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  • Report:  #1060412



  • Reported By:
    stopbigblock — boulder Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 19, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 22, 2013

We have tracked her down!! Lovadee Ann Shoults and Everett Cobbin of Big Block kennels have changed their names to Maggie Gatlin, and Everett just hides, and now they are selling MINI PIGS....WWW.PETITEPORKERS.COM

She claims to have been raising them for 30 years...funny thing is, you can still find all their ads for Big Block Kennels in 2009-2011 under the same phone number her husband is using now 832-884-8143. GOOGLE EVERETT COBBIN HOUSTON COUNTY CRIMINAL will see he was busted in 2009 for forging health papers on puppies and selling them sick!  THE VET WHOM HE WAS FORGING, CONFRONTED HIM AT HIS HOME, and he was arrested in 2009. and the story was on Myfox26houston news.   THEY have now in 2011 began selling teacup pigs. Maggie, who is really Lovadee in alias, says she was a vet tech in the past, and knows all about pigs...well, we have her pics of when she was a bartender in 2010, as well as copies of all of her ads they ran as big block kennels, selling sick, dying puppies , and lying about their ages!  she has changed her name on the petite porkers website because she does not want to reveal her real the business owner of Petite Porkers and Retro Kitty Sphinx, you will see it is Lovadee Shoults!!

Please if any of the owners of sick/dead/diseased puppies sees this ad, please respond or email me at  she is doing the same thing she did to us, but now with mini pigs. her website now is

and says her home is in Waller Texas...32525 knebel Rd. we called the Harris Co DA office, that is a VACANT LOT. the home next to it 32523 is a mobile home and 1 acre of land...that belongs to someone else.  she even gives her vet the fake name of Maggie Gatlin because she doesn't want them knowing she was involved in forging sick puppy health papers and her husband Everett Cobbin was arrested for it...SICK PEOPLE. we have been searching for them for 2 years...they RAN, but they can't hide.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Niagara Falls,
New York,

Mug Shots HUH?

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

As a person owning one of Maggies Pigs I would like to see that.  You are lying now (or shoudl I say still?)  You dont have mug shots of Maggie because she was arrested due to running a puppy mill.  IF YOU DID, you would have posted those by now.  Instead, you and your little posee just keep posting the same tired old "evidence" 



Stop the LIES!

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

Every report I have read on Maggie Gaitlin (Petite Porkers) has been completely false. I have a pig that I got from Maggie a year ago, and she is the best micro pig ever! I originally heard about Maggie several years ago when I met a woman here that had bought a pig from Maggie and she had been following Maggie for SEVERAL years prior to when she bought her pig! Maggie is the most helpful, caring and amazing woman I know! I think that there is just a woman out there who just has nothing better to do than to try to ruin Maggie's and her families lives by spreading all kinds of FALSE rumors and stories about them!! This mentally unstable person who is writing all of these lies is just sickening! She tries to bring up things that happened in the family previously and stating all kinds of personal thinga about them and looking up court records, but then FAILS to say that any court proceedings were all DISMISSED!!! I will always stick behind Maggie 100%, but it is sad that there are people out there who have nothing better to do than to LIE!! Just sad!!



Untruths and So Disappointing

#8General Comment

Mon, August 19, 2013

 I do not know Maggie personally. I am her customer. In no way was I ever given to believe that she was any of these things that this person is claiming. My dealings with her has been nothing but pleasant and enjoyable. My piglet was just adorable and healthy. I was very satisfied. Sadly after a family crisis I had to give her up... Maggie was willing to take her back, but was able to find her a nearby home that wasn't too far for me so she wouldn't have to take another airplane ride. My girl is extremely happy and maybe even more spoiled than when I had her. Maggie chose well. Maggie still continues to keep in touch and is always very helpful and nice. Whoever says these things about her being a liar and such are really probably jealous of her amazing breeding program and beautiful pigs. So please do not believe these lies and try to find out the truth by simply contacting Maggies past customers on her facebook and/or contacting her references. 


North Carolina,

Sad Liers and Jealous Breeders

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

 What I find Very sad is that this Breeder...Petite Porkers has always been a breeder that I have admired. She has been on Face book and definately knows Pigs, large and small. Always has had a wonderful reputation, and other Breeders have tried to follow suit and use her ways and knowledge in their breeding program.

I have seen NOTHING but, Jealousy and Hate from a few Competition Breeders, who are Obviously NOT up to Petite Porkers standards of excellence in their breeding, and business repor. I do Not have a Petite Porkers pig, but do have a couple of My own, and have always found that the lady who runs Petite and just a few others are actually helpful, knowledgable, and always ready to answer questions For Free, and willingly and they do not seem to mind that My pigs are not from them!!! I don't care what she did or DID not do 20 years ago!!! Most of us have skeletons that we would rather leave in Our closets. We are who we are Now, and not who we once were- GOOD or Bad.

*I would Just like to say thank you to several breeders who have helped me with MY piggie adventure. Some on Face Book and I have even emailed, and received answers in 24 hours or less. And, I do not like the wrongful, and hateful allegations made on some of these breeders by hateful competiton Breeders.

Petite Porkers

Mels Pets

LoliPop Farm

*All three of these have been nothing but Knowedgable andd Helpful to me.




