had to be something else but I could only summize that he just had a dislike for me personally even though I had never met or even spoken to the guy.  So, to get rid of me, he lied.

Then Big Mike started a thread about "Ask Big Mike Anything About Trading" or something similar.  The reporter I am responding to is right.  The "answers" were useless jibberish.  In fact, any professional trader could easily spot that the author was simply parroting what he read elsewhere and some of it was actually erroneous.  There was nothing of value or substance that a trader could actually benefit from.  But I said nothing.

Then a woman emailed me and told me that she was desperate to get help from a professional trader.  She would have had to rob her trading account to pay for a trading course so I offered to help her for free as much as I could.  Somewhere in the email exchange, the subject of Big Mike came up.  In this personal, private correspondence I told her my opinion of Big Mike's ability to help anyone be a successful trader.  I emphasized that it was my opinion only and what it was based on.

I also knew through a close friend of Big Mike's that he was indeed a struggling trader up to that point in time...I can't speak for the present.  So I cautioned her to just be careful and check out anyone she planned to get trading advice from thoroughly.  If it's Big Mike, watch him trade in the live market and decide for herself.  For some reason I'll never understand, this woman whom I tried to help forwarded our private email exchange to Big Mike.  I was immediately banned from BMT forever. 

So, it appears that Mike's vile, viscious minions have their free speech rights intact but I do not.  I wasn't trying to harm Mike and I don't regret anything I stated in the email.  I was just trying to help someone who couldn't afford to make a mistake.  It was a private email.  But the arrogant, egotistical guy who calls himself "Big" Mike chose to ban me from BMT rather than prove me wrong and show his followers that he can actually trade.

Well, that's the story of BMT and Felton Trading and how we parted ways.  After seeing what's happened since, I consider it a blessing.

Oil Trading Academy


Big Mike Is A Criminal Running A Conspiracy

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, April 24, 2014

I have also made a page about Big Mike being a criminal running a conspiracy on the Internet, it's time we put this man into a prison cell where he belongs:

Big Mike Trading

I have also made a video about Big Mike Trading being a massive scam on the Internet:

Big Mike Trading Scam

It's time we put a stop to this criminal, we cannot allow this man to continue on any longer, he is a criminal and every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie, he is the enemy of all good people in this world.


Oil Trading Academy

Oil Trading Academy


Big Mike Is A Criminal Needs To Be Put Into Prison

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, April 24, 2014

Big Mike is a criminal, he is using his board to slander and extort other people, this man is now being sued by Amp Futures, and he still doesn't care. Big Mike doesn't need to be sued, he needs to be put into a prison cell for conspiracy, this man is a 100% criminal and the biggest punk in the entire industry, this man needs to pay and pay dearly for what he has done and what he is doing. This guy is the same race as Jim Cramer, the same race as Larry Kudlow, the same race as Peter Schiff, the same race as Marc Faber, the same race as Bernard Madoff, these people are all liars and con artists and shills and extornitionists, and the only way they will stop is when you force them to stop, if you don't force them they will NEVER stop, because that's just who they are by nature, liars, con artists, criminals, extrotionists, pedophiles, it's just who and what these people are, that's why they are hated so much. This little goof ball of a man needs to be put behind bars, and the IP addresses of those who slander on his board need to be found out and also prosecuted.

I have also filed a Ripp Off Report on this criminal:

Big Mike Trading

I have also made a page about Big Mike Trading:

Big Mike Trading Scam

And I'm not the only one talking about Big Mike Trading being a criminal, so are others:

Big Mike Trading

Big Mike Trading Being Sued By Amp Futures

It's time for us as a community to come against this criminal and take him down once and for all.


Oil Trading Academy



Matthew suffers from blatant ignorance

#10Author of original report

Fri, February 28, 2014

Matthew - what is truley bewilering is that you have no idea what your talking about.  I guess you have the email exchange between Mike and I, right?  Oh, no?  Huh, so you going on information on the biased/moderated forum?  So your missing almost all of the dialogue between he, Alex and I.  So like an infant, you are unaware of your surroundings and completely ignorant.  

You see, unlike ripoff report, you can file rebuttals, much like you did.  Let me ask, can you file a rebuttal on Mike's review forum?  No... Why?  I'll tell you why, because Mike is an extortionist.  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you don't own a futures trading business.  The busines is cut throught and pretty much everyone knows everyone else, and they are all after the same niche market.  They will eat you alive as you groan a slow death if you cross them.  

Matt, it is so obvious your one of Mike's minion's, just give it up my man.  Yes, I'm a leader of the company who doesn't take well when one of our competitors try's to shake down the company for money in exchange for taking down the negative dialogue.  I have no respect for Mike or you defending him.  That's not childish, that's being a competitor.  I realize you're one of the 90% of loser day trader's, but that doesn't mean you take out your sore loser aggression out on the top of 1% of the best traders in the world.

My advice, ditch Mike.  He is a con artist and there is no eloquent rebuttal that you can post that will put lip stick on that hog.  Sorry that's reality.  

ES Trader


Wow . . . Lawsuits Flying?

#10General Comment

Fri, February 28, 2014

This is a lengthy post and, since it has ZERO chance of staying on the Big Mike Forum, I posted it here.

It appears that Big Mike and his Big Mike's Forum have been sued by a heavyweight -- AMP Futures.

If you've been to the Big Mike Forum you can't miss it since he placed an announcement at the top of everything, which is his right since he owns and operates the website, and then immediately closed the prominently placed announcement so noone else can respond.

He also has another thread from last Summer (July 2013) where he asks all members, numerous times, to troll the Internet and complain about anything negative they come across relating to Big Mike or the Big Mike Forum.  He even goes so far as to ferret out specific negative postings, individual message board threads, and exact YouTube videos, telling his loyal followers how to get them taken down and the most effective way to complain -- ALL on his direct behlaf and on his personal instructions -- but as allegedly private individuals.

That seems dishonest and disingenuous to me.  Why doesn't he just handle it himself, personally, like folks have to do when spoken ill of on the Big Mike Forum?  It certainly appears he doesn't practice what he preaches . . .

I also find it strange and bothersome that Big Mike is begging for "donations" to his now necessary legal defense against the AMP lawsuit (and any other legal bills he has for any other matter).  Hmmmmm.


He charges $50, maybe $100 by now, to become an "elite" member.  He probably makes more money from selling "elite" memberships each month than he does from trading.  No crime in that.  But why should others foot HIS legal bills for controversy stirred-up to generate his (Big Mike's) main income?

He was (apparently) given the chance to take the allegedly slanderous, disparaging comments about AMP down, but (again apparently) he refused.  If so, that was his choice.  But looking for consistencies or inconsistencies, the OP added (in Comment #2) that Big Mike communicated with the owner of a company disparaged on the Big Mike Forum and offered to remove the negative comments for $5,000.00.  The AMP lawsuit specifically states that Big Mike refused to allow them to respond to the negative (allegedly false) comments.  No regard for truthfulness anywhere in there, was it?  Only Big Mike investigating your "affiliation" before deciding whether to allow your rebuttal posts to remain or be removed -- or yourself be banned from his site.  That all seems consistent to me and a pattern of behavior which, IF TRUE, will spell big trouble for Big Mike.  I have to believe that, objectively, AMP would never file such a nuclear lawsuit unless they and their lawyers were pretty sure they held a winning hand.  If what the postings on Big Mike's Forum about AMP claim are true, there is no lawsuit and their attorneys know that.

So, now, poor Big Mike is being picked on by big, mean, bad old AMP and their lawyers.

And, yet, in the same vein Big Mike has very publicly threatened the guy who wrote this complaint and said he will sic his lawyers on him because the guy has (allegedly) made false and defamatory statements about Big Mike in this complaint.

WOW!  Does anybody else see the blinding double-standard there?

Nobody can slander Big Mike but anyone can post and slander another business on his Fourm?

That's what motivated me to write all this.  That and a desire to see the truth get out -- not an edited and closed-thread version of it.  Why didn't Big Mike investigate the original AMP complaintant with the same degree of zeal he investigated the "affiliation" of the OP here?  In my own personal opinion, that may be why Big Mike is so aggressively attacking this guy.  This complaint and Comment #2 show a pattern of behavior.