New Mexico,

Very Satisfied customer

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

I am not sure who is writing all of these defaming reports and harassing this family, but all they have done is stir hate, misinformation, and a lot of stress and pain for this family. Maggie Gaitlin has been open, honest, helpful, and gone above and beyond helping my family along with many others. She gave my family a therapy pig we could have never afforded on our own for our special needs kids. She has helped many past owners when they have issues with keeping their pig. She is always available to help any and all with piggy questions. Who ever filed this report really needs to do their research and learn the truth instead of just regurgitating the lies.




#8Author of original report

Sat, June 29, 2013

We have complete records INCLUDING MUG SHOTS with your face as your identity...come on. you mean to tell people you and Lovadee are the same age, have the same social security number, and share the house with the same man...give me a break. you are already starting to stumble on your own words. I have attached images as proof of your identity.  including your arrest records.  you and Lovadee would have to be identical twins, by looking at pictures, have the exact same social security number, and so on....I have found 5 other people who have been wanting to track you down for years! you made your bed of lies, now sleep on it!  i, or one of the other people you scammed will be posting Everett's detailed police record in the next week. they will then see exactly what he was arrested for, and tie all the puppymill stuff together. you are going to want to crawl in a hole and bury yourself when people read your other post about how a man was caught on video and they accused an innocent man (everett) of being that person. what an imagination you have!  i urge everyone to look at all of the photos posted to see your lie you are hiding behind!

32525 knebel Rd


Tell the full storey or do more research

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 21, 2013

Hi! Im Maggie Gatlin and the person filing this is very confused and after my sister Lovadee.  That is fine however their issues with Lovadee and the kennel she use to run does not have anything to do with Petite Porkers or any other buisness. My family has had these pigs now for over 30 years and regardless of the length of time we have had the DBA (2 years) Or Lovadess has been working with us does not change the fact we have owned the pigs for longer. And we have tons of proof of them from actualy customers to vetrinairians who have cared for our animals over the years.

They are taking my sisters past and grouping our entire family together which is not right at all, posting images of my nieces and her birth parents (who she has not spoken to in over 15 years who live up north). I Maggie have messaged the ppl posting this and they have our email and phone nubmers yet wont respond or contact anyone, Petite Porkers is acredited with the BBB yet they wont contact them either... but instead want to post here were they can post misscued ideas, lies and or generaly mislead ppl.

Everett is my Husband not Lovadees and yes him and I use to help my sister at her Kennels by the way was a boarding, grooming and dog training center they also boarded horses there and the SPCA came all the time (never an issue).  Montgomery country Animal control brought dogs for her to foster there...she rescued far more dogs then she sold it was NOT at all or even close to being a MILL. It was a tragidity a real tragidity my husband Yes was arrested,

what they are leaving out is that there was a video at a vet clinic of a man braking in and they thought it was my husband becasue of ppl like this who lead them to that opion. He was arrested, we went to court for months only for them to finaly show the video and everything was then dropped because it was obvoiusly NOT my husband in the video (see how ppl can be mislead). But instead of seeing that for what it was a terrible injustice for a man who had up till then never even had a speeding ticket, they are rubbing it in to hurt a good person. A man that was wrongly acused why didnt they post that?

Petite Porkers has a very long list of references including some of the Top vetrinairians in Texas, over 50+ customers who would be happy to speak with everyone regarding their experience with us and even our personal banker is on our reference list and we have several shelters and rescues who bring us abandoned pigs all on our refence list.  We have visitors to our farm all the time but if you let the person posting this say it our address is an empty lot.  WTH!!  

I do not know exactly who this person posting is but I invite them again to call me and I would be happy to talk to them and Lovadee and try to get to the bottom of all this and help them the best I can.  However Petite Porkers has nothing to do with Big block kennels except that we the owners are related by marriage and blood. ovadees only role here is book keeping and assisting with careing for the animals from time to time.  Feel free to contact us at with any questions and concerns we are happy to help anyway we can  832-891-8420

Again like I messaged you and even put my Maggies info on here contact me with your issues and I would be happy to help.  As for the ppl you are talking about as Lovadees family again she has not spoken to them in over 10 years and the guy you are saying is her brother in the picture chad is NOT even her full brother have you never heard ov blened families. What you think the only kids a cpl can have is in their own marriage?? Blaended families they are all over the place but the fact that you are dragging more and more ppl into this that have nothing at all to do with it  including children is insane.  

The fact is you come on here and post all this instead of actualy contacting the ppl in questions and trying to resovle your issues at hand.  That is hatful, mean, cruel and vindictive what kind of person does that, not one interested in finding the truth or in receiving any compensation for a dog you may have purchases that became ill.  There are many families and children involved in this and our other buisnesses and you dont even care who you hurt or what lies or misleading stories you post.

You are truely out of your mind if you think one person is able to do all the physical work, run mulpiple buisness, a farm and keep up with all our employees and customers. DO you think you will find a resolution on Ripoff report?? this is a site set up for ppl to get revenge on others you can make up and post what every lies you want on here.  They do no research on any story put on here.  Yet Petite Porkers is accedited Maggie Gatlin is Accedited with the BBB and you could easily contact them file a reprot and they would mediate to help you come to a resolution.  

But NO you want to post half truths talk to ppl that are not even involved with this part of our family and actualy do not at all get along with the person you say you spoke to.  You are not trying to get any type of resolution you are only trying to drag ppl threw the mud because you are upset with ONE individual you were involved with years back.  This is a sad situation and I honestly do not know what all you went threw but once again I invite you to contact me and we can try and help you the best we can. or call me 832-891-8420

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