My suggestion is for Big Mike to clean-up his Forum.  It does contain a lot of negativity -- especially related to any "vendors."  That's a dirty word there.  Anyone who charges anything for their goods or services is disparaged straight-away.  I am one of the lucky 5% who trades professionally for a living and the tone of his site has always kept me from subscribing as an "elite" member.  I would also respectfully suggest that he consider apologizing and eating the necessary crow and getting rid of the AMP lawsuit as quickly as possible.  It opens a can of worms Big Mike probably would desperately want to close.

I posted here so if the OP checks his complaint, he can update us in a place where Big Mike can't control the flow of information.

So . . . OP, have you been sued by Big Mike yet?



Matt nice try, Just stop, your clueless

#10Author of original report

Fri, October 18, 2013

Matt, you have no idea who you are defending.  Childish?  Far from it, I fight fire with fire.  Anyone who runs a website and more specifically YOU defending an extorsionist is a FOOL!  You don't even know what your talking about.  Did you read the emails Big Mike sent me? NO.  I filing rebuttals b/c 3/4 of the information about puretick is false!  There is a guy in the forum who states he was getting billed since 2003!  Alex started his business in 2006.  Matt, you are obvioulsy one of Big Mikes minions and your opinion is very biased and most of very ignorant, uniformed, full of pre-conceived notions and fixed false beliefs.  

Why in the world would you defend a guy who is being sued and under investigation by the FBI? 

It is with sincere regrets than you have fallen under Big Mikes spell.  Just take a look at the other review of Oil Trading Academy!  

To all who are reading, I fully disclosed who I was.  The fact of the matter is 90% of day traders FAIL.  Matt is a failure, and that's who Big Mike Attracts and profits from.  



Big Mike the Extortionist

#10Author of original report

Fri, October 18, 2013

Big mike creates a negative review environment, in order to shake down chat room and the winning 10% traders for money.  He recently called Alex at Puretick and told him he would take down his so called "Review Forum" for $5000.  

My next call is to the FTC Mike, give it up while your ahead.  I would start planning that move to South America sooner rather than later, at least before the FBI start to investigate.  Oh, wait - they aleready are...


San Diego,

Brian Padgett tried to appear as unbiased by hiding his identity

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, October 18, 2013

Brian, when someone asks you your affiliation with a company, and you say that you are a "trader, in the room" when in fact you are the Senior VP of Sales and Marketing, you are not being forthcoming.  In your complaint point #4, you said that you told Mike that you were a trader.  Well, you could have also told him that you were any number of things which all would have been true; but by neglecting to disclose your relationship with your company, you were purposefully attempting to hide your affiliation and thus appear to be an unbiased third party, when in fact you are as far from unbiased as possible, being a Senior VP of the company.

That is why you were banned, as Mike clearly stated on the forum for all to read.  And here is the post showing this:

What is most sad is that you are a leader in your company, and you choose to play these childish games instead of handling it like a professional, and a man.  Your company is reviewed by a group of people on a public forum, and is generally reviewed negatively.  You don't like this, so you come on the forum, do not tell who you are, and try to pretend as if you are someone who has no interest in the company.  Please, do not try to parse words or get "technical" about what you said--you can say you technically didn't lie, but you were not honest, and that is the bottom line.

You had the opportunity to come to the forum, take a professional approach, state who you were, apologize for the record to those who feel (justified or not) that they have been wronged by your company, and try to make it right.  That's what business leaders do who value clients.  Instead, you took a 180 degree approach.  It's a shame, but it's common.


For the record: I am a user of the forum here being reported, Big Mike's Trading.  I am only a user.  I have no affiliation whatsoever with the forum in any way other than being a user.  I am not a moderator, I receive no financial compensation, or anything of the sort.  I am reporting here only because report that Mr. Padgett wrote is purely spiteful and retaliatory.  Further, I have no affiliation with, and have never been a user of the service in any way.  I do not work for a competitor in any fashion, and my business is in no way affiliated with trading education.  I have nothing against Brian Padgett or anyone at PureTick, as I do not know any of them personally.  Again, I am simply responding to what is clearly a retaliatory complaint from someone who is not even part of the forum community he is complaining about, and who is clearly emotionally upset, as the tone of his complaint makes very obvious.

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